HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 04.06.1981 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING Monday, April 6, 1981 - 5:00 p.m. Civil Defense Office Present: Jake Canglose, North Bardell, George Huebner, John Kennedy (College Sta.Police), Chief Charles Phelps, Sheriff Bobby Yeager, Harry Stiteler, Ben Wormeli, MOBDES - Col. Carroll Bell, Capt. Warren Heffington, Capt. Russell Tompkins, NATIONAL GUARD - Capt. Richard E. Tillman, 2nd.Lt. Barry L. PopAe, RED CROSS - Ernst Haertig Presiding: Jake Canglose Capt. Richard Tillman, Commander outlined changes in local National Guard to the 3rd. Sqd. of the 163rd. Armored Cavalry Regiment which is headquartered in Dallas. 1■ 2nd.Lt. Barry L. Pop .e outlined the procedure for re- questing local National Guard assistance, what they can do and listed the available equipment they have. Copies of this are attached. Red Cross Local Chairman, Ernst Haertig presented the current situation of the local Red Cross organization and their functions in the event of an emergency. Jake Canglose reviewed the Civil Defense relationship with the National Guard and Red Cross in the event of a local disaster. Harry Stiteler provided copies of the Bureau of National Affairs, National Contingency Plan for "Handling Emer- gencies." These will be distributed to Fire and Law Enforcement Chiefs. On Monday, April 6 Jim Sutton of the Texas Health Dept. in Austin inventoried the Packaged Disaster Hospital materials now located at the Dansby Power Plant and St. Joseph Hospital. Col. Carroll Bell updated the Military Liaison Annex in February and distributed them in March. Capt. Warren Heffington revised the Brazos County Hazard- ous Materials Emergency Plan and the following people received copies the week of March 23, 1981: Chief Paul Philbin Bryan Fire Dept. 20 copies Chief Doug Landua College Station Fire Dept. 20 copies President Tom Payne Brazos County Firefighters Assn. 20 copies Chief Charles Phelps Bryan Police Dept. 6 copies Chief Marvin Byrd College Station Police Dept. 6 copies Col. T. R. Parsons University Police 6 copies Mr. Sam Saxon DPS 3 copies Mr. Bobby J. Erwin Dept. of Highways 3 copies Mr. Harry Stiteler Texas A & M 6 copies Judge R. J. Holmgreen Brazos County 3 copies Mr. Ernest R. Clark City of Bryan 3 copies Mr. North Bardell City of College Station 3 copies Sheriff Bobby Yeager Brazos County Sheriff's Office 6 copies - 2 - 4-6 R f HOW TO CALL FOR ASSISTANCE: PROCEDURE AND CHAIN OF COMMAND When local civil authorities determine a need for military assistance, the request is made to the commander (CPT or Lt) of the Texas Highway Patrol, Department of Public Safety, in whose district the assistance is required. In our area, you should contact Sgt. Forstahoff, at the Department of Public Safety District Office, on Villa Maria, at (713) 846 -0012 or (713) 846 -3731. Once the Department of Public Safety has been notified, the chain of events are as follows: 1. The Department of Public Safety contacts the Governor. 2. The Governor personally contacts the State Adjutant General. 3. The State Adjutant General contacts the Texas National Guard units through his chain of command. Coordination is the key to the success of any operation. Once assistance has been requested through the DPS, the local civilian authorities should contact the local Guard unit. Here in Bryan /College Station, L Troop 3/163 Armored Cav is the unit which you should notify. The Armory is located on 25th St. The phone number there is (713) 822 -1600. Captain Tillman's home phone number is (713) 823 -0559. What can the Guard do? If you should need to call on the National Guard, you would probably like to know what you can expect from us. In the event of a disaster or -2- disturbance, the guard is capable of performing the following: 1. Missions of immediate necessity that require immediate action to prevent undue human suffering, loss of life and /or damage to property. 2. Law enforcement and security. Providing forces to work with local, county and /or state law enforcement agencies in law en- forcement roles to include traffic control, population control, protection of public property and protection from looting. 3. Evacuation. Limited to capabilities of unit in emergency situation. No authority exists for forced evacuation of civilian personnel. 4. Rescue. Limited to light rescue in emergency situations. A secondary mission only. 5. Emergency communications. Assist in establishment of communications to support civil authorities within organic means and support available at state level. We do not possess a large number of generators for emergency power. 6. Emergency feeding. Limited: Units have capability to feed organic personnel only. Mass feeding mission will not be acceptable. 7. Transportation of equipment and /or supplies. Limited to emergency use items such as medicine and small items of equipment of immediate necessity where there is no civilian transportation capability. 8. Assistance to firefighters. The Guard can provide manpower to augment professional fire fighters. Lack of equipment and trained personnel preclude this as a primary mission. L Troop 3/163 Finally, you should be familiar with our unit's capabilities. Our unit CiV is an Armored''Unit. Our primary resources are manpower, vehicles and weapons. We have only supplies to support our own troops, that is to say, we could not provide blankets, medical supplies or food. 6-1"1 _ -)------/‘ a o a?iN1,,`2 g °-- f -' 5 --- 64- ckl Ann (Pro edur -Req est or Military Assistance) l'3\ to SOP for State Active Duty, AGTEX. ;- PROCEDURE - REQUEST FOR MILITARY ASSISTANCE t /o 0 . � c W\ QAM e4 / VQAA #t) 'ILtAi 11414-ti(1 402A.,0-1Ak /. jit . 4 , x( ,,,,,,,,Lckw -1,64.- \.:r3 / ce,A-zfte t.' c , ( 0 )/t?.c..___ ( GOVERNOR - AQ K STATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 a STATE ADJUTANT O Q • DEPARTMENT GENERAL'S OF PUBLIC DEPARTMENT I SAFETY r-- 739-60°1 (-k- 6,rce<6,t; PN a DPS . DISTRICT/ NATIONAL SUB - DISTRICT GUARD UNIT /� COMMANDER 0 O O �,J H'►�JY PATROL 0 0 0 00 00 L OCAL CIVIL LEGEND: AUTHORITIES 0 COORDINATION • REQUEST /ORDER ✓✓ B -1 � . ,_ __ . _...� . .�.,_ rer a-4/Ai 11/4"/"\r"-- 6)711O//0 CURRENT STATUS ON AVAILABLE SUPPLIES /EQUIPMENT Vehicle Trucks (1/4 ton) 18 Trucks (2 1/2 ton) , 5 3 • M -60 Tank cAmA i p.�� , 11t.`S�U'v 1 M -113 APC 1 Water Trailer (400 gallon) 1 Weapons Riot Shotgun, 12 Gauge 20 45 Caliber Pistol 47 M16A1 Rifle 121 M203 17 Communications Radio Sets `( T Rc„ 2 / `, 18 Telephones 34 Switchboards 2 Miscellaneous Land 11 acres Personnel - Authorized 151 Presently Assigned 60 Building Space (Armory, 2 Q -Huts) 20,000 sq. ft. Armor, Torso V 80 Gas Mask, Riot 65 Riot Sticks 55 Sand Bags t N/A Generator, 1.5 AC Generator, 1.5 DC 1