HomeMy WebLinkAboutIRIS Exercise Documents 1st, 2nd, 3rd day 1969 IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOC,ThENT NO. 1- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE FIRST DAY NEWS SUMMARY Washington, D.C. Demonstrations and riots in connection with the "Build A Peaceful America" movement yesterday and last night tied up traffic and involved confrontations with local police forces in many metropolitan areas in various parts of the county. Curfews have been established in two cities and National Guard units have been called out. Moscow. The United States, the United Kingdom, and France have protested restrictions on traffic between East and West Germany. Moscow. The Warsaw Pact Military Exercise continues.. Washington. The Department of Defense said that more than 563,000 reservists had been called to active duty since partial mobiliza- tion had been authorized by the Congress and authorized by the President i:. mid-August;. San Diego, Calif. The Director of Public Health last night advised all residents to be inoculated against typhus in view of the serious out- break in the city. Galveston, Texas. Fire threatens the oil complex after a tanker exploded early this morning IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 2 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE FIRST DAY NEWS SUMMARY Chicago, Illinois. The college campuses in the Middle West that were scenes of antiwar /antidraft demonstrations for the past three days are quiet today following the arrival of Federal troops in response to State appeals for Federal assistance to State and local police forces in maintaining law and order. i'oisonous Nebraska. Poisonous materials from a plant here may have contaminated the Missouri River downstream. Bonn, Germany. Demonstrations against NATO and the United States are taking place in many parts of western Germany. Washington, D.C. The President has reaffirmed American support for NATO. New York, New York. The emergency session of the United Nations Security Council is still discussing the situation in eastern Europe. Boston, Massachusetts. More than 25,000 commuters are stranded by a commuter railroad strike. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 3 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE FIRST DAY NEWS SUMMARY El Paso, Texas. Antiwar rioters claim they have sabotaged all telephone and teletype lines surrounding the Army's Fort Bliss. Vienna, Austria. Radio Vienna reports additional incidents at the border. Washington, D.C. Federal officials here believe that recent riots have been triggered by subversive groups in order to affect the national security. All curfews have been lifted and federal troops withdrawn. However, National Guard units remain on call in five States. Key West, Florida. Acting on a tip from a Cuban refugee, police arrested a party of Cubans carrying explosives. Frankfurt, Germany. Fires of undetermined origin broke out at many American military installations last night. New York, New York.. A spokesman for the United States mission to the United Nations said the United States was deeply disturbed by the tone of statements by Soviet bloc representatives at yesterday's emergency session of the United Nations Security Council. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT N0.4- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE FIRST DAY NEWS SUMMARY Minneapolis, Minnesota. There was a partial telephone blackout in the Twin- Cities today, covering part of the central business districts of both cities and areas between them. Bonn, Germany. Police arrested 176 demonstrators as a mob of 15,000 tried to storm the American Embassy. Ankara, Turkey. The Turkish government confirmed that the USSR had protested the seizure of a Soviet commercial vessel for security violations in the Bosphorus. New York, New York. Reports are coming in that members of the "Build a Peaceful America" movement will stage antiwar demonstrations in New York City, Newark, Providence, Philadelphia, Syracuse, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, Knoxville, New Orleans, Evanston, Madison, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Denver, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, and Seattle. Vicksburg, Mississippi. Explosions on the highway bridge over the Mississippi River stopped traffic for over two hours earlier today. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 5- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE FIRST DAY NEWS SUMMARY Washington, D.C. Representatives of the Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Justice were on duty until early this morning in the event that yesterday's nation- wide wave of antiwar demonstrations got out of hand. Toledo, Ohio. All available fire units are fighting a chemical fire at the Willys plant. Moscow. Radio Moscow says the situation in the Baltic is becoming serious. Hong Kong. Radio Peking in a broadcast heard here warned the Urdted States against aggression and called for national unity. Chattanooga, Tennessee. Forest fires appear to be out of control and residents are being evacuated. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE CONTROL EYES ONLY FEDERAL GUIDANCE MESSAGE I EXERCISE IRIS -69. IT HAS BEEN ASSUMED THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS INCREASED ITS READINESS POSTURE IN ANTICIPATION OF SERIOUS UNFRIENDLY ACTION. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE -- repeat -- SIMULATE TAKING IMMEDIATELY THE ACTIONS SPECIFIED BELOW TO INCREASE THEIR CIVIL DEFENSE READINESS, AND THAT ALL STATE GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE TAKING CORRESPONDING ACTIONS AT THE STATE LEVEL. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS ARE DESCRIBED IN FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE GUIDE, PART G, CHAPTER 5, AND APPENDICES. SPECIFIC RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ARE AS FOLLOW: APPENDIX G- FIVE -ONE, "BASIC ACTIONS ": SIMULATE TAKING ALL ACTIONS APPENDIX G- FIVE - THREE, "INFORMATION ON SIGNIFICANT PUBL'IC ACTIONS ": SIMULATE TAKING ALL ACTIONS ALL OTHER APPENDICES TO FCDG CHAPTER G -5: SIMULATE TAKING ONLY THOSE ACTIONS SHOWN IN HORIZONTAL BAND A OF FIGURE ONE, FCDG G -5, "INTERNAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTIONS SUCH AS REVIEW OF PLANS AND EQUIPMENT STATUS, INCREASING READINESS OF EQUIPMENT, ETC." UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE TAKING NO ADDITIONAL INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS. JOHN DAVIS, DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE. EXERCISE IRIS -69 CONTROL EYES ONLY IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 7 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE SECOND DAY NEWS SUMMARY London. There is a major land war in the heart of Europe where Austrian forces are resisting invading Soviet bloc forces. Moscow. The USSR has called for the immediate dissolution of NATO. Istanbul, Turkey. The Turkish government has closed the straits to all warships. Osla, Norway. The Norwegian- Finnish border is closed. New York, New York. An explosion in a main switching center blacked out New York City and parts of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey counties in the Hudson Valley as well as Long Island and the New Jersey shore area. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 8 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE SECOND DAY NEWS SUMMARY Berne, Switzerland. Inconclusive reports continue to be heard here about the invasion of Austria. The Austrians are said to be holding their own. New York, New York. Pan American World Airways has suspended its flights to Berlin. Ankara, Turkey. The Soviet Ambassador has left here for con- sultations in Moscow. New York, New York. The USSR has asked for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to consider the NATO threat to peace in Europe. Washington, D.C. The Department of Defense has established a 48 -hour administrative work week for all civilian employees. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 9- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE SECOND DAY NEWS SUMMARY Innsbruck, Austria. The war in Austria continues. The Austrian government has moved from Vienna to Innsbruck. Ankara, Turkey. Turkey has been invaded on two sides and is resisting. Athens, Greece. The Greek government has requested an emer- gency meeting of the United Nations Security Council so that it can call attention to the violations of its border and air space. Pontiac, Michigan. Undetonated explosive charges were found in the General Motors plant and all buildings are being evacuated. Salt Lake City, Utah. Telephone officials report attempts have been made to interrupt service in the area. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 1O- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE SECOND DAY NEWS SUMMARY Ankara, Turkey. The Turkish government has invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty and requested the support and assistance of its allies. Rome, Italy. Soviet bloc forces have occupied Vienna. Washington, D.C. A spokesman for the FBI has requested that all large industrial facilites be advised to make careful checks and to notify authorities if they suspect any possibility of sabotage. Washington, D.C. The Federal Reserve Board has expressed con- cern at the nation -wide run on banks. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Peace pickets are trying to tie up traffic moving into and out of the Sandia Base. San Francisco, California. The local office of the FBI has confirmed that sabotage of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company facilities has been attempted, and that there has been an explosion in the Lockheed plant at Sunnyvale. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE CONTROL EYES ONLY FEDERAL GUIDANCE MESSAGE II EXERCISE IRIS -69. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RECOMMENDS THAT ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE -- repeat SIMULATE TAKING IMMEDIATELY THE ACTIONS SPECIFIED BELOW WHICH THEY HAVE NOT ALREADY SIMULATED TAKING TO INCREASE THEIR CIVIL DEFENSE READINESS, AND THAT ALL STATE GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE TAKING CORRESPONDING ACTIONS AT THE STATE LEVEL. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS ARE DESCRIBED IN FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE GUIDE, PART G, CHAPTER 5, AND APPENDICES. SPECIFIC RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ARE AS FOLLOW: APPENDIX G- FIVE -TWO, "EMERGENCY PUBLIC INFORMATION": SIMULATE TAKING ACTIONS THREE THROUGH FIVE, TO INCLUDE "DISSEMINATION OF CSP -TYPE INFORMATION" ALL OTHER APPENDICES TO FCDG CHAPTER G -5: SIMULATE TAKING ACTIONS SHOWN IN HORIZONTAL BAND B OF FIGURE ONE, FCDG G -5, "LOCAL GOVERNMENT FORCES AND CITIZEN VOLUNTEERS ALERTED FOR POSSIBLE EMERGENCY DUTY, ACCELERATED TRAINING COMMENCED, ETC." UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE TAKING NO ADDITIONAL INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS. JOHN DAVIS, DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE. EXERCISE IRIS -69. CONTROL EYES ONLY ........................ ................. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOC UMENT NO. 11--NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE THIRD DAY NEWS SUMMARY Bonn, Germany. The war in Europe spread to Germany last night when Soviet bloc forces crossed the border in strength. Wiesbaden, Germany. U.S. Air Force Europe confirms that American installations are being attacked. Heidelberg, Germany American ground force units are part of the NATO covering forces resisting the enemy attack. Athens, Greece. Strong attacks are being made on NATO units in both Greek and Turkish Thrace. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 12- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RET.FASE THIRD DAY NEWS SUMMARY New York, New York. Stock market prices dropped sharply today while commodity prices rose. Long lines of customers formed at supermarkets and filling stations in New York City and other metropolitan centers. Service lines at gaso- line stations in some cities extended for over a mile and tied up traffic. Citizens appeared to be stocking up on canned foods, medicines, and materials to improve or improvise fallout shelter protection. Brussels. NATO spokesmen confirm that air and ground fighting continues to be heavy in Germany. U.S. Army and Air Force units and installations have suffered heavy losses in men and equipment. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 13 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE THIRD DAY. NEWS SUMMARY New York, New Ycrk. Business officials are concerned over the surge of consumer purchases, and said consideration "at the highest level" in Washington was being given to arrangements to insure that all citizens ware given an equal opportunity to purchase food and other essential supplies. In some areas, store executives and managers already have established limits as to quantities purchased and amounts of money spent by individual customers. London. The war in Europe continues to develop with heavy United States and NATO losses in the face of advances by Communist bloc forces. Washington, D.C. The Secretary of Transportation has confirmed that air and rail terminals in major cities are jammed with people leaving. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 14 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE THIRD DAY NEWS SUMMARY London, Coimionist ground forces continue to advance in Germany in the face of fierce NATO resistance. Washington, D.C. There appears to be growing apprehension about the possibility of a nuclear attack on this country. There is wide - spread absenteeism and increasing indications of movements of populations from metropolitan areas, Many Federal agencies report difficulty in maintaining operations because employees are absent. Washington, D.C. There are increasing indications that the Federal Government intends to establish controls over consumer goods. Heavy buying of canned foods, gasoline, and materials to create or increase fallout protection continue to be heavy. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT- -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE CONTROL EYES ONLY FEDERAL GUIDANCE MESSAGE III EXERCISE IRIS -69. IT HAS BEEN ASSUMED THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT F.AS DECLARED ITS HIGHEST STATE OF READINESS. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT ALL LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE -- repeat -- SIMULATE TAKING IMMEDIATELY THE ACTIONS SPECIFIED BELO'r. WHICH THEY HAVE NOT ALREADY SIMULATED TAKING TO INCREASE THEIR CIVIL DEFENSE READINESS, AND THAT ALL STATE GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE TAKING CORRESPONDING ACTIONS AT THE STATE LEVEL. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS ARE DESCRIBED IN FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE GUIDE, PART G, CHAPTER 5, AND APPENDICES. SPECIFIC RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ARE AS FOLLOW: APPENDIX G-FIVE -TEN, "PUBLIC SHELTER INVENTORY ": SIMULATE TAKING ACTIONS THROUGH ACTION FOUR ONLY, ACCELERATED SHELTER STOCKING: DO NOT TAKE ACTION FIVE, PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT OF EXISTING BUILDINGS. ALL OTHER APPRENDICES TO FCDG CHAPTER G -5: SIMULATE TAKING ACTIONS SHOWN IN HORIZONTAL BAND C OF FIGURE ONE, FCDG G -5, "MOBILIZATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND VOLUNTEER FORCES, SPECIFIC ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC, ETC." UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SIMULATE TAKING NO ADDITIONAL INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS. JOHN DAVIS, DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE, EXERCISE IRIS -69 CONTROL EYES ONLY IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT NO. 6 - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE SECOND DAY NEWS SUMMARY London. Reports of border clashes between Austrian units and Communist block army units have been received here. Havana, Cuba. Premier Fidel Castro denounced the presence of U.S. Military forces in Cuba. Athens, Greece. The Greek Government has protested repeated border incidents and violations of Greek air space. St. Louis, Missouri. A truck carrying industrial solvents and chemicals has explosed on the Eads Bridge. Washington, D.C. The Department of Commerce has announced that export control restrictions would be applied to all nations allied, or indicating sympathy, with the Communist cause. IRIS -69 EXERCISE DOCUMENT - -NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE