HomeMy WebLinkAboutA Way of Life for American Youth 1970the doors to many honor activities such as selection for the cadet summer flying encampment; studying rocketry and missiles; or learning aircraft traffic control at the Federal Aviation Agency Academy. All these special courses are conducted during the summer, The CAP Cadet Program CAN BE YOUR KEY to a satisfying and rewarding life of service to both your- self and your country. The CAP is FUN... it is also serious and in its education and training of cadets, the CAP molds the Aerospace leaders of tomorrow. ... It develops leadership, integrity, maturity... it provides the training needed to make each cadet a good follower as well as a potential leader. CAP cadets are placed in positions where they can demonstrate these qualities. The CAP Cadet Program will help you take that "big step" from adolescence to maturity. CAP can make that transition move smoothly, with interest, with fun, with positive and lasting benefits which will enrich your entire life. WHY NOT FIND OUT TO- DAY ALL THAT A CAP CADET'S LIFE CAN BRING YOU? SYMBOL OF SERVICE COUNTRY COMMUNITY YOUTH NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS CIVIL AIR PATROL MAXWELL AFB, ALABAMA 36112 CAP LEAFLET A WAY OF LIFE FOR AMERICAN YOUTH IN THE AEROSPACE AGE THE CADET PROGRAM THE CADET'S LIFE IS EXCITING Opportunities unlimited await boys and girls, age 13 through 17, who join the Civil Air Patrol -take a giant step through the doorway that leads to the aerospace age of tomorrow. CAP develops youth interest in aerospace . . . it molds the aerospace leaders of tomorrow . • . it teaches the basic concepts of flying through aca- demic instruction in aerodynamics and opens wide the door to student pilot status. The CAP Cadet Program now offers flight training in powered aircraft. It is possible for qualified cadets to earn a private license. Orientation flights in conventional and jet aircraft also introduce the cadet to the environment of the aerospace age. At the same time, being a cadet is truly exciting. Travel, adventure, study . . . all are part of the life of the cadet. In the United States each summer, CAP cadets may sepend a week at an Air Force base . . . live the life of a regular airman . , use the same quarters, food service and recreational facilities as Air Force personnel . . . fly orientation flights in Air Force aircraft, study maintenance of engines, radar, radio, and related areas. CAP's International Air Cadet Exchange is one of the most sought -after of all the cadet special activities. The exchange involves a three -week trip to one of THE CADET'S LIFE IS REWARDING 26 foreign countries in Europe, the Near East, Central or South America, de Pacific area, and Southeast Asia. The cadets visit in the homes of host families and thrill to visits to historical shrines of the world. Civil Air Patrol offers scholarships . en- gineering, languages, airport management, physics, aeronautics and aerospace medicine. Outright educa- tional grants are also offered. Every cadet may com- pete for these scholarships. Study grants are avail- ah4 able for youthnotplanningto attend a four -year college or university course. The Civil Air Patrol cadet can win many awards... colorful ribbons named for outstanding civilian and military aviation pioneers. The Falcon Award, high- est decoration, is given to cadets for outstanding achievement in the aerospace education program. THE CADET'S LIFE IS MEANINGFUL Cadets must attend an encampment before they can qualify for the Billy Mitchell Award. This opens