HomeMy WebLinkAboutPR_BVVM_04_22_2010 Ve Ch ChMV RaV FT ChA w 2010 Brazos Valle eterans Mem Officers airman Eme Al Jones MG, USA (Ret airman Eme Travis Sma COL, USA (Re President Mike Newm CAPT, USN (Re Vice-Preside andolph Ho LG, USA (Ret Vice-Preside ain McDou Treasurer Ron Silvia TSGT, USAF (R Secretary Brian Hilto SFC., USA (Re hief Informa Officer Anne Boyk Website: www.bvvm.o ey morial eritus s t.) eritus all et.) t man et.) ent ouse t.) ent ugal r a Ret.) y on et.) ation kin org CONTA CT Mike Newm Brazos Vall P.O. Box 11 College Sta A maquette Stuart Pathw McDougal, Ja LYNN STU The Board hosted a gr Lynn Stua members le Veterans M Chris Dyer Republic o Company), remarks to t the last few Veterans Pa to the late B was dedica leadership i P R T: man, Preside ley Veterans 1055 ation, Texas of “Come and way. From left anie McDouga UART PAT d of Directo round brea art Pathwa ending their Memorial Boa r (Arts Cou of Texas), and J. Pay the gathering w years to c ark including Brigadier Ge ated on Sept in the creatioE S ent s Memorial 77842 d Take It,” sta : Steve Beach al, and J. Payn THWAY GR ors of the aking of the ay, Wednes r muscle to ard), Shanno uncil of Bra Fain McD yne Lara (s g thanking t complete the g the Americ eneral Lynn tember 22, 2 on of the Bra S R ands guard for y, Shannon O ne Lara. ROUND BR Brazos Val e War for T sday, April the event w on Overby ( azos Valley) Dougal and sculptor). M the many fol e project, on can Mile. N Stuart, USA 2006. BG S azos Valley V E L E r the ground b Overby, Chris D REAKING A lley Veteran Texas Indep 21st. The were: Steve B-CS Conv ), Anna Ke Janie McD Mike Newm lks who have ne of severa ewman expr A. The pathw Stuart provid Veterans Me A S E breaking crew Dyer, Anna K AND SOFT ns Memori pendence sit ground bre Beachy (Br ention Visit ellett (Daugh Dougal (M man made t e worked dil al innovative ressed his sin way, named i ded critical emorial. April 22 w on the Lynn Kellett, Fain OPENING ial (BVVM) te along the eaking crew razos Valley ors Bureau) hters of the McDougal & the opening ligently over over e features at ncere thanks in his honor support and 2, 2010 G ) e w y , e g r t s , d SJimCaJc(aFgTmfeFFV An Te ma Ly Steve Beach John G. “Ch installed alon military insti Coordinator and editors w J. Payne La commissione (“Liberty or and Take It” Fain McDou gave a brief h The War for mile scenic p for each of eighteen me Funding for For more inf Valley, Inc., nna Kellett, a m exas, poses bes arker at the Wa ynn Stuart Path hy, Design C hip” Dawson ng the path. itutions acro for the city were also rec ara, noted N ed by the B Death”) and statue for th ugal and his w history of th r Texas Inde pathway whi the seventee emorials bef these statues formation ab please call 9 member of the ide the interpre ar for Texas In hway. Committee ch n, who wrot The other n oss the natio y of College cognized. Navasota scu Brazos Valle d Korean W he War for T wife Janie sp he war includ ependence w ich surround en principal fore the cele s and sites is bout the Lynn 979.450.329 Daughters of t etive panel and dependence sithair, recogni te 12 of the arratives we on. Mr. Beac Station, wh ulptor, was ey Veterans War (“We Go Texas Indepe ponsored the ding the part will be the se ds the origina l United Sta ebration of t s by tax-free n Stuart Path 96 or E-mail: the Republic of d granite te along the ized the effo historical n ere written b chy went on ho designed also on ha s Memorial o Together”) endence mem e War for Te t their famili econd memo al Veterans M ates wars. T the 250th an donation. hway and the : info@bvvm ### f Mike N Directo breakin Lynn Sorts of Texa narratives on y military hi n to thank A the panels. and for the Board to c ) memorial morial. exas Indepen es played in orial to speci Memorial. A The vision o nniversary o e Memorial m.org. Newman, Brazo ors president, g ng for the War Stuart Pathways A&M Uni n the interpr istorians at o Anne Boykin The comm ceremony. create the A statues in ad ndence mem n achieving s ific wars alo Additional m of the Board of the United for all Veter os Valley Vete gives the openin for Texas Inde . iversity prof retive panels other univers n, Heritage P mittee of of pro Mr. Lara h American Re ddition to th morial. Mr. M tatehood for ong the new memorials are d is to com d States in 2 rans of the B erans Memorial ng remarks at t ependence site fessor Dr. s recently sities and Programs ofreaders has been evolution he “Come McDougal r Texas. w one-half e planned mplete all 2026. Brazos l Board of the ground at the