HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 FEMA Shelter Management Handbook P &P -8 February 1981 (Supercedes H -16 dated March 1978 which may not be used) FALLOUT SHELTER SHELTER MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK 1 1 A l . . The safety and well -being of the people in this shelter depend on capable leadership. If a civil defense shelter manager is not present, anyone seeing this handbook who has leadership experience can and should TAKE CHARGE IMMEDIATELY. This handbook provides step -by -step instructions for effective shelter operations. in federal emergency management agency THE IMPORTANCE OF SHELTER MANAGEMENT • Effective shelter management can add millions of survivors, nationwide, in a nuclear attack. • In YOUR shelter, effective management can: (1) Prevent deaths from fallout radiation, and prevent radiation sickness, anywhere in the U.S. (2) Prevent deaths from blast effects, if your shelter is in a "risk area." (A risk area is a city of 50,000 or greater population —or a city near an important military base or industry.) • Shelter Management can save lives by assuring that the people in the shelter: (1) Stay (if possible) in the basement of the shelter building —which provides the best protection against fallout. (2) In risk areas: — Stay in the parts of the basement that provide the best protection against blast (near the sides of the basement —not under unsupported parts of the basement's ceiling). — Take fire prevention actions (close curtains and window blinds throughout the building) immediately after entering the shelter. — If a nuclear explosion occurs, immediately check for burning materials throughout the building. Stamp out smouldering curtains. Throw smouldering furniture out the window. Then return to the shelter area in the building. (3) Stay in the shelter for several days up to two weeks —when fallout levels have fallen enough that people can leave shelters. IMMEDIATE ACTIONS FOR SURVIVAL Actions See Page No. 1. Place people in the basement and, if necessary, central Floor Plan, core of the building (beginning with the first floor). page 9 2. Take immediate preattack actions — especially closing 1 blinds throughout building to reduce fire vulnerability. Also, put shelterees in best protective posture against fallout and (in risk areas) blast. 3. Organize to operate shelter. 2 4. If a weapon detonates nearby: 2 a. Extinguish fires b. Repair damage 4 . 5. Determine available resources, including food, water, 2 & 4 utility services, communications equipment, and take steps to use them effectively. -i- INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS SHELTER (Should be entered upon placing this handbook in the shelter) Shelter Identification: This shelter is in a (high) (low) risk area. (Delete one) Shelter Capacity from: Fallout Direct Effects Shelter Manager: Office Phone: Home Phone: Civil Defense Director: Office Phone: Home Phone: Local Government Headquarters to be reported to: Phone: Address: Address(es) of nearest additional shelter(s) FEMA Form 85 -31, FEB 81 II TABLE OF CONTENTS Page OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1 Your Responsibility 1 At Time of Shelter Entry 1 PROCEDURES FOR SHELTER USE 1 Getting Organized 1 Protective Actions 1 Immediate Preattack— High -Risk Areas 1 Immediate Preattack— Low- R isk Areas 2 Preattack —If Time Permits 2 Shelter Operations 2 Initial Actions 2 Immediately After the Attack 2 Operational Procedures 3 Initial Procedures 3 Orientation of Shelterees 3 Registration 3 Facility Administration 3 Continuing Actions 3 Shelter Management Teams 4 Feeding (Food and Water) 4 Sleeping 5 Safety 5 Health and Sanitation 5 Radiological 5 Communications 6 Information, Recreation, and Religious Affairs 6 Supply and Maintenance 6 Shelter Emergence 6 Temporary 6 Permanent 6 Closing the Shelter 7 Using the Shelter 8 Best Shelter Areas 8 Description of Safest Areas 8 Ventilation 8 Trapped Water 8 Floor Plan Layout 9 Map of Area Surrounding Shelter 10 Example Shelter Organization Chart 11 Key Shelter Management Staff 12 Shelter Operations Rules and Regulations 13 Safety and Fire 73 Law and Order 13 Health and Sanitation 13 Shelter Registration Form 14 Daily Log 15 Shelter Inventory 16 iii OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Entry into shelter should be orderly and rapid, with As Shelter Manager, you are responsible to the local Civil shelterees placed in the safest areas. The basement area and Defense Director. You have complete authority for oper- center core of the building are the best shelter spaces. Fill ating this shelter, including organizing the shelter layout parts of shelter farthest from entrance first. and staff, and enforcing rules and procedures. People should be permitted to bring into the shelter only The first regular staff member to arrive shall be in those items which increase shelter habitability and create charge, and shall be succeeded by any other member of no extra management problem. All weapons should be higher listing. If none of the listed regular staff members confiscated. No pets, except seeing -eye dogs, should be arrive, any person in shelter who is capable of assuming allowed. Special health foods and medicines should be leadership should do so at once. retained by the shelterees. The Shelter Manager may later want to place them under centralized control for safekeep- AT TIME OF SHELTER ENTRY ing. If any shelterees are familiar with the building, ask them to bring in vital supplies (first -aid kits, fire extin- Turn off heat. If blast is not immediately expected, turn guishers) that are in rooms or corridors near the shelter on any existing ventilation. area. PROCEDURES FOR SHELTER USE GETTING ORGANIZED b. In aboveground areas instruct the people to: You cannot do all the organizing and managing yourself. floor. (1) Go to the central area of the designated shelter Appoint people or get volunteers to assist you. Appoint an Administrative Assistant, an Advisory Committee, and (2) Stay away from windows. Close all window three Deputies for: (1) Operations, (2) Information, and blinds and curtains, if not already done. (Open all windows (3) Supply and Maintenance. The Deputies for Information to minimize hazard of flying glass.) and Supply and Maintenance will be in charge of single (3) Lie face down on the floor out of line of flying functional teams; and the Deputy for Operations will be in glass, with arms in a protective position on the head. charge of several functional teams. Your Administrative t and (6) Remain in protective position after the flash (the Assistant is to maintain daily logs, prepare repor supervise any clerical aides. blast wave may arrive a number of seconds after the flash). PROTECTIVE ACTIONS (4) Resist looking outside (the flash of a nuclear burst can cause blindness at distances of several miles). A. Immediate Preattack High - Risk Areas. In high -risk (5) Cover as much of the body as possible, to prevent areas where blast and heat effects may occur: burns, with clothing or other materials (light colored materials, if available, are best). 1. Send parties to close all window blinds and curtains IMMEDIATELY, throughout the building, to reduce fire 3. Organize teams to check pre- attack fire prevention vulnerability to nuclear weapon heat flash. measures, such as closing blinds and curtains, and be prepared to carry out rapid inspection of the entire shelter 2. Place people in the best protected places; that is, in below - ground space if possible. Crowd people in best-pro- building if detonations occur nearby. Firefighting equip - tected areas, if necessary, until after the attack has taken ment should be collected from all parts of the building. place, or local authorities advise that further attack on the Locate and put out fires (or throw smouldering furniture U.S. is not expected. out the windows) before uncontrollable fires can start. After a fire watch is organized, the emergency exits should a. In basement areas instruct the people to: be noted, and shelterees drilled in evacuation procedures as (1) Go to the corners and /or exterior walls of the soon as possible, in case fire forces evacuation of the basement that have the least exterior exposure, or around shelter. columns. Stay away from parts of the basement where the ceiling is unsupported. 4. Organize a ventilation team to monitor the shelter environmental conditions and existing ventilation systems. (2) Stay away from windows and doorways that Set up manual ventilation devices' if needed. open to the outside of the building. (3) Lie face down on the floor with arms in a `Ventilation equipment such as manually operated blowers and protective position on the head; or sit about two feet from fans may be stored in the shelter area. The equipment should be (not touching) the walls in rows back to back. unpacked and set up according to instructions on the containers. 1 5. Organize a shelter radiological monitoring capability 6. When the capacity of the shelter is reached, attempt so that monitoring of fallout can be started as soon as to send additional people to other nearby shelters. possible after the detonation of a nuclear weapon. Inven- tory any radiological equipment available. Radiological C. Preattack —If Time Permits monitoring instruments should be checked for operability, and monitors should be appointed and acquainted with If attack is not imminent, provide expedient blast and /or their duties. (If trained monitors are present in shelter, they fallout protection improvement (e.g., shoring up joists and should take planned actions.) ceilings, piling dirt or sandbags around exterior walls — except for ventilation outlets). Protect and secure equip - 6. Turn off, unplug, and disconnect electrical equip- ment and movable items from effects of shock and ment to protect against the electromagnetic pulse effects of displacement. a nuclear detonation. In risk area shelters which are above ground, in building 7. If a weapon detonates nearby, turn off controls for cores, or in large basements, it may be difficult to close off gas (to prevent possible fires) and water (to prevent possible the shelter area. Because the force of the blast can turn loss of trapped water in building). hastily constructed barriers and barricades within the shelter area into dangerous missiles, it is recommended that 8. Disseminate information on the emergency situation. makeshift or free standing blast protection not be impro- vised. 9. When the capacity of the shelter is reached, attempt to send additional people to other nearby shelters. SHELTER OPERATIONS B. Immediate Preattack— Low -Risk Areas. In low -risk areas, A. Initial Actions where fallout radiation will be the principal danger: 1. Organize the shelter and establish a complete sched- 1. Place shelterees in safest designated areas within the ule for shelter activities. shelter. 2. Maintain a 24 -hour watch and communications log. a. In basement areas, instruct the people to: 3. Use available furniture, equipment, etc., as necessary (1) Go to the corners and /or exterior walls of the to improvise a more desirable environment. basement that have the least exterior exposure. (The most important factors in fallout detection are distance from the 4. Control smoking. Prohibit it if necessary. source of fallout radiation, and the amount of dgz►se, heavy materials between the shelteree and the source of radia- 5. Control the distribution of food and water supplies. lion.) 6. Monitor radiological conditions and ventilation on a (2) Stay away from windows and doorways that 24 -hour basis. open to the outside of the building. 7. Enforce health, sanitation and safety rules. b. In aboveground areas, instruct the people to: 8. Keep shelterees occupied to the extent possible (1) Go to the central area of the designated shelter through work details and recreational activities, while floor. considering shelter temperature and ventilation. (2) Stay away from windows. 9. Radiological monitoring personnel should study or review the shelter radiological monitoring handbook. Addi- 2. Ready safety supplies and ventilation equipment for tional personnel should be recruited as monitors for possible use, including radiological monitoring instruments around- the -clock monitoring. Dosimeters, if available, (see item A5 above). should be distributed to unit leaders and procedures established for maintaining a radiation exposure record for 3. Reduce potential fire hazards by controlling smoking, each shelteree. keeping area free of trash, etc. B. Immediately After the Attack 4. If a weapon detonates nearby, turn off controls for gas (to prevent possible fires) and water (to prevent possible 1. Assess damage from blast, which can vary from light loss of trapped water in building). (for example, glass breakage, broken light fixtures, false ceilings falling to the floor, etc.) to more severe structural damage. Fires may have started and should be quickly 5. Disseminate pertinent information relative to the suppressed. Throw smouldering materials outside. Help the crisis situation. injured. 2 1 2. Repair damage which severely affects the habitability 5. Issue instructions for the use of facilities. of the shelter area, and clear blocked exits. For exterior repairs in particular, speed will be of the utmost urgency; 6. Explain the procedures for operating the shelter. fallout from a nearby detonation may begin to fall within 15 -30 minutes. 7. Permit the shelterees to ask questions to clarify instructions. 3. Commence radiological monitoring to determine if and when fallout arrives and to keep the exposure of the C. Registration shelterees as low as possible. (See radiation handbook.) 1. Distribute registration forms (Page 14) to each family 4. If instruments are not available, shelterees should still group and unaccompanied person. If forms are unavailable, try to locate in the best protected areas possible. The best improvise registration forms from any paper supply on protected areas are generally below ground areas first, and hand and request the shelterees to provide the information the central core areas of larger buildings, second (except for listed on the example form. the top couple of floors and the 1st or 2nd floors up from ground level). 2. The shelter management staff will use the registration to: 5. Do not abandon the shelter unless an inspection indicates that evacuation is called for, e.g., an uncontrolla- a. Ascertain useful skills and interests. ble fire situation or rising flood waters. b. Make work assignments. c. Determine sleeping arrangements. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES d. Determine special requirements. e. Maintain and report number of shelterees to A. Initial Procedures headquarters. f. Provide data for possible post shelter use. 1. Report to the local headquarters on number of g. Identify persons needing special care. shelterees and the condition of the shelter. D. Facility Administration 2. Organize the shelter into units based upon the layout, such as by floors or other specific sections of th facility, 1. Test operation of: and possibly in units of 10 each. Each shelter ar a or unit should select its leader. a. Commercial power, water and sanitation facilities. b. Heating and ventilating kits, if available. 3. Assign sleeping areas, operating services aieas, and c. Communications equipment. other areas as needed. d. Radiological monitoring instruments. e. Safety equipment. 4. Select shelter management staff from those best f. Emergency lighting, if available. qualified. 2. Inventory health and sanitation supplies. 5. Implement safety and fire regulations. (Page 13 ) 3. Inventory supplies, including food and water, and 6. Implement law and order regulations. (Page 13) develop procedures for distribution. Also check sanitation facilities and arrangements for use. 7. Implement health and sanitation rules. (Page 13 ) 4. Inventory supplies brought into shelter by the public, 8. Have the shelterees select representatives to serve as a and store for safekeeping bulk articles and items which can Shelter Manager's Advisory Committee. endanger safety, such as guns and knives. B. Orientation of Shelterees CONTINUING ACTIONS 1. Identify and introduce (if not already done) the The Shelter Manager is responsible for providing infor- Shelter Management staff. Explain their responsibilities and mation to the local government headquarters regarding the functions. condition and needs of the shelter and the health and welfare of the shelterees. A detailed daily log of operations 2. Explain the organization and management structure. should be maintained. (Page 15 ) 1. The first report, to be made as soon as possible after 3. Explain the policies concerning personal possessions. shelter capacity has been reached or people stop arriving in the shelter, should cover the following: 4. Stress the need for shelterees to assist each other and the need for cooperation for their common health and a. Time of shelter activation. welfare. b. Condition of the shelter. 3 ri , c. Number of shelterees. • How you distribute water will depend upon how large d. Estimates of the supply situation. your population is; what water supply and alternate sources are available to you. Your population needs to 2. Subsequent reports should cover the following: drink water at regular intervals throughout the day, at least five times. To control its use, you may have to turn a. Condition of the shelterees; health, morale, special off fountains and control access to rest rooms in your requirements, etc. building. b. Radiological monitoring (when appropriate). E c. Supply situation. • If a shelter is not stocked, supplies may be available d. Special problems or situations. elsewhere in the building or nearby. Shelter management should be prepared to obtain initial or supplementary SHELTER MANAGEMENT TEAMS supplies prior to attack if conditions permit. • Drinkable water that has been stored in a closed system Shelter management teams and their functions are as or closed container for any length of time may taste bad follows: and appear undrinkable to many people. Exposing it to A. Feeding (Food and Water) fresh air will improve its taste: carefully pour it from one container into another several times. 1. Advise the Shelter Manager daily of the quantity of 2. How to purify water that may be contaminated if it food and water on hand. Next to good p air, water is the is not from the regular water supply system. most essential requirement of your facility's population. • Healthy people can survive for quite some time without • The three most probable impurities are: bacteria; foreign food, but most of your population will die after 4 to 5 bodies; such toxics as anti rust chemicals. days without water. Physical damage to the body caused a. To purify against bacteria by lack of water may become irreversible. It is essential, therefore, that you and your water supply team act Use water purification tablets; or several drops of quickly to determine how much water will be available chlorine household bleach or tincture of iodine added to to your facility. each quart of water; or boil water for at least one minute. • One 150 -pound man needs about 2.2 quarts of wafer b. To purify against foreign bodies each day to maintain body functions. Pregnant women, persons doing physical work, diabetics, tlilE very young Filter water through filter paper, gauze, fiberglass or and very old, and ill persons all require more water, and finely woven fabric; or allow water to stand until any should be encouraged to drink it. sediment settles and then pour off "clean " water. • Physical damage to the body becomes irreversible after a certain amount of time without ater; increasing water 3. Should inspection of food and water supplies ob- intake after this will not help peo le recover. tained from outside the shelter reveal the presence of radioactive particles, simple remedial procedures should be • Symptoms of water deprivation range from the mild followed. In general, fallout on food should be treated symptoms of impatience, emotional instability, fatigue, much as any grit or sand that one might encounter on one's and apathy, through the more severe symptoms of food, at the beach for instance. The normal tendency headache, labored breathing and increasing weakness, to would be to remove as many of the grit or sand particles as the extreme symptoms of mental confusion and halluci- possible before consuming the food item. The same nation. Death can follow. procedure should be adopted in dealing with fallout. • Water requirements are another reason to be concerned If food is contaminated, remove as much of the fallout with air temperature in your facility. The warmer the as is feasible from it. If noncontaminated food is available, temperature, the more people must perspire (and thus lose consume it first. If all the available food is contaminated, water) to reduce body heat. If your facility 's tempera- and shelterees are hungry, serve this food after decontami- ture rises above 82 ° F., the water needed by each person nating it as thoroughly as is feasible. increases rapidly above normal body requirements. Procedures for dealing with contaminated water are • Salty or other thirst - provoking foods raise water identical to that for fallout on food: (1) Serve uncontami- requirements. Foods high in protein and fat greatly nated water first, if available. (2) Apply simple decontami- increase the amount of drinking water required to nation procedures to water which contains fallout particles. eliminate waste from the body. Allow water tt stand until fallout settles to the bottom and then siphon off the uncontaminated upper layer. Filtering water through paper towels or layers of fine cloth is • Vigorous physical exercise increases water requirements. another approach. Boiling or chlorination will not remove 4 contamination. (3) Serve water, if it is potable from a 3. Enforce law and order regulations. Police officers, if medical standpoint, even though it may contain some present, will enforce regulations; otherwise, the shelter radioactive material, if necessary. Because water is vital for management staff is responsible. survival, it is important that the manager not deny water to the shelter population unnecessarily, in the name of D. Health and Sanitation radiological protection. 1. Determine whether any of the shelterees are experi- 4. Special health foods should be kept by individuals enced in medical and health matters and establish a Health unless it is desirable to turn them over to Supply for storage and Sanitation Team. and safekeeping. 2. Enforce health and sanitation rules. 5. Strict controls should be maintained to minimize waste and to assure equitable distribution of available 3. Maintain a clean and sanitary environment. supplies. A daily status report should be made to the 4. Maintain checks on water and food for contamina- Shelter Manager to determine the need for any changes in lion or spoilage. distribution or procedures. This report should include the amount of each item used and on hand and the length of 5. Control medical supplies and equipment. Medical time the supply should last at the current us a rate. � supplies should be issued only to the shelter unit leaders, not directly to individuals. A daily status report should be If there is no food or water in the shelter or supplies run made to the Shelter Manager. out, request for supplies should be made to the local government headquarters; or, as conditions ermit absence 6. Conduct and schedule daily sick call to check and P ( treat shelterees for illnesses or injuries. Isolate the seriously or diminishing of fallout or fire hazards), personnel may be ill. assigned to go outside to obtain initial supplies or replenish stocks. (Radiation exposures must be considered.) E. Radiological 1. Minimize the exposure of shelterees to fallout radia- 6. Check water containers for leakage or contamination. Take measures to prevent damage to containers or contami- tion by: nation of water. a. Assuring their stay in safest areas of the shelter. If B. Sleeping lack of space prohibits locating the entire shelter popula- tion into areas offering the highest protection, management 1. Assign available sleeping equipment and bedding as should consider using the best protected area for pregnant necessary. women, infants, children and those who will be performing 2. Establish sleeping schedules that provide the best emergency missions. Radiation exposure of all shelterees possible quiet periods for the shelterees. z should be kept as low as practicable. The table below C fety provides general guidance on the expected effects if accumulated radiation exposures are kept below certain 1. Establish fire and evacuation procedures and conduct doses during certain periods of time. If the radiation levels daily drills. throughout the shelter vary significantly, some rotation of the shelterees may be required to minimize the overall 2. Enforce safety and fire regulations. exposure to everyone. RADIATION EXPOSURE TABLE Accumulated Radiation Exposures (R) in Any Period of Medical Care Will Be Needed By a b c One Week One Month Four Months A NONE 150 200 300 B SOME (5 percent may die) 250 350 500 C MOST (50 percent may die) 450 600 — An average adult will not need medical care when the making decisions on performing urgent missions which may whole body is exposed to the quantities of radiation listed require extra radiation exposure. For most shelter occu- in Row A when the exposure is spread out over the listed pants, the exposures in row A should not be exceeded. periods of time. Rows B and C are intended to be used for 5 b. Periodic monitoring to detect radiation, and radia- 2. Maintain shelter facility and mechanical equipment. tion levels, within the shelter, if instruments are available. 3. Assist the Health and Sanitation team in: c. Taking measures to prevent entry of fallout into the shelter. a. Disposing of the dead. b. Disposing of refuse. 2. Check shelterees to see if fallout particles have lodged c. Maintaining sanitary standards. on them (particularly in the hair) or on their clothing. SHELTER EMERGENCE a. Decontaminate, if necessary. A. Temporary Emergence. b. Refer to the Health and Sanitation Team for treatment if symptoms of radiation exposure develop. When authorized by the Civil Defense Director or other competent authority, the Shelter Manager, where necessary, 3. Follow instructions in radiological monitor hand- may direct or permit temporary emergence; for example, to book, if available. obtain needed food, water, medical, or other supplies. In the absence of communications with headquarters, the F. Communications Shelter Manager must obtain advice from the Radiological Team to determine whether it is safe to permit temporary 1. Messages to and from shelter must be restricted to emergence. essential information and filed or kept in as short form as possible. If fallout is visible, then radiation readings from radio- logical instruments are necessary to avoid serious radiation 2. Maintain a log of all messages sent or received by overexposure. The estimate of time to be spent outside the time and date. shelter must be based upon instrument readings of the outside exposure rates. The estimate of the time should 3. Assign person or persons to telephone(s) and monitor contain a safety factor to allow for significant variations in radio receiver (if available) continuously. Log significant fallout accumulation, inaccuracy in measurements, or un- information for referral to the Shelter Manager. Informa- expected problems that would delay their return to shelter. tion of concern to all those in shelter should be posted by In addition, since radiation exposure will continue to be the Manager, or at his direction, on a bulletin board (if accumulated even after the shelter occupancy period, every available). effort should be made to keep the total exposure as low as reasonably practical and certainly below those amounts 4. As directed by the Shelter Manager, transmit mes- that would be expected to result in medical care being sages by telephone, radio, or any available means to needed (see table). headquarters. Temporary emergence may also be necessary for: S. Use only one radio at a time to conserve battery power. 1. Radiological monitoring. 6. Locate the broadcast radio in an area where it can be 2. Movement of the seriously ill. heard by the largest number of shelterees. 3. Avoidance of fire, smoke, or other life - threatening G. Information, Recreation, and Religious Affairs hazards within the shelter. 1. Keep shelterees informed of the attack and post-4. Morale purposes. attack situations as directed by the Shelter Manager. This will help prevent rumors, which could adversely affect B Permanent Emergence. morale and shelter management control. When authorized by the Civil Defense Director or other responsible authority, the Shelter Manager will allow people 2. To keep up morale and maintain good physical condition among shelterees, conduct educational and recre- to leave the shelter when: ational activities as temperature and space allows. Encour- age religious activities. 1. Danger has lessened to an acceptable level or no longer exists. H. Supply and Maintenance 2. Temporary lodging is available or people can return to their homes. 1. Receive and inventory supplies and equipment brought into the shelter. Maintain the inventory as items 3. People may move safely from shelter to another place are used. (Page 16 ) (if emergency controls allow such movement). 6 4. Hospitalization is available for those requiring medi- contaminated areas, perhaps 20 or 40 miles away. The need cal care. for such movement should be ascertained from the local gover In the absence of communications with headquarters sheltereesnt headquarters before considering release of and shelter radiological monitoring sets, it will probably be advisable to prepare for a shelter stay of two weeks, If movement to a relatively distant area is required, the provided that fallout has been visually observed (as sand- local headquarters will issue the necessary instructions to like or gritty particles on window sills or outside the the shelter manager —who will be responsible for organizing shelter). the movement of his or her shelterees as a group. The Before people leave the shelter, they should be informed s elterees?anager will return personal possessions to the of conditions existing in the community and of provisions made for their safety and well- being. They should be advised of the importance of continuing CLOSING THE SHELTER actions to minimize radiation exposure (e.g., sleep in When the shelter is closed (deactivated), the Shelter protected areas, undertake decontamination measures). Manager should contact the local Civil Defense Director for instructions concerning disposition of supplies and equip - In areas that have experienced heavy fallout, it will often ment, reporting requirements, and other activities desired be necessary to move shelterees as a group to less by the local government. 7 USING THE SHELTER 1 The Floor Plan Layout on page 9 shows the best areas ventilation, the maximum advantage should be made of for sheltering people in this shelter. Brief instructions to be natural ventilation by creating a "chimney effect" and /or given by shelter managers when shelterees enter the shelter making use of outside winds. To optimize the "chimney are on pages 2 and 3. A map of the surrounding area is on effect," windows or areaway openings into the lowest floor page so . and windows on the upper floors should be opened. This procedure allows the hot air, created by the shelterees, to BEST SHELTER AREAS rise and be replaced by fresh air. If a wind is blowing, the air flow can be maximized by opening the windward side The best shelter areas are (1) belowground, (2) on the windows on the lower floor and the leeward side windows ground floor, and (3) on the second and third floors. No on the upper floor. Experiment will quickly show the best one should be sheltered above the third floor in a high -risk combination. area. If, despite efforts to improve ventilation, high effective Since belowground areas are by far the safest, temporary temperatures are approached, then other remedial action is overcrowding, with people lying face down or sitting near necessary. Effective temperature is a composite measure of the exterior walls of the shelter area (but not touching the temperature, humidity, and air movement. At a given walls), is recommended. People can adapt to crowding for effective temperature with sufficient air movement, the several hours. Six hours is likely to be the period of environment might be quite comfortable. However, with no maximum threat from detonations in the vicinity, although perceptible air movement and high humidity, the same this cannot be guaranteed. effective temperature would be considerably uncomforta- ble. If body temperatures rise about 2 F. above normal, DESCRIPTION OF SAFEST AREAS action should be taken to relieve the situation through air exchange or by moving all or part of the sheltered group to In belowground areas, which should be first choice, the another part of the building for a short period. Similar best shelter spaces are located near the walls and corners action should be taken whenever it appears that there is a away from windows. When an exterior basement wall is buildup of excess amounts of carbon dioxide. This can be partially or completely exposed, the better shelter areas are assumed if a number of persons complain of shortness of located farthest from the exposed wall. On aboveground breath, dizziness or nausea which cannot readily be floors, the best shelter is in the central area of the building attributed to other aspects of the shelter environment. or wing, away from outside walls and windows. Once the fallout has arrived, the Shelter Manager should TRAPPED WATER use radiological instruments, if available, to make the final Most buildings have a sizable quantity of potable water determinations of where to locate the people to be trapped within the plumbing system. This includes water in sheltered within a particular facility (i.e., which areas have water heaters, boilers, fire standpipes, distribution pipes, the lowest measured radiation exposure rates). etc. To use this water, it is only necessary to follow a few simple steps. First, if water service to the building is no VENTILATION longer functioning, the main valve should be located and turned off to prevent water already in the building from Adequate ventilation is critical to the well being of the being drained away by a possible outside break in the line. shelterees. Aboveground, the provision of ventilation may Next, in order to relieve any vacuum created within the simply be a matter of opening (or breaking) available lines, open one or, more faucets on the top floor of the windows and doors. However, in belowground areas addi- building. Water can then be drawn off the system at any of tional measures are necessary for maximum shelter utiliza- the lower floors with the last bit in the system being tion. If mechanical ventilation is operable it should be used available at the lowest floor. Storage tanks such as water along with any portable fans. Also, any manually operated heaters will usually have a drain valve near the bottom. blowers or fans, which might be stored in the shelter, Although water from such tanks may initially be muddy, should be unpacked and set up according to the instruc- the water is still drinkable after allowing the particles to tions on the equipment package. Lacking mechanical settle. 8 FLOOR PLAN LAYOUT Shelter No. (Diagram showing best shelter areas) 9 r r MAP OF AREA SURROUNDING SHELTER l LEGEND A. This Shelter B. Other Shelters C. Drug Store D Grocery Store E. Hardware Store 10 EXAMPLE SHELTER ORGANIZATION CHART SHELTER MANAGER Administrative Advisory Assistant Committee Unit Leaders Deputy for Deputy for Deputy for Supply Information Operations & Maintenance Information Communications Supply Religious Ventilation Maintenance Affairs Recreation Radiological Defense Safety Health and Sanitation Feeding Sleeping 11 KEY SHELTER MANAGEMENT STAFF A shelter organization chart is shown on the preceding page. The Shelter Management Staff (in order of succession) and their functions and responsibilities are: Position and Name Principal Duties Shelter Manager Responsible to the local Civil Defense Director. Exercises complete authority for administration of the shelter and its operations. Develops in- shelter rules, organization, operating proce- (Name) dures, and schedule of operations. * * Deputy for Operations Responsible to the Shelter Manager for planning, direction and conduct of the following shelter functions: feeding; insuring potability of water; sleeping; health and sanita- tion; communications; radiological defense; safety (fire, (Name) police, rescue). Provides technical aid to the Deputy for Information. Deputy for Information Responsible to the Shelter Manager for planning and conducting group activities. Responsible for directing a flow of appropriate information to the shelterees. (Name) * * * Deputy for Supply and Maintenance Responsible to the Shelter Manager for planning and directing supply, utilities, and maintenance activities. (Name) * * * Administrative Assistant Responsible to the Shelter Manager. Obtains and supervises clerical aides. Maintains daily Logs, prepares reports, etc. (Name) The first shelter management staff member arriving at the shelter takes charge until succeeded by a superior member. In the event designated staff members should fail to appear, emergent leadership shall take charge. The first person in charge shall designate individuals to assist management as required. The procedures outlined on the preceding pages shall be followed. FEMA Form 85-32, FEB 81 12 SHELTER OPERATIONS RULES AND REGULATIONS SAFETY AND FIRE All occupants shall turn in knives, flammable liquids Shelterees shall watch for and report any potential fire (such as canned heat, ether or alcohol), and other potential hazard such as careless use of combustible materials, safety hazards to central supply for safekeeping. electrical equipment, faulty wiring, outlets and switches. Smoking shall be controlled as required by the safety The following basic rules apply to putting out fires: and well -being of the shelterees. The minimum of control is: 1. Wood, paper, cloth or rubbish fires can best be extinguished by water. 1. Smoking will not be permitted in sleeping areas. 2. Gas, oil, or grease fires can best be extinguished by 2. Other non - smoking areas may be designated. sand or dirt. 3. Matches and cigarettes shall be carefully put out in a 3. Electrical fires can best be extinguished by turning suitable receptacle. off electrical power and then using sand or dirt. LAW AND ORDER Generally, all existing laws of Serious violations, such as assault and revolt against (State, county, and /or city) authority, shall be dealt with quickly and forcefully by shelter authority. shall be enforced in this shelter. Minor violations, such as violation of quiet hours, shall Shelterees shall use the shelter areas assigned 4 y shelter be handled by Unit Leaders. officials. Any necessary restraint and serious disciplinary action Personal conflicts shall be resolved by Shelter Unit will be ordered only by the Shelter Manager in consultation Leaders, if possible. with the Advisory Committee. HEALTH AND SANITATION The following rules will be observed: 5. Waste containers shall be disposed of as soon as filled. 1. Persons with contagious diseases shall be isolated 6. Drinking cups shall be marked and retained for re -use immediately. by individual shelterees. 2. The daily sick call schedule shall be observed. 7. Towels shall be retained by individuals for re-use as long as possible. 3. Shelter floors shall be kept clean of waste materials. 8. Deceased persons shall be immediately removed from 4. Rest room areas shall be kept clean at all times. the shelter. 13 EXAMPLE SHELTER REGISTRATION FORM Last Home Address Name ZIP Phone Family Members Living Illness or Skills or Work Assigned Soc. Sec. No. at Address Relation Age Sex (First Name) Disability Occupation in Shelter (if known) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Immediate Family Members Not in This Shelter Presumed Whereabouts Relation 6. 7. 8. Other Nearby Relatives (Name) (Address) 9. 10. Items Brought Into Shelter (e.g., food, medicines, blankets, flashlights, etc.): Remarks: (Use back, if necessary): • FEMA Form 85-33, FEB 81 14 DAILY LOG Date Shelter No. Page Time Remarks i fW . FEMA Form 85-34, FEB 81 15 SHELTER INVENTORY Item (List) Quantity Issued On -Hand Food I Water • Medical Supplies I I Radiologi 1 Monitoring Sets Other Items FEMA Form 85 -35, FEB 81 I 16 a U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1981 724 - 844/975