HomeMy WebLinkAboutRails and Cities- Unity in Preparedness 1979 r:`:710-77;sim TEXAS SAFETY t 2 / p A S S O C I A T I O N 5014 Bull Creek Road • Post Office Box 9345 inseiej A NON - PROFIT • NON - GOVERNMENTAL Austin, Texas ]8] • Phone: 512/451-7421 PUBLIC SERVICE ORGANIZATION PlaneeiN tit 1 NN M coVINGEON t $ 0.4,141 lex.h February 28, 1979 First VIM President DAVE CoSEETT Dow r;neavat U S A Freeport. Texas Vice President tor Membership; FRANK L. PASCHAL. JR b e'a' Dynamics Corporation Mr. . Jack Canglose Fort Warn,Texas Civil Defense Director Via President tor Occupation' C ity of Bryan Safety i Healer: Y JENNINGS N. VAUGHAN P • O. Box 1000 Em.:Y tnsu:ana ofTexas Bryan, Texas 77801 ua - ;as Texas Vice President For Traffic - JAMES R HALYEaSON Dear Mr. Canglose: ? W C mpany AcAt. 'ex,r5 The Texas Safety Conference and E osition will be held March lice President for xnoas i Cdikpaa: Xp GLFr:NI P entto d o. 25 -28, at the Shamrock Hilton, in Houston. The Conference is Tests E Agen(1: shaping Te x an Teas up to be the best ever for TSA and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to attend. Vice President for Public Relation: FRANK H ZIMMERMAN ex Company Our mutual friend, Chuck Harrison, will participate on the Rail - Danas. Texas road Transportation Section Program, Tuesday morning, March 27. Vice President .NELS Farm iRaaW: His presentation, "Railroads and Cities - -Unit in Preparedness," GARY A. NELSON y 1 o is scheduled for 11:15 a.m. In addition, the Public Employee iollegestaann.Texas Section has two excellent workshop sessions planned, one Monday Vice President tor Women's Activities: afternoon and the other Tuesday morning. Regrettably, MRS. HARRiETTE WftLIFORO WHATLEY g y, the Tuesday A r. ex.l Y session arrange with the Railroad Section program, but perhaps g e your schedule to drop in on both. Vice President tor Church Activates: %IRGil D. MUSICK I am asking the TSA office to advance register you for the Texas Traffic Bureau 35 Texas Conference and the Railroad Section Awards Luncheon as a gu Vice President for Motor Transpertabae: of my railroad. Your badge and luncheon ticket will be ready G. D. VAN SEEK you at the TSA Advance Registration Desk in the Ballroom Foyer. Bro.* ^.,g -Penis Industries Inc Hn„sron. Texas Vice President tor Railroad I hope that your schedule will permit you to attend and I look Transportation: forward to seeing F. GRANT g you there. Soutcem Pacdic Transportatpn Co San Antonio, Texas Sincerely, Vice President tor Public Emelapels. JON KING Umversiy of Houston 6 Moncton, Texas /// Vice President for i ///1'/Z/4,- Recnahonsl Saletrr: GAWAIN BONNER M. R. Deatherage ec Tenno. Inc - Te cc n, Texas Assistant Superintendent of Safety Secretary- Treasurer Missouri Pacific Railroad Company fP,EDSNYOER Program Committee, TSA Railroad Section zi*er CMorado River Autnony Austin Texas Cameral Maaaper Enclosures GEORGE R GUSTAFSON AIJ 'i n Texas A / # - / % LW