HomeMy WebLinkAboutNational Disaster Survival Test 1977WILSON E. SPEIR Director M. P. BOWDEN State Coordinator TO: All Civil Defense Directors FROM: Colonel Wilson E. Speir, State Director SUBJECT: NBC's "National Disaster Survival Test" On May 1, 1977 you and the citizens of your community will have an unique opportunity to participate in a nationwide program on disaster preparedness. On this date at 8:00 p.m. eastern time, NBC will televise "The National Disaster Survival Test." The pro- gram will be a ninety minute, prime time "Big Event" in cooperation with the National Safety Council. The Council will serve as the authoritative source of the accident prevention content of the program. The program itself is designed to enable the partici- pants to become more aware of the basic facts of disaster survival. Participating in the National Disaster Survival Test may, therefore, help save lives. To take the test, the home viewer need only have pen or pencil and the official test answer form, which is being designed and produced by the National Safety Council. The test form will be printed in newspapers and magazines such as TV Guide. In fact, we are inviting and encouraging you to fully exploit this once -in- a- generation opportunity by promoting the program in your community and by encouraging citizens to participate in the program on May 1, 1977. Should you need further information, DPS Safety Education Service personnel and Regional Liaison Officers will be happy to help. Wilson E. Speir Director TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF DISASTER EMERGENCY SERVICES Date April 7, 1977 DES -12 Washington, D.C. NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST cliz1/2 information bulletin DEFENSE CIVIL PREPAREDNESS AGENCY April 12, 1977 No. 292 A National Disaster Survival Test will be presented on the NBC television network Sunday, May 1, at 8 p.m., Eastern Time. According to the National Safety Council, the test "will be concerned with all aspects of safety -- public, home, and industrial, as well as traffic- - all within the context of disasters, large and small." The NBC presentation will include actual disaster film footage obtained from DCPA, disaster scenes created in Hollywood, and interviews with disaster survivors and survival experts. It will concentrate on what people can do for personal protection. The objective is to reduce the potential for casualties and property damage in the future. This 90- minute "Big- Event" presentation is being developed by Bush Productions, Inc., in association with Guenette- Asselin Productions, Inc., and in cooper tion with the National Safety Council. Warren Bush, President of BPI, wrote nd produced the award - winning National Drivers' Test for CBS in 1965. In the National Disaster Survival Test, questions on potential peacetime hazards and what can be done about them will be posed to a cross - section of Americans in four major U.S. cities. Five presentation, discussion, and report desks at a central location will be concerned (over) 2 respectively with survival of hazards created by (1) water, (2) wind, (3) ice and sun, (4) fire, and (5) earthquakes. Electronic tabulation of responses by studio audiences to test questions will be reported during the program. Test answers will be evaluated on (a) judgment, (b) knowledge, (c) alertness, (d) stress, and (e) leadership. Viewers may participate by using the attached test form, which may be reproduced. The form will be printed also in TV Guide. and to help promote local interest so the National Surviv be a communitywide event As part of this effort, civil def- se directors are urged also to .rk closely with their local NBC -TV station program directors ty _Civil defense directors and staff members ark urged to parti pate staff, and with other local nen 'i edia - particularly in n supplementary presentations on local em-rgency preparedness and citizen i nt. a/f klA lvtG Oz° � 1 e 'Are /N 5 &) e . T will THE NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST A Warren V. Bush Production in cooperation with the National Safety Council NBC Television 8:00 p.m, Eastern Time, Sunday, May 1, 1977 OFFICIAL TEST FORM I. JUDGMENT II. KNOWLEDGE 1. a b c d 1. T F 5. T F 8. T F 2. a b c d 2. T F 6. T F 9. T F 3. a b c d 3. T F 7. T F 10. T F Score 4. T F III. ALERTNESS 1. Yes No 2. List the number of potential dangers: IV. STRESS 1. Yes No 9. Yes No 2. Yes No 10. Yes No 3. Yes No 11. Yes No 4. Yes No 12. Yes No 5. Yes No 13. Yes No 6. Yes No 14. Yes No 7. Yes No 15. Yes No 8. Yes No Use this test form to indicate your answers, to total your score, and to compare your score with your family, friends, and other groups. Members of the National Safety Council may obtain addi- tional information on disaster survival by contacting Council headquarters, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611. Score Score V. LEADERSHIP 1. a b c d 2. a b c d Score PRELIMINARY SCORE VI. SPECIAL SCORING YOUR FINAL SCORE NBC Television Network 3 National Safety Council Last year 18,000 Americans died in fires, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, storms and transportation disasters. Do you know how to survive such disasters? Tonight, learn how you can best protect yourself and your family. Use this National Safety Council test form for your answers and scoring. NBC's Tom Snyder is ho 'St. Co -hosts include Shana Alexander, John Amos, Kate Jackson and Walter Shirra. r WM= MOM IMINII2 =MI 1111■1111111•111.1 MIME irei OFFICIAL TEST FORM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Take The National Disaster Survival Test! I. JUDGMENT 1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d III. ALERTNESS 1. Yes No 2. List the number of potential dangers: IV. STRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes L Score MI II�I ®I ® ® ® ��E ®..� ®..e. A Warren V. Bush Production in cooperation with National Safety Council No No No No No No No No Score 7PM 2,4,7 9.` Yes No 10. Yes No 11. Yes No 12. Yes No 13. Yes No 14. Yes No 15. Yes No II. KNOWLEDGE 1. T F 5. T F 8. T F 2. T F 6. T F 9. T F 3. T F 7. T F. 10. T F 4. T F Score Score V. LEADERSHIP 1.a b c d 2. a b c d Score PRELIMINARY SCORE VI. SPECIAL SCORING YOUR FINAL SCORE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 dose up Burt Lancaster Dean Martin Jean Seberg George Kennedy Helen Hayes Van Heflin ABC SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE 0 7 :OOPM ® ® BIG EVENT THE NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST 7:00 ED ®07 Would you know what to do in an emer- gency? You can find out by taking The National Disaster Survival Test." This audience - participation test covers a range of disasters, both natural and • man -made. It measures not only survival knowledge but also alertness and reac- tions to stress. Calamities include fires, floods and earthquakes; tornadoes, hur- ricanes and blizzards; and multiple -car collisions, explosions and severe smog. The test is supplemented by newsreel footage and dramatic re- creations. There are also pointers on giving first aid, locat- ing home fire hazards and staying alive in a blazing skyscraper. Test questions can be found in the ac- companying advertisement. Hosts: Tom Snyder, Kate Jackson, John Amos. Apollo 7 astronaut Walter M. Schirra and journalist Shana Alexander. Also present are Vincent Tofany, presi- dent of the National Safety Council, and Dr. Frank Stanton, chairman of the American Red Cross. (90 min.) Jacqueline Bisset Maureen Stapleton TV GUIDE A -31 ill yi I Ii i I,lfiilu)it AhYi�. w'� AA,c kciegik -0 ct._ irc4;t1__ . etAlu-dbeA,J ktefri (-vv' ipd vP- s � k \ X x t,.,t F-16 ‘600 -0qp4 RA/ Q4 N rr to imufg 1/k& 01 .Ak b<,,A (171v w CA ..> U'6,? ql s r e„,,A, t C&Ap_et /tJLAI4A,u7k-- /14 RAAAkttLy(_ 17 a,,;. - - l ' 0.4 SSA e/ � 4 1-640.°1`- - eGt, Ru4e /0-7 ) 0gt V441* , `Att 4 kA;P: '13-s Mr(--• it , CaPt&L--)- . - , h:rilait 1 Go4 Cit044 P - criitt -' idA/,' i5irrt:C. S.-6( F4 , k eiut4/ i ; , / i .4;€ )0L- /44= 'z0;7 Wok 1/4„,;64 Y s'4. . 'Rt-ile ' - A ila4-zi ,-1:.N- ItA'vt-e/ e 1 MI /0 oD WAA\- 1, vivc ' � st,L, c tist . 5 ", 0 „ :40i kyie b0 dm/tilt( > tr>s 7 vp de y1.1, C ' -tom 11 yak ; - c� gat �� U 1 � Sekceit( 6cke,/,44) Iq wvic, 7e/(8?( - r Fns" /4-it,v4 trv 44 1./vai4..ta.Aolct /0 0 / ',Leek ki4,47( 444 1---q/ ct_ (/)/ ' 6 e4-vvek..J- 44\ 13 8- Lt,v_ qD c4_eietes4 go -g9 c •76---7? fr 4s6 . / b)Za-1", TA /A-\ ), w-( ate )7uu f&t,(A/ 1 4 4t- 7//t C k t AJAA'1■( t ( 111\ 1 :j1AN/ A 04) 51Aft4AAJT 9.64 4Zrit4- CLti e t-7/1,1A---e/r JAKE CANGLOSE COUNTY O f'.ECTOR AND CHAIRMAN E.E. BURNS COUNTY DEPUTY DIRECTOR J. LOUIS ODLE BRYAN DIRECTOR BRAZOS Jake Canglose Brazos County Civil Defense Director OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE & EMERGENCY PLANNING COUNTY COURTHOUSE BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 PRESS RELEASE COUNTY JAMES PRESSWOOD TEXAS A& SA UNIVEP.SITY DIRECTOR GEORGE L. HUEBNER COLLEGE STATION DIRECTOR NORTH BARDELL COLLEGE STATION DEPUTY DIRECTOR April 26, 1977 NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST A National Disaster Survival Test will be presented on the NBC television network Sunday, May 1, at 8 pm, Eastern Time. According to the National Safety Council, the test "will be concerned with all aspects of safety -- public, home, and industrial, as well as traffic -- all within the context of disasters, large and small." The NBC presentation will include actual disaster film footage obtained form DCPA, disaster scenes created in Hollywood, and interviews with disaster survivors and survival experts. It will concentrate on what people can do for personal protection. The objective is to reduce the potential for casualties and property damage in the future. In the naitonal Disaster Survival Test, questions on potential peacetime hazards and what can be done about them will be posed to a cross - section of Americans in four major U.S. Cities. Five present- ation, discussion, and report desks at a central location will be con- cerned respectively with survival of hazards created by (1) water, (2) wind, (3) ice and sun, (4) fire, and (5) earthquakes. Electronic tabulation of resposes by studio audiences to test questions will be reported during the program. Test answers will be evaluated on (a) judgment, (b) Knowledge, (c) alertness, (d) stress, and (e) leadership.. Viewers may participate by using the attached test form, which may be reproduced. The form will be printed also in TV Guide. Your local city and county governments and the Brazos County Civil Defense Office urge all citizens to participate in this exercise. The Official Test Form" will be available this week in the Press and in the Eagle Sunday TV magazine section. • THE NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST A Warren V. Bush Production in cooperation with the National Safety Council NBC Television 8:00 p.m, Eastern Time, Sunday, May 1, 1977 I. JUDGMENT 1. a (65 c d 2. a c d 3. a b Cc d Score IV. STRESS 1. Yes 9 9. Yes 2. e)No 10. Yes 3. Yes C� 11. Yes o 4. Yes icp 12. Yes 5. No 13. Yes) No 6. Yes NO 14. Yes No 7. No 15. es No 8. Ye No Score OFFICIAL TEST FORM III. ALERTNESS 1. Yes No 2. List the number of potential dangers: Use this test form to indicate your answers, to total your score, and to compare your score with your family, friends, and other groups. Members of the National Safety Council may obtain addi- tional information on disaster survival by contacting Council headquarters, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611. II. KNOWLEDGE 1. To 2. TO 3. TS 4. t F <7 V. LEADERSHIP 1. a 2. a b PRELIMINARY SCORE VI. SPECIAL SCORING YOUR FINAL SCORE l NBC Television Network 5. 5 F 6. t F 9. Ti F 7. TCO 10.(t5F Score Score 2o c d Score 67 4 ‹rq 3 covpi National Safety Council �✓""" C Stet THE NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST OFFICIAL TEST FORM I. JUDGMENT 1.a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d III. ALERTNESS 1. Yes No 2. List the number of potential dangers: IV. STRESS 1. Yes No 2. Yes No 3. Yes No 4. Yes No 5. Yes No 6. Yes No 7. Yes No 8. Yes No Score 9. Yes No 10. Yes No 11. Yes No 12. Yes No 13. Yes No 14. Yes No 15. Yes No Score Use this test form to indicate your answers, to total your score, and to compare your score with your family, friends, and other groups. Members of the National Safety Council may obtain addi- tional information on disaster survival by contacting Council II. KNOWLEDGE 1. 2. 3. 4. T T T T F F F F NBC Television Network 5. T 6. T 7. T Score Score V. LEADERSHIP 1. a b c d 2. a b c d Score PRELIMINARY SCORE VI. SPECIAL SCORING YOUR FINAL SCORE F 8. F 9. F 10. T T T F F F National Safety Council Awareness level Disaster test to air May 1 on NBC What would you do if a tornado were approaching and you were trapped in a beach house? What part of the house is safest in the event of an earthquake? Questions like these and others on the practical steps to take during a natural disaster will be the subject of the National Disaster Survival Test, to be aired at 7 p.m. May 1 on NBC. The program which lasts 90 minutes is produced by the National Safety Council (NSC) with the hope of evaluating the level of disaster awareness in this country. It is set up in a test format. Film clips of natural disasters or re- enactments of disasters will be shown, then questions on the right A form for answering these questions is printed on this page. A spokesman for the Texas Safety Association, a branch of the NSC, said sample audiences will be taking the test throughout the country. "We'll be able to see," she said, "whether mothers know more first aid than fathers; teenagers more than older people, doctors more than laymen." After the questions have been given, the answers will be discussed and the right one explained. Jean Myatt, executive director of the local chapter of the American Red Cross, urges all citizens to watch the program so that they may learn how to act in the THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1977 Page 3 NBC special to help persons deal with emergency situations To help improve Americans' chances of coping with emergency situations, NBC will televise "The National Disaster THE NATIONAL DISASTER SURVIVAL TEST A Warren V. Bush Production in cooperation with the National Safety Council NBC Television 8:00 p.m, Eastern Time, Sunday, May 1, 1977 OFFICIAL TEST FORM I. JUDGMENT 1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d Score III. ALERTNESS 1. Yes No 2. List the number of potential dangers IV. STRESS 1. Yes No 9. Yes No 2. Yes No 10. Yes No 3. Yes No 11. Yes No 4. Yes No 12. Yes No 5. Yes No 13. Yes No 6. Yes No 14. Yes No 7. Yes No 15. Yes No 8. Yes No Score II. KNOWLEDGE 1. T F 5. T F 8. T F 2. T F 6. T F 9. T F 3. T F 7. T F 10. T F 4. T F Score Score V. LEADERSHIP 1. a b c d 2. a b c d Score PRELIMINARY SCORE VI. SPECIAL SCORING YOUR FINAL SCORE Use this test form to indicate your answers, to total your score, and to compare your score with your family, friends, and other groups. Members of the National Safety Council may obtain addi- tional information on disaster survival by contacting Council eadquarters, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Mina's 60611. Survival Test" on Sunday, May 1, at 7 p.m. The 90- minute event will focus on preventing acci- dents that occur within disaster situations. NBC afya/ Television � Safety Network Council Opinion Page The Eagle W S Pearson President-Publisher Paul R l.a Hoegne Friror Br y a n- College St a t ion "I ma\ disa_mr o ills is hat you •.n. defend to the death . our right to •a. Rod Armstrong Business Manager Dennis Malone. Production Manager Tuesday, April 26, 1977 Page 6A James F Fowler Marketing Director hot I is ill Mike Ward Circulation Manager National '► Di Survival Test this Sunday 1111, A National Disaster terSur- vival Test will be presented res e t e d on w ork the Su day May 1, at 8 work Time. Accord - ing to the National Safety test Council, the "will e concerned with all aspects see p 10 Survival Test from p 1 safety -- public, home, and in- ' dustrial, as well as traffic - -all within the context of disas- ters, large and small." The NBC presentation will include actual disaster film footage obtained from DCPA, disaster scenes crea- • ted in Hollywood, and inter- views with disaster' survi- vors and survival experts. It will concentrate on what people can do for per- sonal protection. The objec- sti+e is to reduce the poten- tial for casualties and pro- perty damage in the future. In the National Disaster Survival Test, questions on potential peacetime hazards and what can be done about them will be posed to a cross - section of Americans in four major U. S. cities. Five presentation discus- sion, and report desks at a central location will be con- cerned respectively with survival of hazards created by (1) water, (2) wind, (3) ice and sun, (4) fire, and (5) earthquakes. Electronic tabulation of responses by studio audien- ces to test questions will be reported during the pro- gram. Test answers will be evaluated on (a) judgment, (b) knowledge, (c) alertness, (d) stress, and (e) leader- ship. Your local county and city wernment and the Brazos aunty Civil Defense offices urge all citizens to partici- pate in this exercise. g/ el 4 AA - 171( ?etAA-( iA4:4 r (CM:e4,;" Tr,Q KT,B AA (.01 /°) cthw odf 7� n�ul w 7 0.1/4smvAitm fa 'c4e, 0477.* ce 7-74K ‘r1 To,Ae'4'4 6f-/4 a- ,P cG,T,,,,wtef k4/,4k/'f )244/K '1/tirT(- NBC disaster show designed to test viewers' nzjjle During the past year or so, television documentaries had about the same popu- larity with viewers as have severe weather alerts. Now executive producer Warren V. Bush may have come up with a system to keep documentary -type programs out of the ratings Siberia. As one of its Big Event programs, NBC will present Sunday (7 -8:30 p.m., Channel 2) "The National Disaster Sur- vival Test." The show will have many facets. It will have nostalgia (the Johnstown flood of 1889, the 1900 Galveston hurri- cane). It will have audience participation (a test you can take during the show by clipping the form on this page). It will have relatively modern disas- ters (the great Colorado flood of 1976, Hurricane Camille, the earthquakes of Long Beach, 1933, of Alaska, 1964, and Los Angeles, 1971). It will have competition (viewers can check their scores against those of audi- ences in four cities: New York, New Or- leans, Milwaukee and Los Angeles). AND THERE WILL BE plenty of hosts. Tom Snyder of NBC's Tomorrow show will have as cohosts former astro- naut Wally Schirra, journalist Shana Alexander, John Amos of "Roots" and Kate Jackson of Charlie's Angels. Vincent L. Tofany, president of the National Safety Council, and Dr. Frank Stanton, chairman of the National Red Cross and former president and vice chairman of CBS, also will be on the pro- gram. Finally, "The National Disaster Sur- vival Test" can save your life. EXECUTIVE PRODUCER BUSH said in a telephone interview, "We lose 18,000 Americans a year in disaster situations. We try to show you how to survive a disaster. "Most people think of earthquakes as being on the West Coast, mostly in Los Television By C. W. SKIPPER Pest TV Editor Angeles. But the largest U.S. earthquake recorded was in Missouri. Every state has had earthquakes. "We concentrate a lot on fires, espe- cially fires in residential and high -rise buildings. "We get into first aid problems. Just two things can save many lives: Breath- ing (starting) and bleeding (stopping). "We also show you how to prepare for disasters." THERE WILL BE shots of actual disasters, still and motion pictures, and some scenes of simulated disasters, such as an auto crash, a home fire and an earthquake that hits a school, will be shown. "Not all disasters are filmed," Bush said, "so we have to recreate some disaster situations." The executive producer is an expert at giving tests on television. He did the Na- tional Drivers Test for CBS in 1965, and that special brought in a million letters, and 150 drivers - or former drivers - sent him their car ignition keys. For this survival test, 50 million test forms are being distributed. In addition to the form on this page, there will be another on page 7 of TV Week magazine in Sunday's Houston Post. PEOPLE WERE pre - tested in the four cities mentioned above, so you will be told Sunday what their scores were. The special will be divided into six parts, testing judgment; knowledge; alertness; ability to react (it says "stress" on the chart); leadership; and actual, existing precautions (it says OFFICIAL TEST FORM 1. JUDGMENT 1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d Score III. ALERTNESS 1. Yes No 2. List the number of potential dangers: IV. STRESS 1. Yes No 9. Yes No 2. Yes No 10. Yes No 3. Yes No 11. Yes No 4. Yes No 12. Yes No 5. Yes No 13. Yes No 6. Yes No 14. Yes No 7. Yes No 15. Yes No 8. Yes No Score 11. KNOWLEDGE 1. T F 5. T F 8. T F 2. T F 6. T F 9. T F 3. T F 7. T F 10. T F 4. T F Score PRELIMINARY SCORE ' Score V. LEADERSHIP 1. a b c d 2. a b c d Score VI. SPECIAL SCORING YOUR FINAL SCORE The Official National Disaster Survival Test "special scoring" on the chart). Asked about part VI, Special Scoring, Bush said, "Ah, we get diabolical there. We say, 'OK, that's what you know, but what do you really do ?' "In times of crisis, people don't . always do what they know is right." BUSH SAID many schools are having students take the test on television. Incidentally, Warren Bush Produc- tions, with NBC, has started production on a two -hour NBC World Premiere movie based on the controversial "pull the plug" case of the young New Jersey woman, clinically dead, who was being kept alive by machines. The title is. "In the Matter of Karen Anne Quinlan." Bush said, "This is really the story the parents, Joe and Julie Quinlan, who placed their daughter in the hands of God rather than medical technology." The roles are played by Brian Keith and Piper Laurie. Karen is played by Mary Anne Grayson (the niece of Ka- thryn Grayson), and her sister is played by Stephanie Zimbalist, the daughter of Efrem Zimhalist The Houston Post 7B FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1977