HomeMy WebLinkAboutA&M Influential Aggies, 1942 INFLUENCs 0? THE AGRICULTURAL L SAD-3 OF "'F~ A & M COLLEGS OF TEXAS. ' V 1. W. L. 3ta:ngel, Dean School of Agri. Texas. /s" Tech. Col. 2. Ray C. Mowery, Read Dep. Animal Husbandry i 3. A Roy Chappe2, Heads Dept. Vocational _ Teaehirw '"a a. Tech. GA. " 4. Louis Merrill; Reginol Director Boil Consma on, Tex. , Otlit. it., ! La. & 5. C. Luker, DireatOr Soil Conservation, New / C4 Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado & Wyoming. ~ 6. J. C. Dyker, let Assict. HRtione-1 Soil Conser- vation. 7. C. C. Gibson, Director Sat. Service, Tex. ` & M College _ 7e. G. L. Boykin, Director Extenzion, New Mexico. S. Sterling Evans, General Agent & President 0-f " the Federal Land Bank, Fsra Credit Administration, 9. 10vin J. Kyle, liklter Cardwell, J. S. Punphry, Clif. Wimberly A Roy Davis (after JAn. let.). Directors in Farm Credit Adttni itration. 10. Welter Cardwell,. Superintendent of Million Dollar Agricultural Foundation, Luling, Tex, Edwin J. Kyle and Sterling Evans, Trusteesi'F-/57 above. 11. A. L. Ward, Director Educa 'tonal Serv. Natl. Cott,)nseed Prod. Assocs. 12• Cecil Boyt, hid Ace President Tex. & South- western Cattle Raisers Assoc. 13. Horace Facet;., Director Texas Soil sons. 14. AI."rt rht, See. & Mgr. National Finance Credit Corp. 15. Jack Turner, Sec. Rat. Hereford Breeders Asst. 'a 16. John Q. Mayfield, Vive President A Gep. Kgr. f Z 3 Gulf Atlantic Whse. Co. 4 1't . R. K. Williamson, Asat. , Director USDA. Ext. _ - _ _ fa Serv. { S 4 L ~7 y 2-- I NFLU': OF : A :.1I ~UL : u'R_~L L.~~DBi.S OF fiT A ~c :r; CCLLEEGL OF T 13. Oeasar ::ohn, Ccne. Stgr,ar. Lower Colorad-) River authors ty. 19. Clin Teague, . S. Congressman 2C. -nMree Tex. State Senators f 21. We 0. Cox, Director Better 'Tex. Pa6tures Ine.~- 22. Harold Clark, Act~'_- Agri. Dir. Houston" Chem. Come - FLEA .r 23. 4:. L. Jones, Dir. Agri. Hi.ghwayiDivision -30 San Antonio Chan: " Come 24. Geo. A Logarf Agri. Mgr., Waco Chi. Con. 25`. Jno . Be Kuykendall, " Aast..-Gen. .Sr. Houston `38 Live-"Stock Shore &r Exposition. 26. R. P. Marshill, Director Pub. Relations for Tenn. Coal & Iron Co. 27. Jack Tica,3r_sRadio' Paz Dir. '3hrivep6r t La. 28. T. P. r.aae°ield, Ass. Kgr. International- '3d' ' rarvesten Co. _ 29. F. M. Simpson, Director Agri. Res. Dtp. Swift i$C Co. : 3 ' 30. Jack Cun- ninzham, Dir. Soil Con. Personel, Dallas. 31. Jack Batjer, 3r. Hoyt. Bureau Plant Ink. Wash. 32. W. D. Ar!,astronQ, Fead Dept. Hort. Univ. yent'uo'zy -77 33. Fred Cowsart, DirecL3r E_r-p. Sta. Georgia. ?4. 'k. A. Frame; ar, r aP.' :fort. :Pnt. Grezor.. '36 z7, 'r_e-,ry {r:-1„ ~r-rr lar n~` _ <.29 art, 1'. 27 V e 7. 3 Gustave -ur`:ist~~ Econoriist Div. ~^ru_t4 t & Veg. U.S.D.A. - - - - - v i 1 lnfluenoe of l'icul ,ur~1 i=a'3r•s of 1-71a lK Zolle =-e of Tex s. 3 -A r=. o, e e a~-2h i-.r etie= Acot• ? • b• -~i1' -_'oo,:, :-r-'-. i1 • Lcon• S 3r-in i j~ :'3• 'T 1 CVU own, marag-, la mac 'Jr ~'Jr_l J I ita dl In ;B C~:+;JlJyed .n Teao'.{ n-r A & Ca!" eZ,e 'TI4 Yo c. A:,. :'eacrJrs In Texas Z4., vaunt r Aft s., D' strict Arts. Lx teneion S eci a'_' sts gra,auate s of A & 1-- -Colle: e in 1041-42 7.21 from other institutions. foll win5 teat ac ay of our graduates were in the U L. Army F C s ~1. f f r1 r; s max. L m» 3-:` f BIOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES The Eagle Eyle, E.J. Texas A&M University Jan. 25, 1917 College Station, Texas YT L- l give .t"~lie:cons erattonl - ris. ree tr•arQ, it. lieRrvrr. the tr'ons -,r,, _i-1.~ wrl 1Tti;e_ sneer. will Rrow_ to arenfer -7 rc>ner , an er , . riven-er~nr :r en• r n nD slze_and__nill tic freer from insectpPSt ttnn and Protc~ttoil-rrom sfo?k.~I ran' disease than . any outer tree we "_C-r r re~ze~ nhr tlrepzhontdwant fir re•tson•ihle_IPngth of tin4e inako' at: - Ilte li~e~tl also rr'r-1nn='- nverute that-.will•excito'the-admiratinn tinle ;furnishes abundantt, shade and is _6r- Pymy nnr traypun this mlenif?_ ev_ treincly-hardy'. - ;cant road Sincerely i•ni ra.., - Thu twilit hardly-avetrige tip to the -first two-In hsrdlne9s, but Ig a interviews with. irnny property - - fdno .9hade tree and- can •be made to FFj i - kre I-Bc -tr _ - • Wield an abundant brori of nets of':t 341- , Tailroad:-along- ihe-highway,-rwe'al - - - lt•mhht.be n~lvicahle to.nlant'~dt<.- oun UMC ' . ferent :Parts of the-' roe _ w t c t ter- - - - - etais and Others Anxious for ' in nympathv--v6-Itlj tlrls_~brk, but' have ttLxpecfes: so that_>otne a[ ail three. offered _,to,help n every:wa~.posafbki oiilevard.~1~1_elll(1 1te Ua~~l:', Tf_thists.donP,. care should be taken. to hale the seine S4~ttile Pioi.I{~le's- Dfter:ts etcd eed III(ilr 1S~i*ltd. ' ~~t1 t_b"oftw The kind of tree 2sif"eac~tde of the road - t! of its -t. aik. tltnt ,t1. Wx- ~ t~r^r~t tls far as that parttctlar-kind Renter l~Atttc+c#~-t~k n to opcntit;-ta• belle At wo_uld-beTa~j;on(i_ ldea^fn xri--.i• r,.., ~-t:lrfrigs -atr(1 .c-a-pab' - br Ftad er Yt' irv~. #~naituas-trom e at =the hrginning. of i. e rata , re ltlacciin c ;xr;e- s _ env Mid a(i, r<;trrt~ Cv.da w.*-mention committees ac both-on-dhP Bryan aitd-CeIIP-P, end i11~ t ttilirrlla Lh. c~tu t\it.s-t►nd eli»s. v tons and era triE;p = a:-pair of evergreen trees such - ati i 1 lif0 cbmmtttee liar made Jttrt~+:=U tlen~y!fiait ;rtiercKl-to fur- h--a:;is: accepked ~'liiscTPle`stts Afifzont.'~- or Cupresai~ it~~u -cam n bar spfftrteeit is re r"tc'trtt` Hnrortalls=- - -cbmmiitCe~recjottu c u.r to it SSll :h: holq:$` hlr~> MY Engt., a ain' Rive five RchoTarships for the,. / eFan o h an in ou tes . • .e ucN t tl~t:rctnse-tt I•alsit._i(A•maketie Lollnntng offer-to. "college •sl10rt courgeTThese .sc to _gm P__ Il' I$tint•itf tTtc=. A12) thcse'acts at-t;r stl; f . =1,_T,~; mil don tt' from rttra-buri r pf l+,- F. thmzi c ruai-befterment-contest'- The-Oot - liiied plans. of-the comnilttee -wit -I be T iI7-di nartmPnt'-nt.- the-cope „~n,•h ~nnt-Frtntrri-l+r=tliEt ltuliFs cello? • n r_ a an `-ta iine { a : ` : titltucle ctE-strrlt-trt!- -With-the:XV&n in'ti Ittlr #telt t i_t~t P2Ch- 1'1(1('-of-.tllA rPa(iTPllruc nrt~' inmhe r(a-ln and we herein invite :tart' • ~ IeeL apart. Twill-also sui~errlse-the t ,..x:.... _ .movemen t rea , acu, , .highway between Bryan and Co~lcfie - is possibly an undertaking-soon to be_ w ntcr.=I-a_ill-ftrrnisli the..treea--ancL ~'et t ip,: r -~a atleitt rr o-t ie tar sts _ tl-th t that the rba: tuu _ , e ~~dh(1 realized: .this c.i... i now ready 1!A- the -1'lanting~ o[ tit - tt e' IT. .great . 'and grand wor it - ~.4' CYl nil -v 7~ Sfms. chairrti n nf• t)71+ tree plantin^ coterod frrtnLtlui~,ransitlanting 1 wi?; t1 H- << tnst-the iron; tvill.liegin at eamrAittee.'has received from Prof. E. ~ once so' we--all mar behold in •ttrcJ have the cltssl.tn nut.. ritlturn «o,_ Kvle the o on mg se, , exi thPM. -m•rr to imnroved- rariotiP_s.'. future-the-highn.ry-.Ts-a-Ming -of letter: e n , . , n- joy. + T-hill urervis. th.. cultivation, ttea-u. 1 er - ^ ege ^ MRS' 1917.-TtIrs. Bart Stms, 'Ilryali 'nt r .e .tree o _r a~«• t `:~,tertc -Dear--'Mrs. Sims. lielatlve-=-to the.- stan~litt_ .that"thn' \I'oman'~ ("hth crtlt: plautirag_q_s-tad-e-.re s-'on the:Rrs;tn__ ao,itrr tlic=iiFatt-ra4-lifer-thy-tre.~5 Colley avenue I desire to offer ta' -will nrrin:~ .e to IMr., em; rltltttnt^(? -the._Woman's_Chth_ of Bryatt_the_ foL• _ at )rapt. din(?c-P~ cry t i•: n fed ~k5 4trint?. ]owing Rucgestions anal-- tp t itlon: t to ~tnuutor .•.r n.• .tu,t: ~o;.ycar. 1. K{I1rIR of trCC9 t0 itliC. In,j ',..ill cnn'1h-t-flin= Irrr•c era- In deciding ojhe' kind or :kinds of trees that should be-planted as avenue trees_ betwce_n Bryan Anil College: 'T he a' «'astn• nr ymtr', t^inte earl for..cntt- to ha:•P Haase'trees rlnnt'r,(. feel that only thtee spoCica_sltottld rint-tr n ri n iv recelvew-onside'ration. 'These. in their t thoxnuA Ciilti%'otiotl. Riid=-ProliCliMP ordrr~it=im~tortanca--as. ahai~e=tries. from stark. .Thr .trr•(,c altnfrld•_1!P are post oak; live oak and PecarTntPd bFfnlr February hrih. trealiz.e--that<<'cTx_tej%jeoPY in this ! , section of country ever cansidcr.plant.jn nnrlr±itfle this nronosition you ing the post oak.; The very fact. thnt r inu d riot..rxpePt e.vcrv' ttrPP to IPvb, it is-ki. t' •Htg everywhere m* aki•a-it too i rqr ahnuld you etcpPct tho trees. tn• bo, common for-the avel•age-~~tP,, -Come,-lame Shade Jr"s in one nr two.. .f - BIOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES The Eagle Kyle, E.J. Texas A&M University 03-29 ld College Station, Texas x THE RTERN KID:- WILL BUD YOUR PECANS. Prof. E' J: Kyle. head of the.depart. ment of horticulture at the A. and 3i. College requests The Eagle to state-, that' if any of the cltizens of -Bryan`4 h8~e-a y pecan rees_theY.- wish_hnd:. ded. to let him know and he will do - „t the budding for- tbem free of char gey He did.some buddingitor . preebt of.this city "which was hWyl successful.' This is certainly -a liberal- oiier_=oa< the part of Pr1of. Kyle and+he is to be commended _ for it. There is :no longer any use -in this-country to grc;* . the small,-thick shell pecan, when the„ large, th1t =e>iells can -be KP. BTOWIC, tat An well. It matters not ff. yott.t_! @ the thick -shells'alread _ y gro!►~8;'-or~ even large trees in bearing, the _ thin shells can - tie'engrafted by bnddinag and your pecan orchard can be.made1 a joy forever. _cx Tt. x; Influence of tie A.gloieultura_l Leadars of tha A &; 2 ; o? le?e of Texas. 38. auri ce ~o:.per, Adm. Pasearch do arketin-- Acct. 3'% B. Younztlood, Prin. A0. Econ. & prin.. Exp. 1 Sta. A-m:. ~.3.~. A. :j. Res. dom. Washington. - - i 140 own, mar.ag°, Ie~se or wor'a -o:~arz: -S In Texas. 120 Employed in Teaching Lit:. A & if College 314 Voc. Ag• Teachers in texas Z42 County Alts., "istrAct Agts• & Extension Specialists graduates of -A & : College in 194-1-42 - 72 from-other institutions. i:2 above .y_g,ri3= ar t s°d Dn 1941-baca-s following that so a~ of our graduates ;.were in the U. S. Army t r - _ 02 01 lag .33 /erg o . _ _ 00 +a~ . rt , 3 _-,..f, ✓ 7`x4