HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Plan Annex Q Supply Service 1968 State of Texas Operational Survival Plan COUNTY PLAN • Annex Qo Supply Service g I. MISSION AND SITUATION A. Mission To procure, store and distribute essential items required for ,survival of the county population and operation of the county government under emergency conditions, B.' Situation 1. General Situation (County Base Plan) 2 . Specific Situation a. Most counties do not operate a central and /or distribution warehouse from which county agencies can draw essential supplies of general use. b. Each department and /or agency of the county govern- ment usually procures its operational and maintenance supplies by sealed bids unless annual or term con- tracts are in force. c. Some counties utilize within their supply program "local" bids and "emergency" purchases. d. Federal Surplus property and matching fund programs are available to County Civil Defense organizations as a means of building a Civil Defense inventory. II. ORGANIZATION A. Organizational Chart (Hppe ndix 1) B. Staff The staff of the County Supply Service shall include a chief, a requirements coordinator, a procurement section, a dis- tribution section, an installation section, a record and re- ports section and a transportation coordinator, all with staffing personnel. The degree to which this staff recom- mendation is utilized will depend, of course, upon the size of the county and its proximity to target area, 148 County Q -2 III. EXECUTION AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. Strategic Warning The Chief of the Supply Service will: 1. Alert his staff personnel for duty on an emergency basis. 2. Establish County Supply Service office at bounty Control Center, 3. Issue instructions to lower levels to carry out emergency procedures. 4. Maintain close liaison with other county services in order that control of supplies can be instantly instituted, 5. Advise commercial firms with large stock inventory of the strategic situation and make recommendations for establishing immediate alternate distributing centers. B. Tactical Warning 1. All supply personnel will report to Control Center. 2. Institute all emergency procedures not carried out under strategic warning. 3. Place into effect supply controls as determined by previ- ous procedures and plans worked out with county agencies and commercial firms. C. No Warning 1. County Supply Service Staff personnel will take cover or proceed to County Control Center if cover is available there. 2. County Supply Service personnel in probable fallout areas will take action to protect supplies from fallout. D. Post- Attack 1. Establish contact with local and state supply authority. 2. Put into effect predesigned procedures for all County areas to report amounts of supplies remaining in each area as well as actual or anticipated shortages expected due to influx of evacuees. Copies of these reports will be passed on to the County Director of Civil Defense for 146 County Q -3 transmittal to the State Coordinator of Defense and Disaster Relief and his chief of economic requirements service. 3. Issue instructions to place into effect standard operating procedures for the procurement and distrubition of sup- plies and the security of supply installations. 4. Establish supply depots as required. E. Supporting Forces 1. Federal Agencies a. U.S, Department of Agriculture b. U.S. Department of Commerce c. General Service Administration 2, State Agencies a. State Department of Agriculture b. Texas Department of Public Welfare c, Texas Department of Public Safety d. Texas Surplus Property Administration 3. Miscellaneous Agencies a. Local agencies b. Local commercial firms IV. SUPPLY AND TRANSPORTATION A. Supply 1,. Full use will be made of administrative supplies avail- able locally. 2. Standard Operating Procedures will be.used in obtaining all administrative supplies„ B. Transportation 1. Actual movement of all supply materials will be accom- plished by the County Transportation Service. The County 147 County Q -4 Supply Service / s Transportation Coordinator will coordinate with the County Transportation Service all requirements for the moving of supplies in expediting the procurement and /or distribution programs. 2. Maximum use will be made of privately owned vehicles for administrative purposes, V. CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Control The line of succession will be in accordance with the following schedule: 1, Chief, County Supply Service 2, Requirements Coordinator 3, Transportation Coordinator 4, Coordinator, Procurement Section 5, Coordinator, Distribution Section 6. Coordinator, Installation Section 7, Coordinator, Records and Reports Section, B. Communications The County Supply Service will utilize communication facilities in accordance with the County Communications Service, Annex B. Chief, County Supply Service County Civil Defense Director REFERENCES: State Survival Plan, Annex Q, Supply Service, The Supply Service, AG -6 -1 APPENDICES: 1. Organizational Chart 148 County Appendix Q -1 -5 SUPPLY SERVICE F OR COUNTY PLAN Appendix 1 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR CHIEF SUPPLY SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR COORDINATOR INSTALLATION PROCUREMENT DISTRIBUTION SECTION SECTION SECTION RE CORDS AND REPORTS SECTION 149