HomeMy WebLinkAboutLawsuit decree Dyess vs. Creed1959 r ME STATE OF taraR i COMTY or BREEDS WHIREASt by deems of District Court of Breach County, Thomas , made and entered at the Wil tars, A. D. 1959, of sad Court, to-wit: On the nth day Of Jun, ISM. in Cases ffo ISt724 r an the deli Darnall of said Court, stylved Carolina ➢earl 0 ms at &I ". Reginald T. free" at sit It C. C. Burkett a Brazos County, Tecom , was appointed Rectiver " sell the beerminatter de- scribed real estate, v1den is &I" fUlly deatribed in Said decree W VESSWEa9t pursumatt m the tens of said deenal E sole said property on the 5th day of June, 1959, to Reginald F. Creed and mi States sale or ttheam of !000.00, { ➢➢sa0u credited ati e b Reginald eF. Creed sad wife . Havins H. tested, for their prament interest in a..w .r. ..a. «..... AGt .eo.P -...... 0« . .. ...t..t .ale defy paid Into Coen by the Amid Reginald ➢. Creed end vita. sumaLme H. Creed; and WHEREAS , by dacre& Of Said Court mum and entered in maid came an the Sth day of Janet 1959p my report of amid @as whlcht was dely filed in amid cause met June test 19591 wets dm3y approved and confirmed by said Court Owd I was authorized sad instrnated by amid dwerms to statute meet deliver to amid Regin"d F. Creed and wife, hearten H. Ernst a good and malleable "ad to ame[A prap- or", maid dead tat retain to each of the mentimarts in andioL came his present admaral interest to amid property sad to retain to the Plaintiffs their present mineral interval in maid property for and during their natural lives; NUNW, WERSINGRE, 1 , the said C. C. Sherbert as Receiver afornaaldt In o1yedlicuee to said order of Comart, let which mfutMoi is here pact , in consideration of the prnmenimes most of the psymostal of and wife,, Haaineae Cro d,0$3,775'00tof amid ar being➢credited to sai F. Creed a" scifet famine U. r their pram- dntdin maid property, and $ 00 e than, ant interest ar EES n ha as afowaid. and the present of which in hardby acknowledged, have this may granted, $614 arl convened, amol by these Presents do hereby grant, sell arm convey unto the maid Reginald F. Creed and wlfe lboxime H. Creedit Of Brands County, Treta, the hereinafter de- scribal property, to-wit; Using ninety-six ound too-thirde (96-2/3) serve, sets or less, in the Jesse flo� Levels art the Samuel Davidson Imague in boards County, Texas, end being the game Land described in a deed free J. M. Farcutwer Voluxur 14P Page 334, Dead Records , Stramon County, Temmus, and in a dead from W. a. ftneaer at aL to Volumes M , Page 54, Deed Records, Reason County, Texam , to which inatromentS and their "cord reference is here muscle for all purposes. Them is specifically reserves , Creed. f an eu..aea ee.rm (4<)�er in the k•l e.at . ,ua aRto Daily e Witter, fast mole, an r n u / interest to the mineral earned for during her natural life, M Roger Lee Deals, Joe Allen Dyess add the minaretm..t... eE said property rt for.m"awadp a . ..two.... lif inda u adWIN undivided.. s t. Cals rolina . ,.e-...te..t wt. interest in the adrenal estate of ..ad property .,r and during their ..twat tier.. TO MVC AND TO MKIn the re h described ,regime.* te- r with all and r theh.ight sppwte.mr.s thereto Do stylist e � t add wit.. ever. , y head this nth day wi w�. .., A. Cr WITHESS eRANCEIVER9R We STATE OF TELLS COUNTY OF Results r.upe< . utherrity, a Notary Pullin in And for Brazos County, Terd*� On this day perawaly appeared C C. Surber ma Regivar, grown to me to be the parmon is adbucribel to in foregoing instrument, and :.wh .. c 9 li7 71, 9 8 �,� sj qy tab _ � � L �