HomeMy WebLinkAboutBryan Council Candidates Answer LWV Questionaire 4.2.19753 s , ' . Page 4A Wednesday, Apri12,1975 Bryan•College Station, Texas The Eagle ' uestiona ire r~ an Council Candlda~eS Answer L ~lV y ~ a o , N 3 ~ k~ ~b~~ t~~ ' ~a~~ w r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ arL~ a ~ a ~yy~~ ~M.. ;''`F. ~ ~ . ~ ~x ;1 ~ i ?a P 1~ t ,c .i'. 'l.~* * ~ ~ r~j, 4 ~ RICHARD SMITH MAI;Y ANN PARKER ANDY HERRERA TRAVIS BRbN III WII,LLIM HANCOCK COL. WALTER PARSONS DANIEL HERNANDEZ JAMES T. WRIGHT Associate Realtor Aggieland Realty J Name: James T. (Jim) Wright CANDH)ATESFORBRYANCiTYCOUNCII, Name: Walter H. Parsons, r. Age: 35 PLACE 1 1. Please describe your education and expe>ence that Age: ~ contribute to your gaallflcations for this office. Limit • 50 Occupation: Associate Realtor Occupation: Senior Vice Pres., Bryan Building & Loan Assn, Name: Richard Smith words),. 1. Please describe your edncadan and experience tp~t 1. Please describe your education and experience that Age: ~ 1958 graduate of Stephen F, Austin High Schoo Attended contribute to your quailfications for this office. (Limit • 50 wocdsbate to Yaur quallficatlons for this office. (Limit • 50 Texas A&M 2 years. Knowledgable & experiened in ci ~ Occupation: Real Estate Broker ty wordsl BBA De ree, Accountin University of Texas, Austin; government, have served on council continouslyf~• past 6 g.s, Degree in Architecture. Graduate The Engineer g g~ 1, Please describe your education and experience that Years (3 terms). Lifetime resident of Bryan. Atively in- School, U.S. Army, Graduate Command College Dept. of C Aiffe~Pu8liy~Arceesident and community~volvement, c~tribate to ar uallfications for this office.(Lhnit - 50 volved in service to community since 1959. I~ve never Defense. Graduate Post Engineer Course (City yo q catered to special interest groups. Bryan; Senior Vice President and Board of Directors, words) Management). Highway Engineer Alaskan Highway, BB&L; Past President Chamber of Commerce, B•C.S 1960 graduate of Texas A&M with degree in Mechanical Engineer in Charge of Construction power plant Yukon Ja cees; Industrial Foundation, Better Business Bureau Engineering; 28 years residence, Brazos County; 9 years 2. What do you consider to be the major problem currently Territory, Center Engineer Ft. Bliss, & Director Physical Y facing this city?What measures da you advocate sr dealing Board of Directors, successful business experience in Bryan; Past President Plant TAMU, Board of Realtors; Director, United Fund and Chamber of with these problems? (Limit • 150 wards) 2, What do ou consider to be the ma or roblems current) 2. What do you consider to be the major problems currently Commerce; Air Force Captain; Member, Bryan Lions Club A, Experienced leadership-my knowledge and xperience facing this city? What measures do you advocate for dealing facing this city? What measures do you advocate for dealing and First Ba fist Church. gained serving on the council for the part 6 yrs. rill assure with these blems? (Limit • 150 wards) with these problems? (Limit -150 words) P retention of experienced leadership on council, 1. Organized plan for future growth; extend utilities to 2. What do you considerta be the major problems currently B. Electrical production & construction at lowgt possible is the fastest growing area in the U.S. To cope with wdeveloped residential and commercial areas; broaden tax facia this cl ~ What measures da ou advocate for dealing cost-work thru Texas Muncipa] Power Pool to effct savings ~ this growth and ex salon is one of the major problems of our base; minimize individual future taxes. g h'• Y ~ 2. New industry; unified effort of twin cities, county, with these problems? (Limit • 150 words) as in the past (86 million ir, fuel & construction oats since ~ City Council needs experienced engineers, ad- 1963),Have legislation passed by Texas Legislahu tD enable ntinbtrators, and sty planners. We should either elect men Chamber of Commerce; plan and people for attracting new 1. The growth of our city is an asset but could become a Pool to jointly finance new construction. who have the above qualifications ar train those who are industry; promotion of area for industry; incentive program problem without good planning, I advocate support for and C. Drainage-complete drainage projects under ontract or elected and are not qualified. Another major problem is for new and existing industry. cooperation with the planning department to insure orderly Proposed. Enforce flood plain controls to keep pesons from transportation, As petroleum products become in short growth building below a safe flood level. supply or the costs become prohibitive we will need an urban, 2. Many streets in Bryan are substandard. I advocate D. Streets- continue petition paving and renege sharing joint Bryan, College 5tatian 6s TAMU transit system. I searching for an acceptable paving system less costly than programs and utilize any other availabe state nr federal assisted in organizing the TAMU system and will work for a funds. New Voter Re istration Cards that required in new subdivisions, joint infra city system. With the Bicentennial only months ~ 3. Areas in the city subject to flooding need relief through E. Upgrade downtown area & continue cq sharing away committees are at work planning for Bryan's par• drainage improvements, policies with other shopping centers & subdivbMs, ticipation. As Chairman of Bryan's Beautification Cam• County Tax Assessor•Coflector Raymond Buchanan 4. I would encourage citizen and council support for our law F. Citizen input-continue tc have representatieS from a mattes I feel that the Council should make every effort to see said today that new voter registration cards have been enforcement officials and our Bryan Independent School LTOSS section of our sty serve in an advisory ypacity on that our citizens clean-up, paint up, and beautify our city sent out and that confusion is mounting. Buchanan stated District issues and programs to be undertaker. by the COwd• before the official opening of the bicentennial. that eit}>er the new ar old card may be used for this 5. I would favor a system at the City Hall for citizen 3. Wbat fa yoar position canceraing consolidatiy of one or 3. What b your position concerning consolidation of one or election. However, he urged that old ones be destroyed lxoblems to be directed to the proper official for prompt more services for Bryan and Colleg? Station (foeaample: mare services far Bryan and College Station (for example: when the new ones are received. He also said that new action sanitation, fire,poflce,utflitfea,etc.). (Limit•BObrds) sanitaton,fire,pollce,utilltlea,etc.)?(Limit-BOwords) ones should not be cut ar mutilated, but folded and 3. What is your position concerning consalldation of one or ~Y type of consolidation of services would have ~ done It is a well known fact that two cannot live as cheap as one, retained. more services for Bryan and College Statiw (for example: with the approval of the citizens of both Bryan §d College neither can an area such as Bryan-College Station support sanitatloa, tire, police, utlllties, etc.)? (Limit -80words) Station. I do not believe that consolidation of serices (nth tvra complete sets of utilities. Regional planning b something Consolidation of sty services b very closely related to the some exceptions) is feasible until we both has similar: new in this area, but it has already irdluenced our sewerage question of consolidation of the two city governments, My operational systems, pay scales, rate structures, rdinances, systems. Sooner ar later this idea will take root and we will position on this issue is that it should be submitted to a non- etr• have more consolidation. 3. Project priorities; minimize inflationary effect caused binding referendum of the voters, The elected officials should 4. Do you favor the ward system for the electln of roan. 4. Do you favor the ward system for the election of coon- by delays on approved projects; establish priorities based on then respond to the wishes of the people whatever they may slimes? Explain briefly. (Limit - 20 words) climes? Explain briefly. (Limit • 20 words) people's needs; plan for total street paving and adequate ~ No. At-large councilmen are responsible to alkhe people I think the system we now have is working and we should drainage; priorities set for police protection, sanitation, and 4. Do you favor the ward system for the election of coos- and the needs of the entire community. not try to change something that is working, fire protection needs. climes? Explain briefly. (Limit - 20 • words) 5. Da you approve of th~ present arrangment for 5. Do you approve of the present arrangement for emergency 9. Energy needs-provide sufficient energy supply at lowest No, The ward system limits the effectiveness of the in• emergency imbalance sen~ce. What changes, Ilmy, would ambulance service? What changes, ll any, world you make? possible cost; plan now to prevent shortages. dividual's vote, encourages regional differences and en• you make? (Limit • 25 words) (Limit . 25 words) 5. Youth, Health and Safety~xpand youth programs, parks rnurages power politics. ~ Yes. Upgrade service. Have a trained irnlilance at- No. I fee] that the City should operate the emergency and recreation facilities; encourage community health and 5. Do yon approve of the pressor arrangement for tendant other than the driver on every call, Shorts response ambulance service. This could be a Fire Dept, function with ;safety programs to prevent occurrence of big city problems, emergency ambulance service? What changes, ff lay, would Ume. very little extra cost. 6. Hotel-Motel tax; put idle funds to work promoting area. you make? (Limit • 25 words) 6. What do you feel b the City s respoaelbWt; for public 6. What da you feel b the City's responalblllty for public 3. What b your position concerning conaolldation of one or I approve the concept of the arrangement but believe from hraosportatIon? (Limit - 25 words) traoeportatioa? (Limit • 25 words) more services for Bryan and College Station (for example: reports that the service needs immediate improvement. This Public transportation is a partial city re:~mibthty, Large Cities assume the responsibility for public trap- sanitation, fire, pollee, utilities, etc.)? (Limit • 80 words) question demands priority attention. Federal or state funds are a must, as is caaperatin with and sportation. Sooner or later Bryan-College Station must 8. What do you feel b the City's responsibiBty for pabflc from College Station. assume this responsibility, Inflationary cost will necessitate a unified effort of Bryan transportation? (Limit • 25 words) pace 3 and College Station to provide the best services possible at Public transportation systems have been miserable Name: Daniel Hernandez lowest possible cost, Certainly same of these services could financial failures and a source of constant problems inmost Name: Travis B. Bryan, III Age: 24 be consolidated for efficiency, lowered cost, better service cities. I favor private business meetin¢ this need. Unopposed. Occupation: Assistant Director of Admissions • TAMU and growth expansion. Bryan and College Station should Name: Mrs. Lawrence (Mary Ann) Parker 1. Please describe your education and experience that work together in these areas with consolidation as a possible Age: 58 contribute to your qualifications far this office. (Limit an• solution for each service. Occupation: Co-0wner, M, L. Parker Realty Co. ewer to 50 words) 4. Do you favor the ward system far the election of cow• L Please describe your education and experience that; I am a native of Bryan and have been educated in the cihnen? Explain briefly, (Limit • 20 words) contribute to your quallficationa for this office. (Limit • 50 Bryan Public Schools. Graduated from S.F,A High School Against ward system for electing councilmen. Wards can be . words) G~ T and Texas A&M University (B,A. ;n Political Science, 1973) aligned ro prevent equal representation. Elect entire council- .Attended University of Colorado and University of Texas; lJ 1 Employment:), Texas Employment Commission. 2.Office not one man. also one year of Business college, Served on Bryan City of Economic Opportunity, 3, Youth Director for Several 5. Do you approve of the present arrangement for emergency Council four years ago and am familiar with. needs of city. Churches in Texas. 4. Active member Oak Grove United imbalance service? What changes, ff any, would you mate? Active in numerous civic organizations, Actively engaged in o 1 rT Methodist. (Limit • 25 words) real estate sales, Prior experience in construction of ~ U 1 2. What do you consider to be the major problems currently Combined cities~ounty arrangement is a plus. Service Municipal utility and building work. ) ' facing this city? What measures do you advocate for dealing quality must improve. Additional locations, use available 2.Whatdoyoucoosidertobethemajorproblemscarrently with these problems? (Limit •150 words) trained personnel, Will vote far better service, best facing this city? What measures do you advocate for dealing A. Pavement: 31 miles of unpaved roads; we continue use arrangement, with these problems? (Limit •150 words) r of Revenue Sharing. Seek funds from HUD Community 6. What do yon feel is the City's responsibility for public Increasing taxation and utility bills, streets, street Development Fund. transportation? (Limit • 25 words) lighting, and drainage. Ways and Means Committee needs to B. Drainage: Use HUD Community Development Money be re-activated and an indepth study of needs made, with Vo~~ Eor Flood Control City must be responsive to citizens needs for public tran- priorities and completion time tables set. Well planned C. Transit System: Need transportation from Bryan to sportation. Private, free enterprise system b first choice, (xograms are economical -piecemeal is extravagant. City College Station. Use Federal Funds to finance system. It then service by city government at efficient cost. departments need to be evaluated to assure the citizens of e ~ would help economy-more people able to get to jabs; also quality service and that they are getting the most and the able to get to shopping downtown areas. Elimirrate bestfor the moneys spent. To meet the projected growth, we JOHN MOBLEY rnngestion in downtown area. must promote expansion of utilities, health and sanitation D, Promote Industry: Use Hotel•Motel Tax money to Name: John E. Mobley services to all parts of the city to build a quality envfronment P)ece 5 promote Tourism; also work closely with Chamber of Age: 50 for all, We must solicit non-polluting industry fa• the Bryan Commerce to contact industrial prospects. Occupation: Oil Jobber Industrial Park to improve the prosperity of our area thereby Name: William Ray Hancock E. Public Schools: Promote Cooperation behveen School 1, Please describe your education andthat contribute to y increasing our tax base and level of employment, It b the Age: ~ and City Officials. Transfer of Utility money to lessen tax qualifications for this office, (Limit • 50 wards) obligation of city government to assure improvements while Occupation: Security Officer, Sentry Security burden of providing first class school. Two years college~Yz years in U.S. Navy-ten years with effecting ecomomics to avoid tax increases. F, Human Relations Committee: Committeehasnot met in large company. Fifteen years in business for myself, 3. What is your position concerning consolidation of one ar 1, Please describe yoar education aid expenses that over a year. Need to Reactivate Committee so that it will What do you ~caosider to be the major problems currently more services for Bryan and College Station (for example: contribute to your guallflcations for fhb office. Limit • 50 relate to citizens of Bryan. Be more sensitive to needs and facing this city? Waht measures do you advocate for dealh>g sanitation, fire, pollee, utIDtlea, etc.)? (Limit 80 words) words) help in communicating concerns of all residents. with these problems? (Limit • 150 words) Without the consolidation of the two cities, many com- Honesty, and a desire to serve the people of Bran in City Fire Department,Study needs. Ample utilities at the lowest possible price, Better streets & placated factors, such as bond indebtedness, bond sales, etc. Government. GED High School. 3, What is your position concerning consolidation of one or drainage-cooperation between city and schools. Agovern- regarding utilities, enter into consolidation of services. I 2. What do you consider to be the major problem ~n{{y more services for Bryen and College Station (for example: meat, of the people, by the people and for the people. would favor a joint committee of the two citiesmaking an in- facing this city? What measures do you advocate er dealing sanitarian, fire, police, atilltles, etc.)? (Limit-80 words) 3. What is your position concerning conaolldatlon of one or depth study of same as I fully realize the economic feasibility witl► these problems? (Limit • 150 wards) Bryan and College Station need to work closely together, more services for Bryan and College Station (for example: with advantages to bath cities. ~ 1, Lack of industry, encourage Industry to cam to Bryan, we are an asset to each other. College Station sanitation, fire, pollee, utilities, etc.)? (Limit • 80 wends) 4. Do you favor the ward system for the election of cow- 2. Lack of confidence in City Government. Was to make receives 20 per cent of our utilities, we should study how we This will never be done; therefore I don't feel too much climes? Explain briefly. (Limit • 20 words) the public aware of what City Government b doin for them, might work closer in other areas. time should be wasted on it. We should, can and will work Yes, Though each method has flaws, this seems to be the encourage the help and support of the people. g, Do you favor the ward system far the election of cow- close with College Station on all problems concerning our two fairest wa to assure re resentaflon of all the le. 3. What b yoar position concerning cansolldatlo of one or ~ cities. Y P Prof cflmen. Explain briefly. (Limit • 20 wards) 5. Do you. approve at the present arrangement for more services for Bryan and College Station (foexample: Favor combination of the ward and At Large System. 4 4. Da you favor the ward system for the election of cow• emergency ambulance service?What changes, H any, would saNtatlon, fire, police, utllltlea, etc. (Limit - 60 6rds) from Wards. 3 At Large; of which 1 for Mayor, cilmenl? Explain briefly. (Limit - 20 words ) yba mate'' (Limit . 25 words) If a consolidation b to take place it must G with the 5. Do you approve of the present arrangement for emergency This was voted as is three years ago by the people, I would No, Since there are two cities and the county to be served, consent of the people by majority. ambulance service?What changes, i< any, would you make? support a change by the people. immediate study should be made for solutions to this all- 4. Uo you favor the ward system for the electib of cow. (Limit • 25 wards) 5. Do you approve of the present arrangement far emergency important service, dimes? Explain briefly. (Limit • 20 words) Firemen are unhappy with arrangements, We need to ambulance service? What changes, if any, would you mate? 8. What do you feel is the City's responsibility for public No, Government for the people by the people Review situation; Consider Fire Department handling (Limit • 25 words) transportation? (L1mlt • 25 wards) ► 5. Da you approve of the present arrangement tm'mergency Ambulance because they are trained for service. It seems to be below par-if it does not work out, we should w;►ti 1hn h,nn nriaia Oho rifir ahnutri aacume rPanonaihi(ity in ambulance service? What changes, it any, wonld~w mite? consider our fire department before anyone else. Limit • 25 words) 6. What do you feel is the City's res responsibility for public evaluating this muc hly needed d service and possibility of ( Y Po 6. What do you feel is the City's responsibility for public obtaining federal grants to meet our needs. No! I would like to look into it further. transportation? (Limit • 25 words) transportation? (Limit • 25 words) Name: Anastacio "Andy" Herrera 6. What do you feel is the City's responsibllityfm public City should provide transportation system. People unable A bus is definately needed-We should encourage someone Age: 35 transportation? (Limit • 25 words) to get to jobs, Medical centers andsho m areas. This hurts to start another one. If. this is not possible the City should Occupation: Advertising Salesman • KTAM•Kora; Iwill need to study what is best for Bryan. our economy-save on high gasoline pr s. consider starting one.