HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposal for Archeological Survey and Interpretive Work i0 �= LE ;y , 1 Y r /�\ 1) `1. TEXAS A &M UNIVERSITY College of Liberal Arts Center for Environmental Archaeology College Station, Texas 77843 -4352 (409) 845 - 4044/845 -1613 May 13, 1996 FAX (409) 845 -4070 Mr. Stephen C. Beachy, Director Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Road City Parks and Recreation Department College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Mr. Beachy: As per our discussions about archaeological resources and paleoecological studies at Lick Creek Park, I have prepared a brief, informal (i.e., for review /discussion only) proposal to survey the park, prepare a report on the results, and make recommendations for the protection and interpretation of the park's cultural resources. The kinds of investigations we propose would fit comfortably into an overall park ecology and paleoecology project designed to yield a long -term development and management plan that would benefit the public and call attention to our own unique Post Oak Savannah. (. The work we propose to conduct would part of the Center for Environmental Archaeology's research program tentatively entitled the "Post Oak Savannah Land -Use and Paleoecological Study." As envisioned, this program would involve TAMU students and staff in anthropology and various natural resources departments. We are especially interested in gaining a better understanding of the Post Oak Savannah as it appeared prior to the arrival of Old World and how the Indian people lived successfully there for thousands of years. Answers to these questions should contribute significantly to efforts to manage and interpret cultural and natural resources at Lick Creek Park for the enjoyment of the public. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss these and related matters with you. Sincerely, Alston V. Thoms, Ph.D. Director enclosure: Informal proposal/budget for cultural resources investigations at Lick Creek Park \ /4 DRAFT PROPOSAL: FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION ONLY PROPOSAL FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND INTERPRETATIVE WORK AT LICK CREEK CITY PARK, BRAZOS COUNTY, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Submitted to: Mr. Stephen C. Beachy Director, Parks and Recreation Department City of College Station Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77842 Submitted by: Alston V. Thoms, Ph.D. Center for Environmental Archaeology Texas A &M University College Station, Texas 77843 -4352 May 13, 1996 uiau < 1UE,ulaL, t rarK, r age L DRAFT PROPOSAL; FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION ONLY PROPOSAL FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND INTERPRETATIVE WORK AT LICK CREEK CITY PARK, BRAZOS COUNTY, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Alston V. Thoms, Director, Center for Environmental Archaeology Texas A &M University, College Station The Center for Environmental Archaeology (CEA) at Texas A &M University proposes to conduct an archaeological survey to identify prehistoric Indian encampments and historic -era farm /ranch sites at Lick Creek City Park. Recently, CEA personnel and Mr. Stephen Beachy, Director of College Station Parks and Recreation Department, conducted informal reconnaissance surveys at the park and discovered several farmstead remains that date to the late 1800s and early 1900s, and one prehistoric site where Indian people collected small chert cobbles and made chipped stone knives and other tools. Additional prehistoric and historic sites are likely to be present within the park boundaries. Lick Creek Park, a 515 acre track in the southeast corner of the city, is currently managed by College Station's Parks and Recreation Department as a natural, Post - Oak - Savannah park. It was first designated as "wilderness park" where people could leave their cars behind and "walk among the trees, flowers and streams." Current management goals include provisions for "opportunities for living outdoor education and rural life interpretation" and "an outdoor laboratory base for the study of natural sciences" (Crompton 1994). Accurate identification and assessment of potentially important archaeological sites are critical elements in the development of a long -term management plan for Lick Creek City Park. Reliable information is needed to protect cultural resources from vandalism, as well as from adverse impacts resulting from park maintenance or future developments of nature trails and other interpretative projects. Information about environmental conditions during prehistoric times, as well as prehistoric and historic land -use practices by different ethnic groups, is also essential to the development of natural and cultural interpretative brochures, displays and other programs for public benefit. Informative interpretative programs would make the park especially attractive to local residents and visitors who have even a passing interest in the natural and cultural history of Texas' Post Oak Savannah region. As proposed, results of the survey, related archival-work, and analytical studies will be incorporated into a final report that incudes a cultural resources management plan for the park's cultural resources. A Texas State Antiquities Permit will be required for the proposed survey work. PROPOSED SCOPE -OF -WORK Archaeological studies proposed herein will be carried out by CEA archaeologists, students from the Department of Anthropology, Texas A &M University (TAMU), and other specialists. Graduate and undergraduate students will provide most of the field and laboratory work effort as part of the credit they will receive for University class work. They will be closely supervised during all stages of work by the Project Director and by graduate- teaching assistants who will serve in crew chief and laboratory archaeologist positions. - C,L "H until. rtU1)CUai, LreeK rarK, U_) /t ii'J CEA personnel will prepare the application for a State Antiquities Permit. It will include a revised version of the present proposal and a map showing the survey area, along with the resume of the principal investigator /project director and a form that designates a state - approved repository for any recovered materials and supporting documentation. As proposed here, project documents and recovered materials would be curated at the CEA/ Department of Anthropology curation facility on the TAMU campus; students, faculty, and other interested parties would have ready access to the material for future interpretative or research projects. This proposal is designed to address the City's cultural resource management needs at Lick Creek, as well as to meet CEA/TAMU's educational and research goals. Tasks to be preformed by CEA and students in the Department of Anthropology at Texas A &M University: 1. Literature review of sufficient scope to prepare a brief overview of regional and local history, prehistory, and past environmental conditions. The objective here is to develop a preliminary land -use model that emphasizes human paleoecology, ethnic diversity, and paleoenvironmental conditions in the Post Oak Savannah. 2. Compile /summarize a data base of known cultural resources at /near Lick Creek City Park. 3. Review archival sources pertaining to past ownership history and land use at the Park, and prepare an historical overview that provides detailed information useful in developing interpretative centers, displays, and brochures on past land -use history and environments. 4. Conduct a systematic, surface /shovel -test survey to discover and document historic and prehistoric sites within the boundaries of Lick Creek City Park. 5. Assess the importance of identified sites according to criteria established for the National Register of Historic Places and the State Archaeological Landmarks program. 6. Prepare a final report on the results of the overall project (i.e., items 1 -5) PROPOSED PROJECT PERSONNEL ( The proposed survey work will be conducted under the direct supervision of Dr. Alston V. Thoms, Director of CEA (see attached short vitae). As noted, field work and related activities will be undertaken by CEA personnel, including teaching assistants, and students from the Department of Anthropology, TAMU. PROPOSED SCHEDULE Preliminary project work, including archival and background research and preparations for fieldwork, will begin January 1997. Fieldwork will begin by March and be completed on/before April 30, 1997. A draft letter report of sufficient scope for management planning purposes will be submitted for review and comment by May 30, 1997, and a draft technical report will be submitted for review and comment by August 30, 1997. The final report should be available for distribution by December 20, 1997. ESTIMATED WORK EF1~ORT AND BUDGET As presently envisioned, students will contribute approximately 5.2 full -time person months in the field and laboratory, funded personnel will spend an additional 5.25 months on the project (ca. $20,500). Travel expenses will be about $300, and other direct costs (e.g., communications, supplies, photocopy, report preparation, staff insurance, etc.) will total about $3,700. Use of electronic equipment (e.g., computers, transit [ED/NA], video) will be contributed by CEA. Total project costs are estimated to be about $24,500 (see attached proposed budget). This proposal/budget does not address the issue of long -term curation costs for recovered materials and _ _ documents. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORK AT LICK CREEK CITY PARK, BRAZOS COUNT, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ( DIRECT LABOR RATE UNIT AMT COST FRINGE SUB -TOTAL TOTALS PI /Proj. Dir., A. Thorns $4,427.17 month 1.5 $6,640.76 $1,527.37 $8,168.13 Field Archae. /Crew Chief $1,684.32 month 1.5 $2,526.48 $581.09 $3,107.57 Lab Archae. /Data Spec. $1,311.96 month 0.25 $327.99 $75.44 $403.43 Staff Account. /Office Mgr. $2,385.00 month 1 $2,385.00 $548.55 $2,933.55 Editor/Typist $1,733.04 month 0.5 $866.52 $199.30 $1,065.82 Draftsperson $1,388.52 month 0.25 $347.13 $79.84 $426.97 Collections Manager $1,911.70 month 0.25 $477.93 $109.92 $587.85 SUBTOTAL $16,693.31 $16,693.31 TRAVEL /SUBSISTENC.E RATE UNIT AMT COST SUB -TOTAL TOTALS Vehicle Mileage $0.28 mile 200 $56.00 $56.00 Vehicle Rental $25.00 day 10 $250.00 $250.00 SUBTOTAL $306.00 $306.00 OTHER DIRECT COSTS RATE UNIT AMT COST SUB -TOTAL TOTALS Communications $10.00 week 4 $40.00 $40.00 Curation Prep. $50.00 box 5 $250.00 $250.00 Lab /field Supplies $200.00 project 1 $200.00 $200.00 Photocopy $0.10 page 500 $50.00 $50.00 Report Preparation $15.00 each 100 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Staff Insurance $186.31 month 5.25 $978.13 $978.13 (' SUBTOTAL $3,018.13 $3,018.13 $20,017.44 TOTAL DIRECT COST $4,503.92 INDIRECT COST (22.5%) $24,521.37 GRAND TOTAL