HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 BCCD Minutes and Attachments 02.04.1972 $A7, MINUTES OF CIVIL DEFENSE COUNC I .tC CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE .,r FEBRUARY 4, 1972 5 :00 PM Attendance: Jake Canglose Burns - - -- absent Henry Alsmeyer Boswell -ab sent Fred Sandlin Hill - - -- absent Huebner - absent Col.Ira Scott- - Capt. Arlie Patton - - -- of the Texas Security Guard. Item I :Exercise operation Civil Assist (State Gurad Exercise) planning detail: no.of men in command (30) men -- search and rescue. Schedule: MARCH 19 (Sunday) Asst groups: Rauch- Fireman training & rescue Brazos County Civil Defense 203 MP Battalion, Texas State Guard Sheriff -- Police chief deputies Guard group will finish rescue training. The State Guard is used to back -up Civil Defense and need training in exercise with Civil Defense. Recommendations: Primary rescue operations. Fire & rescue Communications - -need comm. to link CD Police- Traffic control Captain Patton will meet with Canglose and meeting will be called for plans. Item II : State Conference attendance: Huebner - - -yes Canglose -_ -yes Alsmeyer - - -yes Sandlin- -8:15 AM, Monday et. _ /9 7 / $ ,1 ,-,. ) 4-A se te' --,fi RI, e e 11- 7 PO et) CCet--- ,-- - 7 - 47 - ( 4 „Co c.4.4: 6- A 6.1 440 i , 1 - . -4 • 7 /, ,...__ 4 uA),_ 44.rt' 1 a - z - t .t.t -vg I tO - --AS-e,s1- ' - - -- I ' • - ...--- ..... WAAA-, f41-V — 0 - 4 i - EX ei24...t.t..(2 - - 62i*XistrIfit*--- 0 ei te Ared Ai G/ / )4.,- 5/ 7 (4e 1 /4 - /vIti/ Ail- Pe - /4 /4 i' fie, of, Aite461)Ma `?° ' 5 frinietZA—/ ( S AIR41, )..s-e ( 4557; a A , , • iZA , i - -/atials„Im., idel;s4eri.. 44-4.44A-12-0 — , ' 6/e.. -- - '-‘ M ,57 illre. 6 Ato A.,t) • — — P6144,,, eLy (4‘,...;.> -- ___ ____ ______-eii,k 0 G-- 2 oKti to / I -1,_ ia iiI kVA/ Radogivillee otf- e oviehe , -7 1 s r re ‘41.) it_ t) ,s I.Jseep 0--4t-e 421 --- \ . . ge-e.C1 stA-4: a _ 04,1,4401 hit....6tAg■ . 1 1 -Si-t"2:-.40 . — -peRApp c• erovot4 • (1-- 3 1A 4t n 6.114410/ tt) /I/ 9://' *' __...,:pr _1 P.4--- mati 1 .4:deitt tf -0 9 5 - r/trre devii ArreAmmica... • ii 1 - ' __--- - damby-e - 7 44-1 ik 64 AAp 201&) ,-----. 8' /5 eilvt