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Treasured objects and artifacts held emergency response policy and guide- E
by the Sanders Corps of Cadets lines to handle diverse materials with-
Center will be preserved for future in the collection, such as leather,
generations with help from the IMLS paper, metal, wood, glass and tex-
Connecting to Collections Bookshelf, tiles.
which is a set of conservation books "Our collection is vast not only I
and other resources donated by the regarding size, but the various types
Institute of Museum and Library of materials we have amassed,"
Services. Kalmus explains. "The Corps Center
"Selection by IMLS is very presti- displays more than 60 exhibits, over
gious and only a very small percent- 600 photographs and thousands of
age of institutions are chosen annual- pieces of memorabilia. The Metzger
ly to receive grant awards," said Lisa Sanders gun collection alone requires
Kalmus '93, curator of the Sanders such specialized care and preserva-
Corps of Cadets Center. "Less than tion; I feel these new resources will
150 Texas museums and libraries provide incalculable support to the
received it and the only other institu- continued success of the Corps
tion in Bryan-College Station to Center. We have a story to tell about
receive the resource was the J. Wayne the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M
Stark Gallery. I am thrilled to be and we owe it to our former students
adding this necessary resource to the and all who enter its doors to keep it
Corps Center to enhance the care and in the best condition possible." €
preservation of our unique collec- The Sam Houston Sanders Corps of
tions." Cadets Center - home to a museum
The Sanders Corps of Cadets that houses thousands of Aggie arti-
Center was chosen to receive the set facts and a library with over 3,000
of resources based on an application military research volumes - opened
describing the needs and plans for in September 1992. Among the muse- j
the care of its collections. The um's numerous exhibits are those
resources of the IMLS Bookshelf dedicated to university-wide traditions,
focus on collections typically found in including the 12th Man, Silver Taps
art or history museums and in and Muster, as well as some of the
libraries' special collections. It Corps' most cherished traditions,
addresses such topics as the philoso- such as the Aggie Band, Final Review,
phy and ethics of collecting, collec- Fish Drill Team, Parsons Mounted
tions management and planning, Calvary and Ross Volunteers.
emergency preparedness and cultural- The center is on the east side of
ly specific conservation issues. the University Center Parking Garage
Kalmus submitted a grant applica- on the Texas A&M campus. It's open
tion to IMLS outlining the Center's 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
need for the collection, citing the Friday and on event weekends such
impact of current and future care of as game days and Parents Weekend.
an ever-expanding and increasingly rel- For more information, go to
evant history collection of the Corps, www.aggiecorps.org or contact Lisa {
management of the collection by staff Kalmus at Ikalmus@corps.tamu.edu
and volunteers and the creation of an or 979-862-2862.