HomeMy WebLinkAboutRadiological monitor training and roster 1964 TEXAS A &M UNIVERISTY ENGINEERING EXTENSION SERVICE CIVIL DEFENSE TRAINING BOX 236 F.E. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS COURSE; RADIOLOGICAL MONITOR INSTRUCTOR LOCATION: TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY TRAINING SCHEDULE DATE AND TIME SUBJECT REFERENCES INSTRUCTOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1964 8:00 AM Registration and Introduction. (LP #1) None Col. Vaden 8:45 Basic Concepts of Nuclear Science (LP #2) Chap 2, Ref #1 Col. Vaden 10 :15 Break 10:30 Effects of Nuc1,ear Weapons (LP #3) Chap 3, Ref #1 Mr. Male: 11:30 CD Radiological Instruments (LP #4) Chaps 4 &5, Ref #1 Mr. Kronenberg 12 :00 Lunch 1:00 PM Instruments (continued) Mr. Kronenberg 2:30 Break 2 :45 Operation Prospect Exercise (LP #5) Page 11, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 3:15 Instrument Familiarization Excerise (LP #6) Page 13, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 3:45 Instrument Calibration Exercise (LP #9)Page 10, Reg #2 Mr. Kronenberg .4:45 Radef Equipment Program (LP #8) Page 27, Ref #2 Col. Vaden 5:15 Dismissal TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1964 8:00 AM Radiological Monitoring Techniques (LP #7) Chap 9, Ref #1 Mr. Kronenberg 9:00 Area Monitoring Exercise (LP #11) Page 22, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 9:45 Break 10:00 Use of Radef Instruments Quiz (LP #10) Page 93, Ref #2 Col. Vaden 10:30 Radioactive Fallout (LP #12) Chap 6, Ref #1 Mr. Kronenberg 11:15 Decontamination (LP #14) Chap 11, Ref #1 Mr. Kronenberg 12:00 Lunch 1:00 PM Fallout Forecasting (LP #13) Page 40, Ref #2 Mr. Malec; 2 :15 Dose and Dose Rate Caluclations (LP #16) Chap 8, Ref #1 Col. Vaden 3:00 Break 3 :15 Calculations (continued) Col. Vaden 4:45 Dismissal DATE AND TIME SUBJECT REFERENCES INSTRUCTORS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1964 3:00 AM Fallout Forecasting Quiz (LP #15) Page 40, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 8:30 Effects of Fallout and Radiation Exposure Guidance (LP#17) Chap 7, Ref #1 Col. Vaden 9:30 BreaL 9:45 Dose and Dose Rate Calculations Quiz (LP #18) Page 95, Ref #2 Mr. Malek 10 :15 Radiation Protection Exercise (LP #19) Page 23, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 11:15 National Civil Defense Program (LP #20) None Col. Vaden 12 :00 Lunch 1:00 PM Protection From Fallout (LP #21) Chap 10, Ref #1 Mr. MaleL. 1:30 Radiological Defense Monitoring Operations (LP #22) Chap 9. Ref #1 Col. Vaden 2 :00 Source Handling Techniques (LP #23) Page 51, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 3:00 Break 3 :15 Techniques (continued) Mr. Kronenberg 4:00 Defense Against Chemical and Bio- logical Agents (LP #24) None Col. Vaden 4:30 Student Proficiency Exercise (LP #26) Pages 25 &26, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg 5:30 Dismissal THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1964 8 :00 AM Source Handling Techniques Quiz Page 51, Ref #2 Mr. Kronenberg (LP#27) 3:30 Course Review (LP #27) All Col. Vaden 9:30 Break 9:45 Course Examination (LP #28) All Mr. Kronenberg 12 :00 Lunch 1:00 PM Monitor Training Techniques (LP #30) None Col. Vaden 1 :30 Course Evaluation (LP #31) Page 101, Ref #2 Col. Vaden 2 :00 Course Exam Review (LP #29) All Mr. Kronenberg 3:00 Dismissal References: #1 Radiological Defense Textbook (SM- 11.22 -2) dated March 1963. #2 RMI Student Workbook (SM- 11.22.1) dated April 1963. RMI COURSE - COLLEGE STATION N ovember 9- 12,1964 ; Mr. Sylburn Anderson Department of Public Safety Mrs. Inez F. Berger Brazos AScS, USDA Mr, Lynn Clepper S. P. Railroad L" Mr. Ernest G. Ellis Bryan Police Department Mr. Thomas G. Hollmig Texas A&M Extension Service, Texas A&M University Mr. William M. Lyle «' Texas Agricultural Extension Service Mr. Walter A. Neaves Texas Highway Department L Mr. Chester A. O'Donnell Bryan Police Department Mr. H. 0. Raesener Lone Star Gas Company Mrs. Louise Richards State Department Public Welfare Colonel Jesse R. Ward,. Department of Public Safety March 12, 1964 Mr. Henry L. Alsmeyer: Listed below are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of those persons who successfully completed the SMI Course held in College Station and received certificates: Home Business Name Address Phone Phone j,/h, C,Caughlin, William L. TA 3 -5331 TA 2 -1939 1 f 1 7 (,) Id, Z, a . e' e 4 i .iii -r t . Sincerely, Clark Titus, Instructor CIVIL DEFENSE TRAINING J _ CLASS ROSTER SMI X PLACE Cn17aga Station Page of g 1 2 Pages RMI DATE q/q/64 thru 1 /1464 TOTAL NO. HOURS Certificates Class Periods & Dates TOTAL NO. SESSIONS m NUMBER COMPLETED = co w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 o •�+ m v s. g 4'i -- NAMES -- vi c4 COW c1 ti c1 1 ci 1 •Alsaeyer, Henry L. x x x x 2.Burns, E. E. x 3 •Cangelose, Jake x xx x 4 •Caughlin, William L. x x x x x x x 5 'Co l man , I. B. x v Y ,> r x 6 •Carne o, John A. x x x x x x x 7 .Denny, Albert R. x ©■ 8.Foster, Donald S. x x ■ 9 •Hill, John W. I tcMouaton, Alesi W. x 1LIacL:.eon, Rev. R.. L. 1 2Jerni:an J. S. x ■ heels, Ira F. x 111:llipll 14.Nassey, Leldon x x x UBcCoy, Dale A. x x x 16 •NcDonald, SL. R. x x 17.Perry, Haile D. x x x ___ 18. Powell, Ed E. 19. ---aaase„Caluir 11 20R osier, Siai S . ■■ x ©■ 1111111111111111 _ ii ! CLASS ROSTER SMI g PLACE College Station Page � 2 of 2 Pages RMI DATE 3/9/64 thru 3/11/64 TOTAL NO. HOURS Certificates Class Periods & Dates TOTAL NO. SESSIONS m NUMBER COMPLETED o N ® ©E ©®1.® 9 1(i 11 12 E O -- NAMES -- • Z a . Z ,: el M c+? e n 1. Stevens, C. M. ■■ x �eeiee ©s 2. Todd, Gayle ■■ x x ■INIMINIIIIIIIIIII 3. Williams, Grady C. ■■ x ■e ®ee� 4. ■■■ RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5 - _ IuIII ' ■ ■ ■ 6 . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7 . ■■■■■....... 8 ' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9 . ■■■■■........ . 10 . ■■■■■......■ .. . 11. IIIIIIIIIMMMMMIEII 12. IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 13. 111111 111111111111111111 14. 111111 15. 1111111 111111111111111111 16. ■■■■■...... .. 17. IIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIII1 18. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 19. ■■ ■■■ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII { 20 . 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