HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed James Hope League 1974 VolagTHE STATE OF TEXAS StateMON ALL MAN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF BRANDS I That, 1, NAXIGE CUM POSTING, a widow, of the County of Bramso consideration.ex .xu xoihoa ($10.oh)a.. Me in Hann f f Pat& In Cash h xhnr cheen NORMAN, as follows : All cash in hand paid, the Tecelpt of which in hereby acknowledged and confessed and the further consideration being the natural love and affection that I into AM hold for the Grantee heyeim who is the daughter of the Grantor, have Given, Granted, Sold and Comveymd� am by these presents do Give, Grant, Sell am Convoyj "W the said MARY CUED WORSHIP! of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, all those certain bacts or parvels of lam lying and being sitmated in Me faces Hope League in Brazos Cmaty� TmaS . described as follows: FIRST TRACT � cea' ofc :Ccafeat .e the aoa:z1 !n e: -� r tract a :Ka. �V :,f.. am also 3 acre tract tanvemed to c :a al re S4 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and being more BEGINNINGparticularly described as follows ron od h.foremeat.one `21,'..re tract. . the cast on mar of the S' 07" W Sit" the Southeast line of the be- acre tract and the southeast I in& of the be- mmmantioned Koppo iron rod act for corner in the nartmest right-of-way line of of .» . Ho .:njo a .. Foremen. .a north.... right-of-way line red set far corner, same being the South career of the F . Earl Dowling 25 .00 acre tract; foremanttoned 25.00 acre tract for a distance of 957. 57 feet to ME Iran rod set for corner in the northeast line of the before- mentioned 31 2/3 acre tract , said iron rod also being the east corner of the said 25.00 acre tract, THENCE S line of :n':. the befoT emantioned northeast the LACE a. :n� tH ..a. o.�. eKo,a.a�h_ �s,� �� w A3897MEE uant so al Survey made nd n the onth of gdptmb... 1974 b, Donald .. �a . .;.f;tored Public Surveyor. HIP HIM aME) ,51 SO Sure tract or pamel of land lying sall being situatei In Too MCS BILA PHO League , Brazos County, Talks and being port of the 55 Bert tract Of laid COOVRYOPI to S. 0. Creed described in the deed record ad in Vol , 14 , Pg. 334 of the Chad Records of Brazos County, Trade aid being more Particularly described as BEGINNING at the iron end set at the intersection of the southeast line of the beforemonti=ad SO acre tract with the South vast right-of way line of Supper Bridge good; of the SS acre tract for a distance of rner in the center of a creeki said cornerbeta; .< o, waret UPS sau<b corner of the said 55 acre tract, TIVIENCE along the beformseentioned creak as follows : fence "at fowd for Bugle point; TOGINCE along the Eames found marking the West line of the ge- formentioned 55 acre tract as follows: 10 all distance of 382. comer15 feet to . [once corner found for angle Point; iron rod sat for corner at the intersection of the bmforasmznti�mesd wo4t line of the SO Sure tract with the southwest lini �age 517 right-ofr VoL37 Vol33?os g ' ofWORDS Bridge Road;r W,h..Bt right-of-way ,.EB Bridge oa. follow. . s ;90 2; FLOW OF BEGrNNIM tomosining 11 .80 acres Of land more or loss go Tsmant to as actual survey Face on its "and in the month of The Grantor hotels was formerly the wife at Reginald Creed and Some )RATS after his death she Worried Carl Dowling who I, also deceased. Grantor warrants and represents that session Creed and Max ine Creed Dowling are one and the Zallt Person . she being that individual , TO HAVE AND TO HELD the above described promises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtanames thereto In anywise belonging unit the said FARY CREW WORSHAII her hairs and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself. my heirs, executors and 011 iUJmtTmtQT3o to Warrant and Forever De fend, all and sing- and aSsigB26 against every person whomsowvmr lawfully claial", or to Claim the *sm, or Any part thereof, EEL. 1974. at Bryan, Bravo. Gouty, Tara.s this the 1� d HJUXIND cum DOWLING UTHE STATIF OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAND I BEFORE NE, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County a" States on this day personally appeared murelet CREW ING Mom to me to be the person whose name Is Bob- ®ad� the foregoing instrument . and ackmaxledgel to me that ,she exeedted the same for , w E s and consideration .herein rvEm UNDER xr FACE Am REAL OF OFFICE. this tn. IDA oer shot* It of o �wianl ��%mp�,A�WC r d V"tj��M�