HomeMy WebLinkAboutCivil Air Patrol Senior Member Program 1977OPPORTUNITIES and REWARDS in the CIVIL AIR PATROL SENIOR MEMBER PROGRAM are awaiting you PUBLISHED BY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS CIVIL AIR PATROL MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, ALABAMA an ACTIVE program for ACTIVE Americans NEEDED: ADULTS. . . LIKE YOU ! CIVIL AIR PATROL IS .. . A nonprofit, benevolent corporation. The civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, established by act of Congress. Composed of volunteer members — men and women, boys and gir: The only nationwide civilian organization which maintains its own fleet of light airplanes for humanitarian purposes. WHAT IT DOES .. . • Flies air search missions and conducts ground rescue work to support these missions. • Flies mercy missions. • Helps promote America's aerospace supremacy. Operates a nationwide network of emergency two -way ( "ham" type) radio stations. Assists with relief efforts in domestic dis- asters and emergencies. Works with local civil defense agencies. Trains young Americans (13 -18) to be leaders. Offers aerospace education to its mem- bers and the public. Trains its members to do all these things. WHY JOIN? Because you believe in helping your fellowman, your local community and your country. Because it offers activity . . . of a different kind. Because Civil Air Patrol, a small organization, needs you. WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? .. . • . Challenging work. • . The satisfaction of helping others. .. Spare time activity that's interesting (helping in search and rescue missions — real and practice, helping operate Civil Air Patrol's radio network; sharing in lifesaving and property - saving efforts during emergencies, helping to lead and motivate young people, learning new skills. YOU'RE ELIGIBLE IF .. . . You're a citizen. . You're interested. You don't have to be a pilot, radio operator or anything else — just interested. You can learn the skills as an active member. NO MILITARY OBLIGATION .. . . . . Civil Air Patrol is a civilian organization. It is not a part of the military. But military people are welcome! Many active duty and retired persons are busy members of Civil Air Patrol. SEND US YOU NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER .. . We'll have the nearest Civil Air Patrol unit commander contact you with more specific information about Civil Air Patrol activities in your area. NOTE: Do not detach the form to mail. Postoffice will not accept the single sheet of paper. Instead, re -fold the entire leaflet so that address is on the outside, staple together and mail the entire leaflet. NOW'S THE TIME .. . Civil Air Patrol needs trained people — and people who can be trained. Put your skills to work! Or develop new ones.