HomeMy WebLinkAboutLaw Officers Distribute Civil Defense Pamphlets 1965i „u :wo.Illlll9llul� III, " Law Officers Distribute I 'lll CD Pamphlets I��IiII �lilll;!, „ yl I '.j9 1 I IIII I i I Brazos County law enforce - III I uu I ment officers distributed Civill 'l IIIIIII Defense information Saturday I� Illllj �� III IIII Ilj 11 li „III in an effort to alert citizens to j l � �� �I�I local disaster plans. II'I it 'I, I q Jake Cangelose, Brazos llliV I l 'Ij Nd County Civil Defense director, IIII” I ',u ll lllll'Iillouh �Illllllll said Saturday afternoon that 54,000 copies of defPn;e and Jet I I'° II " "II tornado warning pamphlets lN were distributed by full -time officers in Bryan - College I D q'� Station and auxiliaries of the departments. IIII r !nm Distribution, which began at 1 p.m., was house - to - house. uwnuuuilWll „Illflli Cangelose also pointed out that „. , w � the Sheriff's Auxiliary con- . w , „ mmu °III tatted local business establish - ments. Heading up the Sheriff's l I II j Auxiliary was G. M. Neville, with approximately 30 men working under his direction. ill Bryan police officers were un- der the direction of Chester ro't O'Donnell of the Bryan Police Department. Police Chief Mel - vin Luedke and Bill Scot Jr. coordinated the College Sta- tion drive. The three pamphlets distrib- uted were "Fallout Protection, ,, l l ; i � Brazos County Civil Defense Tornado Warning and Signals, ” and Brazos County Civil De- ”" fense Fallout Shelter Instruc- Eagle Photo by Gene Dennis tions." j Cp Cangelose receivi said that persons CD Literature Ready not receiving the pamphlets can pick them up at local post Sgt. Mike Orozco, Jake Canglose, J. R. Youngblood offic 4