HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 01.09.1978 BRAZOS COUNTY O �� • • JAKE CANGLOSE OFFICE OF JAMES PRESSWOOD COUNTY DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN TEXAS AS IN UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR E.E. BURNS CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING GEORGE L. HUEBNER COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR COUNTY COURTHOUSE COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR J. LOUIS ODLE BRYAN 77801 NORTH BARDELL BRYAN DIRECTOR COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOR January 9, 1978 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE MEETING Monday January 9, 1978 5:00 PM.. COURTHOUSE CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE PRESENT: Judge Wm. R. Vance, Jake Canglose, Ed Burns, Charles Phelps, Warren Heffington, Carroll Bell, Ben Wormeli. PRESIDING: Jake Canglose. PROPOSITIONS: 1. The 17th Annual Preparedness Conference for State and Local Officials is scheduled for February 14 -16, 1978 at the Hilton Inn, in Austin. 2. On December 14, 1978, Jake Canglose made a TV video tape for KAMU -TV on the local Civil Defense program in the event of a hazardous Chemical accident in this area. 3. On Friday 1:45 P.M., December 31, 1977,on the West By -Pass in the Western Company parking area a tanker truck opened and dumped its load of Hydrochloric (HCL) acid (27%). This occured while the acid was being pumped under pressure into a holding tank. The acid spilled down the driveway toward FM 2118. The following agencies were involved in the cleanup operations. Bryan Fire and Police Department, Sheriff's Office, Department of Public Safety and Civil Defense. Loads of lime were spread to neutralize the acid.. Representatives from Waco and Valley Mills of the the Texas Quality Board and the Texas Air Quality Board arrived in late afternoon to make tests that the acid was neutralized and that no harmful residues remained. Civil Defense Meeting -- January 9, 1978 4. Proposals for coping with hazardous materials in Brazos County were made by Jake Canlgose. A. Need for a registration for any firm or individual to store hazardous materials. This would make known the kind and location of these items. It may be advisable to limit these items to a restricted area. Discussion of this questioned how much of this is now known by the fire department and city inspection departments such as building and electrical. B. Need for a Hazardous Materials Committee of three qualified men. This committee would be available to consult with and provide information for identity and control methods of potentially hazardous materials involved in an accident. This information would be available to those who must act in handling this problem. The TAMU Firemans training school has two men now starting a training program for the proceedures for identifying and handling of hazardous chemicals. It was suggested that the possibility be explored for these men to be on or available to this committee. C. It was concluded that information should be developed as to where we are now in proceedures for handling chemical hazards. Contacts to identify this will be made with the fire and police departments of Bryan, College Station and TAMU, the County Sheriffs Office and local Department of Public Safety Office. This will include the inter - agency Coordination in planning and implementation. There is a need to identify each specific chemical that could be a real hazard. D. An excellent Emergency Phone Numbers list has been prepared by the TAMU Engineering Extension Service. Jake Canglose distributed copies of this list for use by the law enforcement and fire departments of our county.. BC/mls