HomeMy WebLinkAbout4th Air Force Reserve Operations Plan 355-3 1968FOURTH AIR FORCE RESERVE REGION AIR FORCE RESERVISTS IN CIVIL DEFENSE OPERATIONS PLAN 355-3 RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS HQ FOURTH AIR FORCE RESERVE REGION Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 1 September 1968 FOREWORD AIR FORCE RESERVISTS IN CIVIL DEFENSE 1. This plan supplements AFR 45 -15 as amended by Change 1, paragraph 8n, dated 3 April 1968 and Chapter 4o, AFM 35-3. 2. Operations Plan 355-3 is to be used by Air Force reservist and civil defense authorities in planning the utilization of reservists in the civil defense program. This plan is effective upon receipt and recipients are authorized to make copies as necessary. . HQ FOURTH AIR FORCE RESERVE REGION Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 1 September 1968 TITLE PAGE 4AFRR OPERATIONS PLAN 355 -3 1. The title of this document is Fourth Air Force Reserve Region Operations Plan 355 -3 (Unclassified). The short title is 4AFRR OPLAN 355-3. 2. This document is unclassified and does not come within the purview of directives governing the protection of information effecting the national security. 3. The recipients of this plan will maintain it under such safeguards as to preclude unauthorized access thereto. HQ FOURTH AIR FORCE RESERVE REGION Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 1 September 1968 DISTRIBUTION Copies Each Air Reserve Squadron (4o) (80) 2 Each Air Reserve Flight (101) (202) 2 Arkansas Civil Defense Agency 2 Louisiana Civil Defense Agency 2 New Mexico Civil Defense Agency 2 Oklahoma Civil Defense Agency 2 Texas Civil Defense Agency 2 Arkansas AFMSLO /CD 1 Louisiana AFMSLO /CD 1 New Mexico AFMSLO /CD 1 Oklahoma AFMSLO /CD 1 Texas AFMSLO /CD 2 City /County Civil Defense Agencies as required. Each Air Reserve Squadron Management Augmentee. 1 Hq AFRES (OPS -D) 2 ' 4AFRR OPERATIONS PLAN 355-3 HQ FOURTH AIR FORCE RESERVE REGION Randolph Air Force Base, Texas 1 September 1968 AIR FORCE RESERVISTS IN CIVIL DEFENSE References: AFR 45 -15 as amended by Change 1, paragraph 8n, dated 3 April 1968. AFM 35 -3, Chapter 40. TASK ORGANIZATIONS: Hq 4AFRR (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). State Civil Defense Agencies (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). All Air Force Reserve Squadrons and Flights. All City and County Civil Defense Organizations. 1. SITUATION. a. General Situation: Air Force reservists are eligible and encouraged to participate in civil defense activities with their city, county, or state civil defense organizations. The Air Force Reserve has a pool of manpower that could contribute greatly to fulfill the overall civil defense manpower requirements. These reservists are Reinforcement Designees and are authorized to earn retirement credit points for participation in the civil defense program. b. Assumptions: It i,s assumed that state, city and county civil defense authorities can and are interested in using skills available among reservists. Many reservists are leaders in their communities and would add prestige as well as valuable human resources to the civil defense program. 2. MISSION. To utilize Reinforcement Designee Air Force reservists in civil defense activities in which they could be of great service to their communities. Air Force reservists could add valuable assistance in fallout shelter management, public information, education and training. Civil defense agencies have indicated they would welcome such assistance. 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations: Headquarters Fourth Air Force Reserve Region will coordinate the attachment and assignment of Reinforcement Designee reservists to civil defense agencies. State civil defense authorities will inform city and county agencies of availability of reservists'. Air Force reservists will be assigned to Air Reserve squadrons and flights and further detached to a civil defense agency in which they will perform duties pertaining to civil defense. For participating in this program the reservist will receive retirement points at the rate of one (1) for every two (2) hours of participa- tion not to exceed two (2) points for any one (1) day. While performing duty with a civil defense agency, the reservist, though assigned to a squadron or flight, will not be required to also attend squadron or flight meetings. b. Tasks: - (1) Hq 4AFRR will: (a) Maintain liaison through AFMSLO -CD with state civil defense directors, encouraging use of Air Force reserve manpower. (b) Obtain a listing of available personnel for participation in the civil defense program and provide information to state civil defense agencies. (c) Inform individual reservists of possible civil defense vacancies. (2) Commanders of Air Reserve squadrons and flights will: (a) Continue to coordinate all administrative functions of reservists participating in the civil defense program. (b) Authorize civil defense duties by properly initiating AF Form 40a. (3) State Civil Defense agencies will: (a) Inform city and county civil defense agencies of available reservist manpower. (b) Inform 4AFRR (0TR) by name and location of reservists recommended for duty with city and county agencies. (4) City and County Civil Defense agencies will: (a) Utilize services of reservists to assist in performing civil defense functions to provide the greatest benefit to the civil defense program. (b) Coordinate administrative procedures with Air Force reserve squadrons and flights. c. Coordinating Instruction: (1) The Fourth Mr Force Reserve Region (OTR) will forward copies of Civil Defense Questionnaire forms to Air Force reserve units. Each reservist assigned will complete this form. All forms will be returned to 4AFRR (0TR) one month after receipt. (2) The Fourth Air Force Reserve Region (OTR) will analyze the forms and forward to the respective state civil defense agency those applications from reservists whose qualifications are considered appropriate and who have indicated interest for assignment to civil defense activities. (3) The state civil defense agency will consider the applications for assignment to civil defense activities near the reservist's home. The state civil defense agency will forward to . city and county civil defense organizations and 4AFRR (0TR) information on reservists recommended for assignment. (4) Headquarters Fourth Air Force Reserve Region (0TR), upon receiving information from state civil defense agencies, will inform the reservist of his possible assignment and recommend that contact be made with civil defense authorities. Hq 4AFRR (OTR) will also inform the reservist's unit commander. (5) The Air Force Reserve Squadron Management Augmentees will monitor this civil defense program for the Air Force Reserve in their respective areas. Periodic liaison contacts will be effected between civil defense authorities and the Air Force Military Support Liaison Officer for civil defense in each state Adjutant General Department. This plan will become a part of the Mobilization Management Augmentee's ARS checklist and he will promote this program completely in accordance with directions in CAC letter "Air Reserve Squadron Management Augmentees" (Part I) dated 6 May 1966. (6) Each Air Force reservist engaging in the civil defense program will be sure the agency of assignment has a copy of this plan. Extra copies may be obtained through this headquarters or by local reproduction. 4. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS. a. Administration: (1) The Air Force Reserve unit commander will authorize participation in the civil defense program through the AF Form 40a. (2) Civil defense authorities will certify the attendance and participation of the reservist by use of AF Form 40a. (3) Unit commanders will assure participation credit for the reservists. b. Logistics: (1) Squadrons and flights will have no logistics responsibilities. (2) Civil defense agencies will furnish necessary supplies and equipment. 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Command: 4AFRR, DCS /O, will be the coordinating and directing command. b. Control: Communication as required. FOR THE COMMANDER GEORGE P. CALDWELL, Colonel, USAF TAB A DCS Operations Civil Defense Questionnaire 4AFRR OPLAN 355-3 HQ FOURTH AIR FORCE RESERVE REGION Randolph Air Force Base, Texas . 1 September 1968 TAB A CIVIL DEFENSE QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire to be returned to Hq 4AFRR (OTR) NAME RANK SERIAL NUMBER HOME ADDRESS CITY COUNTY STATE UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A CIVIL DEFENSE ASSIGNMENT? YES NO ARE YOU NOW INVOLVED IN CIVIL DEFENSE ACTIVITIES? YES NO DO YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE IN CIVIL DEFENSE WORK? YES NO LIST ANY EXTENSION COURSES, SCHOOL TOURS, OR CONFERENCES WHICH YOU HAVE ATTENDED (CIVILIAN AND MILITARY): INCLUDE YOUR PRESENT AND /OR PAST EXPERIENCES WHICH COULD BE EFFECTIVELY UTILIZED BY A LOCAL CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION: