HomeMy WebLinkAboutRe: Phenobarbital in Shelter Medical Kits 1972 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY WILSON E. SPEIR Division of Defense and Disaster Relief CD-12 Director C. 0. LAYNE State Coordinator Date October 1, 1972 TO: All Civil Defense Directors FROM: M. P. Bowden, Deputy Coordinator SUBJECT: Phenobarbital in Shelter Medical Kits The Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) reports that only slightly more than 25% of the phenobarbital tablets distributed in the shelter medical kits have been reported to them as having been disposed of in accordance with instructions and forms previously furnished. In the event dispositions have not been reported to BNDD, please do so with the attached forms. Instructions are contained at the bottom of the form. FORMAT FOR REPORT OF DISPOSITION OF PHENOBARBITAL FROM FALLOUT SHELTER SUPPLIES 1. NAME OF DISPOSING GOVERNMENT: 2. DISPOSITION BY TRANSFER: a. Name and address of transferee b. Registration Number of Transferee c. Amount: No. of Bottles (1) From A Kit, 500 1 /2 grain tablets per bottle (2) From C Kit, 1,000 '/3 grain tablets per bottle d. Date of Transfer: e. Signature and Title of Government Official making transfer 3. DISPOSITION BY DESTRUCTION: a. Method of Destruction: b. Date of Destruction: c. Amounts No. of Bottles (1) From A Kit, 500 1 /2 grain tablets per bottle (2) From C Kit, 1,000 1/2 grain tablets per bottle d. Certification: I CERTIFY THAT THE PHENOBARBITAL DESCRIBED IN 3.c. WAS DESTROYED IN THE MANNER DESCRIBED IN 3.a. Signature and Title of Government Official Supervising Destruction INSTRUCTIONS Use this form to report each disposition of phenobarbital from fallout shelter supplies. Complete an original and one copy. Send the original to: Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Department of Justice Room 524 1405 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20537 Attention: Special Agent Willard Rutledge Keep the copy in your files for TWO years. 1. Show the name and address of the government (State or local) or government agency to which the phenobarbital belonged before it was disposed of. 2. Show under this item the information required for disposition by transfer. Use a separate report form for each transferee. a. Show name and address of agency or person to which the phenobarbital was transferred. b. If transferee is a:xempt from registration, explain why. c. Show number rf each size bottle transferred. 3. Show under this item the inforr, ation required for disposition by destruction.