HomeMy WebLinkAboutHistory of the A&M Presbyterian Church1 J i MI l4 + s a�1 gn?iv'A V4 + i �� �ti 4. , 1 4� . OF TIIE �+, s:cia f‘ ► i s y * ^�..,� t 'a •.• (;, V.4°; ".�;, + ' % M P RES 4 , H,3 ' 'I� , gi tunC � . r t r � ,1 College Station;, kTexas e ,: .1 .:� :. •i , ..:. ., ,t Xi+. V -,.1' :•.S ✓ 4 .:'.:10 .y i;�2W� �1.0f i A ,, . a 1 . k � Ya " ° to a✓e , ` r . , Formed o February 4,'1923 as a aiissiou, = with a 26�charter members, the A &M ,. Presbyterian Church is now self - supporting wwith its own outreach. Former a part of Brazos Presbytery,'it is now a meaner` of the `Presbyter +. of New Covenant; a presbytery consisting of all churches in Southeast Texas. As such, it is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. (U.S.A.). 1.at . 41 4y +�i; ., : :, . • , , R For a number years ;after its organtza ion, + the church- supplied b y int past and in August .1928, the'late ` R e v.,,TNorman "Anderson - of Taft,' TX a c c epted the call as ,full -time pastor „At that cang�regatin o included piembers , and met 'on the second floor of. the .YMCA " din g on Sunday nights. 1. acquiring its church building in 1948 � '�` i the present { sanctuary` was originally a U.S. Army-_,Chapel moved here ,from Victor a,J'?rX,-� through he congregation worshipped, the much appreciated r pprec courtesy gf, •the A1�iCollege pf } 'exas , the YMCA Y Building,+Guion Hall, the old Assembly Hall,,as .well: as:i1; the Theatre." present educational wing was built ii 1 w t u lit a untiring effort of the Rev A :that a sufficient f un d s.y� ce , ct J 44- R � " g '4-::, s `" ' • � ed ; �' Q it3 o�l�'by: ividu g ifts an } (' i i3► . I' •.�{„c4•r. Y — r y . 1 ''. L 1, .i. 1 . Sy nod contribution, to purchase the presen chu� -.'i ain s a an'"a'�iots y . ,f h ;, : �i'a;... :„ : leiI b $ aPf =fG �' . SM r '; In 1962, the sanctuary was remodeled, using a design ro ided b cestou Bolton, ac i 1' �I,�' C:iaf".� , ' 11 . sttiT .:. J. : ., ,, psi architect an former member of this con regation ...The Prestl Arian student work in thee. r 3t F r 1 • o trt fir ne a ugh t he church. by • y � a � ;., . «,' . the Rev. = Anderson. Later, the Rev. Charles Work y . was sent to head this work which eventually ` '`" " ° a" ' y included other deno�ainations. very active _` student work .,program,:is being conducted h • by the . ? Michael� .y M i er ll ' maintains an office in the, dtM Presbyterian Church, but char L �ership Ivtth :thr other churches United Campus Ministry). ' the lase six , F or , : years, : , Rev. Miller has had help in the form of s e minary students doing a ye s fi work ?f °' '" b Followin Rev. Anderson's retirement, the Rev. • H. Bruce isher accepted the call '! pastor July,"1963. During Dr. Fisher's ;ministr , everal deepl meani events _ were, initiated which are now celebrated a nnually: `One of . these is the Maundy Thursday Dinner and Communion Service. ,The:Tenebrae Service (Service - of Darkness) is another. In the Fall of 1980, 'the Rev. Fi introduced an adult seminar on Sunday mornings dealing with.contem orar 'I.- ' '' y �' g , . p y'•'iss'u�es. A ren of the fellowship hall and: school rooms w as c in - November:1974. ''In 1980, extensive work` wiis''done on " Ylie educational wing and the congregation voted to remodel extensively the sanctuary and office wing. These renovated facilities were dedicated at, the eleven � o'clock ..worship service on September 12, 1982, with guest preacher Dr. Harrison Taylor, of the Niklos .. Place. Retreat Center, MO- Ranch, .;and` former executive . secretary of the General Assembly's Council on Theology and Culture. A luncheon in the fellowship hall followed the service. , On February 12, 1981, the A &M Presbyterian 'Church was incorporated by the State of Texas, George W. Strake, Jr., Secretary of State - Charter #549696. `• „,r' On Sunday, February 6, 1983, the church observed its sixtieth birthday with the morning worship service and a special luncheon program honoring past and present • members.. it enthusiastically looks for to he next sixty Years`'bf growth in the'' 4 ?' service of our Lord. "� I �H +b ' Tx S In the summer of 1983, we celebrated with Presbyterians all over our nation the reunion of our two denominations which had' been separate since the Civil War, we rejoiced in our one national Presbyterian Church'THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.). Our program was enriched in the years 1984 through 1986 with the coming of two seminary interns, who worked in our church between their middle and senior years at seminary. We were fortunate to have'two excellent interns, both students at Princeton Seminary. Stuart Lord worked from'the "Fall of 1984 through the summer of 1985. Al Krummenacher served as intern from the Fall of 1985 through the summer of 1986. • rs` x !i. , a r t • > • i Y; ftt kit • 1986 also saw Wendell Landmann retire after'serving' many years as:c)oir director. Mike Alexander accepted the position in J'anudry s ,'91". that yeas and .served until October, 1988. Fern�Hamman, long time organist retired in O 1988. Mrs. Bill Sensibaugh (Melle) served as Choir Director /organt Pr is om dctober, 1988 until July 31, 1989 when she an her husba rid moved' to Florida:`'Tomi wards;" ` Coif "roe,` TX, took the organist /choir 'director position frown - Oct. 1', 1989 ao "Dec: 31, 1989. ' Mrs. Stefan Gartner (Karen) was hired as Choir Director on January 1, 1990. o date we do not have a permanent organist Rev. Dr. Bruce Fisher was honored at a, reception an S�,unday, December 4, 1988, on the occasion of his retirement as pastor of the A &M Presbyterian Church after 25 years service. His final day was Dec 31 1988 ' ,' . ' '.�+_ y a q t -, r ti •' 4.4i�� ',AK - ** ? Sz Lr •si.:ty ti�ry� � : h.. The Rev.:. William A.' Baine 'came on February 15,9ikas Pastor and stayed«. until September 24, 1989. The Rev. Jack Harrison served as Temporary Pulpit Supply from October 1 to December 17,1.9R9.4. ' '_ y w ' ,x, :t On October 22, 1989 the REV. DR. THOMAS W. ESTES was called to be Pastor of the A &M Presbyterian Church. He and his Sally, arriv" December 15, -1989 and he preached his first sermon on Sunday, December 24, 1989. 'Tom had last served Fox Valley Presbyterian Church of Geneva, IL.., Tom has a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Pastoral Counseling and Care from McCormick Theological Seminary. The Estes' have five grown children. ; :: On Sunday, January 28, 1990 Dr. Estes _Aas Installed as Pastor, of the A &M Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. with a reception following in the fellowship hall. • '.',r -. .y