HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/16/2009 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionCITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning e'r Development Services PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Apri116, 2009 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Apri116, 2009 Table of Contents Workshop Agenda P&Z Plan of Work 7 Consent Agenda 1~larch 19, 2009 Workshop and Regular Draft Minutes .............................................................................16 Preliminary Plat for Horse Haven Estates Phases 5 and 6 ........................................................................23 Regular Agenda Rezoning Request for Pebble Creek Phase 9I .............................................................................................31 UDO rmendment - Signage ..........................................................................................................................40 Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 2429 Earl Rudder Freeway South ..............................................43 AGENDA ~.rl I ~ ~.til ~at~C LJ•.~~1•. Ia~~'Iti~~ti PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting Thursday, April 16, 2009, at 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. • Kyle View Estates Lots 43-A - 57-A (FP-Amending Plat) Case #09-00500005 • Kyle View Estates Lots 6-A - 7-A (FP-Amending Plat) Case #09-00500038 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the 2009 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (JS) 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding agenda items for the joint College Station/Bryan Planning ~ Zoning Commission meeting on April 30, 2009. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following item(s): • A rezoning from A-0 Agricultural Open and C-2 Commercial Industrial to C-1 General Commercial for an area consisting of 16.486 acres, generally located along the east side of the north bound State Highway 6 South Frontage Road at Rock Prairie Road. The Commission heard this item on March 5, and recommended denial (by virtue of a failed motion to approve). The City Council heard this item on March 26, and voted 7-0 for approval with conditions to mitigate traffic concerns. • Amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance, Article 6, Use Regulations and Article 11, Defined Terms as they pertain to the regulation of alcohol sales in Wolf Pen Creek (WPC) and Residential Northgate (NG-3) Zoning Districts. The Commission heard this item on March 5, and voted 6-0 for approval with a recommendation that package stores be allowed in WPC with a conditional use permit. The City Council heard this item on March 26, and voted 7-0 for approval as recommended by the Commission. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. April 23, 2009 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 7:00 p.m. I ❖ April 30, 2009 ~ Joint Meeting with Bryan P&Z ~ Bryan Council Chambers 11:30 a.m. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Comprehensive Planning process. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Plan. 10. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint College Station P&ZlBryan P&Z Committee on Common Gateways and Corridors, Joint ParkslPlanning and Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Platting Requirements and Standards Subcommittee. 1 1. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 12. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071 ;possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote tal~en will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 6:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of April, 2009, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of the Workshop Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, ll01 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on April , 2009, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2009. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2009. 4 Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. J ~s:~~ AGENDA P .,W. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Thursday, April 16, 2009, at 7:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • March 19, 2009 ~ ~Uorkshop • March 19, 2009 ~ Regular Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Horse Haven Estates Phases 5 and 6 (which will demonstrate how a portion of Horse Haven Estates Phase 3 will be partially replatted), consisting of six lots on 24.186 acres located at 2744 Horseback Drive generally located east of Horse Haven Estates Phase 3. Case #08-00500158 (LK)  6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Rezoning of 3.38 acres from A-O, Agricultural-Open, to R-l, Single-Family Residential at 5400 St. Andrews Drive and more generally located in the Pebble Creek Subdivision. Case #09- 00500047 (MR) 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.4.E "Exempt Signs", Section 7.4.X "Signs for Permitted Non-Residential Uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts", and Section 11.2 "Defined Terms" as it relates to the use of temporary signs for real estate-related special events and attached signs for government facilities. Case #09-00500016 (LH) 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Single Family Residential, Medium Density and Floodplain and Streams to Planned Development for 14.27 acres located at 2429 Earl Rudder Freeway South generally located north of Raintree Drive. Case #09-00500064 (LK) 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 10. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071 ;possible action. The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote tal~en will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission, College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, April 16, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of April, 2009, at CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, ll01 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.~ov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on April , 2009, at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2009. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By J Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2009. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. r_ U Planning & Zoning Commission 2009 Plan of Work Active and Completed Items Community & Neighborhood Planning Comprehensive Plan Phase 2 Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Continuation of Comprehensive 3/23/09: Community meeting at 6pm at A&M Consolidated Plan update. Phase 2 is the formulation and Middle School completion of chapters and elements of the 3/24/09: Community meeting at 6pm at Grace Bible Comprehensive Plan including items relating to CCN Church -Southwood Campus service boundaries and managing development and 3/31/09: Joint meeting with Council for Comp Plan redevelo ment in the Cit and ETJ. 4/15/09: Joint CPAC, P&Z, and Council meeting Staff Assi ned: JP, P&DS Staff Antici ated Com letion: 2nd Quarter Annexation Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Complete annexation of identified 12/16/08: Council directed Staff to move forward with "exempt" areas, including development agreements exempt areas (including area add by P&Z) and service plan. Identify other areas for potential 3- yearannexation plan as directed through the Com rehensive Plan. Staff Assigned: LS Anticipated Completions: 3rd Quarter (exempt); 4th Quarter 3- r Ian Neighborhood Integrity Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Obtain stakeholder input and 12/16/08: Council adopted ordinance for Rental general formulation of appropriate neighborhood Registration and Host Responsibilities. integrity and protection measures to implement the Stron and Sustainable Nei hborhoods initiative. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Completed: 1st Quarter (mid-term actions); Anticipated Completion: 3rd Quarter Ion -term actions Historic Preservation Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Create Landmark Commission, 1/8/09: Council appointed Scott Shafer as Landmark establish Historic Preservation program including the Commission Chair designation report and design guidelines. 2/23/09 Landmark Commission begins regular meetings the fourth Monday of the month at 5 p.m Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Completed: 1st Quarter (Landmark Commission); Anticipated Com letion: 3rd Quarter district stud Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Creation of a plan that addresses 5/5/09: Technical Task Force meeting non-motorized transportation (bicycle, pedestrian and 5/19/09: Community Meeting at Conference Center greenway facilities) through system and 5/21/09: Plan update at P&Z Workshop im lementation strate ies and recommendations. 5/28/09: Plan update at Council Workshop Staff Assi ned: VG Antici ated Com letion: 3rd Quarter Page 1 of 8 I NeighborhoodlCorridorlDistrictPlans Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Development of neighborhood and community planning tools to identify how and when plans would be started upon completion of the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Assi ned: LK Anticipated Completion: 1 st Quarter (program outline}; 3rd g Quarter (program implementation) Data Collection & Analysis Economic Statistics and Data Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initative. Develop geographic portrayal of physical changes in the City and to the City's plans - such as land uses, comprehensive plan changes, demographics, infrastructure, etc. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 1st Quarter Development Trends Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initative. Develop geographic portrayal of 412109: Initial item presented at P&Z Workshop. physical changes in the City and to the City's plans - such as land uses, comprehensive plan changes, demo raphics, infrastructure, etc. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 1 st Quarter Development Services Subdivision Regulations Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Revise Subdivision Regulations 12116108: Council adopted ordinance to integrate Sub Regs within UDO to identify and address deficiencies in into UDO and make process revisions. current practices and standards. This includes an 2/5109: P&Z formed Platting Requirements and Standards evaluation of best practices including pervious parking Subcommittee options and rough proportionality analysis. 3110109: Phase 2 Kickoff meeting held in Council Chambers at 3:OOpm Staff Assi ned: JS, AG, BC Completed: Phase 2 (1st Quarter}; Anticipated Completion: g Phase 2 3rd Quarter ;Phase 3 (4th Quarter Parkland Dedication Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Review ordinance and make updates 12111108: Council adopted ordinance which increased fees to it regarding parkland dedication fees to reflect cost and added requirements related to community parks. of development and requirements for community 2/5109: P&Z considered Community Park zones. parks. 2/12109: Council adopted Community Park zones. Staff Assi ned: Ton Cisneros Completed: 1st Quarter Page 2 of 8 0 O Tree Ordinance Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Draft ordinance to implement tree 11113108: Council asked Staff to proceed with drafting preservation and protections standards. ordinance amendments 4/23109: Tentative date for discussion at Council Workshop regarding ordinance direction Staff Assi ned: MR, CH Anticipated Completion: 1 st Quarter (Council discussion); g 2nd Quarter ordinance consideration) Connectivity Summary: Project Dates: P&Z initiative. Review of Connectivity ReportlStudy and evaluation of possible policies, criteria and/or ordinances to facilitate all trans ortation modes. Staff Assi ned: JG Anticipated Completion: 2nd Quarter Non-residential Architecture Standards (NRA) Revisions Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Revise UDO to emphasize parking screening consisting of berms instead of solely landscaping, as well as other revisions. Staff Assi ned: LK Anticipated Completion: 2nd Quarter Impact Fees Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Conduct analysis of implementing city-wide transportation impact fees and other utility impact fees. Item includes background on impact fees and fundin mechanisms. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 3rd Quarter Impact Studies Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initative. Education and discussion of feasibility of utilizing impact studies to help guide development decisions - to include Economic, Environmental and Communit impact studies. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 3rd Quarter Traffic Impact Analysis Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Propose amendment to UDO so TIA 10123108: Council adopted revised TIA ordinance which requirements will also apply to single family residential excluded single family; Council directed Staff to create developments. ordinance to incorporate them. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 4th Quarter Planned Development Districts Summary: Project Dates: Council Initiative. Review planned development procedures for PDD and P-MUD districts and survey other ordinances to identify ways to increase their effectiveness and use in the rezonin process. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 4th Quarter Page 3 of 8 n V Outreach & Communications Joint Subcommittee with Cit of B an P&Z Summary: Project Dates: P&Z initiative. Explore and seek opportunities for 10117108: Joint P&Z meeting with Bryan P&Z at Brazos partnership and consistent standards for gateways and County Expo Center corridors common to College Station and Bryan. 4/30109: Joint P&Z meeting with Bryan P&Z Staff Assigned: JS Anticipated Completion: Ongoing Community Education about Zoning Issues, Processes, etc Summary: Project Dates: P&DS Business Plan Initiative. Provide additional methods and forums to diseminate planning information, processes, and issues. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: On oin Outreach & Education via Channel 19 and Website Summary: Project Dates: P&DS Business Plan Initiative. Enhance the availability and effectiveness of communication planning information and activities on the City's cable channel and website. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: On oin Pending Items Greenways Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Discuss ways to encourage greenway dedication and development, particularly with commercial development. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Contextual Residential Standards Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Explore potential building mass, setback, and standards for residential structures in relation to the context in which they are placed. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Park Development Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. In colaboration with Parks Board, discuss how neighborhood and community parks serve the community and challenges in park funding and maintenance. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Page 4 of 8 ~n iu Parking Ordinance Update Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Survey peer cities and evaluate parking standards for different types of uses, particularly standards for shoppin centers. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Neighborhood Fencing Summary: Project Dates: P&Z initiative. Develop fencing and landscaping options for neighborhood perimeter fencing to reduce the "can on effect" alon Cit streets. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Affordability of Housing Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Discuss how housing affordibility is measured and provide information on affordibility of home in the College Station and Bryan housing markets. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Employment Zoning Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Evaluate zoning districts for permitted servicelindustrial based uses and identify land use charactertisticsfor a ro riate lacement. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Antici ated Com letion: Not Scheduled Alleys and Related Parking Issues Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Evaluate the standards for alleys and the potential for traffic circulation and parking issues. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Density Control Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Evaluate the implications that location of densit has on Cit services and qualit of life. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Sidewalk Fund Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Explore feasibility of creating fund for fee-in-lieu of sidewalk when waiver is granted. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Sign Ordinance Review Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Review existing sign requirements and surve si na e resultin from ordinance. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Page 5 of 8 ii Phasing of Developments Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Evaluate the impact of the phasing of developments and review the process for establishing phases. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Gating of Developments Summary: Project Dates: P&Z Initiative. Review requirements for gating residential developments and discuss their implications. Staff Assi ned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Not Scheduled Page 6 of 8 14 Anticipated Completion of 2009 P&Z Plan of Work Items Quarter: Items Initiated by: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Community & Neighborhood Planning Comprehensive Plan Phase 2 Council X Annexation Council X X Neighborhood Integrity Council ✓ X Historic Preservation Council ✓ X Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Council X Nei hborhood/Corridor/District Plans Council X X Data Collection & Analysis Economic Statistics and Data P&Z X Development Trends P&Z X Development Services Subdivision Regulations Council & P&Z ✓ X X Parkland Dedication Council ✓ Tree Ordinance Council X X Connectivity P&Z X Non-residential Architecture Standards (NRA) Revisions Council X Impact Fees Council X Impact Studies P&Z X Traffic Impact Anal sis Council X Planned Development Districts Council X Outreach & Communications Joint Subcommittee with Cit of Br an P&Z P&Z Outreach & Education via Channel 19 and Website Staff Community Education about Zoning Issues, Process, etc Staff Mid-Year Review of Plan of Work at June 4th P&Z Staff X Pending Items Greenways P&Z Contextual Residential Standards P&Z Park Development P&Z Parkin Ordinance update P&Z Nei hborhood Fencin P&Z Affordibilit of Housin P&Z Employment Zoning P&Z Alleys and Related Parking Issues P&Z Density Control P&Z Sidewalk Fund P&Z Sign Ordinance Review P&Z Phasin of Developments P&Z Gatin of Developments P&Z X -Anticipated Completion ✓ -Item Completed ~I G Ii MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting Thursday, March 19, 2009, ~;1~~c~~u ~,~1,~1.~~.~~i3: ~~~~~~Pl~~~~ at 6:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: John Nichols, Noel Bauman, Doug Slack, Winnie Garner, and Hugh Stearns „ti, COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Thomas Woodfin and Paul Greer ,f~: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Lindsay Kramer, Staff Planner Lauren Hovde, Graduate Civil Engineer Erika Bridges, City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Transportation Planning Coordinator Joe Guerra, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Assistant Director Lance Simms, First Assistant City Attorney Mary Ann Powell, Action Center Representative Kerry Mullins, and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell .S 1. Call the meeting to order. ~~ti Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion regarding Regular Agenda items 5, 6, and 7. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the 2009 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (JS) Lance Simms, Assistant Director, gave an update regarding the 2009 P&Z Plan of Work. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an update related to the 2010 U.S. Census activities. (LK) Lindsay Kramer, Senior Planner, gave an update regarding the 2010 U.S. Census activities. She stated that volunteers were needed. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. March 19 7009 P&I Wnrkshnn MeeltYnQ Min»teq PAQe, 1 Of I March 23, 2009 ~ Comprehensive Plan Open House ~ A&M Consolidated Middle School ~ 6:00 p.m. March 24, 2009 ~ Comprehensive Plan Open House ~ Grace Bible Church, Southwood Campus ~ 6:00 p.m. March 31, 2009 ~ Joint City Council and P&Z Comprehensive Plan Workshop Council Chambers ~ 5:00 p.m. Chairman Nichols reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Comprehensive Planning process. Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, gave an update regarding the Comprehensive Planning process and stated that the draft chapters would be available online on March 23. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Plan. _ a .e , ;~..:~a:: There was no discussion. ~~~~°°°°~:~..ti,o°~~ 8. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint College Station P&Z/Bryan P&Z Committee on Common Gateways and Corridors, Joint Parks/Planning and Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Platting Requirements and Standards Subcommittee. .ti:. There was no discussion. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. None ..o 10. Adjourn. Commissioner Bauman motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. Approved: March 19 7009 P&I Wnrkshnn MeeltinQ Min»teq Page 7 nt l John Nichols, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Brittany Caldwell, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services ~r~'° 1"ti .s . ~~:°:V:' °°~L° . ~ti°"~'° S' tie'. L°~ti°°. ::a~~' V.Lti°.ti ~ °®.ti°:::. L°.. Lti • :.W:ti°. titi' '.ti~~L~'o }L •:.titi.:::.. ~:•:.ti•.:::. o: ti, ti.~ ti.:•ti~: ti Lti,,,. .e .e ~ 4tititiY :Y:ti°~'' tititititiae~ ti° ° .a~..- , L. titi.. ~ ti .ti ti :•:•~•{Lti' .L:~`. :Yti .ti .ti~~ ~ ~'°r .titi °ti ~ :.era ti° titi°: ti.ti . ~ tip: ° °~;r: , Lti°: °:tititi':• tititi ti' 'L~. ~~LLL~ Yti.tiL .L•':: L•~L: • ~~'•e:~ ti~~ . :':ti': :`:::':ti V:~ :L L LLB: ~:S}: `L~''YV'.k~ti': ::Sti' .tiL, ::ti yo~ytiL° .tip' March 19 7009 P&I Wnrkshnn Meelt%Q Min»teq Page I nt l MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Thursday, March 19, 2009, ~;1~~c~~u ~,~1,~1.~~.~~i3: ~~~~~~Pl~~~~ at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: John Nichols, Noel Bauman, Doug Slack, Winnie Garner, and Hugh Stearns „ti, COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Thomas woodfin and Paul Greer ,f~: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Lauren Hovde, Graduate Civil Engineer Erika Bridges, Assistant City Engineer Josh Norton, Transportation Planning Coordinator Joe Guerra, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Assistant Director Lance Simms, First Assistant City Attorney Mary Ann Powell, Action Center Representative Kerry Mullins, and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell ~ ~{.e. ti.: ~ :.ti°. •.ti a c~ 1. Call Meeting to Order. Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:1 o p.m. e 2. Hear Citizens. " ~ . ~ .tiff None ~~`~a :~ti ;m: 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. • Winnie Garner ~ February 19, 2009 • Thomas Woodfin ~ March 5, 2009 and March 19, 2009 • Paul Greer ~ March 19, 2009 3.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • February 19, 2009 ~ Workshop • February 19, 2009 ~ Regular March 19 7009 P&I Reulllnr Meetlr,?Q Mimiteq PAQe, 1 nt 4 • March 5, 2009 ~ Workshop • March 5, 2009 ~ Regular 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Creek Meadows Subdivision Section 2, Phase 1 A consisting of 18 lots on 3.78 acres, generally located at Creek Meadow Boulevard and Big Sandy Drive. Case #09-00500027 (LH) Chairman Nichols stated that he would like consent agenda item 3.3 moved to the regular agenda. Commissioner Bauman motioned to approve consent agenda items 3.1 and 3.2. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. . Item 3.3 the Final Plat for Creek Meadows Subdivision Section 2 Phase 1 A was removed from the Consent Agenda at Chairman Nichols's request. Lauren Hovde, Staff Planner, presented the Final Plat and recommended approval. Chairman Nichols commented that streetscaping is needed to screen the fencing even though it is not required. .~<L~ There was general discussion regarding streetscaping. Commissioner Stearns motioned to approve the Final Plat. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of the Gateway Subdivision Phase 3 being a replat of the Gateway Subdivision Phase 3 Lot, Block 1, consisting of four lots on 6.21 acres, generally located at the northwest corner of University Drive and Forest Drive. Case #09-00500026 (LH) Lauren Hovde, Staff Planner, presented the replat and recommended approval with the condition that Phase 3 is considered one building plot. There was general discussion regarding the replat. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. March 19 7009 P&I Reulllnr Mee4HQ Mimiteq Page 7 nt 4 Commissioner Stearns expressed concern about walkability in the area. Commissioner Bauman motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Garner seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0-1). Commissioner Stearns abstained from the vote. 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.4.E "Exempt Signs", Section 7.4.X "Signs for Permitted Non-residential Uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts", and Section 11.2 "Defined Terms" as it relates to the use of temporary signs for real estate-related special events and attached signs for government facilities. Case #09-00500016 (LH) Lauren Hovde, Staff Planner, presented the proposed ordinance amendment regarding signage. _ There was general discussion regarding the proposed ordinance amendment. Chairman Nichols expressed concern about the number of times a year the signs could be erected. ~LL:~ :::~t.;: Commissioner Stearns stated that he was concerned that the ordinance could be abused. .:,~ti. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. L No one spoke during the public hearing. ~~`~°~°`~~~~'°m~:~~~ aaati:: Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Chairman Nichols stated that he would like for the ordinance amendment to be brought back to the Commission with more clarity regarding the number of times a sign could be erected. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a petition that a Comprehensive Plan Amendment request be considered within 180 days of an amendment request being denied by City Council for the property generally located at the northwest corner of William D. Fitch Parkway and Barron Road. Case #08-00500255 (MIS Molly Hitchcock, Planning Administrator, presented the petition and stated that staff was recommending against the petition. There was general discussion regarding the petition. The petition failed because of the lack of a motion. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. March 19 7009 P&I Reulllnr Mee4liQ Mimiteq Page I nt 4 None 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Garner motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motioned passed (5-0). Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Approved: :~:ti:.ti ,.tiff John Nichols, Chairman ~ ~:ti.. Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: ~rs~eY~ ::Lti°:S :f ~ • °L •:.W:::. e: :°.L°ti ° ~•ti:.~ Brittany Caldwell, Staff Assistant ..L.e Plannin and Develo ment Services g A °°~:L.. L . ..ti::°:.:::.:L°.~.L •:.L•ti.:::.. ~:•:.L•.:::. o: L, SS.. ~ L .5... L :Yti .ti .ti~~ ~ ~'°r .Y. °S ~ :.era L° S4°: d.L . ~ tip: ° °~;r: , ti~~ . :':ti': :`:::':L V:~ :L `L~''YV'.k~ti': ::Sti' .LL, ::ti yoytiti° .tip' - - - - March 19 7009 P&I Reulllnr Mee44Q Mimiteq Page 4 nt 4 PI'~~ O ~~~L~ ~ ~ ~~y,,F~r~,~ PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR HORSE HAVEN ESTATES PH 5 & 6 08-00500158 SCALE: 6 lots on 24.186 acres LOCATION: 2744 Horseback Drive, east of Horse Haven Estates Ph. 3 ZONING: R-1, Single Family Residential and A-O, Agricultural Open APPLICANT: Adams, Taggart & Associates PROJECT MANAGER: Lindsay Kramer, AICP, Senior Planner Ikramernae.cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Approval with Staff Review Comments Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 1 of 5 April 16, 2009 40 u• ° ~ ~ ~ 0. I Irk u F . ~ 0 IyA ~ Ivi IY. yN ~:~y,l ' n~y Y d 9f •iC ,r y . . YY ~ "Ilia . . u~ yy~h 4 ~~yy Y ~ ~ n~P ~ r ^ H~ F 'e''.n „ ~ . c5a~,..,,'i ~ r t ^n. i~, ~ 1 ~I~, ~ Y N' ~ n~'II f' a Yna., ^ ~~"q' ~1 rt, , 19' a I "VIII" ° ° I i ~ n°• - ~i " I~N'~„.w Ir lung u~r I. a ^I, Y t°, L.L . 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V I.r riF ~ r f'~~•'{ 1 ~ J ~ ~ s ~ Y ~ C C U r~ r•• + r i • r ~ r~ 1~ fr. ti •ti 1JLIr1 ~ ! ~ ~ 1 r~ ~ •ti.-~ y ~ ~ yti~~ .S I' 1 ~1 ~ J f ~ 1 r 1_ 1 Y ~ rr ~ ~ r ti ~ ~ 'titi • r. 4 i ti 1 err r r •'ti 1 •rti ti~ f r '-1 f~l ~ 1 5 •1 Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 3 of 5 April 16, 2009 ~G 41 NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: April 16, 2009 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station's Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: None Property owner notices mailed: 12 Contacts in support: 0 Contacts in opposition: 0 Inquiry contacts: 0 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1977 Zoning: A-O, Agricultural Open to R-1, Single Family Residential (2004 and 2005) Site development: Vacant and Agricultural COMMENTS Water: The subject tract is located adjacent to 6 inch public water main which runs along Horseback Drive. Sewer: The subject tract is located adjacent to an 8 inch public sanitary sewer main which runs along Horseback Drive. Streets: The subject tract is located adjacent to and will take access to Horseback Drive (Residential Street}. Off-site Easements: None known at this time Drainage: The subject tract is located in the Wolf Pen Creek Drainage Basin. Flood Plain: The subject tract is encroached by a FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area. Oversize Request: None known at this time. Parkland Dedication Fees: Parkland dedication was approved administratively by fee-in-leiu of land dedication at a rate of $556.00 per single-family lot. No action is required by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Impact Fees: None Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 4 of 5 April 16, 2009 ~r_ LU REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: The proposed plat is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan for Single-Family Medium Density on the property. No thoroughfares exist on t he property. Lot size and density meet the requirements for R-1, Single Family Residential in Phase 5 and for A-O, Agricultural Open in Phase 6, and the plat is in compliance with the Unified Development Ordinance 2. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The plat is in compliance with the minimum standards of the City's Subdivision Regulations except as provided in Staff Review Comments (regarding a notation of an existing easement) STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval with Staff Review Comments. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Staff Review Comments 3. Copy of Preliminary Plat (provided in packet) Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 5 of 5 April 16, 2009 41 r f~ ~ r' f i ~FE~~I~ I ~F ~L~T ~~L~~TI~I Thy I I~~i n ~ i#~ m ~ m~~t ~ ~ ~m i t#~ ~ ~ ~ ~k~ ~I i f i7~~~ I~n~ ~~t~ f~ r E ~ ~ ~m m i ~~i~~ ~~r~~i~~r ati~ n. ~I~II~II~~ ~~~I~T~~ ~~~l~I~E~EI~T~~ f ilir~~ F~~ ~ a f i~rr~ ~~q ~a~t t~ u ~ i~i~ i~~ al ati~r~~ ~ i~ a~R li~a~l a~ ~~~~i~#i~n ~~m~f~~ ~n fill. F~~ rkn ~ ~ f~l~~ ~~i~~ ~f ~i~. r~~i ~ ~ I~ r ~~i~ir~~l ~ ~~t ~r~ i #t~~ ~~~r ~~~f r~~ri~,~ ~ ~ k~ ~ h~ ~~li~t ~i#h ~If it~~~ ~r ~ ~ri~~ ~~~I i~~ t~ ~h~ th~~~ ~ ~ r~~t, i ~ ~~~I i ~~ti~r~ if ~~~r~~~ i~ ~ t ~~i ~I ~r~~ i~~ti r~r ~ r~q~ u~~~~r7 t ~ ~~r~~~~ tl~ ~ r~~ & F~~~~~ti~n ~~~r~, ~I~~~~ ~r~~r i~~ ~r~~f ~f ~~~r~~~l cif ~~~li~~~l~~. ~f ~ f i~~ti ~ ~ ~~~~F ~ ~ ~~E ~F 1~E~III~N ~FE~IFIE~ L~~~TI~N ~F F~~~~Ea ~EaI1~I~I~IV 1 ~~ELI~I~T~~~:iET ~I~~I~~E~'~ I NF~~I~~TI~N ~~rim~r~ ~~t ~~r the ~r~~~~t~, ~~m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # r f~~~ ~ its tata ~ ~i ~ E-~~ ai I ~~~r~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ N~r~~~r E E~T~ ~1V Eft' rf~ F~ E ~I,~TI~ ~ L ~w~n~r~ mU~t ~a i~~~ti~ ~ Ira ati~~h~ ~r~ ~~~itr~fla I ~h~t ~~r m~ Iti~i~ ~r ~ ~ ~ rat m~~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ #~t~ ~i~ E-~~~ii ~~~r~~~ ~h~~~ ~1~m~~r Fa~~l~r~~~f ~~H~TET ~E Ef~IIf~IEE~' iN~~~ h~+t'~TI~I~: ~ t~t~ ~i~ E-t~~il ~r~~~ ~ pharr~ N~r~ ~a~ ~ F~~ N~r~~~r ~o 40 r I~Urrr~~r ~f L~t~ Q~ ~nr~ir~~ ~i~frint ~ ~ r~~ ~ ~~.r~~~~ ~f E R~~i ~i ~n~i~ I Lit E~ ~ ~n ~n ~ ~i ~ tri~t ~ ~ f r Finn~l ~I~ i n ~ ~r~~~~ ~ E~ rl~l~r~~ ~ ~~i~~ti r~~~~ ~r i~~ ~ ~ ~t~t~m~nt r~~~ ink ~ n ~ ~ iff~r~r~~~~ l~~tw~~ r7 f~ ~ ~r ~ li r~ir~~r~r ~I ~t ~ n~ ~ R ~r~~~~~1 ~1~~t~r ~I ~n ~ i~ ~ ~~I i~~~l~~ u~~t~~ ~~r i~ t~ ~ u i~ i~ i err r~~Ul~ti ~r~~ ~ r~~~~r~ fir` m~ ~ a ~~t~~ ~~~r ~i~ ~ r#i~i ~~~i~r'r Farl~lar~~ ~~~i~~~~r~ ~U~ ~ri~r~~ filir~~ Final Flab: i~ E~ E: # ~~r~~ t~ ~i~~#~~ # r~~ i r~ fl~~~ ~I ai r~ ~ in ~ ~t~Frti~n ~ # ~f ~ ~r~~ i r~ ~ r~~r~~ra~~~ FEE IN LIES ~F t~~l~: ~ ~f irr~l~-Famif~ ~~Ilir~~ ~~i~ = ~ ~ ~ r~~~~ r ~ i~~~r~~ti~a n E rid ~~r~ ~ ~~r~ ~r~~~~~~ ~r~~ ~~~r~~~ ifs ~ ~r~~~~~ ~ • in~tnr~ ~r~~ Titi~ ~~t~ ~ ~f~ ~n 4 Z:7 STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS N0.3 Project: HORSE HAVEN ESTATES PH 5 (PP) - 08-00500158 PLANNING 1. The greenwaylpedestrian/bike easement is also a PUE. Label as such. Reviewed by: Lindsay Kramer and Josh Norton Date: March 20, 2009 ~n JU PI'Y O ~~~L~ ~ ~ ~~y,,F~r~,~ REZONING REQUEST FOR PEBBLE CREEK PH 91(REZ) 09-00500047 REQUEST: A-O, Agricultural Open to R-1,Single-Family Residential SCALE: 3.38 acres LOCATION: 5400 St. Andrews Drive APPLICANTS: Davis Young, Pebble Creek Development Co. PROJECT MANAGER: Matt Robinson, Staff Planner mrobinson ecstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to change a portion of the property to R-1,Single-Family Residential, but recommends denial of the request to change the portion that is designated as being within the floodplain limits. Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 6 April 16, 2009 01 u i III ~ A_ t ~,V p R, Wy r~ r ~ ~ ~ a ~ 9 y' ~ " ~ , iID'~ rry ~ II V I a o 'S4 4~~4 i~ ~~n ~ ~ '~y~l:Bu r ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ N a ~ p M ~ e. x~ f • ,xy I h w Nd~„m~NQ d^fi : ^ a _ ~ r ~ ~ " ~rc ~ ur'~ P' `~v ~ I ~ i" ~ If°Vdu ~4 = o f tl n , . 'l:. 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Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan calls for the majority of the subject property to be Single-Family Residential, Medium Density. This land use designation is considered appropriate for the proposed request of R-1, Single- Family Residential. However, a portion of the property is classified as Floodplains and Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 6 April 16, 2009 J1-+ Streams on the Land Use Plan, and as such the existing zoning designation of A-O, Agricultural Open is appropriate. The Land Use Plan calls forthe limited development of specific floodplains to allow for connections between selected parks, recreation areas and residential areas by a system of linear parkways orgreenways. In general, the floodplains are proposed to be linked together by open space connections as part of the open space system. This includes a greenway trail proposed along that tributary of Alum Creek. In addition, the intent of the Land Use Plan is to provide for development that maintains the environmental and natural qualities of College Station, while being sensitive to floodplains and treed areas. As such, the creation of a dense, non-rural residential development in a flood-prone area would not be consistent with the Land Use Plan. 2. Compatibility with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood: The proposed request would be a continuation of the Pebble Creek Subdivision to the north, that is currently zoned and developed for single-family residences. Adjacent property to the south is zoned A-O, Agricultural Open and is currently undeveloped with a portion of floodplain that runs through the property. The proposed rezoning would be considered compatible to the adjacent land uses. While the M-1, Light Industrial zoning district to the west is not directly adjacent to the majority of the subject property, the floodplain that runs through and between the two properties could serve as a buffer area. Currently, that portion of the M-1 property is undeveloped. 3. Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district that would be made applicable by the proposed amendment: The Comprehensive Land Use Plan calls for a majority of the subject property to be utilized as Single-Family Residential, Medium Density. As such, a rezoning to R-1,Single-Family Residential would be considered appropriate. However, a portion of the property lies within the floodplain and the existing A-O, Agricultural Open zoning designation is appropriate. 4. Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The subject property's current zoning limits the potential for development to agricultural, low- intensity residential, or open space uses. A portion of the subject property lies within floodplain limits and as such is not considered suitable for medium density single-family development. The A-O, Agricultural Open designation would be appropriate forthe portion of the property located within the floodplain. 5. Marketability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The applicant is seeking to enhance the marketability of the property through the proposed zone change. The applicant intends to market the property for single-family residences. Flood insurance will be required by most lenders for tracts that have FEMA-designated floodplain within their property lines. 6. Availability of water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for the proposed use: There are existing water and sewer mains to serve this property. Birkdale Drive extends the through the eastern edge of the property and is classified as a minor collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. Birkdale Drive is required for platting. The subject tract is located in the Alum Creek Drainage Basin. There is FEMA Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 6 April 16, 2009 7G JJ regulated Special Flood Hazard Area located on a portion of this tract. Development of this tract will be required to meet the City's Storm Water Design Guidelines. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request to change a portion of the subject property designated as A-O, Agricultural Open as it would be consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and compatible with adjacent developed land uses. Staff is recommending denial of the request to change a portion of the subject property that lies within the floodplain limits so as to provide forflood control and to protect against potential property damage from flooding. Previous requests in the area to rezone floodplain areas have been approved, including a rezoning for Phases 9D, 9F and 9G of the Pebble Creek Subdivision. However, Staff has consistently recommended denial of requests to change FEMA-designated floodplain from A-0 to a more developable zoning designation. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Rezoning map provided in packet) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 6 of 6 April 16, 2009 ~r_ JU F~l~ ~~FI~ LM~E ~[~L~f fir', ~ ATE ~~~~11-fT~~ ~~r ~r~ f~ r f ~ L ~ f ~ ~ f_ti~ ~ f ~,I`~~1+ ~~.L~~~', '1''~tiFlil~~~l ~r~~ -fry rta~a~r~a~ ~ ~la~'~~a~h•a1~ ~~~I'I~f~''a ~r r ~ ~I ICS ~ ~14i~1 ~'~L EST If a ~ ~t~~l~~ f~ r r~~~nan~ i~ d ~~i~~ t#~~ ~Wr~~il, ar~~ti~~f' ~ ~~El~~ti~r~ f~~ ~~~~~in~ ~h~ I I n~ fi I~~ ~i~l~ir~ a R~ ~i~~ ~ fern t~~ ~~ni~~, ~t ~~tt~ ~~I~~k~~ ~f t~~ ~ Ian r~i~~ ~ ~~r~~~~ ~~~~~i~n ~r ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~, T h~ f~~l~w i~~ i#~~~ rn~~t itf~~ ~ r~ ~~t~~j~~ h ~ilir~~ ~.~Ni r~~ ~~t~ ~ ~~~~rati~n • ~ ~t~~ i n fill. ~I i~ati~e~ ~ ~r I i~ati T~~ ~ i ~f s fuli~ dim i m ~ ~ are ~ ~a~~r ~~~w~~ I r~~; Lin ~ a~~~~~; fa, fL~~a~ ~~~~t~~~ ~f a~ a ~f ~~p~~~ ~ ~~a~~ ~~~~nt ~~~i~~~ ~~~ir~~ ~I~~~i~t~~ n ~f CIE ~ ~~Itir~~ la nri; ~ n ~ X11 I I~ a r~~ ~ri~~t ~ ri~i~~~-~f•~~a~ a n ~ ~ r~n1~r~~ ~~t~r~~~ti n ~ ~U I~ r~ ~ . . _ 1f4~ti~t~r~ a~~ ~l ~~~~~~ti~r~ ~ u ~j~~t ~~~t~~ ~ rid ~ ~r I ~ ~ ~I~~I~ ~f ~~i~ ~i ~~i a~ R~~~~~ I~~, . _ ~ ~f~~~M - r~~l t~~ ~I~ n ~ ~ ~r ~ I ~ ~ i~it~l f~l~ ~~-rn ar~~~ t~ ~1' T~ ~ ~ ~~~r~i~~ ~R R ~rti : ~f~ rr~~ti~ n ~~t ~ ~I~t~~ i n f~~l. ~~~~i f~~ ~~I ~ ~~~r~r~~~: ~~f~Ll ~~~T' ~ lid ~~I~~I~T I ~~~~I~ ~~~~I a ~ ~ ~ ~~i ~ ~ ,~tr~~t ~ r~ I~ rr~~~ ~R~~~C~T1~ ~~l~f~'~ I~1~~~f~Tl~l~: Narn~ ~~~~i~~r~~ ~~r~~t ~d ~lr~ I~ ~~r~~ ~ ~~r _ F~ rn ~.~r~. ~~arL T~ i ~ ~~~~~~t~ ~ ~~n ~~rr~~r ~ ~~t~~ r~~~~~~ d k~ ~I u `f.~..~ ; ~ ~ ~f ~ r~~~~ ~ ~ ~t~ d F~~~~r~~, ~~~~~E L~~~~i ~f ~r~R~ ~~~r ~ ~ ~~~~ti~ ~ f~~~~ ~~~i~~~ i~~ ~~~a~~ ~ Total ~r~~~r~~_ ~ ~ _ f~~,~~r~t ~f ~ ~~~f a r~l , ~r~ ~r~~ f~~~i~ ~ r~ ki~~ F~~$1 Mfr ~ JI ~E~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~F~TI ~ I N ~~I~t~1~T~~~l ~ ~ l_i~t ~ ~r ~f~ ~i~~ i ~ ~ ~~~~I I~ ~r~~ ~r i~ f ~ ~ ~ i#~ i~l~ m ~k~ t 17 i~ ~~r~~ ~h~~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~i ~~I f~,~~~~~r~l~i~ ~~r~~iti ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ ~i. ~ ~~r~ ~ f l~~ ~ i ~ ~t i~ ~h~r~ ~ ~ ~I~~~~I~ i~ ~r~ the ~ I ~f,,.i ~ I i ~ t~~ ~ r fl ~I~i r~ , Thy ~ ~~ki~~ rat ~ r~f~ t~ r•~~~r~~ t~ t ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n . .r• I i~~t~ v~~~t~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t~l~ n i~ « ~~~~r~~~~~ ti~ i#~ ~f~~ ~ ~r~h~~~ i ~ I 11' it i ~ r~~t, ~ I ~i~ tl~~ ~I~r~ i~ i~~~r~~t, It i ~ in ~ ~ I i~r~~~ E~ t~~ rr~nf ~ . I~r~ . H~~ gill ~~rt~~~t~~i~ ~~r~ir~~ ~r~~ ~~~f~r~lr~~ ~f ~~~fh~ ~r~~~r~~ a~~ ~atl~ t#~ ~ ~I~~r~~.~r ~f t~~ ~~i~ ~a~ r~~~~~ T~~ ~~rr~~~~ir~ ~r~~ i~ ~~n~~ ~y~ . T~~ r`~ mill ~~~~I~ ~i~il~ t~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ti i~i~i ~ r~ . --x E~~al~ ire tf~ ~ ~~it~~ilit~ fl~~ ~r~~~~~ f ~r r~~~~ r~ itt~~ tl~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~t~i~t r~~ ~r~~t~ l~~ f~ art i ~ ~t~t ~f t~~ ~ 1 ~i r~ ~r~~ i ~ f ~ ~~~r~t f~ ~ ~ ~i~fi n i~~ ~ti ~~~~i~i~i~~, Tl~i~ t#~i v~~lk4~~i~~ fir r~~i~~~t~~l ~~~~I~~r~~~f. -y Payf~ ~ U~ ~ ~o 00 ~ ~ ~I~i~~ 11~~ ~u~f~~i~t~ tl~~ th~~ ~~i~~ ~i$h~it. 1 ~~,~~r i~ t~~ ~r~~~l t~ ~~_~~~~~It_ . I i~ i~ ~~~n ~~r~~~ 1.... A 1.~1ti~TrTT.lr rTflil lid.. a'-~ i ~ ~i{~. LL'-~~-Tr1R4ar.• ~ ~~i~ 1 r' 1 ~ T1 YtfT~ . ~ JLV IL•~lf h1 ~~7 ii~T7 iL~f~ I - ~rr~~~~.~rurv~--~e~~ Tnn~~r.rn-i~.~.w•I~VrI•~a- I-if.~• ~~Si--rftiTr~ C I F-r~5f1+~~ 1 h S-nrltrr-n ' ~ ~ ~~~irit~t~~ ~r~~f~~ ~m~#~~~ k~~ ~~I~ ~i~t~~#. i~7~~ ~i~~-~-r~~ ~r~~~r~~ ~a~~~ rn~r1~~~~~~ll~ a ~ ~~~I~~r~~i~E ~~k~~~~~~ i~ her t~~r~ r1~~ I~~r~i ~ IrTT . ~ I ~ YTR~R•r lfVlti ~iJ~ ~ YRiT1ti~r~~ ~ ~ ~ ~rZti IiL ~ ~ '•1' ~T~~~I ~ Tna7i~i1 rl 1■ ~ Lit ~ ~~~~~n~ ~ I T -Tr-TIZ~tr- ~ S 1 ~ - - - - ~ r, it IILL~~.~~~.rr-~rerrn~l~ii~ ~ v I•~--~~ rnu ~.a~rlarw ~rmala RTi~u".'rri's•IVftff`RffL I- Ir I ~ii~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f~~ i r •F 1 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~v~~ Tlr~ F~LL~1~1 ~;~~~~4 ~n %3 Z:7 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 16, 2009 T0: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Lauren A. Hovde, Staff Planner SUBJECT: Unified Development Ordinance Amendment regarding Signage Item: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.4.E "Exempt Signs", Section 7.4.X "Signs for Permitted Non-residential Uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts" and Section 11.2 "Defined Terms". Item background: There have been repeated instances ofnon-permitted real estate event related signs being posted to advertise events such as open houses, Parade of Homes, and recreational home tours. The proposed amendment provides a legal process for such signs to follow. In addition, staff is proposing language to allow government facilities within residential or agricultural zoning districts to be able to utilize attached Signage. The current UDO language does not specify that such land uses may have this privilege. Summary: Staff is proposing to amend Section 7.4.E, "Exempt Signs", to provide a regulatory process for real-estate event related signs. This amendment includes language regarding the amount of time that signs may be erected prior to an event, as well when such signs must be removed. This addition also includes information about Signage in the rights-of way, and how such signs may be permitted. Section 7.4.X, "Signs for Permitted Non-residential Uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts", currently allows for the use of low profile signs. However, staff is proposing that government facilities in such zoning districts be allowed to utilize attached Signage as well. Section 11.2, "Defined Terms", is proposed to be amended to include a definition for Home Tour Events. ~n U Attachments: 1. Redlined UDO Section 7.4.E, "Exempt Signs", Section 7.4.X, "Signs for Permitted Non-residential Uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts" and Section 11.2, "Defined Terms" (partial) I Article 7. General Development Standards Section 7.4 Signs E. Exempt Signs 14. Home Tour Event signs, as defined by Article 11.2 Terms, with a limit of two (2) events per calendar year. Such signage shall: a. Be in good repair; b. Display the name of the group sponsoring the event (if applicable); c. Be allowed up to ten (l o) consecutive days per event; d. Be removed within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the event; e. Comply with the following if located within aright-of way: 1~ Located outside the visibility triangle of intersections as it is defined in Section 7. l .C of the Unified Development Ordinance. 2) Permitted by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation if located on any state highway or roadway. 3~ Be constructed of durable material and no sign shall be greater in size than 3' x 3'. X. Signs for Non-residential Permitted uses and Signs for Government Facilities in Residential or Agricultural Districts Signs for non-residential permitted uses in residential or agricultural zoning districts shall comply with Section 7.4.F, Sign Standards, "Low Profile Signs." Signs for government facilities in residential or agricultural zoning districts shall comply with Section 7.4.I, Sign Standards, "Attached Signs." Section 11.2, "Defined Terms" Home Tour Event: Real estate events such as open houses and Parade of Homes, as well as the touring of occupied residences for the entertainment of a targeted audience such as the Women's Club Home and Garden Tour. ,-+L COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR 2429 EARL RUDDER FREEWAY SOUTH 09-00500064 REQUEST: Single Family Residential, Medium Density and Floodplain and Streams to Planned Development SCALE: 14.27 acres LOCATION: 2429 Earl Rudder Freeway South, north of Raintree Drive APPLICANT: Jane Kee, IPS Group PROJECT MANAGER: Lindsay Kramer, AICP, Senior Planner Ikramernae.cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Denial Planning & Zoning Commission Page 1 of 7 April 16, 2009 ,-+J y i i ~ h ! III a ~ `^I ~ ~ ~ .gyp j 4 'w.. gay gw _ ' E Ilm ~9h ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ 4k~ a. p~ R ~ ~a ~ a~ i ° I._.. r ~ n~ 4' A ~ ~ ~ 0 ! ~iy L.V - ~ x*. m',Arp a. r i ~ u i i ~ a d~.:. ~ d. v h,~ ~ d, r i ° ~ u w ~ d!`I ~ ~ ~ ' ;~a9 ~ ~~7'~~8 ~,a " r ~a i ~ ~ r ° d I J I ~ Y ~ ~ "P ~ ~ I ~ ~ il~i,~ N k' ° r , . ~ Sx~ 8 ~ - 1 , ~ ~ ~ • AI . ' i ~ ~ Mfki n ~ ~IpW V flay ~ I u Bc dl ~G'~ „ ~,~4 L v ~j ~ Ilk Y ~ a ii Ix,.~iµ ~ 11 m~Ii- R ~,w ~ r ha.ih. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ a i~, ~ ~v~ , ~d I ~ ~ y k c ~ iu i d u r ~ ~ w - ,m, - 7 ii a ^ ~ R i... ~ ~ ,r, my ~ y',, ~ 4 ~ k ~0 NVBdB a ,db ,8 I ui~ r ~ u %~.'R~ illaJS~,~ AIM y~ s ^r "5~ a riR' J 'T,~• ow ~ 9d. ~ ..'n . • y'u { nyn ~ ~,~I. * - u ~~y 1VA~ "k ~ ~ Fir IM arrp.~ "~u 9 ~ u. - P ~ ~i°R m I~ u~~ i ~ ~ U a.: ~ a . " , ~ -,s~'~ ~"'t Y~ _.4~ c ~ A pp ~ ~ II Irv _ h vi ~ I~ . ' yi ~u ~ II I >Y a dl a ~ 1 ~ gyp" "~'e4; u~ ni u ~ ~ fi Vi ^ Y'dl r ~ ~y di a~la`q~~ iJ~., . ^ a~ 1' r ~ YV ~a t ~ ~ ~ ~~~~4~. 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Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 of 7 April 16, 2009 nr ,-+U NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: April 16, 2009 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: May 18, 2009 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station's Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: Raintree HOA Contacts in support: 0 Contacts in opposition: 0 Inquiry contacts: 1 ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use Floodplains and PDD Planned Flood lain and North Streams and Retail p Re final Development Academy 9 Single-Family Raintree Subdivision South Residential, Medium R-1, Single Family and Vacant along SH Density and Office 6 East Floodplains and A-O, Agricultural Vacant Streams Open West Hi hwa None State Highway 6 g y South DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1971 and 1977 Zoning: Front portion zoned R-1, Single Family Residential (upon annexation} Rear portion zoned A-O, Agricultural Open (upon annexation} Final Plat: Unplatted Site development: Vacant REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Changed or changing conditions in the subject area or the City: The subject property was designated as Mixed Use and Floodplain and Streams in the original 1997 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan defines Mixed Use as: Areas which encourage mixing of compatible land uses such as retaillcommercial, office, parks, multifamily, and attached single-family. These uses are developed together in a manner that allows interaction between the uses and that allows each use to support the other uses. The residential uses provide the patrons for the office and commercial uses. The layout of these land uses must take into consideration pedestrian linkages, landscape buffers between the uses, shared site improvements and vehicular Planning & Zoning Commission Page 5 of 7 April 16, 2009 l circulation. The success of these mixed uses areas is directly related to the sensitive master planning of the site layout. The East Bypass Small Area Action Plan retained the Mixed Use designation but recommended that Planned Development districts (PDD} be used in areas shown as Mixed Use to help mitigate the development impacts on surrounding properties. In 2003, the Mixed-Use Opportunity Study was adopted which removed Mixed Use from the Land Use Plan. The Study changed the designation from Mixed Use toSingle-Family Residential, Medium Density on a portion of the subject tract and retained the Floodplain and Streams designation on the remainder. The Single-Family designation was selected as the most appropriate land use for this area based on the findings of the East Bypass Small Area Action Plan. The proposed update to the Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Suburban Commercial and Natural Areas -Reserved. The Suburban Commercial designation is for commercial activity that caters primarily to nearby residents versus the larger community or region. Designated areas are generally small in size and adjacent to major roads. Design of structures in these areas are intended to be compatible in size, roof type and pitch, architecture, and lot coverage with the surrounding single-family uses. The proposed Natural Areas -Reserved designation is intended for areas that represent a constraint to development and thatshould be preserved fortheir natural funtion oropen space qualities. These areas include floodplains and riparian buffers, as well as recreation facilities, in some instances. The requested change to Planned Development for a mix of hotel, condominiums, restaurant, and office use would be most compatible with the Urban or Urban Mixed Use designations in the proposed Comprehensive Plan update -not the proposed Suburban Commercial. Planned Development is not proposed as a land use designation the new Comprehensive Plan. Although there has been change to the designation on this property three times since the adoption of the 1997 Plan, the surrounding areas have developed in accordance with the Plan. There are no changed conditions since the most recent 2003 amendment to warrant a change to the land use plan. 2. Compatibility with the remainder of the Comprehensive Plan: The property is situated between floodplain in Wolf Pen Creek (designated a Priority 5 suburban greenway in the Greenways Master Plan) and the Raintree Subdivision. The City has attempted to purchase a portion of this property in the past year in order to preserve the floodplain on this tract. In addition to the protection and preservation of open space, the greenway also serves as a buffer over 600 feet in width between existing retail and residential land uses. Placing regional-oriented commercial, like a hotel, and its associated traffic adjacent to residential uses is contrary to the adopted policies in the Comprehensive Plan to protect, preserve, and enhance existing and future neighborhoods by minimizing intrusive and incompatible land uses and densities. The property has frontage on State Highway 6 lending itself towards non-residential uses. However, given its adjacency to an established single-family neighborhood, office or neighborhood retail would be more appropriate along this portion of the highway frontage. There are also concerns from the neighborhood about additional commercial traffic along the frontage road, and access from Appomattox Drive. Subdivision regulation requirements Planning & Zoning Commission Page 6 of 7 April 16, 2009 ~o ,-+o will require that Appomattox be extended unless waivers are granted through the platting process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial based on the intensity of the uses proposed in the planned development, which are incompatible with the adjacent neighborhood; the intrusion upon the natural buffer provided by the existing floodplain; and the lack of changed conditions since the adoption of the current land use plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (provided in packet) Planning & Zoning Commission Page 7 of 7 April 16, 2009 nn Z:7 R rir-~~ R~~rn ' 5 1 E ~ ~ ~f~Ll~ R~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ . I' ~..r ~I 1.L~.~ yl'. t~ ~:~I r ~ i ■ -i J . .L ~h ~~I~ III ~ R~~i~ a I~~ ~ L~n~ ~ ~rn~r~~r~t ❑ ~ ~~~f~r~ ~ ~r~~ fit ' © ~lirn~~# ~ I~~~i~~ ❑ ~~~~~ifi~~~~r~ T~ ~ FIIJ~~ it~r~~ ~~~t ~ ~~~r~i ~ ~~~ri ~~~~1 ~~~~li~~ fir n~i~ ~r$#i n T ~~~in~ ~ ~nll~ ~ir~nn~i~n~~ ~n~ ~n ~~'F ~~~~r ~I~~~: L~~~ ~t~~i ~ ~ ~~r~i ~~r~in ~ ~fi ern ~ ~nryir~~ ~I~~~i~ina~inn ~f ~~I ~~n~~~ ~r~~~~i~~ ~ ~~r~nt i~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~#i~r~ I~~~ I~~~ laiar~ ~h~n~~~; ~~~~~t ~ ~~~~ip~~ki ~I• III ~~~~t~r~~ ~rn~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1 t~ ~ r~U~~f~~ ~lirnnn , 0 I I~~~tl~r~ ~r~~1 ~Ir~~~ ~f ~ Q 7~te~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ® ~ pp I i~~~~~ ~~~p ~~~r~ ~i~~ ~I~r~ R~~~~~# ~~r~~l~tn~ i r~ ~u II. 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