HomeMy WebLinkAboutGirl Scout News • ¢ 0 N -N F+ £ 1 THE BR YAN - w....,,..,.__. _. �r--__ EAGLEr � „v �, . ,,., ,. , fi The Tiger Kittens a grid stars of the one t few � ` Gi S Ne ws til �t few � ,�, years) played the ATavasata grade! — — • ' school team Friday, ,The score of I Troop 2, Arrowhead patrol, were` - not in the Kittens' favor, f hostesses at a prettily planned tea but they are not discouraged. The t g a on Tuesday afternoon at the Home splendid record .which our Tigers of Mrs. George Potter when mem- now enjoy is an incentive for the ', bets of the Fleetwood patrol and Kitten to continue their hard work. { ' mothers of members of both oon football players are made p� through hard work; superior foot- were their guests. ♦ ball players will result from these x The hostess troop gave an ori hours of work while these boys are nal skit entitled "Mind Your Man- , Hers," parts being taken by Gail � 1 'young. A. and M. Consolidated Crawford, Betty Jean Copeland had material for great teams in the i Frances Bonnen, Betty Ann Potter j future—so bravo, Kittens! and Barbara Holden with Joyce i Patronelia as announcer. T;,e refreshments were prepar ��w arid served by the hostess patro after which the following were giv; en Hostess badges: Frances Ban; en, Barbara Holden, Betty Jea opeland, etty Ann Potter, Jo ' atronella, Gail Crawford, Marth filler, Frances Copeland. girl rom. the Fleetwood patrol who ere • given Second Class badge- 'ere Carol Alexander Lou Burgess ois Alexander, Patsy Bonne nna Jean Godbey, Marjorie Win - :ad, Attrilli Haupt, Marjie,.Ne' * •ker. ' • r