HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-CS Chamber of Commerce Program of Work; brochure (1979)B -CS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1979 Officers and Directors JUDITH RYCHLIK RICHARD C. PERKINS JOHN N. RANEY PHILIP SPRINGER R. L. "Dick" PEACOCK EDWARD E. HOLLEY ROBERT H. PLACE W. S. "Dub" PEARSON JOHN J. KOLDUS III HOMER B. ADAMS, Director L. D. BAILEY, Director JAMES B. BOND, Director JIMMY R. BROWN, Director CHARLI CALLAWAY, Director ZERLE LEON CARPENTER, Director SWITZER L. DEASON, Director E. GORDON GREGG, Director ALLAN W. HANSON, Director President Agriculture Division Vice President Civic Division Vice President Commercial _Division Vice President Industrial Division Vice President Organization Division Vice President Tourist and Convention Division Vice President Treasurer Immediate Past President ARTHUR HERWALD, Director WM. F. "Billy" HODGE, Director POLLY HOWARD, Director ARTHUR K. KING, I11, Director JOSE MONTEMAYOR, Director WM. F. PHILLIPS, JR., Director STANLEY SOMMERS, Director GEORGE K. WEIR, Director BRAZOS COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION, INC. 1979 officers and Directors R. L. "Dick" PEACOCK President JOHNNY LAMPO Vice President HARRY L. GILLAM Treasurer PAT N. MANN Secretary PERRY J. SHEPARD Immediate Past President MORRIS PETE CLARY,Director MERVIN D. PETERS, Director PRICE A. HOBGOOD, Director J. E. "Jocko" ROBERTS, Director PAUL L. NEALIS, Director THOMAS S. SALAMON, Director THE 1979 BLAZERS DON A. SMITH President MIKE TOMCHESSON Vice President DARLENE NICHOLS Secretary W. C. "Bill" LANDISS Immediate Past President JOHN H. ADAMS, Blazer KARMEN MULLINS, Blazer PHILLIP D. ADAMS, Blazer MARY NEWTON, Blazer JAMES BEHLING, Blazer MICHAEL G. PATRANELLA, Blazer LEE CARGILL, Blazer STEPHEN,J. PRINGLE, Blazer MILTON GATES, Blazer GREG SHRADER, Blazer DON MOORE, Blazer M. PATRICK SIEGERT, Blazer THE CHAMBER STAFF PAT N. MANN Executive Vice President JO HALSELL Office Manager VALERIE RASBERRY Secretary A Mesage from JOHN J. KOLDUS, III 1978 President The primary focus of the Executive Committee during the past year was to build and expand upon the solid program base which has been de- veloped by the Chamber in previous years. A major thrust was exerted to involve more of the many talented people in our community in the work of the Chamber through a well organized and active committee structure. Under the direction of the individual vice presidents, committees were formed to relate to the major programs and problems in each division. The concept proved to be a most viable one and we now have more people actively in- volved in the working effort than ever before. The committee approach has been the key to our success during the past year in building, expanding and promoting the programs and services offered by the Chamber. The accomplishments of the year have been many. To all of you who have made a contribution, the staff, the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and all who have served so ably on the committees, I extend my sincerest appreciation. RAY B. CRISWELL, SR. ARMAND D. FRANK JACK GARDNER HENRY W. HAWLEY JAMES D. INGRAM PERRY J. SHEPARD 4 BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Retiring Directors JAMES E. JETT DON LADEWIG GARY DAN RUDDER BRAZOS COUNTY INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION, INC. Retiring Directors B -CS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 401 S. Washington Ave. — Post Office Box 726 BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 (713) 779 -2278 JAMES C. SMITH B -CS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 19'79 PROGRAM OF WORK 11111 alfa Progress is a w A Message from JUDITH RYCHLIK 1979 President The vibrant atmosphere created by the excellent growth and prosperity of our community, and the solid foundation laid by the Bryan - College Station Chamber of Commerce over the past years provide us with the opportunity to make significant con- tributions through our Chamber of Commerce and its "1979 Program of Work." The Chamber's Goal focuses on the continuing and cooperative development of our two cities and the expansion of a diversified economic base which will benefit the entire community. The rapid growth of Texas A &M University, the recent development of our oil, gas and lignite resources, the establishment of major industrial facilities, our geo- graphical location, a good climate, and the friendly, energetic people who are willing to devote their time and talents toward making Bryan - College Station an even better place in which to live and work are our strongest assets. In fulfilling our goals for the coming year, special emphasis will be placed on expanding the Chamber membership through the work of our Blazers Organ- ization, and increasing the opportunities for greater member involvement through active participation on Division committees. Our community's assets are strong. Our potential is great. Let us, together, strive to realize our potential. AGRICULTURE DIVISION RICHARD C. PERKINS Vice President The fundamental objective of the Agriculture Divi- sion is to support agricultural activities in the area. A secondary goal is to develop relationships which will promote a better understanding of agri- culture in the area. We will achieve our objectives through: 1. Continued support of the Brazos County Youth Livestock Association in the promotion and production of the Brazos County Youth Livestock Sale and Auction. 2. Support and work to fulfill goals for further construction and furnishing of the Brazos County Multi- Purpose Livestock Facility. 3. Cooperation and close working relationships with Agricultural Extension Service Committees in the local area. 4. Support of the Texas A &M Farm Operations Annual Field Day. 5. Support and work closely with youth organizations such as local 4 -H and Future Farmers of America Chapters. COMMERCIAL DIVISION PHILIP SPRINGER Vice President In 1979 the Commercial Division will: 1. Sponsor special programs to promote Bryan - College Station as a regional trade center. 2. Sponsor professional seminars and workshops to improve management capabilities of local businesses. 3. Further the good relationship between the business community and Texas A &M University. 4. Sponsor the Annual Holiday Parade with emphasis on increased participa- tion of citizens and civic organizations. 5. Improve the way in which the business community is perceived and valued. INDUSTRIAL DIVISION R. L. "Dick" PEACOCK Vice President The Industrial Division will continue to promote economic activity in Bryan - College Station. The in- dustrial efforts of the community were increased in both manpower and money during 1978. The last six months of 1978 were very active with industrial prospects, and 1979 is starting with con- siderable activity. The Vice President of the Industrial Division serve as the President of the Brazos County Industrial Foundation. The combined program of work will include efforts to expand our economic base by working with our existing industry and having an active solicitation program for new payrolls for our community. As in the past, the Industrial Division will continue to seek the assistance and cooperation of our industrial allies and make visits to their offices when visiting their respective cities. ORGANIZATION DIVISION EDWARD E. HOLLEY Vice President TREASURER W. S. "Dub" PEARSON The treasurer will supervise receipts and disburse- ments of the organization's funds and maintain the records in accordance with generally accepted ac- counting principals. Prepare and present a monthly statement of oper- ations and a current budget analysis at each meeting of the Board of Directors. Conduct with the assistance of an accredited CPA firm an annual audit the conclusion of the Chamber of Commerce year. will also The Organization Division will continue to provide adequate support to insure completion of the 1979 Program of Work of the Chamber. This Division will supervise all organizational procedures to achieve the following goals: 1. Appoint a budget committee to prepare and submit an adequate budget to finance the Chamber of Commerce for 1979. 2. Provide necessary equipment and personnel for efficient operation of the Chamber office. 3. Coordinate motivational activities and Chamber membership through the Blazers. Provide laison between Blazers and Board of Directors. 4. Plan and implement the Annual B -CS Chamber of Commerce Banquet. 5. Continue to keep citizens informed of Chamber activities through news media and slide presentations. 6. Promote interest and goodwill through area Chamber of Commerce Ban- quets and invitations to Chamber members to attend Chamber Board meetings. at TOURIST & CONVENTION DIVISION ROBERT H. PLACE Vice President The Tourist and Convention Division's main objec- tives will be to attract as many conventions and meetings as possible to our community and to promote the numerous local attactions and services already available for tourists as web as our area residents. The Brazos County Park has been completed and will provide the multi -use facilities necessary for conventions and meetings of various sizes and types. The Chamber's Advisory to the County Park Committee will work closely with the Brazos Center Director. The Information and Hospitality Center of Brazos Valley has been established and will be available to help promote our community. The Chamber will work closely with the Center through the Advisory Committee. Professional brochures and slide presentations will be used to advertise our area for conventions and tourism. Cooperate in the development of an Annual Spring Round -Up — "Brazos De Dios." This will include a parade, barbeque, band concert, fireworks, street dances and many other activities. 4 CIVIC DIVISION JOHN N. RANEY elm Vice President Transportation, civic development, public affairs and natural resources are areas to which the Civic Division will direct its efforts. All of these areas affect the business climate in our community. Special emphasis will be placed upon public af- fairs and promotion of the free enterprise system. 1. TRANSPORTATION Air, rail and highway transportation facilities are important to the eco- nomic development of our community. We will work to see that the needs of the community are met in these areas. 2. CIVIC DEVELOPMENT Continue the support of programs intended to improve the quality of life in our community. a. Beautification of the community b. Recreational needs and facilities 3. NATURAL RESOURCES Support the Corps of Engineers in the development of water, lignite and other resources on the Navasota River. 4. PUBLIC AFFAIRS a. Establishment of committees responsible for keeping the business community aware of governmental activity. b. Continue support of ACTION CALL. c. Establish a program to be presented to various civic groups which promotes the free enterprise system.