HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/2007 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee Minutes
Historic Preservation Committee Retreat
Monday, October 1, 2007
9 am
115 Lee Avenue
College Station, Texas 77840
Attendance: Marguerite Anthony, Hillary Jessup, Colleen Risinger, Anne Triche- Steen,
Meredith Waller, Lou Hodges, Ernie Wright and Jane Hughey
Approved Absence: Neal Nutall, Anne Boykin
Staff Attendance: Peggy Calliham; Community Relations Manager
Visitors Present: None
Agenda Item #1: Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.
Agenda Item #2: Absence Request
Neal Nutall was excused for medical reasons
Agenda Item #3: Approval of the minutes
Jane made a correction to the minutes about Lou Hodges and her own presence and Emie`s
absence. A correction was also made to the name of the speaker, Al Meyer on November
14 Calendar item. Motion was made, seconded and approved as corrected.
Agenda Item #4:
Team building and get acquainted exercise was conducted prior to calling the meeting to
order. Participants were encouraged to ask each other any question they wanted answered
so they could become better acquainted.
Agenda Item #5: Committee Reports
Exploring History Lunch Lectures
It was noted that the 2008 Lunch Lecture series would have some changes that need to be
noted at the next meeting and on future postcards. There will be a $5 charge for the meal
and there is a limit of 150 spaces. Additionally, the new schedule will allow for only six
lectures: one during the months of January, February, April, September, October and
Ernie reported that the next speaker will be Jim Boone on the topic of Ghosts Trains of the
Brazos Valley on October 17, and A Veterans Story, by Al Meyer, not Al Jones, on
November 14.
Peggy reminded the group that the lunch lectures are taped and run for a month on
Channel 19 the month following the presentation usually around noon. Need to publicize
where to find past lectures. A question was asked about whether we can offer cd's for
those who want them. Peggy says it is a possibility but not sure we want to promote
them. If asked we probably can do it.
Historic Markers
A marker application for the Lewis home at 1205 Winding Road was submitted to the
committee for approval and will be presented to the families at the October 11 City Council
Meeting at 7 p.m. Peggy and Jane have a prior commitment but Hillary and Marguerite
indicated that they will be in attendance and hopefully Anne can be there to take photos.
Roans Chapel has received their appropriate building marker in place of the home marker,
but would like to have a formal presentation in December. Peggy will notify the
committee when a date is set.
Hillary stated that Karen Chavis at 118 Pershing was interested in an historic marker also.
Peggy said she had recommended that Carol Lewis help with others wanted to get markers
since she was retired and very good at the process. We need to follow up with Carol on
Meredith is going to follow up with the Averyts and another home on her street.
Lou asked if we are recording the history of homes in Project Hold that do not have
markers but have some history such as his, which is made from old bricks from the
Madisonville Courthouse. No one on the committee knew if this is being done.
Hillary also suggested that houses might have some history as to who the architect was and
a list of all those craftsmen who worked on a home that people might like to have. Sort of
like an architectural guarantee or certification.
Oral History Project
Anne reported at the last meeting that Mary Hamlin will be having surgery and will be out
for a few months. She will pick up where she left off with the oral history interviews.
Project HOLD
Peggy gave an explanation of Anne's new full -time benefited position. It is pretty much a
carry over of how she has been splitting her time but now she is a full -time employee.
She will maintain staff assistant duties for the Public Communications Office while
continuing to manage the Project Hold office and volunteers.
Peggy indicated that finding good, long term or at least semester long interns was critical
keeping things moving along smoothly in the Project Hold office. Suggestion of
contacting Henry Detloff to get help in placing interns or a professor Anthony Strange,
whose students may need to earn credits.
Hillary is going to contact the Faculty Wives Club for volunteers since they do service
Agenda Item #6 - Discussion of participating in a joint project with Parks
Department on interpretive signs at Veterans Park
Lou and Jane agreed to co -chair this project. Peggy recommended they get in contact with
Steve Beachy or Ric Ploeger at the Parks Dept. to begin to lay out a plan and refine a
timeline and responsibilities and bring something back to the HPC as a whole. It was also
recommended that Jerry Cooper, Scott Schafer, Gene Barrow, and Tom Taylor may have
some interest on working on this and might be contacted once we have a plan. It would
also be great to get Steve Beachy on the committee since he is retiring.
Agenda Item # 7: Discussion of most effective methods for historic education
Marguerite brought this issue before the committee. The group brainstormed various ideas
for this. Need to think these through and think carefully about the biggest "bang for the
buck." Not so labor intensive that it burns out the group. Need to group and prioritize
these and narrow the list.
✓ Seek ideas from elementary and middle school teachers as to what their needs are
with regard to historic education.
✓ Try and find an old slide show from College Hills Elementary that was very good.
✓ An historic coloring book like the city government one. Would probably need to
find a financial sponsor for the cost or could create it and put on the web for
downloading and avoid print costs.
✓ Treasure hunt for history through BV Museum.
✓ Parents are always looking for events for their kids during the summer, maybe a
historic preservation camp experience. Could be a fund raiser. Presented as hands
on history.
✓ Kids Klub outings /June school enrichment program
✓ KAMU Moments in History/Fran Lamb -seems mostly Bryan and the county.
✓ Better awareness of the American Mile as a teaching tool. Needs a brochure
✓ Host a summer event before school for teachers at Veterans Park
✓ Period costume event with American Mile
✓ Cemetery tour with skits of famous people buried there like Jane Hughey recently
experienced in Chickasha, Ok.
✓ Geo -cache suggested by Lou. Basically it's a gps treasure hunt with boxes holding
information, tickets, log and camera
✓ Partner up with another group for a fun run to benefit a charity
✓ April seems to be a better month than May to do an Historic Preservation
Awareness event.
✓ It was suggested that cd's could be made and placed in the College Station Library
for check out.
✓ Develop a group of local story tellers who could tell local stories in schools
✓ In all projects( lunches, Project Hold, , etc give voice to the educational goal. Have
a catchy one -liner to use.
Agenda Item #8- Discussion of Accomplishment of 2007 and Goals for 2008
Refer to the 2007 Goals document This was a very busy year and a lot was accomplished.
✓ Oral History- Still need to edit old oral histories and Lou and Anne Steen will
both take some of these and work on.
✓ Historic District responsibility has been handed off to Planning and Development
Recommendations for 2008 Goals
✓ May want to consider a year long theme for all projects: such as famous
personalities or something that would not limit us but could be carried throughout
the year
✓ If there are specific ideas for displays, special events, etc, they need to be brought
to the committee for discussion and approval.
✓ Lunch Lectures
• May be time to survey the participants again for topics
✓ Markers
• Get some help for people wanting to apply (Carol Lewis ?)
✓ Oral histories
• Get early ones edited
• Collect veteran histories- Turbiville interviews
✓ Project Hold
• Seek some long term interns to help Anne
• History of Business and industry in CS
✓ Educational Outreach
• Bring more attention into the schools about historic preservation
✓ Grants
• Check into potential grants for various projects than need funding
Agenda Item # 9: Committee Assignments
Lunch Lecture: Ernie, Jane and Hillary
Markers: Meredith and Hillary
Oral Histories: Lou and Anne Steen
Project Hold: Lou, Colleen, and Anne Steen
Educational Outreach: Lou, Ernie, Marguerite, and Jane
Parks Program: Jane and Lou
Agenda Item #10: Letter of recommendation to City Council
Hillary has expressed some concern about the process for appointing citizens
to the Historic Preservation Committee. Peggy spoke with Connie Hooks, and
she said that if the committee has recommendations about the process and
applicants they would welcome our suggestions. Peggy agreed to draft a letter
prior to the next meeting for committee review including the following items:
• HPC is a working committee and needs applicants willing to work
on subcommittees