HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuion Hall Falls 1.26.1971 �•, � + fi g � .� ° asp �� � � `_� �:��� - i•�n �' • : a � xs� �ro t ,:,!: . $ w s" 4 are. 4 tt ° w t S � i , i _ 'x p a 1 p '. r- . ° t - ` { a a ' a,, S' ;;.,„,,,%„:„.t,,,,,, i a _.. 4t. ak an5x; ffi �.. 43 la oat ,. 6 ff' P{ ' 4 ', .,' - On t wo, three, w n .,. crowd sees G uion ia By MIKE STEPHENS dents interested in drama, were gene ral crowd reaction. But there Battalion Staff Writer destroyed Monday. was unmistakable undertones in ,.. ,.... A fifty -four year old landmark Witnessed by hundreds of stu- the crowd. le ',lilts finally fallen. With the help dents, the Olshan Wrecking Com- "I hate to see it finally go, but of huge steel balls, sledge ham- pang pounded away at the build- it is old and outdated. It needed me and men, historical Guion ing Monday and Tuesday backed replacing. It wasn't big enough Hall has made way for progress. up by the sounds of an audience for adequate service to Theatre Due to an $8 million modern which didn't quite know what to Arts students," Steve Swann Students watch nostalgical- Memorial Student Center expan- think. junior History major, said. lY or gleefully as Guion Hall sion which includes three audi- Ah'ing when the massive steel "I don't think it should have tu Monday. Above, toriums, one of which will hold ball crashed into the side and been tore down. It is one of the the corn erstone is Saved, 8,000 people, and a two block made no more than a dent and older buildings on campus. It's (Photos by Hayden Whit - long covered walkway, the facili- then spontaneous whooping when always been here. I t is a tradi- sett and Alan -Jon Zilpah). ties used since 1917 by A &M stu- a wall would finally fall was the (See One, two, three, page 2) 1 1 o n �► Mild Wednesday — Clear. WindE northerly 10 -15 mph. 37 ° -68 °. and Thursday — Clear to partly cloudy. Winds easterly 10 -12 mph. 42 breezy 1 1 0111111111011 0 °F Texas Tuesday, January 2 1971 One, two, three, wham! (Continued from page 1) thing should have been left as a should be kept. tion," said Charles Gilliam, a memorial. But as a break from "I know that the building is freshman from Palestine. classes, the crowd seemed to en- old and outdated, and that a new "It needed to be torn down and joy the show. one is being built which is com- replaced, but I wished they had One memorial has been kept out pletely modernized, but I am hop - left the front part as some kind of the old building — the build- ing that at least one memorial of memorial," Dave Bloxom, an ing's cornerstone. Many students will be kept and placed in the Architecture ED student, said. felt that the memorial inscrip- new building," said James Jones, Many people thought some- tions on the outside of the hall senior. Q tin When the new building is com- Board yea hopefully in about two I,.j lla years, it will easily be the most modern building on A &M's cam - TONIGHT hear Dr. Richard Baldauf, Wild- pus. Junior Council will meet at 7:30 life Science professor, speak on "I guess I feel like most peo- p.m. in the MSC to discuss the the need for ecological conscience. ple. I kind of hate to see an old class ball. The meeting is open to THURSDAY landmark torn down. But I think all members of the Junior Class. Alpha Phi Omega will meet at it is a good idea if some better American Institute of Industri- 8 p.m. in the Social Room of the facilities are provided for enter- al Engineers will meet at 7:30 MSC for a smoker. All interested tainment, social and cultural p.m. in room 226 of the library people invited. presentations on this campus," to hear a guest speaker. TUESDAY Charlie Strauss, a junior Finance Petroleum Engineers Club will Texas A &M Model Airplane major from Baytown said. meet at 7:30 p.m. in room 210 of Club will meet at 8:15 in room 202 —, the Petroleum Engineering Build- of the Physics building to collect ing to hear John R. Pedigo Sr. dues and plan spring contests. speak on subsea completions and to elect a club sweetheart. 45 I COURT'S Finance Association will meet confer Frid , V li 1 at 8 p.m. in rooms 3A -B of the (Continued from page 1) SA . . MSC to discuss commodities and student lawyer James Boyle will the field trip to Houston. discuss student government in Agricultural Education Wives state affairs Saturday morning. FOR WESTERN WEAR Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Saturday afternoon will be de- OR FOR YOUR MARE. conference room of the Agricul- voted to combining viewpoints tural Education Building. and arriving at solutions to vari- Ag Eco Club will meet at 7:30 FOR SHOE REPAIR ous problems, Sharp added. p.m. in room 212 of the Plant Sci- BRING IN A PAIR. antes Building. He said freshman senators of American Marketing Associa- A &M will serve as recorders at tqn will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the the various sessions. La ne