HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Various Correspondence AUSTIN- TRAVIS COUNTY HEALTH UNIT CO- OPERATING AGENCIES � °« DIRECTOR CITY OF AUSTIN B. M. PRIMER. M.D., M.P.H. COUNTY OF TRAVIS ADDRESS STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH �- AUSTIN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1313 SABINE STREET PH. GR 6 -8311 AUSTIN PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER AUSTIN 1, TEXAS March 1, 1962 ALL COUNTY AND CITY CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTORS IN DISTRICT 6 -B Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Dear Sir: The Texas State Department of Health in cooperation with the Office of Civil Defense has announced that a "Radiological Defense Instructor's Course" will be conducted in Austin on March 26 -29. The Course is tentatively scheduled to be held in the Aud- itorium of the Austin- Travis County Health Department located at 1313 Sabine Street. This Course is being held for the purpose of training instructors who, upon success- ful completion of the Course will be capable of teaching Radiological Defense Monitor- ing Courses in their home counties. Upon completion of the Course, the instructors will be qualified to receive training instruments and a radioactive source set to aid in their training of monitors. The student who attends this Course should, at least, have completed high school, and preferably have some college training. The student should agree to hold Radiological Monitoring Courses in his home county when instruments become avail- able. There is no cost connected with the course but the expenses incurred by the student must be his own responsibility. This Course is the equivalent of the Radiological Defense Instructor's Course given in Battle Creek, Michigan, or Alameda, California. We are very fortunate to be able to have it here in Austin. If you have some one who would like to take this course, please have him write me, giving his name, address, and occupation, and we will send him a program of the course as soon as possible. We will be limited in the number of people who can take this training so please pick those men who you feel would be well - qualified and would be able to assist in training others in your county. Very truly yours, H. E. Hargis Radiological Defense Officer District 6 -B 1313 Sabine HEH:fes TEXAS ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 15, 1962 RADIATION BIOLOGY LABORATORY � + 14r. Jake Cangelose Director Brazos County Civil Defense Organ. Brazos County Court house Bryan, Texas Dear iiir Cangelose: After much deliberation, I have decided that it would be best for the Civil Defense Organization of this county if I withdrew as County Radiolog- ical Officer. I simply do not have the time to consider the problems of this organization proper- ly when all of my time is absorbed in my teaching, research and college responsibilities. To hold a public trust is admirable, but only if that trust can be ir;.plimented with honest, thoughtful effort. The latter, I find myself unable to give under the present situation. If I may be of some slight service to the organ- ization in the future, please feel free to call on me, for it is with reluctance that I tender this resignation. Sincerely, CLEA: George Krise CC: J.A. Davis, had. Safety Officer, Campus 311 Bluegrass Bryan, Texas July 30, 1962 Brazos County Civil Defense Office Bryan, Texas Dear Sirs: While attending American Legion Girls' State, I tecame interested in the Civil Defense Program. Finding that our high school had not initiated a program, I began plans to start one. Could you send all information pertaining to such programs and suggestions that might aid in beginning our plan? The school newspaper, The Corral, will print articles to gain student interest; therefore, any material that could be used would also be appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely ` vaJ c,h \ e„ Sharon Hatten JOHN M. BARRON District Judge O F. T. COLE W. C. DAVIS ( 41E F �• Clerk of District Court County Judge / A. B. SYPTAK RAYMOND Judge NOLAN x County Clerk D. r\ D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 1 0 _ _ _ a County Attorney GEORGE DUNN • o • RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD Commissioner Precinct No. 3 B. V. ELKINS County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 J. W. HAMILTON J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Sheriff 25 July 1 9 ( '''? Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Commander American Legion Post 159 Highway 21 East Bryan, Texas. Dear Sir: The Brazos County Civil Defense Organization solicits the active cooperation of your membership in promoting the Civil Defense effort in this County. We have been advised by the Department of Defense that your Post has been furnished an information kit titled "Organized Action for Civil Defense ". We would like to have an appoint- ment to meet with your membership to discuss the Brazos County Civil Defense Organization and the current status of the shelter survey being conducted in this County. If you have appointed a committee to work on this project we would be pleased to have you send us the name of the Chairman or member that we can work with in setting up and carrying out this program. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this vital endeavor. Sincerely, ale angelose Direc or Brazr.s County Civil Defense 7 r • 1003 Hereford Street College Station, Texas 31 August 1962 Mr . Jake Cangelose Director, Brazos County Civil Defense 402 Mitchell Street Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Cangelose: I regret to inform you that I must resign from my position as Administrative Officer, Brazos County Civil Defense Organization, effective 31 August 1962. I am moving from the Bryan - College Station area to Montgomery, Alabama on 5 September 1962. I have enjoyed being associated with the dedicated people that are a part of the Brazos County Civil Defense Organization. They deserve more recognition from the general public for their unselfish efforts to provide an effective organization to serve the community in time of disaster. I wish that I had been able to see the job through and complete the projects that are planned. My best wishes to you and all of the members of this patriotic group. Sincerely, Atc74, ?F, Ra and H. Lock Lt. Col. USAF (Ret . ) RHL:nr Copies to: Judge W. C . Davis Mr . Fred Sandlin Mr . Ran Boswell Mr. John Hill 0 .)‘..... i z _ e / /'8 /E / ,,,,eP ,e- -1- p / i al/1/4 L■i i t e " 0 ' L ' / ',61a5....,4- 71;1 el e1.6(": AO .114d .1 ..a If , ' / ( a --- relt ,_ . _ A a , ( .d Y /r AP'- L. .L , / r.. 6 / i fr 1 -1f' r 4.24.11rdir, ,..4 --...-''Z... 0 1/4.. , LL,ew _ j try , , 2 4-7-ve AA_4:, .67c2, et.„,c,4 %vs...". .1_,...,,.1...i4f 7 ,41‘v /tad° .,e4,,t, s� a.,..c, 7 j 1816 Hill Hedge Drive Montgomery, Alabama. 1 October 1962. Mr. Jake Cangelose 402 Mitchell Bryan, Texas. Dear Jake: Thank you for your letter and the certificate. I received the check from Mr. Syptak the same day. We have been enjoying the beautiful fall weather here lately. I'ontgomery has so many large trees and large old Southern Mansions it is nice to drilae around and look at them. I expect the foliage will really be nice by the last of this month. I am still waiting for the State to come through with the new budget so I can go to work. I em tired of loafing as I don't have the income to really enjoy it. I am trying to become associated with one of the large real estate firms that also does developing so when I Fet ready to buy a house I will be on the inside and know where the best buys can be had. I visited the City Civil Defense Office. They have three full time people and run everything through the City and Coubty government. They use their firm- department to identify fall out shelter areas. When they make their fire inspections they also check on the suitability of the building for shelter space.All persons working in Civil Defense are either deputized by the SherrifX or The Chief Of Police and are issued regular police identification so if it is necessary for them to go on duty the public will recognize and respect them as they would a regular police officer. They do j a real complete plan. The plans are written by the varios departments under the guidance of the CD Director. Any information you want on the details of their operation can be had. Fust let me know and I will get it for you. 0h,by deputizing everyone by Ordfnanee they can also use all of the law enforcement communication facilities. Thanks again for everything and let me hear from you. Sinc ely, R:H. L k VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 0? THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TEXAS DISTRICT NUZBER 17 211 Pershing College Station,Texas October 10, 1962 ERE IS THE "DOPS" FOR OUR NEXT DISTRICT MEETING or DISTRICT 17j PLACIit YJ. #. Hone in Navasota, Texas DATE W.v.aber 11, (Sunday), 1962 TIME: OPEN METING STARTS "tT 10300 AN. BUSINESS MEETING 1 :00 PM. (No boring speakers or long -drawn -out meetings will be in evidence at this meeting.) OTHER DATA* The post will serve a delicious dinner for 11.25 for *alb person present. (Guests of Honor excepted.) We will be honored with the following speakers at the morning session: The Honorable William T.(Bill) Moire Texas State Senator from the llth District of Texas. This -well -known legislator is a fine speaker and iikinps delivers a splendid message. Mr. Jake Cangelooe the Director of Civil Defence for Brazos County, will speak on Civil Defense - a timely subject for this day and time. Junior Vice - Commander KR E1 K of the Department of Texan LI4W. A hard - working member who is known for his ability to talk, but we will "pop" him one if he goes overboard. No doubt one of the Department Officers of the Texas V.F.W. Ladies° Auxiliary. You may be sure our geed friend and comrade Judge "Bill" '3arron and Commander Adrean Hughey will riake us all welcome. I respectfully request all Pest Commanders and Ladies' Auxiliary Presidents send out special cards for this meeting and a few days before the gathering "jack up" some of the good members via. telephone. I'LL SP.E YOU IN NAVASOTA ON SUNDAY'. WOUNNOM 4, . 1962: P.S. The post in Navasota will sponsor a dance by a top orchestra on Saturday night, November 10, 1962. If you want to stay over Saturday night call Judge "Bill' Barron in Navasota and he will make reservations for you and yours. Yours in Comradeship, C OY E BLtTM Commander JOHN M. BARRON F. T. COLE T O� Clerk of District Court District Judge A. B. SYPTAK C o C. DAVIS County Clerk County Judge x+„ �'; �' - RAYMOND A. NOLAN E� 'f ,;r D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 1 a County Attorney GEORGE DUNN u� RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Tax Assessor - Collector Commissioner Precinct No. 2 CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County VITOPIL BRYAN TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Counn ty Lr J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 S W. HAMILTON Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Sheriff BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL MIME OFFICE Nov. 8, 1962 TO: EXECUTIVE DEPT. DIV. OD DE LNSE I ND DISASTER RELI -7 AUSTD'I TEXAS ITTN: MR. MARION BO D. t OP: R` TI ONS OFFICER Dear Mr. Bowden, Inclosed you will find another cony of our County Base Plan and the approval signatures of our oounty and city officials es 88 reccommended by you. Also we have inclose' our c list of, appointee personnel which Ere certified by the local county and city goverment and I hone you can bring your files upt to date for literature mailing, etc. Although we have completed almost half of annex nlens I have not inclosed them as of this time. I will still have to cross coordinate the rest end probably make minor changes. I will mail the o you ogram this has bean oomnleted. We ere cur -ently working on and will forwerd it in the near future. If there is any further recoommendatione you would like to make plea se feel free to do so, we can use ell the help we can get. . "incerely Yours, Take CangloEJe,DiXeetor Brazos County Civil Defense :W • -I SN A\ , . d S EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF AUSTIN, TEXAS PRICE DANIEL JAMES H. GARNER GOVERNOR November 14, 1962 STATE COORDI NATOR Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: Thanks for the copy of your County Civil Defense Plan and list of personnel with civil defense assignments. We will be looking forward to receipt of the annexes as well as your program paper. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Sincerely yours, 7-0 --e Marion P. Bowden Operations Officer MPB:mp MEETING Foil. INTE VIE DING APPLICANTS NUVENBitt 21, 1962 (Available for half - time) Administrative officer: fir. C.A. Bonner 10 :30 Chairman : Ir. Fred Sandlin Time : Could put half time. Three to five years Agr. Economics : ;social Security Projected program planning and committee work background and school board. (kresident) 11 :05 Mr. W. I. Chennault gave 1 week expenses-);:.. County offic- i.ianager- Bosque leave tomorrow ) 14cCellan Co. information: State ASC- 16 cunties supervise field muse Dist. 1c cuntr .es Supervision 11:30 .Ur, Alsmeyer. No retirement problems ( Max. 1/2 tine) Experience: 28 years extension service 2 years voc. agric. , public 600 Woodson Drive school. Philippines 26 months Bryan Iran 2 years (ualamalla 1 year Supervisory and planning- extension Agr. program individual judgement. Publicity background __ - ._ X »'' ^ � ~~~-~- . ' . � k ���� � // ' / '�'�-, � � � ^".~� "_- -_ ���~ ^z c� ' / / -�-mm�_u�� (A.44. ���q �«�.�/ / , �_� � . * " .���l��� , �_(��' , -- , -e-"0~Z * ____44.4iLLLt4 0 '' '-e`14/iA4ev , 1 La H i kdayi - E.,(44 . -t - ( . , , , L — Itztei41 . t-c.,:411 4„,,,r4,,x_A, t f()'\Ar-ort)14,— -Q-P---xlq--H 00-‘,\_AA...t)..tim \e ,,,,, m ___ ( j _ t _L - 0 ,._ 6 _ ... „,, ct k.-- ( -0,, % i . 17 . .) 4- ..4tre-Ct. 1-t-ti-k i l Lops 4:0 ,)04/-4v).-t_t_,Iik -- e 1 tt ,. 4 1,4" 1 24,,,..„): , t i 0a - ).-0., 1 5A4 in C • i ld '`'`14/.:- - • i "--1441 . c?-7-4-AtiA/e eatva-Ati . _ i i : , a 1;- A ,..,,___ . I %-----r---,-----ir-i, 7-to h-t.....t.:,,es.#,„d- 6 1-‘49/..._ _..ft- A O eits‘ii.,8, a .Zke..._ c24,,,..d*L4til / cr t _ 1 S'-`1121/.ff4'ir .4____ 1 - ,,,t4A41 --- .--+ 9,----1,4--4 4-p.f.,4,..if,,,j.,_ a941---e:4:1-i- aotir-f---4) - ---- -- -- - \- - '__ -___- ` � '~ - . . JOHN M. BARRON District Judg W. C. DAVIS County Judg �.re O� RAYMOND A. NOLAN to F. T. COLE Commissioner g te Clerk of District Court Precinct No. 1 �� `�� GEORGE DUNN L" , r /\ %` A. B. SYPTAK Commissioner County Clerk Precinct No. 2 , , CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD a ° D. BROOKS ° Coun COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 3 Preci W. tY Attorney A. STASNY RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No Preci 4 B Tax Assessor - Collector F. J. VITOPIL B. V. ELKINS County Auditor COUNTY County Treasurer J. W. HAMILTON W. D. BUNTING Sheriff BRYAN, TEXAS County School Superintendent H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Brazos County Civil Defense Office Nov. 27, 1962 Mr. C.A. Bonnet 20 1 Lee College Stn, Deer Sir, interviewing This is to notify you of a dminsttetiveoomr�itep In regards to the nation taken b of t3ror� thetasition of by the The c"!_ttee csivil defense th,P of the best felt they had the erivi /e decision. etuitte ed deJ_i ti � extx�eme2y difficult, of th is ^ttn� of interviewing be,�� Mr. , howe Y arid eu on and The Henry ° lsmey rF s e ver after much df lCUSS� f yo' interest end ?LCD "�.Pselfx.o ec:d to P111 the nrt t2me in t`r`el feel 9 ate host f. the a n teres .dean t o you to your c on involved g thi., `oitr } *J ' "'hich due �RUnity. • indicates your civic interest in Thanki you again for your time and interest, tin, Sincerely Yours Ake Canglose , Director Brezeo County Civil. Defense JOHN M. BARRON F. T. COLE District Judge �'�E OF Clerk of District Court W. C. DAVIS A. B. SYPTAK County Coun Judge 111 ^ ` � > �` County Clerk RAYMOND A. NOLAN H / :' a1 D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 1 County Attorney GEORGE DUNN ° ° RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 J. W. HAMILTON J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Sheriff Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 To: Mr. wan. Sorrell, College Station 6ity Museger Mr. ?red Daradlin, Dryan City tlwesgeat County Judge W C. Davis Fromm: Jake Canglose, Director, kazoo County Civil Defense Inclosed mown' find a statement tress Deratlmratess $tats Telephone Company for $15.50, Aids bas bees billed to the Department of Oceanography end Meteorology, Radar Obse ry etien Deems is per *grimmest with Mr. $mndlin, Mr. Dosusil, acrd Judge Davis, we will pay this statement on a rotation basis until odor sources can be flawed to support payment. This ragmen is due to the lashed funds 'which have in the past been furnished by as rrseareah project. itho telephone is needed as a Civil Defense function for tornado wends* and is the only telephone available day or night in the Radar Observation &canto. Tour cooperation is sialeamrely pireciated. (7. V/Ve cc: Mr. John Rill _/t JOHN M. BARRON District Judge �,TE O4 ('AUNT F. T. COLE W. C. DAVIS p4 ,, ? ,NSE Clerk of District Court d' C� k: B. SYPTAK County Judge : ,� L .- 1 " county Clerk RAYMOND A. NOLAN E~ i� ! i n 4). Commoner ect No. 1 County Attorney GEORGE DUNN � • a • RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 1. W. HAMILTON J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Sheriff Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Civil Defense Office Nov. 26, 1962 Courthouse, Bryan Texas The Honorable W.C. Davis County hidge Brazos County, Texas Dear .'fudge Davis, Col. R.H. Looks moved to rlabama to accent >a position in Montgomery and a committee consisting of 'Mr. Fred Sandlin, Mr. Ran Bosewell, Mr. John Hill and. Mr. Bennie Zinn was appointed to find a replacement for the job Col. Locke vacated. This oommittee interviewed three highly qualified anslioants; Mr. C.A. Bonnen, Mr. W.I. Chennault end MSr. Henry n lsmeyer. Of this group Mr. Alsmeyer was *x reocommended to fill the position of administrative officer on a half time basis with a salary of 100 dollar;y per month end a oar allowance of 188 dollars per month on a shared basis of 40% for Bryan, 401 for Brazos County and 20% for College Sta., contingent on approval of all th ree political subdivisions. Inclosed you will find a program naner with the items checked which we feel should be accomplished in order to provide this area with a proper defense program. This program natter was develone "d by the State Civil Defense Office End receonmen88d for local planning, The committee and myself agreo that due to the workload and travel required to complete our routine planning, fallout shelter and monttoring objectives, the above listed salary is conservative. 1 sincerely hone the above reccommendetions will meet with the County Commissioners and your approval. Sineerely ?ours, Jake Conglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense JOHN M. BARRON District Judge — W C. DAVIS 9 �TE 0� F. T. COLE �� Clerk of District Court County Judge A. B. SYPTAK NOLAN RAYMOND A. County Clerk Commissioner Precinct No. 1 H G� 07 D. BROOKS COFER, JR. GEORGE DUNN County Attorney Commissioner Precinct No. 2 o RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD Tax Assessor - Collector Commissioner Precinct No. 3 B. V. ELKINS W. A. STASNY BRAZOS County Treasurer Commissioner Precinct No. 4 COUNTY W. D. BUNTING F. J. VITOPIL County School Superintendent County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 J. W. HAMILTON Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Sheriff J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DFSIENST OFFIO'' NOV. 27, 1962 Mr. W.I. Chenaul, 307 Francis College Sta. Dear This is to notify you of the action taken by the interviewing committee in regards to the :.:position of civil defense adminstrative officer. The committee felt they had the nrivilage of interviewing three of the best qualified citizens of this community and the decision was extremely difficult, howover after much discuerion and dsliberattion lir. Henry Ale eyar was recoor>tmended to till the poet. The committee end myself feel vary grateful to you for your interest and time in considering this position which due to the comnensetion involved, indicates your civic interest in your community. Thanking you again for your time end interest, I remain, Sincerely Yours Jake Cenglose , .Director Brazes County Civil Peftinse JOHN M. BARRON F. T. COLE District Judge �E F. Clerk of District Court � ' T� A. B. SYPTAK W. C. DAVIS � h County Clerk County Judge 7. " RAYMOND A. NOLAN HI `B I1 D. BROOKS COFER, JR. County Attorney Commissioner Precinct No. 1 RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN GEORGE DUNN • ° • Tax Assessor - Collector Commissioner Precinct No. 2 CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD County E Commissioner Precinct No. 3 Cty Trreasueasu rer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY D. BUNTING Co Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 F. J. VITOPIL BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 County Auditor J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 J. W. HAMILTON Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 Sheriff BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DLFF NSL COUTY COUKTHVJSE BRYAN TEXAS LhC.1,1962 TO: MR. JOHN W. HILL CIVIL Dalin %i. DIALCTOH A LM AN d COLLEGE: STA. COLLEGE OTATI(M TEXAS Dear Mr. Hill, you will find two packets containin license forms and registration Komi. The packet m arke4 approve shelters contains license forms in triplicate, all three copies must be signed and the origual anu the second copy with all att- achments must be returned to this office so that we can get our shelter requisitions in for supplies required to stock these shelters. If ally license is rejected note must se attached to the license form indicating the reason. (this is reqquire. by federal) There are three civil defense registration forms for appointment et a shelter manager, an asst. and a radiological aimitor. The forms can be filled in at a later date ana_ original copy must be returned to this office so that training of personnel can be accomplished . It is suggeeters that personnel normally connected with blags be desi,nsteu it possible. The packet containing forms for seconczary shelters contain ohs license form which has tau copies. The original must be signed and retarneu to this office. The registration roans is for shelter managers and one asst. only. Only one copy need to returned. You wily probably notiee that I did not inclose registration forms for all hides. this due to the fact that these Plugs are already listed as approved shelters ant persokawl i'urms have already been furnishes:. I sincerely hope this meets with your approval and there ie any question please contact., rye. Sincerely Tours, Canglose, £Director 6rascus County Civil .defense JOHN M. BARRON F. T. COLE District Judge EKE 0 ,0 , Clerk of District Court W. C. DAVIS 9 r' �� A. B. SYPTAK • County Judge � 1L County Clerk • RAYMOND A. NOLAN D. BROOKS COFER, JR. Commissioner Precinct No. 1 0 County Attorney • GEORGE DUNN RAYMOND B. BUCHANAN Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Tax Assessor - Collector CLYDE J. PORTERFIELD B. V. ELKINS Commissioner Precinct No. 3 County Treasurer W. A. STASNY BRAZOS COUNTY W. D. BUNTING Commissioner Precinct No. 4 County School Superintendent F. J. VITOPIL H. L. GRAHAM, Place No. 1 County Auditor BRYAN, TEXAS Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 1. W. HAMILTON J. L. JOHNSON, Place No. 2 Sheriff Justice of Peace, Precinct 4 BRAZOS COUNTY OIVIL DFFErSF ac r O !IcuS BRYAN MPS Dee. 3, 1962 Mr. Gus W tkins Chairmen College Station Community Chest Dear Me. r atkins, We have a dedicated grown of radio t n.,teurss who are ?presently engaged in trying to out together a coenbinetion Civil Defense oorlL+rn nications fend rescue ven. This unit will be used es a civil defense unit manned send outfitted by thin group as a public service. Alec, that' elan to nut in our control ctenter et the Courthouse a ccmmunict tion sot so that we can estebliah our RACES system which ie a b ele --nn car. mun.1cetinr_ system for cur regular ^tote to local goverment system in times of e netionei mnergency. This communication is also ulaed on lac el emergencies such es the time the Grant girl was lost and other rescue work E .d. emergdncies such es tarneidoes. The work and part of the equipment is being furnished by these men on voluntery basis mad they hove need for some ad.ditionel equipment which will post about 300. doi1>✓.rs I sincerely hone if you breve any monies left over from your drive that you will Consider this request as I believe that end results of this project is for the service of our citizens in times of emergenoy. This grown is known es the Brazos floe ;.tyn Arattentrelbseepx Radio Aneteur Corp during peace time and is Headed un by '2r. Charles Burris Who is the Civil Defense Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Officer. Thanking you in advs.nee for your consideration I remain, Sincerely Yours, Take Cenglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense co / % e station (111/ltD CREST December 5, 1962 Mr. Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Mr. Canglose: This will acknowledge your letter of December 3 asking for $300.00 from the College Station United Chest to support communications for Brazos County Civil Defense. Dean Watkins is out of the country and I am Acting Chairman until his return on December 17. In anticipation of an over - subscription of the United Chest, our board at its last meeting appointed a committee to consider what should be done with the over - subscription. We have our next meeting of the board on December 14, at which time the committee may be ready to report. I am therefore holding your letter for referral to this committee and for action on your request by the board at its next meeting. Sincerely yours, I. l n C. Calhoun, Jr, Ac ing Chairman cc - Dean G. M. Watkins FORM 11 THE SOUTHWESTERN STATES TELEPHONE COMPANY Bryan, Texas December 5, 1962 Mr. Jake Cangelose Brazos County Civil Defense County Courthouse Bryan, Texas Dear Sir: With reference to your letter of December 1, 1962, concerning points of fixed communications that I believe warrants having police security during a national emergency, I am listing such points below with name of person in charge of such places and their home telephone numbers. Bryan Central.Office - J. R. Witt -TA -3 -1277 Bryan Operating Room - Mrs. Betty Windell -TA 2 -3356 College Station - J. R. Witt TA 3 - 1277 Also, I hope to be able to give you a report on the proposed re -. arrangment of telephones in the courthouse, which you and I discussed, within the next week or so. Yours truly, onara B. Harris Division Traffic Supervisor, LBH : yr -7 - 1 7/ 6 / 9' __ J BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL D7FF7S1 Dec. 12, 1962 Bryn Texe2 MR. LEONARD HARRIS DIVISTON TRAFFICE MANAGER SOUTHWESITRN STPITS TELEPHONE 00. Dear Sir: In refen. to our planning for control center oneration in the besement of the county courthouse, I hale listed below the telerbones which if nossible, should. be mach available ia caee of a nette::el emerp:ency. TA-20777 Civil Defense TA County Fudge It-24915 Commissioners TA - 28875 Shariff TA-31188 Sheriff TA-22089 Jan TA-26111 Dent Of Public Safety TA-35142 " " (class) TA-24420 Constable TA-22069 County Atty TA-36939 Dist Judge TA-22559 Dist Clerk TA-24714 Probation Officer TA-27169 Tustice of Peace TA-26031 " If I cen be of any assistance rleese contact me, Sincerely Yours, Xeke Oangtese, Director Brazos County Civil Defense