HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/1999 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee f! • .ifistoric Preservation Committee Wcgu(ar!Meeting Cortege Station Conference Center 1300 George 3ush Drive Wednesday, Aprit 7, 1999 -- 5:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Jasek, Chair; Dennis Maloney, Co- Chair; Bill Lancaster; Russell Duke; Dock Burke; Shawn Carlson; Elton Abbott; Joan Perry; Becky Berry MEMBERS ABSENT: Margaret Griffith STAFF PRESENT: David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary VISITORS PRESENT: Mike Luther • I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:24 p.m. by Deborah Jasek, Chair. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the March, 1999 meeting were approved as written. 3. HEAR VISITORS: Mike Luther had nothing to present. 4. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF HISTORIC HOME /BUILDING APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED: An application for 211 Suffolk Avenue had been submitted by Michael and Nora Haigh. Dennis moved to approve the application and Russell seconded. The Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) voted to approve the application, making this historic home #56. David told Russell, Elton, and Dock that the additional home plaques he'd ordered had come in and, they could have it presented at a council meeting or pick it up. Dennis stated that he'd learned from Mrs. Deliah Fleming that there had been about seven families who'd gotten together and bought the land where the first A &M Consolidated school was constructed, and her husband had been involved in that. Bill said it was the property here where they were - the land between Timber and Holik all the way back to Park Place. Dennis said she knew a lot of other interesting facts, and that someone should do an oral history interview on her. At the same time they could get the information needed to complete the application she'd submitted, so she could receive her plaque. David said he distributed about four historic home applications at the Citizen's University the night before. Dennis asked David to bring some more applications to the May meeting. Historic Preservation Committee . ! ' Page 2 • 5. : I _ ) . • • 1 : ;•u •u 1 • • • • _ • All the members agreed the letter was very good. Deborah said she wanted to stress the fact that it wasn't just Munson Avenue that was important -- it was the entire area, and that fact had been overlooked. Eastgate and Southside were the two original residential neighborhoods and have to be the focal point for the HPC. The members discussed who should sign the letter. The motion was voted on and passed that the letter should be signed by Deborah and all members, and submitted to the Editor of The Eagle. Deborah stated that if the letter was mailed on April 16, it would probably go out the week prior to the election during early voting. The letter was signed by all members present. 6. DISCUSSION OF ITEMS FOR MAY MEETING AGENDA: Items to be added to the May agenda: - Oral History book - Discussion and Possible Guest: David said he'd like to give an update -- preferably have Jeff Carrol come in. - The Wall of Honor at the High School - Discussion and Possible Guest: David said Chrissy Hester, A &M Consolidated Principal, had contacted him. The idea, on the surface sounded good, but the halls in the school had just been filled up. She would like to come visit at the May meeting, and find out more. - • • ! - • • ' ' . ' . 0 • .... • - *09 40.0 : Deborah wanted to give the HPC an update after she gives the second graders a short presentation on the history of College Station. - Aggie 96 Radio Station Trivia Discussion: Becky wanted to talk about the "Do You Know The Brazos Valley Like We Know the Brazos Valley ? ". She'd talked with Kevin O'Connor who wanted information from the HPC for that program. - Street Naming Project: David told the members about the David Mayo oral history interview, and that he'd given a lot of good information which could be reviewed at the next meeting. David said Mr. Mayo had recommended that Judge George Boyett be interviewed. Deborah said she was planning on doing that, adding that he had old photos as well that he may be willing to let the HPC make copies from. -- Discussion on Brison Park Lighting Project: Dock wanted to know what the plans for completing the project were. Deborah wanted to know cost, so she could get information to Carl Schaeffer, of the Suffolk /Lee Street area Neighborhood Association. That association wants to extend the same lighting into their neighborhood area, and wanted prices, and information on possible grants. -- Discussion of Railroad Relocation: Elton wanted to discuss the historical elements within the community that would be affected by this. David said the next meeting on May 5 would be the final one until September. 7. ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m. 0-