HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 USDA MINUTES 0 "? ' "41 MINUTES OF THE USDA STATE DEFENSE BOARD College Station, Texas Time: 10:00 a.m. , March 5, 1965 12 gR 1965 Place: USDA Building, College Station, Texas Members present: W. Lewis David, Chairman ASCS V. G. Young (represented by Tommy Hollmig) CES Dr. John L. Wilbur, Jr. (represented by Dr. Ted Rea) ARS H. N. Smith (represented by Paul Walser) SCS L. D. Smith (represented by Morris Williamson) FHA John L. McCollum AMS Jack McElroy FS Cary Palmer - absent SRS Others present: Leonard A. White, Special Agricultural Programs Staff Assistant, ASCS Introductions Mr. David introduced Mr. Jack McElroy, new FS representative on the board, who was attending his first meeting in this capacity. He replaces Mr. A. E. Mandeville. Minutes The minutes for the meeting of January 14 were approved on motion by Mr. Hollmig, seconded by Dr. Rea. Proposed Regional Defense Staff Meeting Mr. Walser reported that recently Mr. Earl Butler, Emergency Programs Coordinator, USDA, mentioned to him a proposed Regional Defense Staff meeting, similar to the joint defense board meeting held in Denton in January, possibly to be held in May. Members agreed with Mr. Walser that the State Defense Board could be of help to Mr. Butler in organizing this meeting by suggesting topics to be included on the agenda which would be beneficial to the purpose of State Defense Boards. Mr. Hollmig stated that if all concerned could become better informed on problems of food management and issuance of food orders, more help could be offered the county boards with their problems and questions. He also stated that he has found that some boards are encountering difficulties in preparing their plans of operation. The need for better communications between agencies through a central point of operation was also mentioned. Mr. David suggested that each board member prepare an outline of items which 2 they would like to have included on the agenda for this meeting. A dis- cussion of these items will be held at the next meeting of the State Defense Board. Emergency Files at Denton It was suggested that each agency representative review and update their files located at Denton. Apparently most of these files have not been kept current for some time and need to be completely revised. Telex Jack Mr. David reported that within a few days a Telex jack will be installed in the emergency relocation site of the State Defense Board located in the basement of the USDA Building. This will allow use of the Telex machine for communication with Washington and other major cities during an emergency even though movement might be restricted by fallout. Alternate on USDA Regional Defense Staff Mr. David reported on a letter received from the Acting Director, South Central Area, regarding the appointment of Tim Moore as alternate to repre- sent ASCS on the USDA Regional Defense Staff in Denton. The fact was men- tioned that Mr. Moore is a member of the State Defense Board Attack Analysis Staff, manager of the shelter which will house the Defense Board in an emergency, and is an alternate ASCS representative on the board. He has received considerable training in all these positions. It was the opinion of the board that Mr. Moore's training and services could best be used if he were to remain in the State office in an emergency and it was suggested that Mr. Jack Bradshaw be appointed to serve in this capacity instead of Mr. Moore. ARS Agreement with Armed Services Dr. Rea reported that ARS has entered into an agreement with the Armed Services (Air Force) where in an emergency they will fly ARS personnel and equipment to anywhere in this country where they are needed as part of their defense responsibilities. This agreement was set up basically for disease problems but could be used for other reasons. They have also agreed to furnish a great deal of heavy equipment if it is needed. At present, the plan has been worked out in a tentative Memorandum of Under- standing which should be put into final form soon. Mr. David suggested that perhaps other agencies might pursue an agreement of this type. Inter - Agency Radiological Assistance Plan Dr. Rea reported that the primary purpose of the Inter - Agency Radiological Assistance Plan is to provide fast radiological assistance to any point in our area in case of nuclear accidents, loss of radioactive material in transport, or leaked fuels. It has the responsibility for coordinating operational activities in case of a peacetime accident of this type. The 3 plan has been designed to help develop local capabilities; integrate Federal, State, and local capabilities in and around any accident that might occur; report any radiological accident and exchange information that may be gained by either Federal, State, or local groups; and to develop information in a training program for people who will be involved in operations around such radiological accident. All coordinated agencies may be called upon to pro- vide assistance. The agencies included in this plan are AEC; Departments of Agriculture, Labor, Commerce, Defense, and Interior; FAA; HEW; ICC; PO; NASA; and OCD, AEC has the main responsibility for administering, imple- menting, and coordinating the plan. The National Inter - Agency Radiological Assistance Group has headquarters in Washington and the Security Division of AEC has the basic responsibility for carrying cut the plan. Other agencies are responsible for providing any resources, representation on inter- agency committees, and any capability that they may have to work on these accidents. Training responsibility includes preparing training material and organizing courses to see that all three levels of govern- ment have more capabilities. This training will help to prevent irrespons- ible actions and mitigate adverse public psychology. It will be useful to those near nuclear sites in identifying health hazards, reducing personnel exposure, minimizing damage to property, assisting in emergency rescues, getting information to the public, and other emergency measures. Informa- tion on radiological monitoring courses can be obtained through various Texas Army posts, OCD training office, Dr. Willis Bodine, Extension Service, and Ralph Mock, Texas Education Agency. Possible Alternate Relocation Site for State Defense Board It was reported that Mr. Earl Butler is concerned about a possible reloca- tion site for the State Defense Board. The board discussed various pos- sibilities for this site, including use of a de- activated silo -type missile site, It is believed that this type of installation would provide excellent protection if the use of one can be obtained in a suitable location. This idea will be explored further at a subsequent meeting. USDA State Defense Operations Handbook Amendment No. 8 to Chaster 4 Mr. White discussed USDA State Defense Operations Handbook Amendment 8 to Chapter 4 pertaining to postattack situation analysis, pointing out changes which have been made. The principal changes are in reporting requirements, bringing the State Handbook into agreement with the County Defense Opera- tions Handbook. It was noted that Exhibit 5 B of this amendment is the same as Exhibit 8 in the review draft of Chapter 5 to the Handbook, USDA State Defense Operations Handbook Chapter 5 USDA State Defense Operations Handbook, proposed Chapter 5, Functions of the Agricultural Marketing Service Relating to Food Management, was dis- cussed by Mr. McCollum. He reported that the main difference between it and the previous chapter is that food is to be left to people now handling it as much as possible and that county defense boards should not disrupt basic handling of food, The Food Freeze Order will be replaced with a 4 Food Resupply Order which will be used to determine the percentage of normal supply of food to be transferred from wholesalers to retailers. This revised Chapter is incomplete so far as exhibits are concerned. Resources Planning Committee Meeting Mr. White reported on the meeting of the heads of Task groups of the Resources Planning Committee which was held at Austin on February 26. It was announced that the State Food Plan will be completed by May 1965. Various dates have been set for completion of the other resource plans, with the total State Resources Plan to be completed and ready for testing in November 1965. The plan will be submitted to OEM in December for approval or suggestions for changes. After final approval by OEM, it is the intention of the State government to publish the plan and distribute to county and city governments. Line of Succession to Chairmanship of State Defense Board Due to the change in the FS representative on the board, it was necessary to redetermine the line of succession to the chairmanship of the State Defense Board. It was decided that the line of succession will remain the same, with the exception of Mr. McElroy assuming the place vacated by Mr. Mandeville. Publications 1. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 91 2. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 92 (w /National Plan for Emergency Preparedness) 3. USDA State Defense Board Info Memorandum No. 87, Supplement 1 4. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 93 5. Additions to Federal Civil Defense Guide 1 --11 -- MINUTES OF THE USDA STATE DEFENSE BOARD *� _ 1965 College Station, Texas Time: 10:00 a.m., April 2, 1965 Place: USDA Building, College Station, Texas Members present: W. Lewis David, Chairman ASCS V. G. Young (represented by Tommy Hollmig) CES Dr. John L. Wilbur, Jr. ARS H. N. Smith SCS L. D. Smith FHA John L. McCollum AMS Jack McElroy (represented by A. E. Mandeville) FS Cary Palmer SRS Others present: Earl R. Butler, Emergency Programs Coordinator, USDA Harris H. Minton, Chairman, Sabine County USDA Defense Board Jack Bradshaw, Assistant to the State Committee, ASCS, Regional Defense Staff Alternate Paul Walser, Assistant State Conservationist, SCS, Regional Defense Staff Member Dr. Wilson Boaz, ARS, Regional Defense Staff Alternate Ben A. Jordan, State Director, FCIC Leonard A. White, Special Agricultural Programs Staff Assistant Introduction of Guests Mr. David introduced the guests and commented on their defense responsibil- ities. Minutes A motion was made by Dr. Wilbur, seconded by Mr. H. N. Smith, to correct paragraph 4 on page 2 of the March 5 minutes regarding the agreement nego- tiated between ARS and the Department of Defense and General Services Administration to read as follows: "ARS Agreement with DOD and GSA: Dr. Rea reported that ARS is negotiating with the Department of Defense and General Services Administration to provide for emergency procurement of supplies and equipment for use in combating outbreaks of exotic animal 2 diseases. The agreement is being negotiated basically so that the ARS can be assured of having a known source of supply of needed equipment and material to handle their emergency animal disease problems. Certain supplies will be prepositioned in strategically located GSA warehouses." After adop- tion of this motion, the minutes were approved as corrected. Regional Defense Staff Meeting Mr. Butler announced that there will be a meeting of the Regional Defense Staff on May 25 and 26 in Denton. He asked that any suggestions for items to be included on the agenda for this meeting be given to Mr. White, who will consolidate the ideas and submit them for consideration. In answer to questions by board members, Mr. Butler stated that within a few weeks all agencies should receive a description of the functions of the Regional Defense Staff. He briefly explained that the Defense Staff will act in a coordinating and advisory capacity in an emergency when State Boards are in contact with the Washington Office. However, in a cut -off situation, the Staff would initiate policy for State Defense Boards. Civil Defense Through Community Improvement Programs Mr. Hollmig gave an interesting report, complete with slides, on an organ- ized community program held recently in the Highland Community in Erath County. In December of last year, representatives of the Extension Service, including Mr. Hollmig, went to the Highland Community upon request to evalu- ate the protection factor of buildings in the community. Two representative farm homes with storm cellars were selected and a survey was made of the buildings, crops, kinds and amounts of food on hand, and kinds of shelter available. The survey revealed that in this small community all families except two had storm cellars which would provide substantial protection from fallout. Civil Defense Work in Andrews County Mr. Hollmig stated that April 25 -30 has been proclaimed by the mayor of the city of Andrews as Family Preparedness Week. The highlight of the week will be on Thursday evening, April 29, 1965, at 7:30 in the Community Building in Andrews. At that time all area families are invited to attend a program on "Disaster Insurance Through Family Planning ". However, the entire week is planned for special emphasis on preparations for natural and nuclear disasters. Special publicity will be given to this week -long program by TV, radio, newspapers, movie theaters, presentations to school students, exhibits displayed in various locations in Andrews, billboards, and civic groups. It is evident by the initiation of Family Preparedness Week that Andrews County is extremely interested in civil defense and in getting life- saving knowledge to the people of the county. Mr. Hollmig expressed the hope that the Andrews County USDA Defense Board would be able to attend the program on Thursday night and invited members of the State Defense Board to attend also. 3 ASCS Support Staff Training Meetings On March 16, 17, and 18, training meetings were held for the ASCS members of the USDA State Defense Board support staffs The meetings were approxi- mately lk hours in length and covered various aspects of the defense work. Slides on basic civil defense fat's and procedures were shown, as well as slides on the organization of the State and county defense boards. Members of the staff were informed of the duties which it is expected they will per- form in case of an emergency. More training meetings are planned in the next few months to include training for all local agency members of the support staff in order to keep personnel aware of their duties and respon- sibilities. USDA Emergency Programs Mr. White gave a brief report on the status of the various USDA emergency programs. He reported that the State Committee did not request extension of the Livestock Feed Program. However, extension of the seasonal haying and grazing program in approved counites in Districts 1, 2, 4 and 9, with the exception of Taylor and Callahan, has been recommended and approved through April 30. Sixteen counties have submitted requests for ACP emer- gency funds; however, as of this date, only one county has been approved by Washington. Action on the other 15 is pending due to lack of funds for this purpose. Resort on Defense Operations in Sabine County Mr. Harris H. Minton, Chairman, Sabine County USDA Defense Board, gave a brief resume of the activities of that board. The Sabine County Defense Board is actively engaged in the planning and preparation for efficient operation and handling of problems connected with an emergency. Mr. Minton feels that a great number of refugees would flock to Sabine and surround- ing counties due to their location, The board has an inventory of avail- able food supplies and feels that the main problem to be faced would be that of providing sufficient food. He proposed initiating a working rela- tionship with surrounding counties, both in Texas and Louisiana, in order that emergency supplies of food could be requested and obtained, if neces- sary. The Sabine County Defense Board is actively becoming prepared for an emergency by having obtained an inventory of butane burners, gas outlets, flowing wells with safe drinking water, covered springs, etc., available in the county, as well as having prepared an Overall Plan of Operation. At the present time, among other things, they are working on a county- wide alarm system. Publications 1. Quarterly Report of Defense Activities - USDA State Defense Board 2. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 94 3. USDA State Defense Policy Memorandum No. 34 4. Washington Quarterly Defense Report MINUTES OF THE USDA STATE DEFENSE BOARD College Station, Texas Time: 10:00 a.m., May 7, 1965 .j, ;t ti Place: USDA Building, College Station, Texas Members: V. G. Young, Acting Chairman CES Dr. John L. Wilbur, Jr. (represented by Dr. Ted Rea) ARS H. N. Smith (represented by Paul Walser) SCS L. D. Smith FHA John L. McCollum (represented by James Bybee) C&MS W. Lewis David (represented by Leonard A. White) ASCS Cary Palmer SRS Jack McElroy - absent FS Others present: Miss Sherilyn Bailey, Rural Civil Defense Specialist, CES Mrs. Juanice Boyd, Andrews County Home Demonstration Agent Tommy Hollmig, Rural Civil Defense Specialist, CES Ben A. Jordan, State Director, FCIC D. M. McEachern, Plant Pest Control Division, ARS Stanley Harrison, Animal Disease Eradication, ARS Introduction of Guests Mr. Young introduced guests, identifying the agency represented by each. Minutes The minutes of the April 2 meeting of the State Defense Board were approved as written. Andrews County "Family Preparedness Week" Mrs. Juanice Boyd, County Home Demonstration Agent in Andrews County, gave a brief report on "Family Preparedness Week" held in that county during April 25 -30. She stated that the activities were judged by those involved to be very successful and expressed her appreciation to the members of the board who supported this program with their attendance. The week -long program was sponsored by the Housing and Home Furnishings Committee of the County Program Building Committee and was only one of a series of pro- grams held in Andrews County. A great many local business and civic leaders 2 showed an active interest in the program and participated actively in the planning and execution of the activities. During this week thousands of persons in the Andrews area were contacted through various media and given information on preparing themselves for any natural disaster or nuclear attack. It was evident from Mrs. Boyd's enthusiastic talk that the people of Andrews County are actively interested in civil defense and did a creditable job supplying educational information during their "Family Preparedness Week ". A motion was made by Dr. Rea, seconded by Mr. Walser, that a letter of commendation from the State Defense Board be sent to the Housing and Home Furnishings Committee of the Andrews County Program Building Com- mittee for their having planned and executed "Family Preparedness Week ". Economic Stabilization Task Group Meeting Mr. White gave a short report on a meeting of the Economic Stabilization Task Group held on April 22. At this meeting the group was divided into three committees: wage and price control, rent control, and consumer rationing. It was announced that the Economic Stabilization Plan is scheduled to be completed by August 31. The entire State Plan should be completed by October 31 and is intended to be distributed to county civil defense officials for their information after approval at the National level. Mr. White stated that the group appeared to be well informed on the problems to be considered. Meeting of Food Management Staff The State Food Support Staff, C&MS, met on April 23 with a good majority of their members present. Mr. Bybee gave a brief summary of the matters discussed at that meeting, including discussions pertaining to food management at the county and State levels, food resupply orders, and the State Food Plan now being prepared. In addition to members of the Food Support Staff, nine of the 12 C&MS representatives assigned to county defense boards in the State were present. Film - Radiation Effects on Farm Animals Mr. Hollmig showed a film concerning the effect of radiation on farm animals. This film is not considered suitable for showing to the general public but would be useful for training purposes for defense board members. The single copy in the possession of Extension Service will be available for defense meetings on a selective basis. Alternate Emergency Relocation Site for State Defense Board At a previous meeting, Mr. Earl Butler, Emergency Programs Coordinator, USDA, agreed to investigate the possibility of an alternate emergency relocation site for the State Defense Board. It was suggested that Mr. Butler be contacted to secure any new information on this matter. 3 Hardening of the USDA Building Basement Mr. Young suggested that Washington be contacted again concerning improving the protection factor of the relocation site of the USDA State Defense Board in the basement of the USDA Building in College Station. Previous correspondence with Washington on this matter revealed that no funds are available for this purpose. June State Defense Board Meeting It was announced that the June 7 meeting of the State Defense Board will be held jointly with the Texas Training and Education Coordinating Com- mittee at 1:00 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center on the Texas A&M University campus. Up- Dating Emergency Records at Denton Questions were raised regarding up- dating of emergency records in the Federal Center at Denton. This work will be done by Regional Defense Staff members and indications are that some agencies are now furnishing current records to replace those that are obsolete. Publications The following publications and correspondence were discussed by Mr. White: 1. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 95 2. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 96 3. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 97 4. USDA State Defense Policy Memorandum No. 35 5. Regional Guidance Document for USDA Regional Defense Staff 6. Memorandum from Assistant to the Secretary concerning forthcoming Amendment 4 to the USDA County Defense Operations Handbook MINITTES OF THE USDA STATE DEFENSE BOARD College Station, Texas Time: 11:00 a.m., June 7, 1965 Place: USDA Building, College Station, Texas Members Present: W. Lewis David, Chairman ASCS V. G. Young (represented by Tommy Hollmig) CES Dr. John L. Wilbur, Jr. ARS H. N. Smith SCS L. D. Smith - absent FHA John L. McCollum AMS Jack McElroy FS Cary Palmer - absent SRS Others Present: S. K. Harris ARS H. H. Hare ARS -PPCD Roy E. Westerfield, Regional Defense Coordinator DHEW Earl R. Butler, Emergency Programs Coordinator USDA Paul H. Walser, Sr., Regional Defense Staff Member Assistant State Conservationist SCS Jack Bradshaw, Regional Defense Staff Alternate Assistant to the State Committee ASCS Introductions Mr. David introduced Mrs. Anita. Eickenhorst who will be replacing Mrs. Marlene Bell as Board secretary. Minutes The minutes for the meeting of May 7, 1965, were approved on motion by Mr. H. N. Smith, seconded by Dr. J. L. Wilbur. County Defense Operations Handbook, Amendment 4 Mr. David discussed County Defense Operations Handbook Amendment 4 which provides new or additional guidance on: (1) emergency food management consistent with the State handbook and approved national policy; (2) emer- gency food production including new information on seed distribution; (3) emergency grain management including both CCC and free stocks; (4) assistance to be provided in major natural disasters such as coordi- nation of food donation programs; and (5) changes in USDA organization such as the transfer of meat inspection from ARS to C&MS. w • 2 Terry County USDA Defense Board Request to Visit the Underground Center at Denton, Texas A request was read from Terry County USDA Defense Board to tour the Under- ground Center at Denton. The State Defense Board decided to ask Mr. Leonard White to write a letter to each county defense board stating that where the county civil defense authorities or city civil defense authorities were going to make a tour of the Underground Center at Denton, approval would be given for the county defense board to accompany this group. It was the opinion of the State Defense Board we could not justify the expense for individual county defense boards to tour the Underground Center and also, it is very disruptive to those working in the Underground Center to have numerous visits from small groups. Attendance at County Defense Board Meetings The minutes of four county defense boards were reviewed and it was pointed out that a number of the agency representatives had not been attending meetings. The agencies involved agreed to give this matter their prompt attention. It was agreed that each county defense board chairman should prepare an agenda for each meeting and that this agenda should accompany the notice of the meeting. It was the opinion of the State Defense Board that this would encourage more orderly meetings and would also alert the other members of the board as to some of the items that would be discussed. County Defense Board Training All State Defense Board members agreed that another series of meetings should be held for the purpose of informing county defense board members about the changes in instructions and to acquaint them with the new State Emergency Resource Management Plan. We understand the State Emergency Resource Management Plan will be completed by October 31, and it is anticipated the series of meeting will be held as soon thereafter as practicable. Federal Emergency Assignee Cards Tommy Hollmig reported that in Louisiana during Hurricane Hilda, employees bearing Federal Emergency Assignee Cards were not allowed to proceed to their designated headquarters because local authorities would only recognize I. D. cards signed by the county judge. Mr. Hollmig stated that he hoped this problem would not be encountered in Texas, but thought it might be feasible to acquaint Department of Public Safety with the Federal Emergency Assignee Cards. Publications 1. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 98 2. USDA State Defense Board ER Memorandum No. 99 3. USDA Co. Defense Board ER Memorandum No, 27 4. Donated Foods for Disaster MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING STATE CIVIL DEFENSE TRAINING AND EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD AND THE STATE USDA DEFENSE BOARD Time: 1:00 p.m., June 7, 1965 Place: System Conference Room, System Administrative Building, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas W. R. Bodine Eng. Ext. Service College Station W. Lewis David ASCS, USDA State Defense Board Mattie E. Treadwell OCD, Region 5 Austin Capt. Kenneth L. Robinson Mil. Support Plans Office it H. D. Bearden Eng. Ext. Service College Station Maj. Robert C. Silner CBR /NUC DIV HQ 4 A Austin John Christian State CD Tom Nelson Texas Education Agency Jesse R. Ward Office of Defense & Disaster Relief It Earl R. Butler Coordinator Emergency Programs Dallas Tommy Hollmig RCDS, Agri. Ext. Service College Station W. A. McClung RCD Specialist J. L. Wilbur ARS, USDA State Defense Board Austin V. G. Young CES, USDA State Defense Board College Station S. K. Harris ARS Austin Bill Lyle CES, Agricultural Engineer College Station Jack McElroy USFS, USDA State Defense Board Lufkin Sherilyn Bailey CES, Civil Defense Specialist College Station John McCollum AMS, USDA State Defense Board Dallas Roy E. Westerfield Regional Defense Coordinator, Dept. Health, Education & Welfare H. N. Smith SCS, USDA State Defense Board Temple Paul M. Walser SCS, Asst. State Conservationist Anita Eickenhorst ASCS College Station Introductions Mr. Hollmig opened the meeting by asking everyone to introduce themselves as there were several new people in attendance. The USDA Job and the Importance of Coordination with Local Civil Defense Mr. W. Lewis David, Chairman, State USDA Defense Board, presented a film in which Secretary of Agriculture, Orville Freeman, emphasized importance of Civil Defense. Mr. David gave resume on structure and organization of State USDA Defense Boards and County USDA Defense Boards. One of the primary functions of the USDA Defense Boards in case of an emergency would be food management, which would include the production and distribution of food supplies above the retail level. 2 Mr. David pointed out that interest in civil defense varies from county to county and the County Defense Boards must maintain constant liaison with local civil defense organizations in order that plans may be perfected for all phases of civil defense. Mr. David stated that everyone on the State Defense Board was most interested in working with civil defense authorities and expressed appreciation to the other agencies for their cooperation. The University Contract Program Dr. W. R. Bodine discussed "The Unversity Contract Program" which is conducted by the Agricultural Extension Service at Texas A & M University. The program covers primarily three areas: (1) conferences for government officials; (2) radiological monitoring courses; and (3) shelter manager courses. In 1966 they plan to add civil defense management and radio- logical defense officer courses. Some of the problems encountered in this program are frequent changes in mayors which usually results in the civil defense director not receiving support in his work, people lacking full understanding of civil defense and what their responsibilities are, and preparation in case of disaster. Community Improvement Program Mr. Hollmig gave a report on the 4 -H Method Demonstration Contest held at 4 -H Roundup recently. The 4 -H Teams gave demonstrations on civil defense information, such as protecting livestock before and after a nuclear attack. The important factor is that each team must have an adult leader who knows and understands the civil defense information and this is an excellent way to get the information across to adults. Andrews County Project Miss Sherilyn Bailey, Civil Defense Specialist, gave a report on Andrews County "Family Preparedness Week" held April 25 -30, and the events that took place afterwards. This was a project planned and executed by the Andrews County Housing and Home Furnishings Committee of County Program Building in cooperation with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and Andrews County Com- missioners' Court. The primary purpose was to educate the county population on family protection during a disaster. The events that took place during and shortly afterwards hold evidence that the project was a success in many ways. During the time of Family Preparedness Week a fire destroyed a school and in discussing the restoration of the school plant, officials agreed to put at least part of the school underground for purposes of a shelter. 3 Two weeks after Family Preparedness Week a tornado struck Andrews and some interesting reactions were: (1) a number of parents have already begun plans for storm cellars or fallout shelters; (2) the city council took steps to improve the tornado warning system; and (3) the Administrator of Permian General Hospital is planning to convert the basement area into a shelter. At the time of the tornado it was also discovered that the new high school did not furnish adequate protection due to the large amount of glass windows. Miss Bailey also pointed out that the school children play an important part in educating adults on disaster protection. For instance, due to the practice tornado drills at school, the children were able to tell their parents how to protect themselves. Rural Shelter Analysis Workshop Bill Lyle discussed the need to train local people to recognize shelters without going through the process of analyzing all the factors affecting radiological protection. Instructors must teach and give understanding of radiation -- where it is coming from and how much, and if shelter is adequate or not. There is a more easily understood handbook being planned for southern regions giving information on shelters. Meeting Date and Place The next meeting of State Civil Defense Training and Education Coordinating Board will be held August 2, 1965, at Austin, Texas. O MINUTES OF THE �� ����� • USDA STATE DEFENSE BOARD c� College Station, Texas Time: 10:00 a.m., July 2, 1965 Place: USDA Building, College Station, Texas Members Present: W. Lewis David, Chairman ASCS V. G. Young CES Dr. John L. Wilbur, Jr. (represented by Dr. Ted Rea) ARS H. N. Smith (represented by Paul H. Walser) SCS L. D. Smith - absent FHA John L. McCollum C&MS Jack McElroy (represented by A. E. Mandeville) FS Cary Palmer (represented by Richard Knight) SRS Others Present: Earl R. Butler, Emergency Programs Coordinator USDA Dr. Wilson Boaz, Regional Defense Staff Alternate ARS Jack Bradshaw, Assistant to the State Committee, Regional Defense Staff Alternate ASCS Ben A. Jordan, State Director FCIC Leonard A. White, Special Agricultural Programs ASCS Staff Assistant Minutes The minutes of June 7 were corrected as follows: Page 2, third paragraph of Minutes of the Joint Meeting with State Civil Defense Training and Education Coordinating Board, Agricultural Extension Service is changed to "Engineering Extension Service," and on Page 1 of USDA State Defense Board Minutes and Joint Meeting Minutes under members present, AMS is changed to "C&MS." A motion was made by Mr. V. G. Young to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Dr. Ted Rea, and passed. Relocation Site The possibility of the USDA State Defense Board obtaining space for an Emergency Operating Center in the Toxicology Laboratory or Cotton Lab- oratory to be built on the A & M University Campus was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. V. G. Young and seconded by Dr. Ted Rea that the 2 USDA State Defense Board officially request through proper channels that fallout shelter space for an Emergency Operating Center for the State USDA Defense Board be included in the building plans for these buildings proposed to be built at College Station and that an information copy of the request be forwarded to the Office of Plant and Operations, USDA, and the Office of Civil Defense. Motion passed. Progress Report. Texas Emergency Resources Planning Committee Mr. Leonard A. White reviewed a report submitted by the Emergency Resources Planning Committee to the Governor of Texas, covering activities of the various task groups during the months of March, April and May. It was noted that the Food Task Group had not held any formal conferences and apparently is not making much progress. There was a discussion on what steps could be taken to assist the Food Task Group in the preparation of the State Food Plan. A motion was made by Mr. V. G. Young, seconded by John L. McCollum and passed, to invite Col. Laurence T. Ayres, Executive Assistant, Emergency Resources Planning Committee, Mr. W. C. McMillen, Regional Representative, OEP, and Mr. Edmund Nichols, Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture, to the next USDA State Defense Board meeting. Mr. Earl Butler suggested that perhaps Food Plan Test Exercises prepared for Arizona should be considered in determining whether the Food Plan would do the kind of job expected. Communications Arrangements have been made for two -way radio communications in the USDA State Defense Board Emergency Operating Center in the basement of the USDA Building through cooperation with the Brazos County Civil Defense Organi- zation. An aerial and lead -in cable will be installed with jacks for amateur sending and receiving equipment. A licensed amateur operator has been designated as communications officer for the shelter and upon receipt of an alert will install his equipment and establish contact with the County Emergency Operating Center in the Brazos County Courthouse using the assigned frequency on the citizen's band. This will give the USDA State Defense Board Emergency Operating Center two -way contact with the county civil defense organization and allow communications by relay with the State Office of Defense and Disaster Relief through the State Depart - ment of Public Safety radio network. Training for County Defense Boards Mr. V. G. Young suggested that test exercises involving non -food requisites should be prepared for training county defense boards. Because of the wide variety of agricultural practices over the state, it would be dif- ficult to devise any one test which would be applicable in all areas, but perhaps exercises could be designed for groups of counties having similar agricultural operations. This idea will be given further con- sideration. The need for a set of slides showing the entire civil defense operation at the county level was also discussed. Tommy Hollmig will be 3 assigned to gather material and develop ideas for slides which will show the coordination required between local authorities, state government, and the USDA State Defense Board. Inspector C. 0. Layne of the Office of Defense and Disaster Relief will also be contacted. USQA Emergency Programs Mr. Leonard White gave a brief report on status of various USDA emergency programs. All emergency programs were terminated as of May 31, as varying amounts of rain had been received over the drouth areas. Continued rains in June have further improved conditions in most areas, but some counties are still below normal conditions and may require assistance later if rainfall remains deficient. Sabine County The Sabine County USDA Defense Board requested that four dosimeters and one charger be stored at the county board headquarters, as the SCS repre- sentative in possession of the equipment is headquartered 26 miles away from Hemphill. Mr. Paul Walser was given a copy of the Sabine County Defense Board's minutes and memorandum, and asked to check on whether monitoring equipment can be provided. W. Td-Winkler Counties The Ward - Winkler County USDA Defense Board has requested information on civil defense alerting systems using high frequency tones through radios or electrical systems. Mr. Earl Butler agreed to investigate the different methods used and forward the information to the State Defense Board Chairman. Meeting Date The USDA State Defense Board will hold its next meeting September 10, eliminating the August meeting. Publications The following publications were discussed by Mr. White: 1. Quarterly Report of Defense Activities. 2. USDA County Defense Board Information Memorandum No. 47.