HomeMy WebLinkAboutNational Company Transceiver NCX-1000 1971 SAVE TIME AND MONEY - USE THIS REPLY MESSAGE FORM TO FROM NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY BRAZOS CO. CIVIL DEFENSE DIVISION OF NATIONAL CO., INC. COUNTY COURTHOUSE 37 WASHINGTON STREET BRYAN, BRAZOS CO., TEXAS MELROSE, MASSACHUSETTS 02176 PHONE 617- 665 -4800 NCX -1000 �/� SUBJECT f i eJ6age Dear OM: We will take any National Company Transceiver you may have in trade plus $735.00 for a NEW NCX - 10001 Interested? Return pink copy with order. 73's DATE June 2, 1971 SIGNED Max J. Fuchs, WA1NJG Rep L DATE SIGNED 87 -mi RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER NCX - 1000 .,, �� • 5 BAND SOLID STATE KK... • KILOWATT TRANSCEIVER 0 _ -* • � FEATURES NRCI's NCX-1000 amateur radio transceiver is the "no- nonsense" result of an engineering chal- NCX -1000 SPECIFICATIONS AND RATINGS lenge to combine, in a single package, a solid GENERAL: state receiver of unparalleled performance, an exciter of exceptional capability, a linear ampli- FREQUENCY RANGE: 3.5 to 4.0 MHz, 7.0 to 7.5 M MHz, 14.0 to 14.5 MHz, 21.0 to 21.5 MHz, 28.0 to fier, and a power supply. The NCX -1000 proves 30.0 MHz. Crystal supplied for the 28.5 to 29.0 that the challenge has been successfully answered MHz segment; three optional crystals required for complete 10 meter coverage. MODES OF with a top performance, high reliability amateur OPERATION: USB, LSB, AM, CW, with FSK capability with external converters. DIAL CALI- radio station. Check these outstanding features: BRATION: 5 kHz, identical on all bands. STABILITY: Nominal 100 Hz after 10 minute • Solid state except for driver and linear warm -up. METERING: PA plate current, PA amplifiers, screen current, PA plate voltage, receiver S units. POWER SUPPLY: Built -in, with internal • Five bands - 80 through 10 meters. jumpers to allow operation on either 117 or 234 VAC. • SSB- CW -AM, with FSK capability. Selec- RECEIVER: table sideband. SENSITIVITY: Less than 0.5 uv for 10 db S+ N/N • Rugged 8122 final amplifier for ultimate in ratio. SELECTIVITY: 2.7 kHz (crystal lattice efficiency and reliability. 400 watt plate filter). RECEIVER DYNAMIC RANGE: 105 db. dissipation. IMAGE AND IF REJECTION: Better than 60 db. IN -BAND INTERNALLY GENERATED SPURIOUS • Modular construction, plus transistor SIGNALS: Less than equivalent 1 uv at antenna sockets. terminal. AGC: Fast attack, slow decay. AGC RESPONSE: Signal increase from 10 pv to 0.1v • 1000 watts PEP input on SSB, 1000 watts will produce no more than 6 db rise in audio out - CW (normal duty cycle), and 500 watts AM put. AUDIO OUTPUT: 2 watts minimum into or FSK. 3.2 ohms. Monitor speaker built -in. • RF speech clipper for effective 2 kW PEP TRANSMITTER: talk power. POWER INPUT: 1000 watts PEP on SSB, 1000 watts CW (normal CW duty cycle, 500 watts AM • Built -in 117/234 VAC power supply. or FSK. KEYING: Grid block on CW. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE: 25 to 100 ohms (minimum tuning Thus, the NCX -1000 is the one transceiver that range of pi network). CARRIER AND OPPOSITE SIDEBAND SUPPRESSION: Greater than 40 db. offers, in a single desk -top equipment, a high INTERMODULATION DISTORTION PRODUCTS: More than 25 db down (two -tone test). AALC: performance one kilowatt amateur station. 15 db increase in audio input level will produce Whether you are a DX -er, ragchewer, or net negligible increase in output level. RF CLIPPER: Front panel control enables RF speech clipper operator, you'll find that the NCX -1000 will ful- which may double average SSB power output. fill your basic needs reliably. Crystal filtering before and after clipper at 2nd IF frequency. FINAL AMPLIFIER: Forced air cooled 8122 ceramic tetrode (400 watt dissipation rating). AUDIO INPUT: Crystal or dynamic microphone. MI NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY, INC. ACCESSORIES: 100 kHz calibrator and side - NRC/ tone oscillator on plug -in circuit board module (CXO -100), crystal control adaptor module 37 WASHINGTON STREET, MELROSE, MASS. 02176 (CXO -1). ,, PHYSICAL DETAILS: - � r FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND JACKS: VFO tuning, 4 w41 .a • bandswitch, 10 meter segment switch, dial calibrator, �� exciter tune, PA tune, AF gain, RF gain, receive G � -`�. -` vernier on /off, receive vernier frequency control, iontrcC NI ' t microphone gain, carrier insertion, sideband selection, function switch, meter selection, PA plate voltage on/ off, RF clipper on /off, transit - receive switch, cali- brator (optional) on /off, headphone jack. ILI REAR PANEL CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS: Bias '1.R 4 ; 1 adjust, microphone input, key jack, antenna, external • � • speaker, AC line input, fuses, ground, crystal control .1 • `� on /off (optional), crystal socket (optional), crystal fre- _, quency trimmer (optional). Rugged mechanical design, often forgotten as a POWER REQUIREMENTS: 117 or 234 VAC 60 Hz. prerequisite for stable, reliable transceiver 12 amps at 117v and 6 amps at 234v. operation, is a feature of the NCX -1000. NRCI engineering has coupled rigid construction with TUBES AND SEMICONDUCTORS: 45 transistors, 50 the use of modern circuit board modules to pro- diodes, 2 tubes. vide a high order of mechanical integrity. Most modules may be removed without unsoldering DIMENSIONS: 16 -1/8" w, 7 -3/4" h, 13 -1/4" d. any connections. Sockets are provided for all transistors. WEIGHT: Approximately 60 lbs. 0)0.]87 030 -3W INJECTION RECEIVER OSCILLATOR R.F. AMPLIFIER • BUFFER 3 STAGES I T -p i3 e T TH3 n* A7 RELAY R PRESELECTOR PRCSLa1M FIRST ∎ FIRST l/. � I SLE TUNEO�� AOC 7183ELE -TIR�� M1RER ��� PAESYND `� �. �� � 7 CIRCUITS FILTCR NA1 17 ! c....,,, • L � TSAHSM GE008-808 �+ 3.S- 30Y22�ls -S.I W4 r - -- J I S STA POWER J — 1 AALC 15150 0-- AMPLIFIER DRIVER 4400 0* 1 IOO Mh 1 KEY I CALI•RATOR I •200 r— TO i 08d.80f METER 5w. •1• •—^ PLT IN SCR BIAS SIOETONE I •11 •-- CONTROL OSCILLATOR 1 1 O-6 Y 4405,5 Y SUPPLE 0507 L _ 0883 J AU0 0 FLATS —+ METER .—....-• METER M. ♦IOT r— 0C. CORTIIOL 0- 111/238 VAC L . 05/90500 NEWEL 0-5001FA I ' SRITCN CIRCUITS AALC CSO -M8 SCREEN J ♦ 4 — DETECTOR E 0 -90.4 .3 �_ AMPLIFIER 020.00] 13.S AC• 00 010 0011 S AC• 09 3 RECEIVE -p0 • RECEIVE SUFFER 1 CRYSTAL 1 ,,. L 047 2 STAGES R OSCILLATOR :ASYMSLY CNO-I RECEIVER FIRT I �-- -' -J RECEIVER AAMPLIFIER I.F. AMPLISFIER TJO2 1 FIRST I.F. swum 2POLE CRYSTAL wins' A �E FILTER N• 2 MUIER C3pL � �0�1 0151 1 OWS.bf FILTER TRA NSMITTER 1 CIJM1-bl C LIPPER P� TRANSMITTER J L_ FIR3T � J B.8 -8.1 811401M-05.2 WO AMPL IFIER I . F . AMPLIFIER 2 STAGES 0306,518 A50 0343 CM51, 13] *GC S' METER TO DETECTOR • 0503 AMPLIFIEfl AYPLIf1ER METER !W RECEIVE SIGNAL 1 *GC AY L F. CII 51DETONE AUDIO TRANSMIT SIGNAL AM I RECEIVER DETECTOR CONTROL. SIGNAL I AMPLIFIER ■■*1 AIA j -- 4 STAGES RECEIVER AUDIO !PR 0301 -SOJ 0108 CelW -!0] 4 STAGES B Cw'SSB SSB /CW F PRODUCT R CSI] - I 0507 f"'� DETECTO S 1 r G 1 1 ___� SPEECH _ -� GATE WI,w] ` AMPLIFIER MIC ..III 3 STAGES L 1 - - - - - CARRIER OSCILLATOR B BUFFER Functional Block Diagram If top performance criteria are to be achieved in a modern amateur radio transceiver, careful engi- neering selection of basic circuits is essential, and the design of each circuit must be optimized so that it functions to provide balanced system operation. The NCX -1000 is an example of top engi- neering design providing receiver performance unmatched in any previous amateur transceivers, and transmitter operation of unsurpassed excellence. Check the specifications of the NCX -1000 and see what a coordinated engineering approach means in terms of performance. Consider that each circuit has been conservatively designed, and built with carefully specified parts, and you may correctly deduce that this is the most reliable transceiver available today. This data sheet is for information NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY, INC. only and subject to change without notice. NRCI 37 WASHINGTON STREET, MELROSE, MASS. 02176 NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY, INC. CUSTOMER PRICE SCHEDULE Effective May 1, 1971 NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY, INC . 89 Washington Street Melrose, Massachusetts 02176 ITEM NET PRICE NCX -1000 Transceiver $ 899.00 CXO -1 Crystal Oscillator 35.00 CXO -100 Crystal Calibrator 35.00 10 Meter Crystal 15.00 NCL -2000 LP Amplifier 685.00 HRO -500 Receiver 1,995.00 HRO -500P (Portable) 2, 395.00 (This includes special cabinet with built -in loudspeaker, re- chargeable nickel- cadmium battery and removable charging unit and WPC -5 portable carrying case. ) HRO- 500 -TS (Table Speaker) 40.00 LF -10A Preselector 550.00 RMK- 5 Rack Mount Kit 70.00 HRO -600 /601 Receiver (Search VFO plug -in) 3,380.00 HRO -600 /602 Receiver, Synthesizer plug -in 3,732.00 Model 601 Plug -in Unit (search) only 485.00 Model 602 Plug -in Unit (synthesizer) only 845.00 PRICES F. O. B. MELROSE, SUBJECT TO CHANGE