HomeMy WebLinkAboutNicolasa Lopez Vivero - Bio Nicolasa Lopez Vivero was born in Salinas, San Luis Potosi Mexico to Juan Lopez and Adelaida Davila Lopez on Decembver 23, 1898. When she was four years old her parents moved to Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico where her father worked for the railroad repair shop. He also was a member of the state of Aguascalientes orchestra playing a trumpet. At a later date he joined the military band of Pancho Villa. Due to bad economy and the encouragement of a cousin who lived in Texas, Juan sold his home and moved to Bastrop, Texas in 1916. There he worked the farms and coal mines. Nicolasa was 18 years and the oldest of nine children. Nicolasa was introduced to Rafael Vivero, a coal miner, who also came from Aguascalientes at the age of 16. They married on the 7th of December 19.17 in Bastrop. In 1927, Nicolasa and Rafael moved to Bryan where he built his own home and worked for Missouri Pacific Railroad until retirement. They had three sons, Elias, David, and Jesse and a daughter Rachel. Nicolasa was a housewife but enjoyed sewing, crochet, quilting and gardening. She also made time to teach all her children to read and write in spanish and arithmetic before they entered school. She sometimes taught the neighbor's children and also gave haircuts for ten cents. Later when her grandchildren spent time with her during the summer, she taught them the same and gave them advise. Her greatest enjoyment was to prepare a lunch daily to haver her family over. Nicolasa has 13 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and,6`great-great grandchildren. Rafael and Elias are deceased. David resides in Dallas and Jesse and Rachel in Bryan. Nicolasa is a proud Aggie mom and grandmother. Currently, she enjoys watching TV, reading the newspaper, strolling through her yard and outings to the mall with her son and daughter in law, Jesse and Ann or with her daughter, Rachel Medina.