HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Mary's Catholic 100303dedication st. mary's chapel College station, texas October 19, 1958 God Bless You. May Almighty God in His love reward and bless each and every one who has helped in providing the facilities for the Catholic Students of Texas A. 4 M. College, College Station, Texas. Without the financial assistance and prayers of all, it would have been impossible to build the new St. Mary's Student Center and the new St. Mary's Chapel. We are grateful to the Knights of Columbus of the State, to the Catholic Union of Czech Men and Women of Texas (K. J. T. and K. J. Z. T.), to the Aggie -Exes, parents and friends of Aggieland. Your charity shall be remembered at all the Masses celebrated in this Chapel and your act of charity has been sealed in the main altar. God bless you, love you and reward you. We beg your prayers for the future, so that the work so well begun may be finished to the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. MOST REVEREND LOUIS J. REICHER, D. D. Bishop of Austin DIOCSe or AVSTIN CHANCERY OFFICE AVSTIN,TIEAS September 23, 1958 Beloved priests and faithful of St. Mary's Chapel: Our heartfelt congratulations to you who have prayed, planned, and worked so well to make this new chapel a sturdy and lasting expression of your courageous faith. May your willingness to sacrifice, as shown in this undertaking, be richly rewarded. A structure such as you have erected needs no words to explain its purpose, or to enhance its beauty. This new St. Mary's Chapel stands as an invitation and as a reminder to our people. It invites all, both students and residents of the area, to direct their studies and their efforts towards the final goal of their lives, eternal union with God. They are reminded that in this supremely vital work they do not labor alone or in vain. Our divine Lord, sacramentally present on the altar, is there to help, encourage, and strengthen those who come to Him. This Chapel's most meaningful beauty is to be found in the fact that it is truly the House of God and that it is symbolic of a real hope for eternal happi- ness with Him. With gratitude in your hearts and confidence for the future continue the good work which you have so gener- ously begun. May God bless you. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Sri D. D. , LL. D. Father Gleissner John Baptist Gleissner was born in the beautiful little village of Burkun- stadt in Bavaria. He was the youngest child of Franz Gleissner, who was an artist. As a very young man, he left Germany to begin his studies for the priesthood in Holland and finished at Niagara University in New York. It was his desire to work in China, but because of his delicate health this request was denied, and he was sent to Texas instead. Father Gleissner was ordained in Galveston at the age of 23. He was made pastor of Tours and then Hearne, and from Hearne he attended seventeen missions, mostly on horseback. In 1904, he was sent to Bryan as pastor of St. Joseph's Church, and a few months later started his work with his Aggies. He was later raised to the dignity of a Monsignor. "My Aggies" was a familiar phrase to all who talked to Father Gleissner. Each boy's problem became his problem. He fought, interceded and prayed for them. He was their friend, counselor and protector. To him, an Aggie was truly the flower of young manhood and it was his goal in life to see that these young men were given every opportunity to become good and useful citizens, and in their profession to be true Christian men, serving God and rendering service to mankind. To this end, "Father" Gleissner devoted 48 years of his priestly life and in his desire to give the best to these young men, he labored and begged for many years to build a larger Chapel and a Student Center. It was his dream and ambition that the new Chapel be of Colonial style on a hill. This dream did not become a reality in his life, but through the generosity of friends and Aggies, the church now stands, and to his glorious work in the 48 years with the Aggies this Chapel is dedicated. Monsignor Gleissner, with the help of God's grace, endeavored daily to live up to the little poem above his desk, entitled "My Daily Creed." M Y DAILY CREED Let me be a little kinder, let me be a little blinder To the faults of those about me; let me praise a little more; Let me be, when I am weary, just a little bit more cheery; Let me serve a little better those that I am striving for. Let me be a little braver when temptation bids me waver; Let me strive a little harder to be all that I should be; Let me be a little meeker with the brother that is weaker; Let me think more of my neighbor and a little less of me. RIGHT REVEREND JOHN B. GLEISSNER, V. F. The New St. Mary's Chapel The new St. Mary's Chapel at College Station has been completed, and the dedication will be on October 19, 1958. This building, which serves pri- marily the Catholic Students at A & M College, is the second unit in the group of proposed buildings to be built on property belonging to St. Mary's Catholic Church at College Station. The completion of this building brings to a fulfillment a dream of Msgr. Gleissner, who for 48 years was the Chaplain and close friend of his "beloved Aggies." There is already in place on the wall of the entrance portico, a bronze plaque which indicates that this building is dedicated to the memory of the Msgr. The building differs in architecture from the Student Center structure which was completed several years ago, but it is the building which Msgr. Gleissner had expressed his wish to see constructed. The structure is as solid as was the faith of the man to whom it will be dedicated; being basically of steel and masonry construction. In style, the building is colonial with the exterior of a beautiful shade of reddish brick with tall graceful wooden columns supporting the entry portico, and flanked on the side with a gleaming white porcelain enamel tower reaching up into the sky. The exterior trim members are wood in design to harmonize with the style of the building. The roof is a permanent slate green colored tile. The building will accommodate 550 people in the nave and has space for an additional 50 people in the Choir and Cry Room, which is located on the balcony. There is a small chapel on the upper floor in the front of the building which will accommodate approximately 40 person for daily service. The interior finishes and trim were designed to carry out the style of the building and wide use was made of wood paneling and moulded trims. The stairs have turned wood ballusters and hand- rails. The interior walls above the paneling are plaster finish and the ceilings are of acoustical plaster to provide maximum sound control. All floors on the ground level are of terrazzo finish, while those of the balcony and the small chapel are rubber tile. The interior fittings of the Church have been designed to harmonize with the building. The altar of oriental and domestic marbles was designed to go with the Baldachino which is of wood and ties in with a paneled wall against which it stands. The Baldachino has velvet back drapes of various colors which can be changed for the service. The pews are of mahogany, finished naturally, with the pew ends of contrasting white finish. All of the bronze altar fittings and the wood carvings for the crucifix and stations of the cross were executed by artisans in Belgium and Italy. The building has installed in it the latest equipment for summer and winter air - conditioning with all controls of the electronic type, to provide the maximum in comfort for those attending services at any time. The cost of the structure and furnishings will be $300,000. There have been some parking areas installed, but more will be added as the streets around the site are completed. Landscape work has been started. R. B. Butler, Inc. of Bryan was the General Contractor while W. E. Kutzschbach Co. did the mechanical work. William E. Nash was the Architect, and R. F. White is responsible for the landscape design. THE NEW ST. MARY'S CHAPEL THE SANCTUARY INTERIOR VIEW — THE NEW ST. MARY'S CHAPEL i Early History Of St. Mary's When the Rev. J. B. Gleissner came to Bryan in March, 1904, he noticed six young men assisting at Mass at St. Joseph's Church. From their uniforms, he recognized them as students at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. No matter how inclement the weather was, they were there at Mass. When Father Gleissner talked to the young men, they told the priest that they walked six miles into Bryan from College Station. Father Gleissner arranged to have an appointment with Bishop N. A. Gallagher, Bishop of Galveston, and was given permission to have Mass as often as possible in one of the classrooms on the fourth floor of the old Civil Engineering Building. Mass could not be said at College every Sunday, as the priest was alone at St. Joseph's and he also had to say Mass in the surrounding Counties. Bishop Gallagher gave Father Gleissner vestments and a chalice to use in the classroom and a desk was the improvised altar. THE FIRST ST. MARY'S After World War I, the student body of A &M increased and in a few years, the need for a Chapel for the Catholic Students was recognized. For years, Father Gleissner visited the K. of C. State Conventions and told them of the crying necessity of a Catholic Center at College. Finally the State Deputy, Joseph I. Driscoll, Ll. D., Knight of St. Gregory, notified the Aggie Chaplain, Father Gleissner, of the decision of the State Officers to build a basement for recreational purposes and crown it with a Chapel, dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. In 1926, the first St. Mary's Chapel was dedicated by Most Reverend C. E. Byrne, D. D., Bishop of Galveston —a glorious work of the Knights of Columbus of Texas. DRIVE FOR FUNDS In May of 1933, Rev. Tim J. Valenta, a newly ordained priest, was sent by Bishop Byrne to assist Monsignor Gleissner in his work. St. Mary's Chapel was slowly becoming inadequate as more and more Catholic students enrolled at A &M. At the time when St. Mary's was con- structed, there were about 100 young men and it was never visualized that the approximate 200 seating capacity would become too small. As years went by, St. Mary's became so small that in 1940, Father Tim, as he is known by all, constructed a balcony to seat about 75 more. This helped a little, but during World War II, the Catholic Students numbered over 800 and 800 more Catholics were with the training school for Navy, Marines, and Air Corps. The basement of the Chapel, a meeting room, due to seepage of water, was not suitable for meetings or socials. It was full of water most of the time. Faced with inadequacy and no place for meetings, etc., plus heavy re- pairs, a drive for money for new construction became a necessity. In the middle of 1944, His Excellency, Most Reverend C. E. Byrne, D. D., Bishop of Galveston, recommended that they should study ways and means to obtain money for construction of new and adequate facilities at A &M. Since St. Mary's is a Chapel with no parishoners, but only serves Catholic Students coming from all parts, a difficult problem had to be faced. How will the money be raised? The answer to the money question had to be Ex- Aggies, students and parents, friends of the Aggies, drives, Catholic Organizations, and prayers. A committee was appointed consisting of Mr. C. A. Bonnen, Mr. Ed Holick, Mr. Marty Karow, who at that time was head baseball and basket- ball coach. A student also served on this Committee. These men were a great help to Monsignor Gleissner and Father Tim. With this Committee, work was begun from scratch. There was no ' money, no records of Aggie -exes, no land or anything. A file was compiled of all Aggie -exes, their parents and friends. Letters began to be sent out continuously. Also from the beginning of the drive, Monsignor Gleissner and Father Tim made every Convention of Catholic Organizations and made speeches and begged for help. Organiza- tions were generous. The K of C, K. J. Z. T., K. J. T., and other organiza- tions rallied to their help. As sufficient money was raised, land was purchased for the erection of a student center and later on a plot of ground was purchased for the new Chapel at $24.500.00. With continuous effort through letters and begging, gradually funds were raised. On May 14, 1952 a resolution was passed at the Knights of Columbus State Convention for $60,000.00 towards a student center. God bless and love them all. Reverend Edward C. Matocha was sent as assistant in 1946, and re- mained until 1949 when Reverend Sylvester Fuchs was sent. Reverend Charles Elmer came in September of 1954. In May of 1954, St. Mary's Student Center was dedicated — another tribute to the glorious work of the Knights of Columbus. Today there are approximately 1000 Catholic Students. Monsignor Gleissner died on February 28, 1953. THE NEW ST. MARY'S CHAPEL Construction on the new St. Mary's Chapel started in June of 1956 and was built in memory of Monsignor Gleissner. William E. Nash was architect for both St. Mary's buildings. THE FIRST ST. MARY'S COii 13,1:44 BRONZE PLAQUE ON WALL OF STUDENT CENTER "'EPA 10 TIflt = C: ri'S 01 GO j ,ti )4) t ,S or JI STAT 1°. OF S tv tzlittra 'oh!. or si Y ))01.3.4it4 it I I. 01:,.0 Lt. 'V, ituitt,.., Nord Vi(4)f: WU 1113 ,) 014'1 *I ST. MARY'S STUDENT CENTER Tower of the New St. Mary's Chapel in Background LOUNGE, LIBRARY-CLASSROOM — ST. MARY'S STUDENT CENTER Texas A & M Newman Club Providing a religious education and assistance for Catholic students on the campus, the 325 member Texas A &M Newman Club has a threefold pur- pose: religious, educational, and social in that order. The Newman Club at A &M was organized in 1913 when six students met with the late Monsignor J. B. Gleissner and Dean Frank Skeeler to create a center of Catholic life on the A &M campus. The Newman Club won a trophy for having the best club in the South Texas Province in 1957 -58. The Club sponsors such events as the annual Red Mass, panel discussions. guest speakers, dances, suppers, and maintains a club library for the use of the members. The Newman Club opens wide its doors to the Catholic students and seeks to bring to the future citizens and leaders of the world the clarity of the heart of John H. Cardinal Newman, the man who had the courage to live the truth he loved so dearly. OFFICERS President Byron Blaschke Vice - president John Matthews Secretary Alden Smith Corresponding Secretary Jim Fowler Treasurer Dick Kelly Historian John Pechacek Reporter Paul Curda Parlimentarian Sam Holmes Chaplain Father Charles Elmer St. Mary's Altar Society St. Mary's Altar Society was organized in 1941 to care for the altar and to provide linens, flowers and vestments. Over the years the society has attempted to provide whatever was needed at the student center and chapel. Mrs. August Lenert was the first president. For three or four years there were from six to eight members. Meetings were held in the homes of members until St. Mary's Student Center was built. The membership of the society has grown steadily. There are now 45 members including a large number of student's wives. The Altar Society's big project this year is one of providing new linens, vestments and sacred vessels for the new church. PRESENT OFFICERS President .. Mrs. Louis Gorzycki Vice - president Mrs. A. E. Cronk Treasurer Mrs. Albert Druce Secretary Mrs. A. H. Walker Knights Of Columbus Council. 3205 The College Station Knights of Columbus Council No. 3205 was insti- tuted ten years ago under the leadership of the late Msgr. J. B. Gleissner and Colonel Walter Parsons, who was also the first Grand Knight. The local council was the first of three student councils in the State of Texas to be instituted. The state insurance trophy was won in two consecutive years, while star council and insurance membership awards are won regularly. This student council is an excellent opportunity for students to gain experience in leadership and holding the various offices of the council. Present Officers of College Station Council No. 82O5 Grand Knight Alfred Kirst Deputy Grand Knight Alden Smith Recorder Michael Maher Chancelor Tom Wessels Advocate Tom Lake Financial Secretary Louis Gorzycki Treasurer John Endrizzi Warden Fred Selensky Chaplain Father Sylvester Fuchs Outside guard Robert Bertin Inside guards James Freytag Ralph Christ Trustees Ed Holick Homer Covington - L. M. Hovorak Memorials ITEM DONOR Main Altar K. J. Z. T. Communion Rail K. J. T. Tabernacle Rt. Rev. Robert P. Schertz Pulpit C. M. Trautschold Reredos Mrs. Eva Elmer Crucifix Anonymous Two Candelabras Mrs. Mary McDonald and Mrs. Kitty Stancliff Baptismal Fount A &M Newman Club Holy Water Fount 4th Degree K. of C. — Bryan Holy Water Fount Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Pavlas Candlesticks Dr. and Mrs. Pat L. Hubert Missal and Stand Dr. and Mrs. Pat L. Hubert Censer and Boat Dr. and Mrs. Pat L. Hubert Sanctuary Lamp (upstairs Chapel) Mrs. A. W. Wilkerson Ciborium Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hallaran Fourth Station Mission Club Sixth Station Mrs. Veronica Paradowski One Station Mrs. Pete Konecny One Station Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Konecny One Station Mrs. Amelia Bueker Four Stations Miss Emily Baggary Two 14 inch Candlesticks Benjamin F Edwards, Jr. Hand Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Paul Communion Paten Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Candle Lighter Mr. and Mrs. C. Eugene Larey Prie Dieu (1) Dr. and Mrs. Robert Benbow Holy Water Sprinkler Miss Joan Wozniak Altar Cards Mrs. W. A. Prewitt, Jr. Wooden Clapper, Baptismal Set and Vestment ... Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Lee Altar Bell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith Processional Cross Mrs. George McCullough One Ablution Cup Mrs. George Chapman Sacristy Altar Bread Box Mrs. James Lindsay Sacristy Altar Bread Box Mrs. K. H. Truitt Pews A. S. Barada, Jr. Mrs. L. E. Bruni A. B. Christ Mrs. Charles Dempwolf The J. A. Ernestes Family Mrs. Bertha Fuchs Mrs. F. A. Michalka Mrs. J. W. Mitchell Mrs. M. A. Monaghan Compliments of College Station State Bank COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BANK AT THE FRIENDLY SERVICE BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 3% CHECKING ACCOUNTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE CASHIERS CHECKS BONDS LOANS COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES OFFICE JA 8 -0523 RES. JA 9 -6653 r :66 .91-ataarieeff LUCIA ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE AND BONDS P. O. BOX 6383 HOUSTON 6, TEXAS Compliments of Culpepper- Manning Te4'r4ee ,49e«cy J. C. Culpepper K. A. "Cubby" Manning "YOUR PROTECTION IS OUR BUSINESS" FIRE — AUTO — CASUALTY — BONDS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS R. B. BUTLER, INCORPORATED CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERS SKILL - INTEGRITY Compliments of AND RESPONSIBILITY P. O. Box 471 Telephone TA 2 -7779 BRYAN, TEXAS V V FIRST STATE BANK AND TRUST CO. THE CITY NATIONAL BANK DRIVE IN WINDOWS Serving More People Every Day BRYAN, TEXAS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BANK CONVENIENTLY AT BRYAN, TEXAS MEMBER FDIC NIGHT DEPOSITORY Compliments of G. S. Parker Lumber Co. Inc. BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of Howell Lumber Company Incorporated BRYAN, TEXAS THE PRINTING COMPANY 211 South Main • Bryan, Texas MILK AND ICE CREAM YOUR HOMETOWN DAIRY BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of geteee BRYAN, TEXAS We Are Proud of the Furniture We Furnished FOR MSGR. J. B. GLEISSNER'S MEMORIAL CHAPEL The C. M. Trautschold Co. Incorporated WACO, TEXAS Compliments of 'YV G.11lluulzeoubbalth ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL, CONTRACTORS ELECTRICAL - PLUMBING - HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of Vermont Marble Company 1 513 Wa!I Street DALLAS 15, TEXAS 310 Bringhurst Street HOUSTON 10, TEXAS Compliments of The Newman Club TEXAS A.&M. COLLEGE Compliments of Knights of Columbus COUNCIL NO. 3205 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 2eeQatea Jjt Co. 4015 Lemmon Avenue DALLAS 19, TEXAS CALDWELL'S JEWELRY STORE DIAMONDS—WATCHES--SILVER 112 North Main Phone TA 2 -2435 BRYAN, TEXAS CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES ON YOUR NEW CHAPEL FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ACME GLASS COMPANY If It's GLASS, We Have It 223 South Main - Dial TA 2 -1604 BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of F. W. KAZMEIER BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of JACOB BEAL VICK PHARMACY Telephone TAylor 2 -1345 Corner West 24th and Bryan Streets BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of M Y. , ICE CREAM CO., Inc. Bryan - Houston - Victoria - Commerce Compliments of BROWN -ALLEN MOTOR CO. Oldsmobile and Cadillac SALES AND SERVICE BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of CADE MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1309 Texas Avenue BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of DISHMAN PONTIAC CO. 26th and Parker Ave. - Phone TA 2 -1684 - TA 2 -1685 BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of AMERICAN TERRAZZO STRIP CO. 5713 Armour Drive HOUSTON, TEXAS The Department Store for Business Needs NEWS OFFICE SUPPLY 123 East 25th Street - Telephone TAylor 2 -7179 BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of THE RADIO SHOP "We Service What We Sell and What Others Sell Too" 303 West 26th Street - Phone TAylor 2 -2819 BRYAN, TEXAS SOSOLIK'S RADIO & TV SERVICE Our Policy — You Must Be Satisfied 713 South Main - Phone TAylor 2 -1941 BRYAN, TEXAS VARISCO LUMBER COMPANY Victor 6 -4787 3815 South Texas Avenue BRYAN, TEXAS "Sincere congratulations on the beautiful Chapel which you have erected in memory of the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. B. Gleissner" R. A. GILBERT CO., INC. AUSTIN, TEXAS Compliments of COLLEGIATE SHOP LADIES READY -TO -WEAR Compliments of CAMPUS AND CIRCLE THEATERS Victor 6 -4788 CONGRATULATIONS ZUBIK'S UNIFORM TAILORS NORTH GATE Compliments of AGGIELAND FLOWER SHOP Compliments of CHARLIE'S FOOD STORE Compliments of HOLICK'S A &M SINCE 1891 g /teelia9s! THE C. H. RUEBECK COMPANY ROOFING —SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS WACO, TEXAS C. H. Ruebeck —C. H. Ruebeck, Jr. CONGRATULATIONS BRAZOS TILE & FLOOR COVERING CO. INSTALLERS OF CERAMIC AND QUARRY TILE BRYAN, TEXAS A. J. KROLCZYK FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS Wellborn Road 1/4 Mile Past Kyle Field MARTIN'S PLACE BARBECUE'S A TREAT PLATE LUNCHES — SANDWICHES— HAMBURGERS SPECIAL RATES ON PICNICS 3403 College Avenue Phone TA 2 -8039 CONGRATULATIONS MR. and MRS. J. E. LOUPOT Compliments of MILSTEAD FOUNDATION DRILLING CO. MAIS GROCERY BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of BRYCO, INCORPORATED READY -MIX CONCRETE Compliments of FRED SEDRANI BRYAN TILE AND TERRAZZO CO. BRYAN, TEXAS CALLAWAY- JONES, Funeral Directors First in Ambulance Service BRYAN COLLEGE STATION Compliments of 501 Highway 6 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Compliments of HILLCREST FOOD STORE ROSS SCANLIN, Prop. 2011 South College BRYAN, TEXAS CHAPULTEPEC MEXICAN RESTAURANT Specializing in Exquisite Mexican Dishes STEAKS —CHI CKEN— SEAFOODS TONY MANRIQUEZ, Your Cordial Host 413 Hwy. 6 TA 2 -9071 Bryan, Texas Compliments of Compliments of FRANK A. BOWMAN HUMBLE SERVICE STATION Compliments of CARL PARADOWSKI Furniture Repair and Refinishing Shop 413 Mitchell BRYAN, TEXAS Restaurant Open 24 Hours —TV— Radios Phone VI 6 -5757 —Pat Callahan, Mg< WESTERN MOTEL HIWAY 6 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Swimming Pool— Refrigerated Air 40 Rooms Compliments of JOE HAVEL K. of C. Insurance Representative 1000 West 26th St. TA 2 -1680 BRYAN, TEXAS ZARAPE RESTAURANT Authentic Mexican Food Sulphur Springs Road 4 Blocks East of Highway 6 Ample Parking VI 6 -5235 BEST IN BRYAN ORR'S SUPER MARKETS TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Congratulations from PENNEY'S "It Pays to Shop at Penney's" Compliments of DOMINICK GULF SERVICE STATION 3319 South College Avenue BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of CITY FOOD MARKET MIKE RUFFINO, Prop. 708 East 23rd St. BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of HARRY'S BARBER SHOP South Side COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS MILLER'S SUPER MARKET 3800 Texas Avenue The Center of Fine Meats Victor 6 -6613 BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of B R U N E R Battery and Electric Company Compliments of THE TRIANGLE Compliments of VAN DYKE STUDIO Compliments of COLLETTE TRIANGLE SERVICE STATION 3600 South College Compliments of 113 E. 28th St. - Phone TAylor 2 -1218 PARK CLEANERS BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of CLAYTON'S RESTAURANT Compliments of MILLIE'S BEAUTY SHOP BRYAN, TEXAS Compliments of MR. & MRS. TOM TAYLOR Compliments of ELLISON'S PHARMACY BRYAN and COLLEGE STATION of of A &M DONUT SHOP A &M PHOTO SHOP Compliments of SMITH'S CLEANERS VARSITY BARBER SHOP Compliments of MR. & MRS. ROBERT L. McCARTY Compliments of GILFORD'S RESTAURANT Compliments of Compliments of VENICE ART TERRAZZO CO. of 200 Caldwell St. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Compliments of AUSTIN TERRAZZO CO. AUSTIN, TEXAS MARTINI TILE AND TERRAZZO CO. 1915 Dallas St. HOUSTON, TEXAS Compliments of TEXAS STATE TILE & TERRAZZO CO. 3115 Golf Crest Blvd. HOUSTON, TEXAS Compliments A FRIEND Compliments of AMERICAN MARBLE MOSAIC CO. Tile & Terrazzo Contractors 6312 St. Augustine St. HOUSTON, TEXAS Compliments Compliments Compliments of Compliments of MR. & MRS. AL KIRST SEGUIN, TEXAS Compliments of McGEE PHARMACY BRYAN, TEXAS