HomeMy WebLinkAboutLocal Emergency Planning Committee Agenda and Minutes 04.23.1992 BRAZOS :.� : 4 COUNTY 'ti. Y INTERJURISDICT1ONAL OFFICE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT /CML DEFENSE JAKE CANGLOSE COUNTY COURTHOUSE MARY KAYE MOORE INTERJURISDICTIONAL 300 EAST 26TH STREET, ROOM 103 BRYAN COORDINATOR COORDINATOR & CHAIRMAN BRYAN, TEXAS 77803 -5359 (409) 361 -4140 S I EVE BEACHY HARRY STITELER COLLEGE STATION COORDINATOR TAMU COORDINATOR April 16, 1992 Brazos County Local Emergency Planning Committee Dear Committee Member: The next regular quarterly meeting of the LEPC will be held on Thursday, April 23 at 3:OOpm. This is the fourth Thursday of the month instead of the third Thursday that our meetings are normally held on. This will be a joint - meeting with the Brazos County Emergency Management /Civil Defense Council and the main focus will be on reviewing potential hazards from underground pipelines. This is in response to the recent explosion that occurred in Washington County. An agenda for the meeting is attached. I have also included a copy of the City of Baytown Emergency Management and Preparedness General Instructions for Pipeline Emergencies that may be useful in our planning. Your attendance and participation is appreciated. Sincerely, Stephen C. Beachy Chairman SB:sal BRAZOS COUNTY BRYAN COLLEGE STATION TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY BRAZOS COUNTY LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE SUITE 103 BRAZOS COUNTY COURTHOUSE 300 EAST 26TH STREET BRYAN, TEXAS 77803 Quarterly Meeting Thursday, April 23, 1992 3:OOpm 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Old Business a. Command Post Fax Update b. Emergency Response Resource Inventory c. County EOC Committee Report 4. New Business a. Discussion of Underground Pipeline Hazards in Brazos County b. Discussion of 1992 Brazos County Emergency Management Workshop S. Hear Visitors 6. Other Business /Committee Concerns 7. Adjourn BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT /CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL and LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE • JOINT MEETING Thursday, January 16, 1992 3:30 p.m. 103 -104 Courthouse Bryan, Texas MINUTES PRESENT Jake Canglose, Brazos Cty. Emg. Mgt: /Civ. Def. Council, Chairman Steve Beachy, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Chairman Jeridan Strong, Brazos Cty. Emg. Mgt. /Civ. Def. Roy -Ross, Bryan Emergency Management A. W. Onstott, College. Station Police Dept. B. G. Maddox, Bryan Police Dept. Jim Bland, Bryan Fire Dept. Holly Faison, Bryan Department of Public. Safety - Jim Dikes, St. Joseph Hospital & Health Center, Bryan Harry Stiteler, TAMU Emergency Management • Ed Ilschner, Bryan Municipal Services_ David Jefferson, Brazos County Health Dept. Robert Foust, University Police Dept., TAMU Bill Thomas, American Red Cross B. J. Camp, Mega Laboratories, Bryan Douglas Will "iams, TAMU Transportation (Bus Ops.). • Ronnie Miller, Brazos Cty. Sheriff Alvin Phelps, Brazos County Firefighters Assn. • Chris Carter, Brazos Cty. Emg. Mgt. /Civ. Def. ABSENT Richard Orange, College Station Fire Dept. Bill Schaer, EMS, College Station Fire Dept. Charles Phelps, Bryan Police Dept. (sent Maddox) Michael Strope, College Station Police Dept. (sent Onstott) Bob Wiatt, TAMU Security /University Police (sent Foust) Elmer Schneider, TAMU Security /University Police (sent Foust) Mary Kaye Moore, Bryan Emg. Mgt. (sent Ross) John Blackburn, Bryan Emg. Mgt. (sent Ross) J. E. Marsh, Brazos Cty. Health Dept. (sent Jefferson) Walter A. Godfrey, St. Joseph Hospital (sent Dikes) Jeff Haislet, Brazos Cty. Emg. Comm. Dist. (911) Garry Lange, College Station Pub. Utilities Sam Logan, Texas Forest Service NO GUESTS LEPC Meeting -2- Jan. 16, 1992 • MINUTES • CALL TO ORDER OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT /CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL MEETING: Meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Jake Canglose, Chairman of Emergency Management /Civil Defense Council. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) DISTRICT OFFICE CHANGE - NWS will be changing the district office sometime this fall from Waco to Houston. All forecast information (watches, warnings, etc.) will come out of Houston after the change is made. NOAA's budget was cut to necessi- tate this change.' Skip Ely of NWS will be in Brazos County on Thurs., Feb. 6, 1992 at 9 :00 a.m. at the Brazos Center to inform us of the changes and answer any questions we may have. After the change is in effect, Jake will call another meeting.to work with the Meteorolog- ical Information Center (MIC) from Houston to interface.on how all this will be handled. Jake would like to see all public - safety people, all elected officials,.emergency coordinators, councilmen and city managers attend this meeting. WINTER FLOOD UPDATE - The Sheriff's Dept. notified persons out in the county who needed to evacuate their homes. Bill Thomas of Red Cross took care of any families needing shelter. County Road & Bridge Dept. worked to clear the roads of debris, put up "high water" signs, etc. Maps marked.by flooding of roads, bridges, and land were examined. Discussion followed on flood. Thirty two (32) roads were barricaded during the worst parts of the flood. The losses suffered in the County,were in agriculture---cattle, hay,, farrn equipme.nt_,:_etc. Approximately'140 -150 head of cattle were lost. Jake explained the 3 areas the Federal government divides.a county into for. assistance: 1. Assistance for Agricultural Losses is applied for through the Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service (ASCS) Office. 2. Individual Assistance area is assistance for individual homes and belongings. 3. Public Property area is assistance for losses incurred on any gov- ernment property, expenses government agencies had to pay 'as a result of the flooding. Brazos County has been declared approved for assistance in two of the three areas: Agricultural Losses and (recently) Individual Assistance. We are still in the process of trying to get the County approved for Public Property assistance. The greatest damages were done to County roads and bridges. A federal team will be coming out to investigate to see if we qualify for public property assistance. Chief Jim Bland brought up an announcement during the flooding by Channel 6 that the Brazos River was over its banks and the west portion of Bryan was being evacuated. 911 was flooded with calls. Somehow the wrong information was broadcast over Channel 6 in Waco. Discus- sion followed on the need to have one central person or coordinator who will give out information to the public. STATE ANNUAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE - The Thirty -first Annual State Conference put on by the Division of Emergency Management will take place on February 25 - 27, 1992 in Austin at Austin Doubletree Hotel. Chris has application forms and copies of letter and agenda for those who would like to attend. $40.00 registration before Feb. 20. LEPC Meeting -3- Jan. 16, 1992 $50.00 registration after that date. Jake went over the topics on the agenda. CENTRAL EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER (EOC) FOR BRAZOS COUNTY - Jake has appointed a subcommittee to. take a detailed look at locating a central EOC for the County. Steve Beachy will serve as Chairman. Also on the committee are: Harry Stiteler, John Blackburn, Bob Wiatt, Jeff Haislet, Jerry Strong, Ron Miller, and Holland Winder. The committee will look at central accessibility, parking, cost concerns, etc. and put in a proposal for a mutually agreed upon site. Then the County Judge and 2 Mayors will go over the proposal. ® 1. CALL TO ORDER OF LOCAL EMERGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING: LEPC Meeting was called to order by Steve Beachy, Chairman'of LEPC. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Agenda and Minutes from last LEPC meeting on Thurs., Oct. 17,.1991 were distributed and gone over by Committee. Minutes approved as read. Jim Bland motioned; Jerry Strong seconded. 3. OLD BUSINESS: Steve mentioned that J. W. Chism of Transportation Division of LEPC has been replaced by Doug Williams of TAMU Bus Operations. Mr. Chism • has left City of Bryan Transportation. ' . A. HAZMAT Emergency.ResponseProcedures - Jeff .Hais.let has finished the draft of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Procedures and has turned over to Jake who will go over and then get together with committee to discuss. Steve suggested. having ready to discuss . at next LEPC meeting in April. Jim Bland mentioned that Cecil • Ware of the Brazos County Firefighters Association was concerned about the old HAZMAT plan. Jerry said that Cecil had spoken with him also about it and that most of his questions were taken care of in the new plan we are working on. Jake brought up the need for all County fire departments, police departments; and Sheriff's Dept. to compile a list of resources so that each department knows what resources we have on'hand. Discussion followed on equipment resource list and it was decided that Alvin Phelps of BCFA will work on putting together a format of resources list and Jim Bland will coordinate Bryan, College Station, and.Brazos County's res- ource lists. B. Command Post Fax Update - Jerry Strong will pick up the new fax machine for the Emergency Mobile Command Post (MCP) tomorrow and see about having it installed. As soon as we get an invoice, Bryan, College Station, and Texas A &M University will each get a letter saying how much they owe. The fax will cost approximately $800.00 altogether. Brazos County will pay the invoice and be reimbursed for portion of it by other three entities. .City of Bryan now has the MCP (from Jan. 1 through July 1). • LEPC Meeting -4- Jan. 16, 1992 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Cable Television Franchise Hearings --Steve passed out flyers on the refranchise hearing for cable television company (TCA Cable) which will be on Tues., Jan. 21, 1992 at the Brazos Center at 7 p.m. The Cities of Bryan and College Station are in the process of re- negotiating the franchise agreement with cable TV. There will bey - a series of public hearings involving the type of services wanted by the local community. Input from governmental and 'school offi- cials will be needed. Jake has written a letter to TCA Cable re- garding emergency notification of the public and some of our other concerns. He has asked for: 1. Video interface for local government channel where we could go on the air live in emergencies, broadcast training and public information tapes, etc. . 2. Emergency power supply to back up the cable system. 3. Look at developing a warning system to use over cable to warn the public of impending disasters. Steve informed the group that within the next .couple of years, the basic cable rate will go up to $25.00 a month. Depending on how we involve ourselves in the hearings will determine. whether we leave local cable TV as is or make it better. Concerns can be. voiced by letter to Mary Kaye Moore in Bryan and to Linda Piwonka in College Station and will be put on next agenda. • B. Correspondence - Steve has received a letter and information packet from the Texas Department of Health (TDH) of the new 1992 Texas Tier Two Generic Reporting Package. He .asked how many copies we would need to send for`. This was discussed and. it was decided that 200 copies would be sufficient. Steve will send for these. 5. HEAR VISITORS: Lt. Onstott of College Station Police Dept. said that Chief Strope has asked about the possibility of compiling all the emergency plans into one book. This was discussed and it was decided that each plan must be kept separate because there are so many. different ones and each one will be needed in different circumstances. Jake suggested getting a three -ring binder and punching holes in all the plans to keep them all in one large binder. . . . 6. OTHER BUSINESS /COMMITTEE CONCERNS: None 7. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting of LEPC and Council was adjourned at 4 :50 p.m. cpc APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX Q Corrected Nov. 1986 ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS General Page 1 BAYTOWN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT &:PREPAREDNESS PIPELINES GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS SCHEME OF PRESENTATION Information on various pipelines in Baytown are listed according to streets and corridors. Streets with pipeline crossings are listed alphabetically with a separate information sheet for each corridor on each street. Corridors are numbered in general direction from south to north and west to east. No two locations share the same number. Arrangement of the pipelines in each corridor is numbered left to right in the direction given. Phone numbers are for area code (713) except as indicated. Long distance calls are indicated by 1 prefix, or the appropriate area code. Entex distribution lines are located throughout the City and are not shown. Hazard: The number shown under the hazard column refers to the Guide number in the 1980 Emergency Response Guidebook, "Hazardous Materials," published by the Department of Transportation. PROCEDURE - See Annex Q, Hazardous Materials 1. Notify Police, Fire, and Emergency Management Departments according to departmental instructions. Police Dept. is primarily responsible. 2. Notify Entex at 422 -8308 on all gas line incidents. Fire Dept. is primarily responsible. 3. Notify all operators in a given corridor starting with those whose lines are most likely involved. Fire Dept. is primarily responsible. 4. Notify Exxon Refinery at 425 -3300 on all Exxon lines. After hours, call the Shift Superintendent at 425 -3995. Fire Dept. is responsible. 5. Notify Houston D.P.S. (681 - 1761). E.O.C. is responsible. NOMENCLATURE All personnel should try to be uniform in using terms to describe the incident. Leak: This should be referred to as a gas or liquid leak with no fire or or explosion. On a gas leak there is usually a hissing sound or bubbling in under water. Rupture or Break: This is a major leak or break in a line with no fire or explosion. There may be a loud noise with a sudden release of material. Explosion: This is a sudden ignition of gas or liquid and may be accompanied by a fireball and loud noise. Fire: Fire is the continued burning of the material or other substance. Corrected Jan., 1987 General Page 2 BAYTOWN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT & PREPAREDNESS EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS CITY OF BAYTOWN °- Ambulance 422 -0044 (a) Emergency Management & Preparedness 422 -8281 Coordinator J. F. Hickerson 424- 5163(Home) Alt. Coord. Bobby Rountree 428- 2235(Home) Alt. Coord. W. P. Cornelius, Jr.. 427- 3006(Home) City Manager Fritz Lanham 427- 9072(Home) Fire Department Call "911" 427- 8511(Fire Only) Police Department Call "911" 422- 3530(Emergency Only) 422- 8371(Other) HARRIS COUNTY Civil Defense, Houston - Harris County 222 -3901 Fire Marshall 221 -5220 Sheriff's Department 221- 6000(Emergency) TEXAS, STATE OF (g) Air Quality Control Board 666 -4964 (g) Division of Emergency Management, DPS 681 -1761 (Houston) (512) 458 -7551 (Austin) (c,g) Dept. of Health & Radiation (512) 458 -7341 (Austin) (g) Dept. of Highways and Transportation 869 -4571 Baytown -La Porte Tunnel 422 -8527 (b) Dept. of Public Safety 681 -1761 (g) National Guard (512) 475 -5006 (g) Ellington Field 481 -0025 (f,g) Water Resources Board 479 -7686 U. S. GOVERNMENT Army Explosive Ordinance 137 Ord. Det. San Antonio (512) 221 -4004 45th Ord. Det. Fort Polk (318) 537 -5726 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (800) 424 -9551 Coast Guard (e) Captain of the Port 672 -6639 or 672 -6630 Ellington Field 481 -1400 ext. 2637 Vessel Traffic Control 762 -6186 or 226 -4806 Dept. of Transportation, Washington (800) 424 -9300 (d) Federal Aviation Agency 644 -8361 or 644 -7386 (c) Nuclear Regulatory Commission Albuquerque, N.M. (505) 264 -4667 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (a) Notification required all situations that threaten public or require coordination of non -City agencies. (b) Notification required all major emergencies. (c) Notification required all radiation accidents. (d) Notification required all plane crashes. (e) Notification required accidents or spills in navigable waters. (f) Notification required contamination of waterways or watersheds. (g) Normally notified by DPS. Corrected Nov., 1986 General Page 3 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS, Continued INDUSTRY ORGANIZATIONS Chemtrec, Washington, D. C. 1(800) 424 -9300 Entex Gas, Inc. 422 -8308 Exxon Refinery 425 -3300 or 425 -3995 • Exxon Shift Superintendent (24- hours) 425 -5305 or 425 -3296 Mobay Chemical Company 383 -2411 ext. 5555 Natural Gas Odorizing Company 424 -5568 or 424 -5569 or 424 -3658 Stauffer Chemical Company 427 -7413 or 928 -3411 Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. 424 -5511 or 759 -4300 PIPELINES Air Products, Inc. 479 -5901 Amoco Pipeline Company 1(409) 945 -5762 ARCO Pipeline Company 450 -2081 or 477 -8656 or 1(316) 331 -3381 Big -3 Pipeline 868 -0333 or 868 -0539 Cayuse Pipeline Company (Dow) 978 -3081 Chevron (Warren, Gulf) 226 -2086 or 1(800) 762 -3404 Dow Pipeline Company 978 -3081 DuPont (Conoco Pipeline) 573 -1383 Enterprise Pipeline 383 -3546 or 688 -2122 Entex Gas, Inc. 422 -8308 Exxon Gas System, Inc. 224-0429 or 680 -5777 Exxon Pipeline Company 656 -1234 or 470 -4400 Exxon Refinery 425 -5305 or 425 -3296 Exxon Katy Production District (1) 391 -3550 Gulf Pipeline Co. (Chevron) 226 -2086 or (800)762 -3404 Houston Lighting & Power 659 -8777 Houston Pipeline Co. 392 -1965 or 225 -7444 Mobil Pipeline Company 1(409) 838 -6532 or 839 -1289 Pinto Pipeline Company (Dow) (1) 978 -3081 Seadrift Pipeline Co. (Union Carbide) 1(409) 843 -5212 or 1(512) 552 -4820 Seagull Pipeline Co. 651 -1464 Shell Pipeline Company 472 -3602 or 241 -0648 Tenneco Channel Industries Gas 627 -9016 or 627 -0779 Texas Eastern Transmission Co. 424 -5511 Union Carbide Pipeline Co. 1(409) 843 -5212 or (512)552 -4820 United Texas Transmission Co. 729 -9710 or 728 -6115 Warren Petroleum Pipeline (Chevron) 226 -2086 or (800)762 -3404 RAILROADS Bureau of Explosives, Washington, D.C. 1(202) 293 -4048 Missouri Pacific RR 427 -8541 Southern Pacific RR 422 -8387 Transportation Control Center 222 -7063 Nov., 1986 BAYTOWN CIVIL DEFENSE PIPELINES ARCHER ROAD CORRIDOR 1 KEY MAP 501 LOCATION: At intersection of Barkaloo Rd. Left to right, facing north. OPERATOR PRODUCT HAZARD PHONE 1. Exxon Pipeline Co. Crude Oil 27 656 -1234 or 470 -440: 2. Exxon Pipeline Co. Butene 22 " 3. Exxon Pipeline Co. Isobutane 22. 4. Shell Pipeline Co. Propylene' 22 472 -3602 or 241 -064E 5. Shell Pipeline Co. Ethylene 22 " 6. Exxon Pipeline CC. Propylene 22 656 -1234 or 470 -440: 7. Dow Pipeline L.P.G. 22 978 -3081 8. Exxon Pipeline Co. Ethylene 22 656 -1234 or 470 -440: 9. Exxon Pipeline Co. Brine None " 10 Enterprise P/L Co. L.P.G. 22 383 -3546 11 Exxon Pipeline Co. Propylene 22 656 -1234 or 470 -440: 12 Exxon Pipeline Co. Butane 22 " 13 Exxon Pipeline Co. Ethylene 22 " 14 Exxon Pipeline Co. Ethylene 22 " 15 ARCO Pipeline Propylene 22 450 -2081 or 477 -865 16 ARCO Pipeline Ethylene 22 " 17 ARCO Pipeline Propylene 22 " •