HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Seal for FEMA . . Now Seal for FEMA lAti --4 AN 4 '4 0 --c11 V ' M, fr4 Symbol Designed by Director r \ _, w x General Louis O. Giuffrida, Direc- responsive to the needs of state and ,1 fit H for of the Federal Emergency Man- local emergency managers. d V. . 1 4 a agement Agency (FEMA), in his VF - Q r,v determination to improve and FEMA's new organization chart �yJll �I t. is fast becoming a reality. Bennett P C/ti}: e' i strengthen the nation's emergency . 0 f 7 preparedness program, has given us L. Lewis is the Executive Deputy �w i. a new official seal which is taken Director, a new position in the agen- • • from the seal of the United States. cy. Executive Administrator is �- Giuffrida drew the seal up himself. Gerald S. Martin, whose duties in- preparedness, flood plain manage- elude managing the Office of Public ment, radiological safety and The banner being held by an eagle Affairs, Congressional Relations, In- natural and man -made hazard has a Latin motto: Pace AC Bello ternational Affairs and Equal Em- mitigation. M e r i t a , which ployment Opportunity. President Reagan announced on means "Service in Fred J. Villella was confirmed on July 6 he would submit to the Sen- Peace and War. June 9 as Associate Director of ate the nomination of Charles M. Below the banner Training and Education. He heads Girard as Associate Director of is the triangle, �: up the newly established National Resource Management and Admin- that for many Emergency Training Center. Plans istration, which oversees the en- years has repre- g y g A g stinted Civil De and Preparedness will be under Ac- cy's personnel and manpower, the fence. The eagle's , ' ting Associate Director John Mc- comptroller, information manage - claws clutch an p Connell. Tom Casey will serve as Ac- ment operations, adminstrative sup - olive branch and ting Associate Director in FEMA's port, and FEMA's program analysis arrows, which is follow through efforts for Plans & and evaluation branch. P FEMA's response Preparedness Support. Walter D. Weaver of Plattsmouth, in war and peace. GIUFFRIDA Lee M. Thomas, a native of South Nebraska was nominated by Presi- The United States Civil Defense Carolina and former director of that dent Reagan as the new Federal Council congratulates FEMA for state's Division of Public Safety Emergency Management Agency's providing this outstanding new Programs in the Governor's office, Federal Insurance Administrator. FEMA Symbol. has been submitted by President He is presently the Director for the Reagan to the Senate for confirma- Department of Insurance for State Since Giuffrida's confirmation as tion as' Associate Director of State of Nebraska. . I)irector of FEM A by the Senate on and Local Programs and Support of Giuffrida has named the following May 19, 1981 he placed into effect FEMA. Thomas's job will include g on June 8, 1981 a major realignment supervision of federal response to Regional Directors: David Sparks of the FEMA organization. Accor- natural and man -made disasters, Region I, Boston; Major P. May, ding to Giuffrida, it will be more direct national programs for civil Region IV, Atlant John De La Garza, Region VI, At la nt a; )rirtfick I r�'eheny, Region VII, Kansas City; Anthony Palumbo, Region IX, San � " � C Francisco; William H. Mayer, Re gion X, Bothell. Y � e The interim structure of the State 4; and Local Program Support Direc- ` Y" r torate is as follows: m 1 a ,, �. i ; Office " ' Disaster Response & Recovery, ` " `' . .. J Jim Dokken, Acting Director .�" Population Protection, John Dickey, Acting Director Flood Plain Management, "` ',, Kick Krimm, Acting Director AWARD GIVEN —At the annual Civil Defense banquet, the Honorable Judge Regional Coordination, Clarence A. Reid Jr. of Southfield, Michigan's 46th District Court and Chair- Dennis Kwiatkowski, Director man of Southfield's Civil Defense Council, presented Colonel Arthur C. Becker, Intergovernmental Affairs, (left) director of Southfield's Civil Defense and Chairman of the Veterans Com- John McKay, Director mittee for the United States Civil. Defense Council, a plaque for "Meritorious Emergency Information Coordina- Service" in recognition of his many outstanding accomplishments in Civil tion Center, Defense representing the City of Southfield, Mich. Bill Belford and Ash Holmes, Co- Chairmen. USCDC BULLETIN, PAGE 3 •