HomeMy WebLinkAboutRadiological Monitoring Plan letter 1962 k rW: BRAZOS COUNTY CIVIL DEFRNSE COUNTY CoUhTB-USE Baran TEAM_ DLC.1,1962 MR. TOM SISThUNK COUNTY AGENT BRAZOS CO.IAY, TLAS veer Mr. Sictrunk, In working out our radiological monitoring plat; for Brazos County, we shoula have monit- oring points located in the near rural areas of Stek.le, Store, Tabor, Curten, and Welborn. Under the office of emergency planning, the Federal govefment indicated that radiological monitoring can be obtained for monitoring stations (teemed neca-sary by local goverment. In order to qualify to obtain t..ie eidipment two qualifications must be met, I---local goverment must have qualified instructors to train mouitora( ti s we have) Aonitoring points must be located in either approved shelters or approven private shelters. Perhaps you can assist us in hooting out if any of or rural citizens have shelters or blegs. which could possioly qualify for monitoring points. We have in our organization a federal approved engineer who can aeviae or netermine if a structure is suitable for a monitoring point. In locating these points also check ths available communications epitome • ie teleptione, amateur rauio, etc. 1 sincerely tops you will give this assistance request your most careful eonoideration.ann ii I can be of any asAstance please call me. Sincerely yours, Jake Canglose, Director Brazos County Civil Defense office vione-V1-6479I