HomeMy WebLinkAboutOperations Plan for Hazardous Material Accident by Rail or Truck 1981 BRAZOS COUNTY FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION voli \) 5Li Alft . 1 OPERATIONS PLAN FOR MAJOR INVOLVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT BY RAIL OR TRUCK In case of any major railroad derailment involving fire or known hazardous material in Brazos County or major accident by truck with hazardous materials, the following operational plan will be put into effect immediately. (Note - First action on any hazardous material incident anywhere in Brazos County, notify the Department of Public Safety - Sam Saxon, 846 -0012. Call CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center) 1- 800 -424 -9300 for advice on handling material. WARNING: Do not attempt to handle any materials without professional knowledge of the procedures. DISPATCHER 1. Notify BCFA Chief as soon as all first alarm trucks are dispatched. Notify appropriate VFD Precinct Chief. 2. Notify Department of Public Safety or have sheriff's office notify them. 3. Notify BCFA Fire Department Secretary. 4. Notify Bryan and College Station Fire Departments to stand by in case mutual aid is needed. Give them as many details as needed. 5. Dispatcher is to take care of fire phone first, radio second, notifications of required people third. FIRST ARRIVING COMPANIES 1. Size up the situation. Call CHEMTREC for instructions. 2. Your first priority is life safety, second protect exposures. Report immediately giving all details as you see them. 3. Secure the area, if life is in danger evacuate those in greatest peril and down -wind first. Request highway patrol to assist in evacuating windward side. OPERATIONS PLAN FOR MAJOR INVOLVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT BY RAIL OR TRUCK PAGE TWO VFD PRECINCT CHIEF 1. Set up staging area up wind from incident site. 2. Make sure all personnel are in full protective clothes. Do not commit any personnel to suppression until you know what you have. Get bills of lading and waybills from train crew or truck driver. 3. When bills of lading are obtained, contact dispatcher and advise of contents and have him contact CHEMTREC for information. 1- 800 - 424 -9300. 4. If unable to obtain bill of lading and tanker cars are leaking, or on fire, start immediate evacuation with priority of down -wind side. 5. Dispatch VFD precinct foam truck and personnel closest to incident, with neighboring units held on standby. BCFA CHIEF Set up command post upwind from accident site. Take charge of operation. VFD PRECINCT CHIEFS Report to BCFA Chief or assistant; in charge of all off duty personnel communi- cation and running any other incidents. BCFA SECRETARY Report to command post, assist in communications and information gathering. Notify members of Brazos Hazardous Accident Team. VFD PERSONNEL When you hear of incident automatically report to assigned station. LL >) i ' al Q N a) CI U r C •r LL C ' -0 O N a) t >! •r rp N its > U U r S_ X •r' a) •r a) a) C S_ crs CL F- = CL > Q 4- V) 0 a. a) C Da) C U CO N E E .{•) O rC 1— U Z 1 W i C 4-' J 0 C CS " •r Q) U i E CO CC r0 4--, CU W 4-- S_ 4- 4) a) C ca N ra a) p U r C 0 ^..... •r LL C O (1) a) L •r rtS N CC C r a) S_ ..— 05 CL F- -J 0 - r S- 0 > czC CC I-4 •r a) O •r _ Cr 4--) 0 U Li. L) + 04- CC C U 4) 4- J C) 3 O_ (t 0 Z CC F - LiJ U N Q Q N N O O W S N ¢ L) e.o.m.... C] 4- F- C] U O N CO 4- Q I-I N S.- s----• Q •r IV U CO a) LL_ S_ i--i Z S_ 4- CJ a) Z i--' COL CO t Q Q C'3 J . CC Q 4- +-) C) 1.--1 a) C CC S- a) ° LiJ •r E N >. r F- Li_ a) Q C L 4- i•) a) C CO ea a) O U r C V) L a) • (U O CO Ca U C) r S.. O C] a) S MS CL CC S- CL > r Q N Q 2 a) cs N L. C CU +-, r 4- C a) a) CU a) E 4- +) r C C] 'C) (O a) CJ C) _0 C •r a) ......• •r LL C (C O r 0 F- -C •r r N •r (..) U U •r S- > Q a) CO a) •r Sr > CL C.) CL Q