HomeMy WebLinkAboutBernal Family History My parents Hijimo and Lily Bernal moved to Bryan in 1938, they moved here from Rosebud Texas. They had seven children when they moved here. I was born here in 1939 and my brother Jesse and his twin brother Joseph were born in 1942. Unfortunately Joseph died at two months old. Like most families my parents had been struggling to fight the depression, so they moved to Bryan looking for a better life. My dad had many mouths to feed so Mom helped however she could even though she had her hands full with all of us. She still managed to work out of the house doing laundry for other people. My two older sisters Janie and Lydia married shortly after the family moved to Bryan. My older brother Fred joined the Navy and served during World War II , My brother Felix moved to Houston., so our family was shrinking. My other sister Herm~linda stayed behind and helped out by working at a laundry. My Dad eventually gotta job at Texas A&M in food services, but times were still hard. As soon as my brothers Ernest and Arthur became teenagers Mom would take them to chop cotton in the fields around the Brazos Valley. During the summer we would go as far as Lubbock Texas to Chop cotton and to Corpus Christi to pick cotton. Most of the time we started school late in September because we were not back in time. When my brother were of age Ernest went to work at Texas A&M in food services and Arthur went to work at The Memorial Student Center. My mom went to work at the laundry at Texas A& M. The whole family was employed at Texas A&M. My parents never dreamt that some day one of their grandchildren would be a graduate of Texas A&M. My son Jose Grimaldo Jr was that grandchild he received two degrees his BA and his MBA. Time did not allow them to see it happen but I know they would have been proud. My parents were not educated but they taught us to work and to be proud of our heritage for that I am very grateful. By Mary Bernal-Grimaldo September 2009