HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Development: A Global Perspective . , ,. , .- - : ,:. A _, Community EEX answers call for help in tornado -stric ty Development The Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) ' 72 " ' , *46S. ,,, Si 4 and Rescue team got its first test when dead A Global Perspective g rr ed throw h Cego Texas late l month. the Local fire department called on TEEX to brir • by Daniel Hernandez rescue equipment —newly purchased equipm( 1 A&M System Director of Community Development before. This equipment, which included a sea f r and listening devices, assisted in rescue effor all- too - familiar Albertson's grocery store. TEE response allowed the search for victims to u • When you think of the concept of "community The underlying purpose of this symposium is much throughout the night, and the equipment cu development," images of local leaders developing like the goals of our entire community development time by an estimated 14 hours. According ti economic, dropout or crime prevention programs in initiative —to bring together government, industry net, the ultra - sensitive sound equipment way your own neighborhood probably come to mind. and A &M System universities and agencies to discuss determining that no victims were Left sufferi Those images are right on target — because local and and implement collaborative initiatives. state issues are the backbone of The Texas A &M Our technologically advanced society has made our Legislature approves fire ant control meas University System's community development initiative. world smaller and smaller, and we must be prepared fire ant management plan puts Texas in the However, an event being planned right now will to communicate across continents and oceans. The plan calls for $2.5 million annually to be sp( soon help us expand our notion of community well -being of our international neighbors affects our wide controls. Texas A &M University, atong e development to one that includes neighbors such as own well - being —economically, politically and socially. University of Texas and Texas Tech University, those in a farming community in Russia, a small Through open dialogue and gatherings like the long -term solutions to the fire ant problem. village in a Third World country, or a corporate one in Laredo this fall, we can learn to better inte- educational efforts aimed at informing the pu multinational plant in China — neighbors in the grate changes in technology and find ways to work will be established for community -wide cont global community. together in the global community. damage annually in Texas. Plans are underway to present the A &M System's We'll address issues regarding the A &M System's first International Trade Education Symposium, existing community development programs conducted WTAMU announces rural health survey resul Sept. 11 -13, 1997, at Texas A &M International internationally and the real needs of the international has announced preliminary results from a he University in Laredo. The event, co- sponsored by business community. Also, we will discuss how we Texas Panhandle counties. The purpose of th A &M International and the A &M System Office of can involve students in international strategies and risks of women and children and identify wo Community Development, will focus on interna- programs to train them as leaders in a world where those surveyed said they go to their doctor 1 tional trade and education and how the A &M borders are increasingly blurred. participants said they use a home remedy or System can more effectively collaborate and meet After the meeting, we will have established a physician. The study is the most extensive fa the challenge posed by a global economy and comprehensive network of individuals in the A &M and has the potential to serve as a basis for changing technology. System who are working on international community farm and ranch families. For the last year, a group of A &M System admin- development issues. istrators, faculty, staff and community leaders have All A &M System employees and students are wel- High pressure oxygen offers hope for Lym been conceptualizing the symposium idea, and a plan come to attend the symposium. For fee information pressure oxygen may provide relief from the has been developed to implement it. Contribu -tions and other details, please call Mary Trevino at (210) post -polio syndrome, Texas A &M University r from major corporations have been offered, as well 326 -2322 or e -mail her at maryt@tamiu.edu. hyperbaric, or high - pressure, oxygen appears as participation of international corporate leaders and Together, we will share expertise, experience and a of chronic Lyme disease. Similar treatment to government officials. We will invite all of the Texas- vision to help us better understand that our role in weakness, pain and stiffness associated with Mexico chambers of commerce and representatives community development isn't limited to our own from economic development centers across the state. backyard. Baylor College of Dentistry goes live with Baylor College of Dentistry faculty members dental educators assembled in Orlando, Fla., "r that does not incur additional expense for the system is meeting. An audience of 175 professors fron V r / i P .; Ask the generally acceptable. However, as with all such matters, viewed and examined a patient in Dallas via W _� ^ " Y y j Ethics employees must be careful not to allow it to interfere with X -rays and slides between Dallas and Orland( A , /' a their duties and responsibilities. Occasional local phone E '•�...� �•••• ° ` xpert calls are allowable for personal matters, and e -mail would System appoints Dowling to new research Every now and then, A &M System, Texas will feature a seem to be the same, as long as the cost to the A &M System in May the appointment of Glenn Dowling, f is not increased. Employees also should remember that institutional research at Texas A &M Universi' question relating to an ethics issue and print a response from messages stored on their office machines are not considered planning and institutional research for the P Genevieve G. Stubbs, AcW System associate general counsel. to be private and could be accessed by supervisors or others the A &M System's management information Q Is it okay for me to receive and send messages to an who use the computer. They may even be subject to the Texas analyses of system, state and national high€ . out - of - state relative through my e - mail at work? Open Records Act, in certain circumstances. I recommend federal and system requirements and initiati that folks who enjoy using personal e-mail frequently do planning process. Dowling has been with thi A , The use of A &M System e-mail is not specifically so on their home computers and services such as America for the Texas Agricultural Experiment Statior • addressed in the ethics policy. It is considered to be OnLine, Compuserve, the Microsoft Network or others. like any other use of equipment and time — incidental use 4