HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 05.04.1972 BRAZOS COUNIIF CIVIL D.;FENEM .LE COPT CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1972 CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE 5:00 PM Attendance: Jake Canglose Ran Boswell Henry Alsmeyer Fred Sandlin John W. Hill Judge Vance Memorandum of agreenment with local American Red Cross Chapter and was read and approved. Action taken: have official to sign agreenment -the chairman of the chapter II Reccommadddd purchase by Jake Canglose of film "TORNADO" from National Audio Visual Center GSA, Washington, DC. Cost S51.75. Film will be used for training tornado spotter, police, fire officers and other emergency personnel. Action taken: Purchase and split cost with County, City and College Station. 40- 40 -20. III Information passed on in regards to Home Study Course for CD Directors and coordinators. Reference letter dated May 1, 1972, Texas CD office - from John W. Christian. Also check on Home Study application blanks for CD U.S.9 IV Need Radiological Monitoring course taught. Instructir can be obtained for S5.00 hour. Approved for implementation. V. Shelter management course need scheduling - -to be taught by Jake Canglose.