HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecifications for Posting Fallout Shelter Signs i. 7 September: 1962 , SPECT.r''%.�TT, _itOUNIY j i1ttTN0USE �EFEMS! FOR POSTING FALLOUT E LTER SIGNS e 1. Finiched Appearance. The suns shall be placed to provide: a. , god visibility to the public. i b. -.11- marked route(s) fror :. the entrance(s) to the shelter are I c, Identification of the actual :shelter area(s). 1 4 , d. Minimum opportunity for vandalism. . r:. cr ption and Use. a. .:xterior sign, Type I, size 14" z 20 ", aluminum, 0.C_5" t::_ck, wic:. partially reflectorized surface and overlays. Used to mark ,ac _ .. ty entrances. b. Interior sign, Type II, size '_ " x 14 ", galvanized stet -� 1, 3.01:" thi '.., with partially reflectorized surface and overlays. U:: d ' . ins.. of , cilities to mark access routes and shelter areas. s f _ , Number and Location. One exterior sign shall be posted at each principal entrance ._c facility which has an acceptable access route to a shelter therein. b. Interior signs will be placed only where essential to guide • people to the shelter areas located in the facilities and to mark each - im?uc:diate shelter area. Normally, only one sign shal be posted inside any one shelter area, except where the limits of a shelter area cannot be • defined by the use of a single centrally placed sign. c. At entrances the preferred location is over the doorway. 1 • I i . 4. Posting Height. Exterior signs shall be posted with the lower edge eight (8) feet above the ground. Interior signs shall be posted with the lower edge a minimum of seven (7) feet above the floor. When clearance does not allow posting at these heights, post as high as practicable. 5. Attaching Signs to Surfaces (see sketches). a. Use mechanical fasteners wherever permissible. b. For wood surfaces, use 3/4" aluminum drive screws or 7/8" aluminum general purpose shingle nails. c. For metal siding and wall sheathing, use 3/4" No. 8 sheet metal screws of 18 -8 stainless steel with non - metallic washers wherever galvanic action may occur. d. For masonry, stone, stucco, plaster and fiberboard, use 1" x 3/16" nylon tap -in fasteners behind the sign with 1" x 1/4" aluminum drive screws or equivalent. Drive pins, with non - metallic washers where galvanic action ' is likely, may be used when the cost of the setting tool can be recovered by time saved. Drive pins are difficult to remove. e. For fine architectural surfaces such as polished stone, ceramics, stainless steel, etc., where drilling holes for mechanical fasteners is objectionable, use double -faced tape or an adhesive bonding agent. Surfaces to be bonded shall be clean and dry. (1) Tape. Two of the tapes suitable for this use are Y -9063, I manufactured by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., and "G - Extruseal" (1 /16" thick) as manufactured by Pecora, Inc., 400 West Sedgeley Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (a) Use of Y -9063. On exterior signs, use five strips 4 x 4" placed vertically at the four corners and center. On interior signs L„e four strips 1" x 4" placed vertically at the four corners. `/27.1..c.,4 / .., .a. 2 — 1 (b) Use of G -66 Extruseal. On exterior signs use a 1" strip across the top and down both sides, plus a 1" x 8" strip vertically in the center. On interior signs use five strips 1" x 2" placed vertically at the four corners and center. (2) Adhesive. One of the adhesives suitable for this application if spread over the entire back of the sign is CTA -11 as manufactured by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, obtainable throughout the United States. (3) For removal use a solvent recommended by the manufacturer of the adhesive or tape used. Y -9063 will require scraping for removal. When CA -11 or G -66 is used, discoloration of marble or other polished stone surfaces may occur through retention of the material in pores of the stone. f. Framing. Framing of signs is not recommended. g. For post- mounted exterior signs at entrances use a weatherproof backing material or aluminum reinforcing strips attached with aluminum screws or bolts. A 2" galvanized steel pipe 12 feet long, set 2 feet in a'con- crete base, is a preferable post. The signs and weatherproof backing shall . be attached to the post by use of 5/16" bolts of 18 -8 stainless steel or by use of appropriate brackets such as the Lyle BR bracket manufactured by Lyle Signs, Inc., 2720 University Avenue, S. E., Minneapolis 14, Minnesota. Non- metallic washers should be used to prevent galvanic action. 6. Overlays. a, A capacity indicator ring overlay shall be placed centrally in the lowest black triangular segment of the large circle on interior signs used to mark immediate shelter areas. Capacity numerals shall be placed inside capacity indicator ring to denote the capacity of the immediate shelter area. Capacities posted on both exterior and interior signs should 3 • —� be rounded to the'nearest 5 spaces, e.g., for a building with'372 total spaces, post 370. For a shelter with 53 spaces, post 55, etc. b. Capacity numerals shall be placed on each exterior sign marking an entrance to the facility where shelter(s) exists, normally indicating total shelter capacity of the building or special facility. c. Two arrows shall be placed on each interior sign used as a route marker. The arrows will be proportionately spaced in the black area below the wording "Fallout Shelter." d. The "Starts Here" indicator strips shall be placed below the wording "Fallout Shelter" on the lower black portion of the sign. These strips shall be used on each interior sign which marks the beginning of a shelter area which cannot be designated by a single centrally placed sign. Attach this overlay prior to hanging and tear off the end not applicable. 7. Workmanship. Sufficient care in selecting materials and attaching signs shall be exercised to avoid damage. • • 4 • � r N . , , ,, . . . ... . . , . • ..... ,,,, • tspiEc:172.11,7:173 FO posTicln: vatout SUE sE6. ' 0 0 holes in 4 corners ------- '',..., \ . , \ // ,.., , / \ _ / — - ( , ' r• , Center line holes ‘ \\ 1 / I for pole mounting 1 1/2" down from top edge 3 3/4" up from bottom edge N. .. r.L ___________---- -------------------- N._..., ----.._ t — - ... , , 0 1 , ■ ,-, • Placerrent of 1" X 4" strips of tape c r, 9 0 L E iii • 7 1 11 , [I Li Exterior Sign Interior Sign Rear View Rear View Incl 1 page 5 5 , DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE _ • OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE Washington 25, D: C. • 30 August 1962 MEMORANDUM NO. 62 -62 FOR ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS SUBJECT: Fallout Shelter Signs - Posting and Removal SIGN POSTING • A. you ware previously informed CE- BuDocks field offices currently involved in the National Fallout Shelter Survey will, install or manage the installation of permanent fallout shelter signs for licensed shelters located during the survey, This work is being performed under an authoriza- tion and furs:_ made available by an OCD project order, CE- BuDocks forces will normally post all signs for required shelters, including facilities of Federal and Military agencies agreeable to this procedure, except where owners or managers or other competent authority wish to post the signs themselves. CE- E.uaocks field offices will insure , that signs posted by others are placed in accordance with instructions. REMOVAL OF SIGNS The OCD programming does not, however, provide for the removal of old shelter signs, posted prior to the Fallout Shelter Survey, Marking and Stocking Program, nor ;:he removal of new signs when building owner cancels a license; or when a sign is damaged by vandals or otherwise. • These signs should be removed if necessary and disposed of by the local government. Technical guidance for the removal of signs will be made avail- able to State and local government officials at a later date. REPLACEMENT OF SIGNS Local governments should take the initiative in replacing shelter signs in those instances where such action is necessary. Instructions for posting signs will be furnished on request to the OCD Regional offices. Local • officials needing replacement signs should make their requirements known to their State Civil Defense Direcrors, who, in turn, will refer the request to the - • appropriate OCD Regional Director_ Arrangements will then be made to provide the signs through the normal shelter provisioning distribution system or from the nearest field office of the CE- BuDockso WILLIAM P. DURKEE Director for Federal Assistance • ( . . . . • ■ II . , . . ■ • 3 6/6/62 •.!. I r..} CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS ' FO R FALLOUT SHELTER SIGN'S - MATERIALS = Any soft - bristle commercial scrub brush such as those used for household cleaning of painted walls or for washing windows. An equivalent Government item is "Nail and Hand Scrubbing Brush ", Stock No.7920- 619 -9162 at 24 cents each Any detergent such as "Duz", "Rinso", "Bor- axo ", "Mr. Clean ", etc. or an alkaline soap pow— der free from caustic alkali. Equivalent Govern- ments items are "Detergent, P ainted Surface'; 25- ib container @ $3.00, Stock No. 7930- 634 -1362 or 1 -gal can @ $1.25, Stock_No. 7930- 530 -8067; also "Soap Scrubbing, Alkaline ", 1 -lb pkg @ $ .09, Stock No. 7930- 231 -2998. - CLEANING - Using warm water, prepare a water -soap solu- tion according to the manufacturers directions on the package. If the bristles of the brush are hard, they may be softened by soaking in hot water. Clean the sign by scrubbing in a circular motion with the soap solution followed by rinsing with clear water. (NOTE: The use of trade names herein does not constitute indorsement of these products by the Department of Defense). r Y he r.1.01113i'-' N ": t ..1 4 , .. ,. , . information bulletin h�P�B •oF•��ti•, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Division of Defense and Disaster Relief r Austin, Texas October 5, 1962 No. TO: All Civil Defense Directors A new combination poster and street car card has been readied for distribution by the Office of Civil Defense, Department of Defense. The new poster is designed to stimulate support for the National Fallout Shelter Program, calling attention to the program as it becomes a reality in cities throughout the country. The State Civil Defense Office will receive a supply of the posters shortly and will make them available to local civil defense organizations upon request. Our supply will be equal to one poster for approximately each 1,000 persons in the state. During October and November, approximately 74,000 of these posters will be displayed in all Post Offices and other federal buildings in the nation. In addition to display in places generally used for posting, such as in store windows, bulletin boards, and wall areas, it is recommended that inter -city transportation companies be solicited to donate free car card spaces on street cars and busses. The poster is designed 21 inches wide and 11 inches deep so that it can be used on most city transportation systems. Requests for the poster should be sent to the State Civil Defense Office, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas. - 30 - i ' W c Ldli t4 (_44a- 4 T E X A S D E P A R T M E N T O F P U B L I C S A F E OFFICE OF DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIES Austin 14)4) [-Ve Vve TO: Civil Defense Director Addressed r} J r FROM: C. 0. Layne, Deputy Director The following information, dated August 19, 1963, has come to Chief Busby from Region 5, Office of Civil Defense: "The Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) is sending notice to all its Member Outdoor Advertisers that a new 24 -sheet outdoor poster which advertises shelters is available. Outdoor Advertisers will be asked to fill out an order blank suppli d by OAAA, which will be mailed directly to the advertisers. Defense Directors are enco, .- •utdoor Ad erti - in t eir area to order the poster which is captioned: 'Sign oar Community` in Action - Movzng Food, Water, Medicines bi o- ors.' This is the fifth year of sponsorship in this activity of OAAA. "In add.tion, the same art work is being used on a 21" by 11" size ecmbinat.on car card and poster. All cities under 40,000 population will be sent 25 posters; and all cities over 40,00o pop 1atio.Z vill be sent 100 posters. Local Civil Defense Directors in your State will receive a total of 7,150 of these ecmbination car card /posters. "Arrangements are being made to display the poster in every post office and Federal Government Building in the country. "Additional quantities of both the 24 -sheet poster and `'the ccmDination car card and pester will be made available upon rey to this office." 7 044.4%4 " 2 - 2 " -ev4. / ..La 4 z o CC 11= W W w LL= LIJ m V J W 4 0 x x W H H = z = o Z z E a 0 -1 W J m "' Y J t CC 4C ( a V) CC F p ac p W W W WI w W or Q v o x X v > H = .... Z z = c 0 O m w O Y J H Q J a L O Z p w DC W W W F . LU 03 V J W O - 4111 CC O x = X N H Z N z c p w J = III m w O J H G Q J Z INIC I a I.1 ■ Z p cg pC W W W 11= CO LW CY., J w W a ° x S H H = G7 p H o N LAA O N W N Z a O ` t = W Q C W Q O W LA M r �LL VW O aO U�y o. to ¢� W O m_ = N Z S ▪ p Q 1 6 yJ O O L i W 0 ai W 00 cc ■ m w O N w = I-- d a W Z 6 LA W Z C Y ipW O..• W yJ y Q � WN 3C ,./.. W 3 y. •- W C QQ u _ Z C t ■ = "C Z i 0 Z O a , p 1 - ; 23 O U 6 3a o G L3> O c U U = U O i C C H W i i W i 0 •C l 1 W o Z a O W G. V_ O Z N M O N Z R O N Z G Z p u H ,:w - OL -- 2 W LLI W W Um. m V J w 1dd V) ▪ ° x X H H G7 p 1- = = Z z c o c O S w • Y J N CC Q J a I s ILL