HomeMy WebLinkAboutTornado Warning - Officer directions -2- move into predetermined watch locations or other stations as needs arise for weather intelligence reports. G. Unusual weather condition reports received by the Department of Public Safety, Sheriff's Department, Texas Highway Department, or other law enforce- ment agencies will be relayed to the Tornado Warning Officer either at the Radar Room or the Communication Center. H. The Brazos County RACES officer will alert all RACES units; infor- mation on weather conditions in areas roughly southwest to northeast of Brazos County within a range of approximately 75 miles will be relayed to the RACES officer. The County RACES officer will keep the Tornado Warning Officer in- formed of unusual weather conditions in outlying areas such as: a. large hail, b. high winds, c. extremely heavy rainfall. III. TORNADO WARNING A. When the Tornado Warning Officer, either by radar detection or spotters reports, determines that a tornado warning must be issued, he will take the following action: 1. If the tornado path threatens the cities of Bryan or College Station: a. Notify the Communication Center to activate the public warning signals and put the tornado warning plan in operation. b. Call the local news agencies for an emergency broadcast of the impending danger. 2. Local police units, sheriff department units, and Department of Public Safety units, when applicable, will supply their headquarters with current in- formation on funnel path and direction of travel. 3. Department communication officers will keep the Tornado Warning Officer advised of pertinent information for advance warning of the tornado path. 4. All emergency Civil Defense units such as rescue, citizens band, Races, medical, etc., will report to their division officers and stand by for emer- gency assignments. IV. RURAL TORNADO WARNING 1. When determined by the Tornado Warning Officer that a tornado threatens an area outside the cities of Bryan and College Station, he will immediately: