HomeMy WebLinkAboutPress Release Missing Markers 2.15.2008 4? TEXAS K_ Pc ,. `46 ISTORICAL COMMISSION The State Agency for Historic Preservation PR E S S R E L E A S E For Details, Contact: Dr. Charles R. Schultz, Chairman BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1200 Goode Street College Station, Texas 77840 Phone: 979.696.8483; 979.862.1555 Brazos County State Historic Markers Missing: Local Commission Offers Reward 1 January 15, 2008: I Recent surveys conducted by members of the Brazos County Historical Commission have revealed that two state historic markers have been discovered missing from their appropriate locations. The marker commemorating the Brazos River, largest river between the Red and the Rio Grande, 840 -miles and rising in 3 forks, has succumbed to a despicable act unbecoming of a proud citizen or guest of the State of Texas. The marker was removed from its post along State Highway 21, near the Brazos River, possibly as early as 1998. The marker commemorating the Bryan & College Interurban Railway, which provided daily service between the City of Bryan and the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas, was most recently purloined by equally despicable characters unbecoming of a proud citizen or guest of the State of Texas. The marker stood in the 400 block of Main, near the intersection of Spruce and College Main since 1995. The Brazos County Historical Commission takes this serious act of theft, and /or destruction of state property, very seriously. If you have any knowledge of the two markers' whereabouts, or information on the actors, please contact Brazos County Crime Stoppers at 979.775.8477 or return them to the Carnegie Library, 111 South Main Street, Bryan, Texas. No questions asked. A reward will be issued upon the return of one or both of the markers. See attached photos. For more information, contact: Charles R. Schultz, 979.696.8483 or 979.862.1555 or at cschultz @lib - gw.tamu.edu . # ## ..„0" THE BRAZOS RIVER ARCEST RIVET' 8E1WELN THE RFD D HE RIO GRANDE, THE 840-YILE • AZO Rif - S IN 3 f ORKS: THE LAO, r AR. AND DOUBLE Mt A:IAIN 1 (*KS,. ACC 10 E EOF N 0, THIS kIVER • , IED CORONADO'S f XFEDIIION Of 40 FROM DYING OF DIMS I, SO '4E MEN THANKFULLY NAM,ED If "Los AZOS DE DIOS"(ARMS OF COD). ..311 !ES BANKS WERE FOUNDED T0RC :IAN FELIPE, CAPITA!. of • LPHEN F. AUSTIN'S COLONY, AND ASEEINCTON, WHERE IN I83 .6 TEXAS' CE.APATION. OF INDEPENDENCE AS SE6 VAST PLANT AilONS RIVED IN THE FERTfit fiRALOS The Brazos River State Lpy v I A .i COTTOn G."IL ' CIVIL WAR. Historic Marker, dedicated in 1969. * AN ■.N. COLLEGE INTERURBAN KAILWAT MAYOR , mA AND TM f are' tlict AELAANYS <LACLAt 34PORA1f TAt MOAN COLG ICRILAN WAY COW? Y IN 1409 TAF COWAN', WAS (TER , ZUSA INTERURIAN Ritht.Wsv kfrAttti WAS A. Of AWAIT 4 OM PROM ANC TAf 11.4AS ACIOCLITURAL 41. raAFACAL c IIVAS *so) Wrik* VVC AND FACLATT L,A11004 OH ARCM ISO tfilYtCf C.ONSIVACA OF nu SC WAITE 'LlPft ROAN RIC • m$41140tt TOUY AN ALSOUNt POWERED PA CARS , + TAI ROUTt tAFROOWWERS MKT SkOLPLCA, SUBOIVICCALS SMALL FARMS ANC tO PROVE » AritACTION tAt crr • ,to OltIviO<X■ PARR CAT SfilYka. *MAN Ad 103 10 p1 760Esiut Asemtimy,cy, WTC 1104 11041AL4 ANC THE LOSS OF PASSENURS O A*047LI IRDOCAP , orn ITLE ARYAN 11. WAR tfiTtICIPAAN +AY WRAC 04to sa.ENE** h *23 ers ASSt'S WIRE : AT AUCTION TC TAE S AWACER ESTAIR COMM MY , ist LAST j. ROM INF Of Cie eNTIRLALSAM. 1004 ALACt ON APICk t ton OARS OF OPRIATION Tat 114IttURRAN kAlwAY AafiCtNttO TAf COLAPS4 OF ORRAN Crit■OPMANT N 40" -a ANC CO4004 SIA1,04 IODAY THE IWO Oa hull:, Bryan & College Interurban Railway State Historic Marker, dedicated in 1995.