HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation Checklist Planning EVALUATION CHECKLIST -- PLANNING Overall Planning yes no 1. Is there a community -wide disaster preparedness plan in effect? . . . . . . . . • 2. Does the plan specifically address itself to the management of mass casualties? . . . . . . . 3. Does the plan cover all aspects of mass casulaty management? a. Initial notification and mobilization? . . . b. Triage?. . . . . . . . • . • . • c. On -scene emergency first aid? . . . . . d. Transportation of casualties? . . • e. Communications? . . . . . . . . . . . f. Traffic and crowd control? . . . . . . . g. Emergency traffic route designation? . . . . h. Public notification? . . . . . . . . . 4. Has the plan been coordinated among the various county /city agencies, the hospitals, and those industries that provide their own fire - fighting capabilities? . . . . . . . . . . . . • 5. Has one person been granted the authority to activate the plan? Have alternates been designated in his /her absence? Initial Notification Procedures 1. Five emergency numbers are listed on the inside front cover of the city telephone directory. It is conceivable that any one of these numbers could be used to make initial notification of a disaster resulting in mass casualties. a. Is a cross - notification plan in effect whereby all designated agencies are notified, regardless of who receives the initial call? . . b. Are dispatchers /operators aware of this plan? (1) Fire department? . . . . . . . . . (2) Police department? . . . . . . . . . (3) City /county ambulance service? . . . . . (4) Texas Dept. of Public Safety ?. . . . . (5) County Sheriff? . . . . . . . . yes no 2. Have key personnel in each of these departments been designated, and have provisions been made for after - hours notification of these personnel? a. Fire department? . . . . . . . . . . b. Police department? . . . . . . . . . c. City /county ambulance service? . . . . . . d. Texas Dept. of Public Safety? e. County Sheriff? . . . . . . . . . . On -scene Response 1. Is one agency responsible for evaluation of the situation and determination as to whether the plan should be activiated? 2. Is one agency responsible for coordination and control of all on -scene activities? . . . . . 3. Have provisions been made for triage of casualties by qualified personnel? . . . . . . . . . 4. Are qualified personnel available to perform life - sustaining emergency first aid procedures? . . 5. Are adequate first aid supplies available, and have provisions been made to deliver them to the scene of the disaster? . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Are personnel performing triage aware of the capabilities of the hospitals in the city? . . 7. Is bed availability reported to the on -scene coordinator? Communications 1. Does one communications network link all participants in the plan, with one agency responsible for network control? 2. Does existing communications system allow two -way communications between the following: a. Hospital exercising network control with all other hospitals in the city? . . . . . . . b. Hospital exercising network control with on -scene coordinator? . . . . . . . . . . . c. All hospitals with city /coutny ambulance service? . yes 1 no 3. Are radio operators trained in network etiquette and call signs? Traffic and Crowd Control 1. Have provisions been made for traffic and crowd control at the scene of the disaster? . . . . . 2. Have provisions been made for traffic and crowd at each hospital? 3. Have emergency routes to major hospitals been designated? Transportation 1. Has a mass transportation plan been developed, and can it be activated promptly? 2. Can the plan be activated during other than normal working hours? Public Notification 1. Has a plan been developed to promptly notify the public of any disaster? 2. Does the notification plan include provisions for instructing and reassuring the public? 1 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RESOURCES EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DIVISION February /1976