HomeMy WebLinkAboutBVVM Minutes Jan 2010 Minutes Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc. Wednesday, January 13, 2010 12:00pm Celia Goode Haddock Executive Board Room Arts Center 2275 Dartmouth Street College Station, Texas 77840 1. Roll Call – Mike Newman called to order the meeting of the Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc., on the 13th day of January 2010 at 2275 Dartmouth in College Station, Texas at 12:01pm. Mike Newman introduced the new board members. Attending the meeting are the following members: Bill Adams Steve Beachy Mike Beal Anne Boykin Irma Cauley Marco Cisneros Chip Dawson Jerry Fox Brian Hilton Randy House Fain McDougal Mike Newman David Sahm Ron Silvia Jim Singleton Travis Small Amy Zaragoza (Guest) Scott Hooks 2. Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Marco Cisneros and seconded by Mike Beal to approve the minutes for the November; December and Annual Meeting 2009. The motion was unanimously approved. 3. Committee Chair Reports: a. Design Committee – Steve Beachy discussed the bids that were received for the twentytwo fiberglass imbedded panels. He said that Spectralite came in with the lowest bid, with Bryan Signs coming in with the second lowest bid. He said that the Pannier Company came in with the higher quality product. Bryan Signs product was not what the Board was looking for in regards to design and the lasting ability of the product. Mr. Beachy showed the Board what the signs and bases from Pannier. He said that the bid from Pannier still comes in within the boundaries of the funding for the signs. Scott Hooks described the signs that the City of College Station Parks & Recreations Department has purchased from Pannier. He said that the signs that they have, have held up very well. He also said that Pannier offers a ten year warranty for their signs. i. Approval of statue from J. Payne Lara Studio – Mr. Newman introduced J. Payne Lara to the Board. Fain McDougal spoke to the Board about Mr. Lara, and gave a brief overview about the work that he does. Mr. Lara described the details of the moniket that was presented at the meeting. He described where the statue will be placed at the memorial site. He said that he will be seen when you enter the memorial and will be facing the individual when walking up. He said that there is a company out of Pennsylvania that will provide him with all of the clothing, and then he will shoot photographs of a live model to get the full effect for the completion of the statue. He said that the statue will be about 7 foot 6 inches tall. The base will be in place and the statue will be placed on top of it. Mr. Beachy said that there will be sloped surfaces on the pedestal so that the marker will not be able to be climbed on. Steve Beachy asked if the miniature bronze statues could be made for purchase and what the cost of reproduction would be. Mr. Lara said that it can be done, and that he will get the cost of the miniature bronze statue and get back with the Board. Jim Singleton said that it might be a good idea to have different ways of displaying the statues instead of having one uniform way. Mr. McDougal said that the Design committee should get together before the next meeting to gather information for each of the memorial sites. A motion was made to approve the model Beachy and Sahm seconded. Unanimously approved. Marco Cisneros asked about the time frame of the statue completion. Mr. Lara said that the model will be complete by February. He wants to have the full size statue completed by July. ii. Approval of Bids for the Interpretive Panels – A motion was made by Ron Silvia and seconded by Chip Dawson to approve Pannier as the contractor for the interpretive panels. The motion was unanimously approved. b. Membership Committee – Mike Newman informed the Board that since the Membership mail‐out, there have been three new lifetime memberships received. In addition to those lifetime memberships, the Board has received dues from twentyseven members. c. History Committee – Anne Boykin passed out brochures with information about the upcoming Exploring History luncheons. d. Special Event Committee – No report at this time. e. Development Committee – Fain McDougal said that after the first statue is complete and in place, he feels that it will attract others to want to give to the Board or sponsor a memorial site. Chip Dawson asked if the goal is to have one person or many individuals to sponsor each site. Mr. McDougal explained to the Board what would be included in the sponsorship of a memorial site. He said that when you invest the $40k that you would receive a bench with the individuals name on it, and the statue itself. Irma Cauley asked the Board if there would be a possibility to add more than one bench at each site. Mr. McDougal said that this would need to be discussed further by the Board. 4. Report of Officers: a. President’s Report: No report at this time. b. Vice President’s Report: Randy House said that he will be going to Korea for thirtytwo days. He said that he will be meeting with a group of possible donors about sponsoring the Korean War memorial. He asked that Steve Beachy provide him with some key information to show the possible donors of what will be placed out at the memorial site. Anne Boykin informed Mr. House, that she will provide him with a full‐scale interpretive panel to take with him. c. Treasurer’s Report: Brian Hilton informed the committee that the Board will be presented with a detailed Treasurer’s Report at the February meeting. Mike Mike Beal went over the FY‐10 Proposed Budget in depth, and described each line item. i. Approval of Treasurer’s Report – No report at this time. ii. Approval of Annual Budget – A motion was made by Steve Beachy and seconded by David Sahms to approve the annual budget. The motion was unanimously approved. d. Secretary’s Report: Brian Hilton passed out the BVVM by‐laws. He asked that if anyone has any changes, please email him early so that he can update them, and email them out to the Board before the February meeting. Marco Cisneros asked the Board about the audit changes in the by‐laws. Mr. Hilton said when receiving funds from the City of College Station, they require that we have a full audit. Mike Beal asked if the agenda can be changed to have the Treasurer’s Report discussed earlier in the meeting. Mr. Hilton informed the Board that it can be done, and is at the discretion of the President of the Board. Mr. Hilton said that it might be a good idea to have the Report of Officers presented before the Committee Chair Reports. 5. Old and Unfinished Business – There was none to report. 6. New Business – There was none to report. 7. Good and Welfare – There was none to report. 8. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 1:02pm.