HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Side Panel Group 01TRANSCRIPTION OF TAPE THIS IS AN INTERVIEW WITH EDWARD MADELEY WHO OWNED MADELEY PHARMACY ON JERSEY STREET FOR FORTY" YEARS WHEN HE RETIRED Interviewer: Mr. Madeley, please tell us when and how you came to reside in College Station. Madeley: I am a pharmacist. I went into business in 1932 in Chappell. Hill during the depression. After several years, I decided to relocate. Interviewer: Where did you move to? Madeley: Claude Edge of Lilly Ice Cream Company in Bryan suggested College Station. Jeff Casey and Herschel Burgess had built a two story building on Jersey Street which was available. Herschel Burgess was developing South Park. In May 1940, I moved my pharmacy to College Station. Interviewer: What was College Station like at that time? Madeley: The city was only three years old. There was no bank in College Station. My wife, Billie, did all the banking. She drove to First Bank & Trust in Bryan every few days. Iremember one occasion when I went in. They didn't recognize me though we had been doing business there for several years. Interviewer: How did you start your drug store? Madeley: Our fixtures were custom made in Houston. It was a beautiful. store - the most up -to -date in College Station. In later years, it was the first air conditioned pharmacy in town. Madeley - Page 2 Interviewer: What was business like? Madeley: It was very successful. Madeley Pharmacy flourished. It became the favorite meeting place of residents of the nearby area. Business deals were made and romances flourished. Madeley's tuna fish sandwiches became famous! One of our customers told this true story: Her small son was to have his tonsils removed. For his supper the night before surgery, she promised to cook anything he wanted. It was very hot. She had a mental picture of herself - frying chicken and baking a cake! A few moments later, he told her what he wanted: A tuna fish sandwich and a chocolate malt from Madeley's. Claudine Davis was my first customer in 1940 and my last in 1979 when I retired. We employed Aggies at the soda fountain until World War II and high school students later. B. B. Holland, later a principal at a Consolidated school, worked in the pharmacy while in high school and college. We hid his car in our garage when he got married. His friends were unable to find it! Interviewer: Who occupied the second story of the building? Dr. D. W. Andres had an office as did Herschel Burgess and Joe Vincent. Later, Dr. A. B. Cathcart had his dental office and the City of College Station had offices there for several years. Ran Boswell was city manager. He became a close friend as did Louie Dulaney. Homer Norton was the football coach at A & M, and the Aggies were Southwest Conference champions the previous year, 1939. Madeley-Page 3 Madeley: Bill Caudill of A & M's College of Architecture organized his architectural firm, Caudill, Rowlett and Scott, in College Station. The firm became internationally known. Their first office was on the second floor. Ray Oden, owner of Southside Grocery, was the first occupant of the first floor corner location Interviewer: Where did you live? Madeley: In addition to my /wife, Billie, my family included her mother, Mrs. Lova Edwards. Soon after we came to College Sttion, we bought a new house on the corner of Highland and Grove in South Park. Interviewer: Who else lived there? Madeley: Our neighbors were Art Adamson, swimming coach at A & M; Dr. Andres, and the Tom Covey family. Covey descendants still reside in the house at 200 Grove bought in 1941. Our customers included several A & M presidents: Dr. T. 0. Walton, Gibb Gilchrist, Tom Harrington and Earl Rudder and Deans T. D. Brooks and Frank Bolton. Interviewer: How were you involved in the community? Madeley: I was very involved. We had joined the A & M 1 °lethodist Church soon after we came to College Station. I was chairman of the official board and later chairman of the Board of Trustees. In 1954, I was president of the Brazos Valley Shrine Club. That year, we chartered two special trains and took 3,200 school children from College Station, Bryan and Navasota to the Shrine Circus in Houston. I was a charter member of Sul Ross Lodge #130 and was Worshipful Master in 195+. Madeley: I served on the organizational committee of the Better Business Bureau and on the board for seven years. Madeley Page 4 In addition, I organized the Brazos Valley Pharmaceutical Association and was its first president. I must mention Mrs. Pearl Tanzer's 5th Grade wildflower notebooks. They were displayed annually in the front window of the pharmacy and were enjoyed by everyone. Peggy Callihan - Please tell us when and how you came to reside in College Station. Ed Madeley - for eight years my wife Billie and I owned a drugstore in the quiet town of Chappel Hill. business was not good because of the depression. It was suggested to me by Claude Edge who worked for Lilly Ice Cream Company that we move to College Station, but I did not want to move. Peggy Callihan - Where did you move to? Ed Madeley - After much encouragement from Claude and the steady decline of business, Billie and I moved to Grove St. in the spring of 1940. Peggy Callihan - How did you start your drug store? Ed Madeley - I met with J.F. Casey and H.E. Burgess to discuss the rental of a building on Jersey St. I felt at that time I wanted a new building not wanting someone else's headache and Mr. Burgess and Mr. Casey promised me this new building. I took the old soda fountain from my back yard and traded it for a 10% discount on a new one for $1800.00. I paid only 20% on fixtures, and in the summer of 1940 Madeley's Drug Store open up for business. Tom Covey who was a traveling drug salesman for South West Drug Company, was the first customer at my drug store and from this stemmed a long and lasting friendship. Peggy Callihan - What was business like? Ed Madeley - I consider a good day as opening the store at 7 a.m. and having lunch at White Way Cafe, which was a very popular eatery and then traveling to the First State bank in Bryan since there wasn't a bank in College Station and closing the store at 7 p.m. The only day of the year I was closed was on Christmas Day. Peggy Callihan - How much money did you make, and what did you drive? Ed Madeley - My business was doing very well in 1944 and with a monthly income around $110, I decided it was time for a new truck. For $800 I was able to buy a new Chevy with top speed of 60 mph. Peggy Callihan - How were you involved in the community? Ed Madeley - I was very involved in the community and I was one of the founding members of the Better Business Bureau and I served on the board for 7 years. One of the most common compaints that the BBB received was concerning the new telephone system in College Station. In 1947, I was a commissioner for the Sul Ross Lodge, better know as the American Legion Lodge. Wheezie Clark, and Tom Covey and I wrote the first Zoning Ordinance of College Station. Peggy Callihan - Can you tell us about some of your friends during the early years? Ed Madeley - Among some of my many acquaintances throughout my years in the history of College Station include: Joe Vincent, who was an insurance businessman; Dr. Andre, who had his office upstairs from the drug store; Lee Norwood a policeman; Dean brooks who was the President of Texas A &M and a math professor at A &M named "Square Root" Jackson, famed for this math problem solving. People would send Professor Jackson letters in the mail about their math problems. Professor Jackson would ride his bicycle down a country road (better know as Wellbord Road) to the Post Office and by the time he arrived back at the University, he had the answer. He would then turn around ride back to the Post Office and return their letter with the answer. Peggy Callihan - Sharon, when did you first come to College Station? Sharon Covey Menn - In 1946 during one of the most popular Aggie traditions, bonfire, Tom Covey's wife went into labor. Mrs. Madeley drove her to the hospital and I was born. Peggy Callihan - Please tell us some of your College Station Memories. Sharon Covey Menn - I have very fond memories of growing up in College Station. My mother worked in the gift shop at the MSC. She was the only woman in a management position at that time. Some years later she was killed in an auto accident. Remembering my childhood brings back thoughts of walking on fences, playing in sand boxes, hopscotch, relaxing on screen porches, attic fans, a time when everybody knew everybody else and going to school at Trudies Kiddie College & Hardaway Kindergarten. Peggy Callihan - Who were some of your friends? Sharon Covey Menn - In the fourth grade Margaret McMurray (Griffith) and I became friends. Peggy Callihan - What did kids do growing up in College Station? Sharon Covey Menn - A favorite past time of ours was to go to Guion Hall and watch movies all day for only a quarter. If you helped Mr. Putty, the manager, fold popcorn boxes, he would let us in for free. In the late sixties Guion Hall was torn down and Rudder Tower built in its place. We would play at A &M, collect tennis balls, sell them for a nickel and go to Madeley's Drug Store for a vanilla or cherry phosphate. In the 50's Madeley's was one of the more popular places for teenagers to go. Football games were as popular then as they are now, maybe even more so. The Kiwanis Club sold box lunches, and mums were sold on the street corners. Everyone wore their "proper" fall attire. Ladies dressed in sweaters, skirts and heels, although they stood for the whole game, as tradition would have it and even if it was hot. Ed Madeley - There was a gentleman who was always bragging and said he could whip anyone. One day at a fair in Alabama, there was a contest with a prize of $100. This "big talker" was prompted by his friends to enter this contest. After much persuasion he did and he won. For wrestling a bear, not only did he win $100 but he was honored with a nickname, Paul "BEAR" Bryant. I am not sure how much truth there is to this story. Remarks: Memory Lane: 21) Name Interviewer Interview Place City of College Station Memory Lanes Oral History Project Oral History Stage Sheet fikidelkti df'1! gegew length rn roi �w Gen 2 , , r 7-, Special sources of information Date tape received in office 3 l 2 -'ll 95 # of tapes marked Original Photographs Yes No # of photos Date Rec'd Describe Photos Interview Agreement and tape disposal form: Given to interviewee on ) Z / /y5 Received Yes No Date Signed 5) Z `// 5 Restrictions - If yes, see remarks below. Yes No Transcription: First typing completed by C>1./ Y1 I Pages First audit check by f. .G2 A i J/I/l ,M.-il s / igme) Sent to interviewee on 7/ Z(0 Received from interviewee on Copy editing and second audit check by Final copies: Typed by Proofread by: 1) 2' Photos out for reproduction: Original photos returned to: Indexed by: Sent to binflery by Received from bindery Deposited in archives by: Interview No. Interview date Where to: Pages et, &A 7 Pages • (name) Pages Pages Date Pages Date Date: Date: Date Date Date Date Date 4 / S Date &/2 i3✓ <-S Date 7/2 6/% Date Date Zemarks: City of College Station Memory Lanes Oral History Project Memory Lane:4 Name Interviewer Interview Place Special sources of information Date tape received in office # of tapes marked Z Date /4 S Original Photographs Yes No # of photos Date Rec'd Describe Photos Interview Agreement and tape d" os I form: Given to interviewee on Received Yes No Date Signed .--- )12_4-1 R ' "ctions- If yes, see remarks below. Yes No Transcription: First typing completed by (,1.�� 2 > Pages Date 110 /,a j !fi amej . 4 First audit check by / I,/ ! ' l _ � I Pages Date I 0 /213 1 Sent to interviewee on ( ,4 / Z'/ Received from interviewee on Copy editing and second audit check by Final copies: Typed by Oral History Stage Sheet Indexed by: Date Sent to binffery by Date Received from bindery Date Deposited in archives by: Date Interview No. interview date ?J 4 /G} S Interview length/ (name) 1 Pages Date Pages Date Proofread by: 1) Pages Date 2'- Pages Date Photos out for reproduction: Where to: Date: Original photos returned to: Date: Remarks: Memory ane: Name Interviewer Interview Place City of College Station Memory Lanes Oral History Project Oral History Stage Sheet /J 1 . Special sources of infor►natio Date tape received in office # of tapes marked Original Photographs Yes Describe Photos Interview Agreement and tape dis os I Given to interviewee n Date Signed �/ 9 Transcription: First typing completed by First audit check by Sent to interviewee on 2q Received from interviewee on Copy editing and second audit check by Final copies: Typed by e ) a.. 1L • Proofread by: 1) zi Photos out for reproduction: Original photos returned to: Indexed by: Sent to bindery by Received from bindery Deposited in archives by: Interview length , � r # of photos Date Recd / form: 1 Received Yes R "ctions If yes, see remarks below. Yes (name) Interview N9. Interview date lQ 'J Where to: Pages Pages ages Pages Pages Pages Date Date: Date: Date Date Date Date No No /� Date (/J%'// `� 5 Date Z.11 /cj Date Date Date Date This is City of College Station Memory Lanes Oral History Project 42.# - I'm interviewing for the Ai time (1) , / (2-)m Miss, Ms., Dr., Etc.) . Toda y is 127,1, , /9s- (month) (day) (year) (Mr., Mrs., This interview is taking place in Room /d 7 of The (_0- at 1300 George Bush Dr. College Station , Texas . This interview is sponsored by the Historic Preservation Committee and the Conference Center Advisory Committee of the City of College Station, Texas. It is part of the Memory Lane Oral History Project. Have each person introduce themselves so their voice is identifiable on the tape recorder. The City of College Station, Texas Memory Lanes Oral History Project INTERVIEW AGREEMENT The purpose of The Historic Preservation Committee is to gather and preserve historical documents by means of the tape - recorded interview. Tape recordings and transcripts resulting from such interviews become part of the archives of The City of College Station Historic Preservation Committee and Conference Center Advisory Committee to be used for whatever purposes may be determined. with I have rea above and goluntari y offer my portion of the interviews o f Interviewee) In view of the scholarly value of this research material, I hereby assign rights, title, and interest pertaining to it to The City of College Station Historic Preservation Committee and Conference enter Advisry Commi tee. Interviewerjature) Date Z /gc Intervie jef- (Tease Print) I hereby give and grant to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE, City of College Station, Texas, for whatever purposes may be determined, the tape recordings, transcriptions, and contents of this oral history interview. Also, permission is hereby given for any duplications of original photos, documents, maps, etc. useful to the history project to be returned unharmed. Interviewee releases, relinquishes and discharges CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character, including the cost of defense thereof, for any injury to, including the cost of defense thereof for any injury to, including death of, any person, whether that person be a third person, Interviewee, or an employee of either of the parties hereto, and any loss of or damage to property, whether the same be that either of the parties hereto or of third parties, caused by or alleged to be caused by, arising out of, or in connection with Interviewee provision of historical information, whether or not said claims, demands and causes of action in whole or in part are covered by insurance. - Pe a i /4 / ! I.. ./4.A f Interviewer Signatu Place o uI(iha✓n (Please Print) terview List of photos, documents, maps, etc. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE City of College Station, Texas 77840 ORAL HISTORY DATA SHEET CU Inte = ee (Pleas ri ) AK Aiel S gnature of Int viewee l/ r) W 4 R u #7,+/ -=y Name `76 3 S. /f os4 h'14/Z3- Address, Telephone 6 9 6 6 3t Date of Birth / 1 7 - / 1- Place of Birth A/ /r- 727- INTERVIEW STATUS: Completed Date Initial In progress Interviewee agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits and liability of every kind, attorney's fees, for injury to or death of any person, or for damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the use of the items and information referenced aboved by CITY, its agents, representatives, assigns, invitees, and participants under this grant. Such indemnity shall apply where the claims, losses damages, causes of action, suits or liability arise in whole or in part from the negligence of city. Signa of Innterviewer Q / Place of Interview List of photos. documents. mans. etc. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE City of College Station, Texas 77840 ORAL HISTORY DATA SHEET I hereby give and grant to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE, City of College Station, Texas, for whatever purposes may be determined, the tape recordings, transcriptions, and contents of this oral history interview. Also, permission is hereby given for any duplications of original photos, documents, maps, etc. useful to the history project to be returned unharmed. Interviewee releases, relinquishes and discharges CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character, including the cost of defense thereof, for any injury to, including the cost of defense thereof for any injury to, including death of, any person, whether that person be a third person, Interviewee, or an employee of either of the parties hereto, and any loss of or damage to property, whether the same be that either of the parties hereto or of third parties, caused by or alleged to be caused by, arising out of, or in connection with Interviewee provision of historical information, whether or not said claims, demands and causes of action in whole or in part are covered by insurance. o harar Men iN erviewee (Please print) TRP ea II l In v � Inte er Please Print) g ! 1 gnature f o In N A dre o/, Telephone ( g'c qs/ 2 Date of Birth 6 - ' �p Place of Birth INTERVIEW STATUS: Completed Interviewee agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits and liability of every kind, attorney's fees, for injury to or death of any person, or for damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the use of the items and information referenced aboved by CITY, its agents, representatives, assigns, invitees, and participants under this grant. Such indemnity shall apply where the claims, losses damages, causes of action, suits or liability arise in whole or in part from the negligence of city. Date Initial In progress r� s I hereby give and grant to the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE, City of College Station, Texas, for whatever purposes may be determined, the tape recordings, transcriptions, and contents of this oral history interview. Also, permission is hereby given for any duplications of original photos, documents, maps, etc. useful to the history project to be returned unharmed. Interviewee releases, relinquishes and discharges CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character, including the cost of defense thereof, for any injury to, including the cost of defense thereof for any injury to, including death of, any person, whether that person be a third person, Interviewee, or an employee of either of the parties hereto, and any loss of or damage to property, whether the same be that either of the parties hereto or of third parties, caused by or alleged to be caused by, arising out of, or in connection with Interviewee provision of historical information, whether or not said claims, demands and causes of action in whole or in part are covered by insurance. A I ar are M, 6-r1G OP i ce/ f Interviewer In Signa HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE City of College Station, Texas 77840 ORAL HISTORY DATA SHEET ( l 11 ha 141 er (Please Print) (T/ J h,. t C „i Place of/ Interview List of photos. documents. maps. etc. In' w =e P ase pr .,. 1/ / <<< .)L4 Signal re of Interliewe ! Name Address Telephone Date of Birth Place of Birth INTERVIEW STATUS: Completed Date Initial 1 % t 4ak -ems L) In progress Interviewee agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits and liability of every kind, attorney's fees, for injury to or death of any person, or for damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the use of the items and information referenced aboved by CITY, its agents, representatives, assigns, invitees, and participants under this grant. Such indemnity shall apply where the claims, losses damages, causes of action, suits or liability arise in whole or in part from the negligence of city.