HomeMy WebLinkAboutHonoring High School Seniors ._._____________ � Church le To Honor Seniors Today I n_k High school seniors of the under Frank Coulter's direc- al A &M Presbyterian C h u r c h tion, will sing at the 11 a.m. ! will be honored this morning worship service. Among sen- I ,with a breakfast at the Col- breakfast who n are d m at the N The following seniors ;y lege Station church. iors and of the choir are Bruce Riggs,' Jo their parents will be honored: choir p r e s i d e n t, and John Christine Anderson and Mr. Badgett. Janet Gould also is a the and Mrs. C. E. Anderson; Mar- choir member. ion garet Brown and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Brown III; Gretchen en , Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Herb ek. Shaffer; Macky Williams and -'llt 1./•111. di, Llle 11.0.111u Mr. and Mrs. Mack Williams; her yen •K John Badgett and Mr. and - ies M1Chae1 raft es- Mrs. W. H. Badgett; Richard me Brunson and Mr. and Mrs. Car- ow Given Dinner ids roll Brunson; Jimmy Reeves al and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reeves; Michael Alle K raft, se nior a Ann Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. rat Stephen F. Austin High 'a J. E. Kirby; Jack Coffey and : e School, was honored b Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Coffey; c it and Mrs. Chester ed y Mr Bruce Riggs and Mr. and Mrs. n ggs p ers In 4 buffet „dinner at the Surrey ba J. K. Riggs. n, Three long tables will be p ; „She dining table was lighted ` decorated with spring flowers by hurricane lamps and feat - in and runners of fresh honey - p ,us ured the SFA colors in the ri n g suckle Assisting with the serv- n ing centerpiece of gladioli and car - 30 ing will be Misses Janet Gould, a n a Ao ob ed Susan Brown and C•1 a u d i a sl the silhoue ls of n ra the in Fisher. Mrs. Bruce Fisher, wife v ol- ing diplomas, g duates ta le hold- were is of the pastor, will give the in- R one Guests included Mac Haupt, lg. vocation. ` gill Jterohnny Badgett, Barrett Bax- on In further tribute to the sen- p rw, , James Gentry, Tim O'Har- i the iors, the A &M Consoli Choir I he ra, Fred White and Michael. High School Concert Choir, cas Other guests were Mr. and to Mrs. Allan Kraft and Karen i ith Kraft. ti-