HomeMy WebLinkAboutTravis Bryan Letter to Pentagon ESTABLISHED 1673 v S RSA x ME 1 ~v s. ldW~~.g ~Ii t*t8 till} s, 1,tagmj1 f IJX:,~ -_.A • Dear Gen* Chauncey:- As it cc ±a orrce a year ..uxl arU w.e, s has we two lli the "budj et,`' ae U'i I u4A* r^atand r°fesetinae have been ramnUj held in i olph and revefi'ax't cued e- e learn that you we" down to Shre'srepa rt (perhaps =3,v tasa mntarily) but at any rate its juice to learn that you viers that alone to Twm thaw we still hope for t' :.c (lay when p -rtWA we can sit you down to d:l. umr at B ryan# Tame. Funds are one item that onou a yew all nays concern the arqr. Normally my observation has that at first every cmxu dizij offal-cer tee hi sitialr arrd warxders if the lation in 1,roin to be allemod to go slap to rack and ruiti but by tea its all thrashod out they norm get the facto stud the fire depart-ftient is not tota3,;,'. 3eE. xd nor the 3ru oquacy of fire protectim so dis Aed that the i . 1:U,e 2jv to burn up without argone to proteeat it though at the ryit get o17 Vte Sittitig s sai^ lock li1% that wan shat was SoUV to happei4. Hoiw ter fieurina that it rdaht to finelca and or nontha c ever reacr your desk t soles3y an the basis of a friejid of the ~vnW Lr iorce'l1 feeds of trying, to be a f.-At oi.tlc citizen, peculiarly interesrstetd In the ar, services and their p+s"sorumle rax, rW hurdreds of aCticers as friends for ye. cone 3ed about ttre futures security of your " ray country, in the last few days I hwe boon very eamverned art:out they future of man ArW Air Field for the rat few raexithle In o ctivn with its upkeep and of a antly %,j L-t3 L tho : -1-11J. -C effect thereof as result of last few weeks how1jigs at-Ad i MirAimm Operet3.r.u Parsmri4 Ufectiv+e l0/'2/,/.1, i3ArlF 6 4mards (A r corps Funds) 6 &qxardss (air carps fu 1 clerk typist (Air Cor -s funds) 1 -.ark tyrIsst (air con 10 firomrc (a r 60 tars per week) 6 firemen (mxi m 60 hrs 1;r sec. 1 Electrician 1 Chief oltsrk (Property-aq)p2,,y• 1 Corr-,*n'te9r duty) 1 foremm I oont; clod. (a '.~t 3,0 ab7 rle " u . 1 heavy equi.ppwr* a~ctrars 1 heavy squirmnt operat i 3 light 6cw4 t ope rate 1,; I chief cl.erll* 1 1ce ESTABLISHED IB'J3 i i * XJ ~ iA 1 a.~s I'i I~YA ~ , Tr-.1~~ S 2 Uj:)ot: tim '11.jazis of the . roposed ; ~r~ gram it would seem impossibie to -ovide for the care and ~►tenaance oaf (1)Fqui,-,)rent (2) mull-c ozers (3) c~ zz:ci (4) runways (5) utilities and other itezas With the decrerase of maintenance fire hazards will increase and the fire department frith only six µ eople will ~;;t ~sarstl;;l tie inaadequate to >roteet• ;::e property of the station. At the present time the station is or.crat it-. ~ uti w~arious of lts fac.zlit e; 5 leaas~es d -permits 1 permit to be g ven C• ~•e c~'~. _ .t.~'.1:a -~i"?j'.i ~~S.,r, (reactivation of raad:io ;seam stow esta-Olist:rafrnt of comma ications cetnters weaather stn~tion cmAn nr► u - col- iicc<,.. 1 permit or additional. lease under _er + .v :,z. o t; Technical School in near future. All echelons! of cor ed are cognisant of the situation cr~a ,<-d. r: mainteana~ personnels in that 1. Existing maaintena nce regulations caannot be ccM)licc 2. Government property can not be adequately rArotected. Iraspectore will still have to write up ass non-complia~sce : sic < ;ci e . ~:a .c .a s c_ will occur as a< result of laaek of rirtenances that ins the bui.? dJ-n ~ needi repairs gratss needing mowinge vehicles not properly t~ai~ jAu-aired nd c,ared 'ur, installed equipment not properly presierved etc. etc. From the figures of the taitai_mum tainteria nce ; kereto~ ire in order and the proposed effective 10/24/47 program one caan see that the sum of 017s500vOO is all that is necessary. Is d be the first to recognize the trecessity of cut k .r:; to the bone the expenditure of funds aand the most careful h~~ndling of the tax payers money but for this trifling auto and with the situation as it is surely that asm ll. sum might well. be found in some wavy to .enable the instaallation to be at least maintarined in a manner as would save the taa,q)ayers investaeent in this owned in fee inastaall ation which if Russi.aa keeps on the sae track God knows vie baadly need. 'The admitted advantages aand wceeptional fine quali.ficatior:s of this installation aare eaasily available from the files to anyone w,-wti.-zg to ex,,--1iz:e 311"_e. 'A, cc V'le war t e iF :1C3Ct'!.a ~'tf'r:; o_ f .i?e !~'Lr F' xccs .,inre 1--, c;4;a.cd ca ncelled out Vie nornal action of the iesser coi...ax.ulds see&i-ig a sweplus desi&!v atior_, as the 'Iai! ;i C'tt h' ?t:'`~ OL? sti-, . ; ''y f?'LT. s or ?'E'er-rds T~(~(yt."a i1'~.;~p:jCl t:ii.~ ESTAOU-HEM 1873 . • y i 3 S t N- 11111 ; :N-, `I'r:1 ~v s a wA ai ldorse^,er, ev:d #uest of vi tua.14 ever civilian air act Ivit,y organisation, ni lit ~,Asss arA carganisations# government ager'zise of the CMS hwe a ideal situation and excolytiom%V #Avwitaa,es to all concemod and Lu_,wJ. aoUW.y attempting to knock demon the red t as in that BA. AF radio P a first class am !,•catlors center at M' rA kt bo. r fitted owe V the UP and to be operated by the Civil A me utios Adninlzt: 0' Ii. zt coo the tieadc tens of this Afar Farces pears to be the "UO.1 'etkey" of Bryan Army Air lUld and ainoo aj5p&roarktay tho final :v4 tio:rLd „e ty, Wa&iUigton I an appealing to you to MA save waX to prevent this rec i,,t 'jam vere curtsailr ent of the "maintena noe" of AAA'. And since Its effectivene )ewe set for Oct* 27tik. and this is the 111. to -rov nt it :Uzrn tlon of e station I? MIATE tlMUP should be takwu :rything has been rwudng smoothly at the u fine state of mair•itenance, precautions for Ak sty of ILU types are 1 , 1" < and it seem a pity to cut the 27 eaq;loy+ees dean to 15 arc! del-vivo the inane ,wa rr nt owned in fee -ro::A'ty of the i res=ent, -:rotect* on ;,vh:Lch woiOx s~- c i..L 4~. : Lf : w-. c W. ; ,w 1..>. ! r...~i .l . \..t ..5 j JJ. ~ i nstal.:i c`L:i on awi ed in fee to . o to urack arut ruin ,just A a Uma whax evorZro x~ that thinks in the countrv is vdllin'.- to admit tl- t fir-Tt nh--ve else vzat this Co . €'y needy is {l.) t s tel. <;; or i; se 7th -0 4r•. trained p4wsl7ttiC .L., This week the Qe>~:: t~dirz ; ai'i".;_ aetr ()i' a3.c ',(>,n Field rwi.1aL. , that th-re am P*r a thousand rosem pilots and t ilmohnici.ans in this vt.eiAty (W atude-:to at A&M College) wino cannot keep up their reel rve training joveyny to Houston or Austin or D&Uas or Satz ilr:tonlos is arrauCiiip, and I believe with the apP rovr,i of Cerberat Turner,, aomw%Wig the 10th. Air Pox oes Jan Antonio, to arrange to mind planers to AAA` to enable thecae rn to Imep up their re rve trabdjig, The local chapter of reserve officers hire been imrki,ng a year on securing this ague, &am hake been driving to Howttark In their own cars weekly to get thee:. r light trainl rcg# it could be oyAr aced teem 7 days a week as the students ached-` ;could pmt wh+erwo rzmaal]y In cities like iiouston and Sark Antonio wd Aalls.- :i.argel,ir its a creek a nA ororation and the j.-)1 anes sit 1d.1e duri they weok days, aveeryt ling appvarg to be ironed out save and w. c opt for lack of a gasoline truc;F:, S am writing General Turner at 3an AnLaUo a, pealing to him to take the sia e ~{)t., f•t ~ "C?~If Ss ~^,1~.~~r ~at?ri'.`.a ?'f't;~ . ."i.t'Y~ ,rl. 'i ~ '~r~.t .~`•:.t's`' "1: a,'3r•!_CJ ESTABLISHED 1873 i t s3 r P>. FiST' 1 ;ice z 13.7 K 40, Iu RSA \v"T TF. l 1 S. over to ^Y Aso that thane ft,.e 4l.ut,% in ,.lam =Ith t1 pra&,rrr cazdn.g up our"'Lr the jr-st AJatin oeflftt to be de:A at lead in a at4e of nain gu~yice that 6J ~ Jt ff d le. on a to rariy bmwUVO status. On the or4 lacking rofju .ru--,oi1 i iuWar. .-c.,iA W:4:3u Tail 100LI-A! officer training program lacks of beir,g flown out of 117m AM Air MIA b sing a gas truck inatea d of GO Hlljington aesldn g !'.M requisition WO morathe perhaps getting thru chra wls aA getting one of the rya 141o pieces of equipments by tihs dons I uc iderst acrd now ink Ant<4o not their l; 7 u -Wcl, I am ap l eating to Gen. Turner to mm If t, sLKilfi.ed vW of : vtv t' truck quie ly for l ir would not work such as L Gaa_ ding officer Ellington requisition trash for ~lU qq 2. If all excess trailers we declared to War Assts have telly Field Surplus Property officer prej,&re a *M.1 (sd.thdrawl), When it is anwov+ed by Office, transfer vehicle to supply officer 3AAUA Lelly Fi ld evA then he c~ r ismze (or ship) it to Ellingtaa. 3. itaecondition v*Uol.s and uze it an CO of r1l inr ton sass fit,. (Send it up to WUP for varvicing this s f:,s n ~ . 'pith Gerwwal Turners assistai,oo an 10th,. : Li v;,, E•c i~~; . in the a b vo lzroogra the by having his office work At~_ e~ .SiT~tilQtit a the desired obtaining of the adfcured* %ok in Ueaembor IWA 11trota You a sa3ief (or lotttx ;if1Y&~''~€ the situation here for reserve air corps off'i s trairAng program lead :a;.:,,w4 that tine go d as tihough the matter could go tlu u however it ran ititc, 800 opposition of the Iresent searia nt+ of AM Qoll.egs in that either it had flown from the A&M Col.:isgre s3:rport (Tiaoterwxyd) or that the coLl.- ege would not have anything to do with it f This the dej..artaw* dteclirwod as x understxzarul or basis (l.) if done for AW4 on its airport evw7 college PjW wtiveraity in t llo 1"d that had an airport would wwit It for their school also and inadequate funds grad (2) the totally inadequate faaWties at the , a:.il"port,# appro-x`_:. j_ nothing but concrete rumasye (and at that t,irie) (understand Air Fin suggestE it could be flown frm Air F; t-ld -vewre e v i-j f nee- t:,y on a € m* owed field existed. • 'J-"-. of Alit nt: aE. o : or oi - o ESTA6 DISH ED 83 A Fi i % 1Ti ~ R~ . 1 A< q~ ,r any aide and a sai.stw a you r Y riera3. +u•a~~r can give on securin the :ick for the reaerve flying, tralydng program thnt the reserve offiows have 1;.1rarAly developed thru Cole 114E troy 00 of Mlitag,tan Field# Houstmip and vier of t}u, f aot that Swi atvr Tom Ca-wally grad Congressman Olin E. Twkgue <Je iLU gays been most ca-.operetlve tad hol ul* are sad that the ArnW# a- I the AM F~E~i?CLS deserve adqurde fur:ds and shoed be raairitais~~d at a toy :L f. ,Aep eeat.*aL&l.Xy the AIR FOC23s I an arose ing theca copy of this letter w.d xx aloe the assistance to the Hdq of the Air Forces in wW x,~ u ; 1. .provide the slight funds moiled ( t7: ) to 1vovent +a.U met the tot,~a a tion of this fiw station if the present 3['"~O du,'In i x'~c~yyv~,r 7:t ~ n, Vle rtc r:: cet personnel is allowed to be efferctivts. 1 ~ d appreciate a ware aolleet, if y~ou i,.4..;i4 <.,,uar.i r 4 G, l L ,.r.u of the situAtious preawited, both (1) the rmdrntonaawe nr;; Ci \21 'raw gas truck for the rem offiAars Cordially youra, gnat run i.w"wan Olin F. Test 42ashi t„n ;o1. Mar~iftys 00p ralington Fields 7wA*x%l Al ~`Y s M loth. Air 1`aroeM T:wox) ,a Flaidoi 2 k4a' ar~r A. Gen Cain on., CC- Court-J ESTABLISHED 183 t ~ L ~j111, F1 Ilk fi'r' T`A ~A h aF~l~ T T'E x 11/4 7 Ul"' }t2; t4 but I haw an wW* fowid that v th bi.ng that m?4 c,3 ".31" if you can secure the attention of the offtaer in the ola ce ,,-at oan get; act on you Y]7T''»2? .1 fl?C~b a .;Ctli i='::() _Li 40 ;:rCC iJhA am be !for ay For lack of ;1 a:3falL ie truck the iz A ~a33. ro. tx%rc o Uc ara tell me the resew flying training rwW&m In this area is a;ot .fw4ti.orIng, t'erh" a thousand find young re+swva offices , d a i staff could her to kUg the traair t,ing# wwit to O o stn, t nd' cowitry neeas them aaM time they will be in shajv. Also urde rstuW dozens of Sw trucks on bl,....: . t t, _ : ; being u~d. {0 at ~r~nton sam of theae local wn tell Pa- is al'aalous to make the local treai.niru? offeactive and has ava 7th-Im to to to got the program vperatlrcg h IMEPT A W T' E-I : . Kay i api al to you for your help air in you s, z_ t 'ion u, wiA your inf'luonice and help girt us ar gas truck for iAAF as out! ?crt of , iy letter to Irv oral Glhnm°:. o in the C" l st A3, A to "usk Via IA11 «1f) hlii'.. y Lt t; .°'aE ;l.i E3, L' iiot d'= r : yaelf but the whole cctw-Mity. ravis .ave w ai is tn:= of the oily dra ft+ boar4 ,Y s'i p L .3 r :r -durij . ta. i,. 4c 'e~gr7 tats.: war writ'•teti direct to Usanhcaw, t attor.* fCa~"t..~ GHor, ?g a y Lewis I'la3k, John 3r : H..'.irr ero y uteaaa t haw seen Dior ; I co' go oat, errs.u serati. _ et perhapv yow .sl aeotfe ainte a.nd in 1.0 Wit- I ewer beast disaap,xsinted. Qsr e,Z ~tan&rra~r: _d e 8th, C at f?alLis sam yews later raee►ti } in Dallas at reception at the -3hoat W= after CAC giving fray George & Xra, Uoo~ ,C}rally 'v.-ked -e for br_.1. :'-ir:" a !ttrr at'o 11..3 att,i (`,A'..n t.':t"tt!,