HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/2006 - Regular Agenda Packet - Zoning Board of AdjustmentsWorkshop Agenda CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning er Development Services Call to order College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment Administrative Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:30 p.m. 2. Discussion of Administrative Adjustments given by the Administrator. 211 Lee Avenue -TF Discussion of regular agenda items. 4. Consideration and possible action on future agenda items - A Zoning Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 4. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551 071 • possible action The Zoning Board of Adjustments may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Workshop Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of College Station, Texas will be held on the 10th day of ]anuary 2006 at 5:30 p.m. at the Administrative Conference Room, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda Posted this the day of 2006 at p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) i-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. 'a2? i.~!`~b3~6 ~.5: 1~ 97Si6~13446 • {..:IT'S' fJF COLLEGE STA'370:V £lcrnrng ~' ~as~elapmena Sen~urs Filing Fss rf $~tb.pp, .,~/ wppGcstion completed in full. / Additions{ materials may be required of the ap}~lic;et;it such as stte plans, elevation drawings, sign details end floor plans. The Zoning Official shall inform the appli; arrt of any extra materials required. _~-.. MIN{MUM SUF3MITTAL RBGtU1REMENTS: ~~ Date of Preapplication Conference: APPI_,ICAI~i'T'lPROJECT M1IIAIV`ACFR :S INFORMATION (Primary Confect far the Projcci:a: ... _, . _ Name ~ireet AddreSS ~7UG ~/ ~~~~ , States _ ~ Zip Cade ~1? ~~~ E. Phone Number _97Gf- (09'4--/Z7Z PROPERTY 4WNEf~'S ~NFORh1AT!ON: hiame Cl7C:S UE+•lE~C~"~1Eh:- :fEF' F'HC,E ~~1@ t=0ti ~FFtGE USE tytVt.Y CASE NO.:__-_ ~' 3 CQ DATE AC?M{NIS~'RATIVE ~#DJUSTMENT APPL{~ATItyN Street Address . 21~G~ ~~~ • Fi~or7e Nii~rit~er . ~]q- ~~ - ~%~8 State _~_ Zip Code ~~~ E-Mai( Address City ~~~~C~~ c~7l~CfTG17 Fax Number L;-CATIO;~ GF PROPERTY; Ar~dres4 2I~ ~~ ~1/.lil7Glf , ~0~~~~ ~f~1~~'I ~ ~JC 7 78 ~ a Let 8toci: Subdivision Gescrpt@or, i+ there 1s na i_ot, Block and Subdivision Current Zo;~ing csf Subject Prop~art~; . ~.~ _... ----~ Applicable Ordinance Section: 17L~~~,fs~17'~ 811;4103 1 Of Fax Number 9~~i-'lv~I~-~,~3 F+,'~!i _','?c~ar iF. 18 q?575,~49E COCr 1~E~JELOF'I~IEIJT ,SER F'ArE ':.~'; 0~ ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT REQUEST • 'The epP!':,~n: h~~ pr^eparad thiE application and aerHfle3 Pht~ tote facts staled hey eir, a: id exl~l~its~ rrfl~rche~ he.~:tC are irus, correct arrd cernplef`e. ~ictnatu~-e and TiFio s • The following specific adjustment l;up to 10°rb) from the ordinance requirements is requested:~,_ ~,~~ s~fbQ~. Yhis adjustment wlll not be contrary to the public interr~st by virtue of the following facts: _ -- The granting afi the adjustment will not materially or adversely affact adjacent land uses ar the physical character of u,e uses iii lt~e immeeitate Wldnlty because of the tollov~ing: The granting of the adjustment will be consistent with the purpage and intent of the Unified Develc~ment ~rdfiartce because afi the fiollowing: ~1 ~a ja~_ (late 6r131p3 2of~ • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning er Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 February 15, 2006 Jefferson Christian Custom Homes, Inc. 2700 Earl Rudder Freeway, Suite 2100 College Station, TX 77840 RE: Property located at 211 LEE AVE • Dear Mr. Christian: This letter is to inform you that the above referenced property has received an administrative adjustment of two (2') feet. According to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 3.15, the Administrator has the authority to authorize adjustment of up to 10 percent from any numerical zoning standard set forth in Articles 5, 6, or 7 of the Unified Development Ordinance. To approve the application for an administrative adjustment, the Administrator shall make an affirmative finding that specific criteria, as outlined in Section 3.15.E of the Unified Development Ordinance, have been met. The Administrator has found that: Granting the adjustment will ensure the same general level of land use compatibility as the otherwise applicable standards because the resulting setback remains consistent with R-1, Single-family Residential setbacks under normal circumstances; Granting the adjustment will not materially or adversely affect adjacent land uses or the physical character of uses in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development because structures in the area have inconsistent existing front setbacks; and y • Page 2 February 15, 2006 Granting the adjustment will be generally consistent with the purposes and intent of this UDO because there is not an increased risk to fife, safety or general welfare. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 979.764.3570. Sincerely, oey u n, AICP it or, Planning & Development Services CC: Mr. & Mrs. Mike Newman, 211 Lee Avenue, College Station, TX 77840 File # 06-00500036 r~ C*7/ Agenda College Station Zoning Board of Adjustment City Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue Tuesday, March 7, 2006 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 6:00 p.m: Planning e'r Development Services 1. Call to order -Explanation of functions of the Board. 2. Consideration, discussion and possible action of absence requests. Mr. Graham Sheffy 3. Consideration to approve meeting minutes: December 6, 2005 Workshop and Regular January 10, 2006 Workshop and Regular 4. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider a drainage variance for 1401 University Drive East, Lot 1, Block 1 The Gateway Phase 1, Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 2 and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 3. The applicant is Brazos Gateway Place Development Ltd. (06-09 AG) • 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider a variance to the minimum lot depth for 617 Columbus Street, Lots A&B, Block 1, in the Prairie View Heights Subdivision. Applicants are Terry and Robert Smith. (06-19 LB) 6. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071; possible action. The Zoning Board of Adjustments may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of College Station, Texas will be held on the 7 day of March , 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda Posted this the day of .2006 at p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.aov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on May 23, 2005, at 3:00 p.m. and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of .2006. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of 2006. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expires• This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) i-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.4ov. ZBA Agenda March 7, 2006 • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning d Development Strviees Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers • Name Graham Sheffy Request Submitted on Date:February 24, 2006 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of March 6, 2006 for the reason(s) specified: RECOVERING FROM BEING IN THE HOSPITAL This request shall be submitted to Deborah Grace one week prior to meeting date. Fax 764-3496. City of College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840 Attn: Deborah Grace o:council/absenreq.doc (Date) By phone Signature • WORKSHOP MINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment • December 6, 2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 6:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jay Goss, Josh Benn, Donald Braune, Graham Sheffy & Alternate Derek Dictson. MEMBERS ABSENT: John Richards. Alternates Denise Whisenant & Charles Taylor (not needed) STAFF PRESENT: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planners Jennifer Reeves, Crissy Hartl, Jennifer Prochazka and Lindsay Boyer, Senior Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Lance Simms. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order -Explanation of functions of the Board. Chairman Goss called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Discussion of regular agenda items. • City Staff discussed the cases that were scheduled for the public hearings at the regular meeting of the Board. AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Presentation and discussion of Administrative Adjustments approved by the Administrator. OS-194 - 200 Lee Avenue - 2-Feet to the rear setback OS-152 - 2704 Texas Avenue South -10 Percent of the required parking Staff Planner Lindsay Boyer discussed the Administrative Adjustments given. There were no questions from the Board Members. AGENDA ITEM N0.4: Presentation and discussion of background information prepared by staff concerning contextual setback requirements. The Board discussed the memo supplied in their packet (included as part of minutes). AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Consideration and possible action on future agenda items - A Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • Chairman Goss stated that he liked having Workshops and felt that they were beneficial. All Board Members in attendance agreed. • • AGENDA ITEM N0.6: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Deborah Grace, Staff Assistant APPROVED: Jay Goss, Chairman ~~ ~~ ~~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning & Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue South, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM TO: Zoning Board of Adjustments FROM: Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Section 7.1.D.1.e -Contextual Setbacks DATE: November 28, 2005 This memo. is written in response to the Zoning Board of Adjustments' request for further information on the intent of the required contextual setback in older residential neighborhoods. The contextual setback was created with the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in 2003. Section 7.1.D.1.e states the following: "Where an existing block was created by an approved plat prior to July 15, 1970, a new (infill) single-family dwelling unit shall use the adjacent lots to determine the appropriate front yard setback. The new dwelling unit shall be set no closer to the street or father back from the street than the nearest neighboring units." This requirement is applicable to new construction and alterations of existing buildings. The contextual setback requirement was created in response to increasing infill development pressures in our older residential neighborhoods. It was developed to insure that the placement of infill structures is compatible with the existing housing patterns in older areas. The intent is not to increase or decrease the buildable area of the lot, but to insure that infill housing visually "blends in" with the existing development in the area. Contextual setbacks are an aesthetic compatibility issue more than a density issue, as with standard building setbacks. This type of neighborhood protection standard is not unique to the City of College Station. Generally, contextual setbacks are used to preserve and protect neighborhood features, identity or character as infill development takes place. This type of standard is generally valuable when the development pattern is already set. MINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment • December 6, 2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 6:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jay Goss, Josh Benn, Donald Braune, Graham Sheffy & Alternate Derek Dictson. MEMBERS ABSENT: John Richards. Alternates Denise Whisenant & Charles Taylor (not needed) STAFF PRESENT: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planners Jennifer Reeves, Crissy Hartl and Lindsay Boyer, Senior Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Lance Simms. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order -Explanation of functions of the Board. Chairman Goss called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Consideration, discussion and possible action of absence requests. • Mr. Richards submitted an absence request stating that he had a prior commitment. Mr. Benn made the motion to approve the absence request. Mr. Braune seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action of a building setback variance for 1208 Walton, Lott, Block 15, Third Installment of College Hills Estates. Applicant is Tres Watson. (OS-204 CH). Crissy Hartl presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting the variance to allow for the construction of a carport. The applicant would like to construct a 2-vehicle carport 27.5-feet in width on the side of his house, thus the applicant is requesting a 4.5-foot variance to the side setback. As a special condition the applicant states: "the request is made due to the location of mature live oak trees located along the inside and at the end of the existing driveway and parking area." As a hardship the applicant states: "Due to the location of the trees, the carport and driveway cannot be moved without removal or possible damage to the trees." Staff recommends denial for this variance request. The applicant states that the trees on his property are a hazdship that restricts the construction of a 2-vehicle carport. While the trees along the driveway are a constraint, they are not perceived to be a hardship for the carport. In staff's opinion, it is more of • a hardship for the applicant to relocate the driveway that is not necessary for the construction of the carport; therefore, it is staff's opinion that this would be a self -inflicted hardship. In addition, the City of College Station does not consider the ash tree to be a specimen tree and therefore does not award development projects landscaping points for those trees. Additionally, it is the opinion of the staff that the variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant, nor do extraordinary or special conditions affect the subject property such that a strict application of City codes and/or ordinances deprives an applicant reasonable use of his or her property. Chairman Goss opened the public hearing. Tres Watson, the applicant, stepped before the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Goss. Mr. Watson spoke in favor of the variance. Mr. Benn asked Mr. Watson if his concern is if the carport has to be built within the ordinance, the construction of the driveway might kill the Ash tree. Mr. Watson replied that he would either have to remove the tree or the driveway would be close enough to the tree where it might cause damage. Mr. Benn asked Mr. Watson if the variance was not granted, what he would do. Mr. Watson replied that it would allow roughly a 23-foot carport overall. He believed the eve has to also be out of the setback. If you add in the posts on either side he would probably have to take out a couple of feet. He figured that would leave him right at 20-feet. He added that that would be enough to get a car in if you came in at an angle. He was not sure how that would work. Mr. Dictson asked if you could overhang in a setback. Mr. Hartl replied that the eve can extend 18- inches into the setback. Mr. Watson ended by saying that he would accept a lesser variance as staff indicated as an alternative • in the staff report. With no one else stepping forward to speak in favor or opposition, Chairman Goss closed the public hearing. There were discussions among the Board Members as to what the special conditions and hardships were. Mr. Sheffy made the motion to not authorize a variance to the minimum setback from the terms of this ordinance as it will be contrary to the public interest, due to the lack of any special conditions, and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would not result in unnecessary hardship to this applicant, and such that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. Mr. Dictson seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.4: Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action of an Appeal to the Zoning Official's Interpretation concerning whether a specific use is appropriate in C-1 (General Commercial). Applicant is Clint Schroff, Clarke & Wyndham. (OS-198). The Administrator issued a Written Interpretation stating that the use proposed by the applicant is not permitted in the C-1 General Commercial zoning district. Please see the attached letter of Written Interpretation issued on November 3, 2005 for background information and for the Administrator's final determination. The Written Interpretation has been appealed by the applicant, Mr. Clint Schroff, CCIM, Senior Property Manager for Clarke & Wyndham, Inc. The proposed use includes primazily fabrication, storage of scientific instruments for maintenance and calibration, pallet storage, training. This use also requires the installation of an 8-foot roll up door and loading zone on the property. The Administrator does not believe that the use is consistent with .the . intent of the C-1 General Commercial zoning district. Section 5.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance states the following as the purpose of the C-1 General Commercial zoning district: "This District is designed to provide locations for general commercial purposes, that is, retail sales and service uses that function to serve the entire community and its visitors." It is the Administrator's opinion that the proposed use would be more compatible with the R&D Reseazch and Development zoning district, the M-1 Light Industrial zoning district, or possibly the C-2 Commercial Industrial zoning district, all of which permit similar uses. It is important to note that the Administrator's interpretation does not apply to any particulaz property, but to the C-1 General Commercial zoning district in general. Any decision by the Zoning Boazd of Adjustments will apply to all C-1 General Commercial property within the City of College Station. Mr. Simms ended his staff report by showing the Board pictures of subject property. Chairman Goss opened the public hearing. The following persons stepped forward to speak in favor of the variance and were sworn in by Chairman Goss. Clint Schroff, the applicant Frank Wilford, Lease space tenant After lengthy discussions on what the actual use of the lease space would be, Mr. Schroff stated that he made a mistake. He filed the building permit in haste with the floor plan showing the fabrication azea and wood working shop. He stated that these functions will not take place at this location. Mr. Benn stated that if the lease space is not going to be for these functions, could the application be withdrawn and a new building permit filed stating the correct use. Mr. Wilford stated that if that would be the best way to approach this and he could get some assurance that that is all he needed to do, he would do that. Mr. Simms stated that he would recommend that the Board vote to uphold the Zoning Official's Interpretation and the applicant could go through the process of amending the building permit application. Mr. Benn made the motion to uphold the decision or interpretation by the Administrator in the enforcement of the Unified Development Ordinance, as the decision or interpretation meets the spirit of the Ordinance and substantial justice done. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braune and passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action, to consider a parking variance for 1351 Earl Rudder Freeway, Lot 1-R, Block 1, in the High Ridge Subdivision. Applicant is Natalie Ruiz, IPS Group -Planning Solutions. (05-205). i Staff Planner Lindsay Boyer presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting the variance to reduce the number of required parking spaces for the Varsity Ford Auto Dealership by 77 spaces. +This property was annexed in 1958 and subsequently zoned R-1. In 1989, the property was rezoned to C-2. The property was platted in 1993, and 10 acres was developed as the Varsity Ford Dealership in 1994. This development included 29,450 square feet of service azea and body shop, which requires pazking at a ratio of 1 space per 100 square feet of building azea. The total pazking required at this time was 348 spaces, and 396 spaces were provided at the time of development. The property was replatted in 2003 into its current configuration. In 1998, Varsity Ford sought to expand its service azea body shop by 7,380 squaze feet. This expansion resulted in the loss of 98 required spaces on the lot, and an additional 74 that were accommodated in a satellite parking lot on the property to the north. Overall the required pazking for the site became 422 spaces. With the development of the satellite parking, the total number of spaces provided was 496. The satellite pazking lot contains a total of 151 spaces. The variance request is being sought by the owner in order to sell the adjacent property on which the satellite pazking lot is located. The applicant maintains that the required pazking ratio is excessive. The 1 space per 100 squaze feet ratio was set by the Planning and Zoning Commission in 1984 for the development of Allen Honda. This ratio was included in the Unified Development Ordinance, adopted in 2003. (Those minutes were included in the Boards packet) Staff agrees that the pazking is excessive. Of the 10 acres of the property located out of the floodplain, neazly 100% of the azea is impervious cover. A retail or office building of the same size would result in only 118 required parking spaces, rather than 294. A survey was completed of 37 of cities by both the City and the applicant, finding that College Station requirements result in the highest number of spaces required for body shops and automobile service azeas. Additionally, the only uses in the City with parking requirements equal or greater than an automobile service azea are restaurants and nightclubs. In the coming months, as part of next year's annual UDO review, staff will be recommending a change to the required parking spaces for automobile service shops. The effective pazking ratio, should the variance be granted, would be 1 space per 127 square feet of building area. For comparison purposes, the City of Grapevine and the City of Georgetown aze the only cities with a pazking ratio that this vaziance would not meet. During recent site visits, staff has noted that the parking lot has never been fully utilized. Approximately 30 to 50 percent of the pazking remains vacant in the reaz pazking azeas. Of the 10 acres of the property located out of the floodplain, neazly 100% of the azea is impervious cover. 1.3 acres of the property remains undeveloped, but lies in the Carter Creek floodplain. Additional development on this site would further impact this floodplain. The City's requirement for the number of pazking spaces creates difficulty for auto dealerships with service shops to develop. In this instance, the number of spaces required to be dedicated to the body shop is over 85 percent of the required pazking, as well as new and used caz sales. There have been several instances of vaziances requested from the minimum parking requirements, but none have been for auto dealerships. The majority of these requests were approved prior to 1990, and a majority was approved. For reference, only two other dealerships aze located in the city. Douglass Nissan has 6,340 square feet of service area, and Allen Honda has 4,965 square feet. ~Ms. Boyer ended her staff report and stated that Staff recommends approval of this request. The ZBA has the authority to grant variances up to 77 spaces. Chairman Goss opened the public hearing. Natalie Ruiz, the applicant, stepped before the Board to speak in favor of the variance and was sworn in by Chairman Goss. Chairman Goss closed the public hearing. Mr. Sheffy made the motion to authorize a variance to the Parking Requirements from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, due to the following special conditions: there will still be adequate parking for public use and put a more adequate use of the body shop parking and there is a creek that won't prohibit them from making additional parking; and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the Ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to this applicant being: staff will ask for reduced parking in the Unified Development Ordinance; and such that the spirit of this Ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. Mr. Braune seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.6: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Jay Goss, Chairman ATTEST: Deborah Grace, Staff Assistant r-~ U WORKSHOP MINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment • January 10, 2006 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jay Goss, Donald Braune, John Richards, Alternate Denise Whisenant & Alternate Charles Taylor MEMBERS ABSENT: Graham Sheffy & Josh Benn. Alternate Derek Dictson (not needed) STAFF PRESENT: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planners Jennifer Reeves, Crissy Hartl, and Lindsay Boyer, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Senior Assistant City Attorney Cazla Robinson, Assistant City Attorney Angela Deluca, Mapping Coordinator, Sven Griffin & GIS Technician Adrian Welsh. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order -Explanation of functions of the Board. Chairman Goss called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Discussion of regular agenda items. • Chairman Goss suggested to have the item read "Presentation of regular agenda items" so that the Board can hear a little more before the regulaz meeting. No action was taken. AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Consideration and possible action on future agenda items - A Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There were not items discussed. AGENDA ITEM N0.6: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Jay Goss, Chairman ATTEST: • Deborah Grace, Staff Assistant MINUTES Zoning Board of Adjustment January 10, 2006 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 6:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jay Goss, Donald Braune, John Richards, Alternate Denise Whisenant & Alternate Charles Taylor. MEMBERS ABSENT: Graham Sheffy, Josh Benn & Alternate Denise Derek Dictson (not needed) STAFF PRESENT: Staff Assistant Deborah Grace, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planners Jennifer Reeves, Crissy Hartl, and Lindsay Boyer, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Senior Assistant City Attorney Cazla Robinson, Assistant City Attorney Angela Deluca, Mapping Specialist, Sven Griffin, GIS Technician, Adrian Welsh. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order -Explanation of functions of the Board. Chairman Goss called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEM N0.2: Consideration, discussion and possible action of absence requests. Mr. Benn submitted an absence request stating that he could not attend due to work related business. Mr. Braune made the motion to approve the request Mr. Richards seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (S-0) Mr. Sheffy submitted an absence request stating that he could not attend due to recuperating from being in the hospital. Mr. Richards made the motion to approve. Mr. Braune seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (S-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.3: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes from the November 1, 2005 Workshop and Regular Meeting. Mr. Richards made the motion to approve. Ms. Whisenant seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (S-0). AGENDA ITEM N0.4: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion of a landscape variance for 3205 Earl Rudder Freeway South, Lot 1, Block 1, in the C.S.L. of Texas Subdivision. Applicant is Anthony L. Jones. (OS-206) Staff Planner Crissy Hartl presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting the variance to exclude a drainage easement from azea calculations for landscape point requirements. i In 1998, the applicant submitted a site plan application for the construction of Legacy Construction office building. The site plan included two phases for construction. The first phase included the western portion of the lot that fronts on Eazl Rudder Freeway South, excluding the 60-foot drainage ~asement. The second phase contained the eastern portion of the lot and the entire 60-foot drainage easement. Landscaping points were calculated for Phase I, and was built accordingly. The applicant has since submitted a site plan to develop Phase II and wishes to remove the entire drainage easement from the landscape and streetscape requirements, thus his is requesting a variance of 10021andscape points and 3 canopy street trees. The applicant states as his special condition: "Staff in 1998, did not want anything to incur blockage within this azea. It is an offsite drainage/collection facility for Sebesta Road and surrounding properties. We maintain, mow and cleaz trash in all of the drainage easement". The applicant states as his hazdship: "This is a lazge detention/collection facility that will handle a lot of offsite property yet to be developed. I'm respectfully requesting that the drainage azea not be included with any of the landscape calculations for the new office" Staff is recommending denial for this request. In order to meet landscaping requirements, landscaping does not need to be planted in the easement, but rather compensated throughout the site. Mr. Braune asked if any portion of the drainage detention area was included in the phase I landscape calculations. Ms. Hartl referred to the aerial map and pointed out that there was a small portion included in the first phase. Chairman Goss stated that Mr. Jones indicated that the detention azea services other properties. Ms. Hartl replied that was correct. Chairman Goss opened the public heazing. Anthony Jones, 3205 Eazl Rudder Freeway South, stepped before the Boazd and was sworn in by Chairman Goss. Mr. Jones spoke in favor of the request. Mr. Jones made correction that none of the property was included in the first phase landscape calculations. Staff at that time made recommendations for no landscaping to be included since it was for a detention azea. Mr. Jones stated that right now there is over 7000 points of trees that have not been counted. Mr. Jones ended by saying that he is asking for the variance by not using the calculations in the drainage azea. Mr. Goss asked Mr. Jones if he had a conversation with staff concerning the landscape points he indicated were not being counted. Mr. Jones replied that he did not think about it until he got his staff report and so he wanted to indicate it at the meeting. Mr. Taylor asked staff if landscaping could be planted in the drainage easement. Ms. Hartl replied that it would be allowed outside the easement along the fringe of it. With no one else stepping forwazd Chairman Goss closed the public hearing. •ZBA Minutes January l0, 2006 Page 2 of 8 Mr. Taylor made the motion to authorize a variance to the landscaping requirements form the terms of this Ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, due to the following special conditions: e property is burdened by an easement which is a drainage collection for adjacent property; and ~ecause a strict enforcement of the provisions of the Ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to this applicant being: it would be difficult to successfully maintain in a flood collection area; and such that the spirit of the Ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. Mr. Braune seconded the motion, which passed (4-1). Denise Whisenant voting against granting the variance. AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider a parking variance for 1200 University Drive East, Lot 1, Block 1, in the Wheeler Subdivision Phase 2. Applicant is Rabon Metcalf Engineering for Mae Dean Wheeler. (05-214) Staff Planner Jennifer Reeves stated for clarification that the request is for parking setback variance. Ms. Reeves presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting a front setback, for parking along Lincoln Avenue, of 10-feet from the parking area, instead of 20-feet that is required in Section 5.8.A.1 Setbacks. The property is located in the Corridor Overlay District. For Special Conditions the applicant states that "the subject property is encumbered by multiple items which restrict the developable and buildable area" The items are summarized as follows: A secondary drainage way, flowing south to north, bisects approximately through the middle of the property; An unnamed tributary of Burton Creek, located in the secondary drainage system, bisects the northern 1/3 of the property. This creek drains from west to east and is a studied creek with mapped floodway and floodplain. This floodway is located in a platted variable width drainage easement which is sigmficantly wider than the studied floodway; A 30-foot wide gas easement, running north and south, bisects approximately through the middle of the property; and A 20-foot wide sewer easement, running west and east, bisects the northern 1/3 of the property. As a hardship the applicant states that the "Reasonable development of the land would be significantly decreased and undesirable due to the reduced buildable area and locations for accessory uses on the part of the multiple encumbrances and the required corridor setback increases". Staff supports the applicant's special condition and hardship, of existing floodway, floodplain and drainage way that bisects the subject property and inhibits the developable area. The setback for parking that is not located in an Overlay District is 10-feet from aright-of--way. The subject property is located in the Corridor Overlay District and is required by Ordinance to provide a 20-foot parking setback if parking is located along the right-of--way. Because of the above mentioned special conditions and hardships and the applicant still meeting the spirit of the Ordinance by providing a 10-foot parking setback, staff recommends approval of this variance request. . ZBA Minutes January 10, 2006 Page 3 oj8 Chairman Goss asked for Ms. Reeves to give the Board and citizens an overview of what the Overlay District purpose is. Ms. Reeves stated that the is district was established to enhance the image of gateways and key entry points into the city and to provide openness and continuity, as well as more green space between the developments. Chairman Goss opened the public heazing. Rabon Metcalf, the applicant, stepped before the Boazd and was sworn in by Chairman Goss. Mr. Metcalf spoke in favor of the request. Mr. Metcalf stated the area that they aze requesting the vaziance for is not along the University Drive Overlay District. The Overlay District extends to the azea along Lincoln Avenue which is not a gateway into the city. Mr. Metcalf added that all they are asking for is a vaziance to the position that the cars aze parked. He further added that the site plan for the property has not been submitted to the city and it could change from what is being shown now. The use will not change unless they ask for a zoning change. Mr. Richards stated that he has a hazd time approving something without an approved site plan. The Boazd had several questions concerning the site plan. Mr. Metcalf dedicated time explaining what the applicant hoped to accomplish. Mr. Metcalf stated that from the back of the curb on Lincoln to the back of the curb for pazking they will have 20-feet of green space. Ron Cowe, 1919 Whitney, Houston, Texas, spoke in favor of the request. Those speaking in opposition were: Cyril Hosley, 911 Grand Oaks Pete Normand, 918 Grand Oaks Chairman Goss asked for clarification if the variance was for both University and Lincoln Drives. Ms. Reeves state that vaziance request if only for along Lincoln Drive. Chairman Goss closed the public heazing. Mr. Goss made the motion to authorize a variance to the parking requirements from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, due to the following special conditions: various drainage ways and various easements cross the property which limit the ability to develop the area: and such that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done subject to the following limitations: variance relates to the southern border of the overlay district to green space on Lincoln Avenue. The vaziance is only for Lincoln Avenue. Motion was seconded by Donald Braune. The Board voted (4-1). Mr. Richards voting against granting the variance. AGENDA ITEM N0.6: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider a parking variance for 1351 Earl Rudder Freeway South. Lot 2, Block 1, in the High Ridge Subdivision. Applicant is Natalie Ruiz, IPS Group -Planning Solutions. (OS-215) Staff Planner Lindsay Boyer presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting the parking variance to reduce the number of required pazking spaces for a proposed furniture store development located north of the Vazsity Ford development. ZBA Minutes January 10, 2006 Page 4 of 8 The applicant is currently pursuing the development of a 50,000 sq. ft. furniture store made up of 35,000 sq. ft. of retail space and 15,000 storage space. The UDO allows storage space in C-1 zoning istricts if it is less than 50% of the total squaze footage of the development, as provided by the Sales ~Iatrix located in Article 6.3.N. Based on the amount of storage, this type of development is located in a C-1 quadrant, and the associated parking ratio for C-1 retail is 1 space per 250 sq. ft, per Article 7.2.H. Number of Off Street Parking Spaces Required. The applicant is requesting a variance to the retail parking requirement. Their proposal is to increase the ratio for furniture sales to 1 space per 450 square feet. This proposal would result in an effective parking variance of 88 spaces. The total spaces provided would be 112. The entire site, based on a proposed greenway dedication area is approximately 6.5 acres. Subtracting out the space for the building, there is approximately 240,000 remaining to incorporate a 200 sq. ft. parking space, maneuvering room, drive aisles, parking islands, landscaping and pazking setbacks. Staff believes that there is enough land to accommodate all ordinance requirements. This variance would apply to any C-1 use that might development on this property. Given the vaziety of uses that might develop or redevelop instead of a furniture store or that the proposed furniture store might one day use the storage space for retail azea, Staff does not support a variance. This parking ratio is being considered by staff for an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission heazd a presentation by the applicant on this pazking ratio on Jan. 5. They have indicated the need to address this issue, and we have tentatively scheduled this amendment to be heard on February 2. ff has also been workin with the applicant since the staff report was written on an alternative Sta g pazking plan which would allow a reduction in pazking based on a study of the pazking for that use, but requires land be set aside as open space that would accommodate the required parking. The applicant has indicated that they cannot accommodate the area for the 100 additional spaces that would be required. Staff conducted a survey of 22 cities and found only 6 cities have parking requirements that support such a request. There is a lazge range of parking requirements with the average ratio around 1 space per 350. The ITE Parking Generation Handbook also indicates a ratio of approximately 1 per 820 sq. ft.; however this study was done in 1960 and only includes 2 studies. The ZBA does not have the authority to set parking ratios, and this ratio should be reviewed for an amendment change by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Special Conditions: The application indicates that the nature of furniture sales necessitates a specific pazking ratio separate from conventional retail sales. Due to the nature of large displays, the real occupancy of the building is diminished. The International Building Code does not distinguish between types of retail uses for a building, but does give a concession on warehouse space. However, the sales matrix allows for the reduction of this warehouse space at will, and the pazking ratio is set so that should this site ever have 100% retail, • parking would be accommodated without amending a site plan ZBA Minutes January 10, 2006 Page S of 8 Chairman Goss opened the public hearing. Natalie Ruiz, IPS Group, stepped before the Board and was sworn in by Chairman Goss. Ms. Ruiz poke in favor of the request. Ms. Ruiz gave a lengthy presentation. Others speaking in favor of the request were: Tom James, 2638 Lombardi, Dallas, Texas, Developer of the property. Brett McCully, 1722 Broadmore, Bryan, Texas, Engineer for the developer. Chairman Goss closed the public hearing. The Board had discussions and decided that they would table the request and let the applicant go before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council for a text amendment to the UDO. Mr. Braune made the motion to table. Mr. Taylor seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (S-0). The applicant gained approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission on February 2 and the City Council on February 9.' No further action is required by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. AGENDA ITEM N0.7: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider a setback variance for 211 Lee Avenue. Lot 20, Block 3, in the Oakwood Addition Subdivision. Applicant is Jefferson Christian Custom Homes, Inc. for Micajah & Nancy Newman. (OS-221) Staff Planner Trey Fletcher presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting the variance to allow for the construction of a carport as an accessory use. The property owner is proposing to construct a 2-car carport and storage building within the required rear setback of 20 feet in addition to a substantial one-story kitchen/master bedroom addition to the primary structure, which is a two-story residence. The applicant is requesting to encroach 15 feet, resulting in a 5-foot rear setback. The enlarged primary structure and the proposed carport /storage building would be connected by a covered breezeway. For special conditions the the applicant states: "The long, narrow shape of the lot creates a smaller building area than is seen on surrounding lot and the rear setback restriction eliminates the ability to provide covered off-street parking." There were no hardships offered by the applicant; however, the applicant may reconfigure the home addition or construct a smaller addition that would allow the new carport/storage structure to be moved out of the setback. The carport/storage structure could also be moved closer to the home. As always, the Board may grant a lesser variance. •ZBA Minutes January 10, 2006 Page 6 of 8 Staff recommends denial of the request. The homeowner is proposing the construction of the carport in addition to a substantial addition to the reaz of the house significantly reducing the buildable azea available for such an accessory use. A porte cohere is proposed along the north side of the house, and ,meets required setbacks. Two movable sheds exist in the reaz of the lot and will be relocated or removed to accommodate the planned improvements. As structures are prohibited from easements, the proposed carport and storage building aze planned to be constructed next to a 5-foot public utility easement that runs along the rear of the property. It is the opinion of staff that the vaziance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant, nor do extraordinary or special conditions affect the subject property such that a strict application of City codes and/or ordinances deprives an applicant reasonable use of his or her property. Chairman Goss opened the public hearing. Those speaking in favor of the request were: Micajah Newman, 211 Lee Avenue. Mr. Newman gave a picture presentation. Nancy Newman, 211 Lee Avenue Gains West, 200 Suffolk Linda Price 306 Lee Avenue Bruce Hoekstra, 210 Lee Avenue Patricia Burks, Hereford Drive Sandra Hoekstra, 210 Lee Avenue Steve Moore, 200 Lee Avenue Speaking in opposition were: Carroll Claycamp, 300 Lee Avenue With no one else stepping forwazd Chairman Goss closed the public hearing Mr. Goss asked Mr. Fletcher if the alley was abandoned by the city. Mr. Fletcher referred to the survey in the Boards packet. He stated there was a 5-foot utility easement along the backside of the properties including Mr. Newrnan's, a 10-foot reserve strip that comprises part of the alley, an overhead electrical easement and then another 5-foot reserve strip. It appears the width exceeds 15-feet. Mr. Fletcher stated that he has no evidence that the alley has been abandoned formally. Mr. Richards made the motion to authorize a variance to the minimum setback requirements from the terms of this ordinance as it will not be contrary to the public interests, due to the following special conditions: relative shape of the lot in subject neighborhood inhibits building area for full normal home structures; and because a strict enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to the applicant being: the rear setback restriction eliminates the ability to provide covered off-street parking; and such that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed. Ms. Whisenant seconded the motion, which failed (3-2). Mr. Braune and Mr. Taylor voting to against granting the variance. • ZBA Minutes January 10, 2006 Page 7 of 8 u ATTEST: Deborah Grace, Staff Assistant • ZBA Minutes APPROVED: Jay Goss, Chairman January 10, 2006 Page 8 of 8 u • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Alan Gibbs, P.E., Senior Asst. City Engineer Email: agibbs@cstx.gov Report Date: February 28, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500009 Meeting Date: March 7, 2006 APPLICANT: David Scarmardo, President of Brazos Gateway Place Development, Ltd. REQUEST: Floodway Variance from Section G(1) of the Flood Protection Ordinance prohibiting encroachment into designated floodways. LOCATION: 1401 University Drive East, Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 2; Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 3; Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 4. PURPOSE: To construct a private access drive with creek crossing consisting of fill, 3- 10'x7' reinforced concrete box culverts, 2 - 48" RCP culverts and public waterline improvements. GENERAL INFORMATION Property Owner: Brazos Gateway Place Development, Ltd. Applicable Ordinance Section: Chapter 13, Section 5.G -Special Provisions for Fooodways G. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR FLOODWAYS Located within Areas of Special Flood Hazard established in Section 5-B are areas designated as floodways. The floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and the potential for erosion; therefore, the following provisions shall be required: (1) Encroachments shall be prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements of existing construction, structures, manufactured homes, or other development. Variances requested on this standard shall be accompanied by a complete engineering report fully demonstrating that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in water surface elevation or flood hazard up- stream, within, or downstream of the encroachment location. The engineering report shall conform to the requirements of the Drainage Policy and Design Standards and shall bear • the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer; (Ordinance No. 1728 of October 22, 1987) O:\group\deve_ser\stfipt\zngstfrpt\honda. doc PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Zoning and Land Use • Subject Property: Zoned R-4 Multi-family and C-1 General Commercial. A portion of the property is developed as the Gateway Villas. • North: The City of Bryan's sewer treatment plant is located to the north with the City Limits being the common boundary line. • West: Zoned R-3 Townhouse, developed as duplexes • East: Zoned C-1 General Commercial, undeveloped • South: Zoned C-1 General Commercial, developed as the Gateway Shopping Center, and University Drive. Frontage and Access: The Gateway Phase 3; Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 4 has frontage to University Drive through a private access easement where the current drive exists. Topography and Vegetation: Phase Two is currently developed as condominiums. Phase Four is currently undeveloped. The common lot line between Phases Two and Four is the center line of the creek tributary. Phase Four is largely in its natural state and heavily wooded. Flood Plain: An unnamed tributary of Burton Creek with Base Flood Elevations as well and Floodway delineation exists on the common lot line of Phases Two and Four. This tributary discharges in a northerly direction into Burton Creek main which discharges in an easterly direction. Depictions of the Floodplain and Floodway are provided in the enclosed Site Plans. VARIANCE INFORMATION Background: To participate in the National Flood Insurance Program so that our citizens can have subsidized flood insurance, the City has adopted the Flood Protection Ordinance in accordance the associated Code of Federal Regulations for FEMA. The City has opted to increase the regulations in regard to floodway encroachments. The minimum requirements federal state that encroachments into the floodway are permissible with a zero rise study. The City's regulations require a variance with the attached criteria as well. The federal code generally defines the floodway as the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height (1 foot). The proposed drive and waterline creek crossing clearly encroaches into the associated floodway. The applicant has addressed each of the criteria as well as provided a drainage • analysis which depicts the water surface will not increase above the allowable floodway elevation. O:\group\deve_serlstfrpt\zngstfrpt\honda.doc ANALYSIS . Special Conditions: The applicant states: "A tributary to Burton Creek crosses the subject tracts cutting off approximately 7.6 acres of land (proposed Gateway Phase 4). The only way to access the 7.6 acre Phase 4 is to cross the tributary creek. This crossing has to be above the 100 year flood stage and provide access for emergency services. To not allow the crossing will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of land." Hardships: The applicant states: "City Ordinance 13, Section 5.G prohibits encroachments including fill and new construction within floodway areas without a variance granted by the ZBA. The literal requirement of the Ordinance would render the 7.6 acre Phase 4 tract unusable by the applicant." Alternatives: The applicant states: "None - To gain access to the 7.6 acre Phase 4 tract, the tributary creek must be crossed." Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. The applicant states: "The culvert structure (3- 10'x7' RCB & 2 - 48" RCP) has been designed in accordance with Section G(1) of the Flood Protection Ordinance and FEMA regulations as defined by 44 CFR Chapter 1, Parts 60 & 65." The applicant states: "An engineering report consisting of a hydraulic analysis has been provided to the City documenting the effects of the culvert on water surface elevations and flood velocities." SPECIAL INFORMATION Ordinance Intent: Chapter 13, Section B states: "It is the purpose of this chapter to protect, maintain, and enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare by establishing minimum requirements and procedures to control the adverse impacts associated with the increased storm water flows generated by development. It is also the purpose of this chapter to enhance the public health, safety and welfare by furthering the goals and objectives of the City of College Station Comprehensive Plan and all of its elements." Unmitigated encroachments into designated floodways are known to cause increases in flood levels and the potential for damage from flooding events. As such they are specifically prohibited. It is clearly the intent of the Ordinance to prohibit encroachments into the areas reserved for flood waters. It does not appear that the intent was to prohibit encroachment into areas that may be above a reasonable flood event, even though the encroachment would be within the regulatory limits of the floodway. Number of Property Owners Notified: 23 • Responses Received: No responses were received. O:\group\deve_ser\stfrpt\zngstfrpt\honda. doc a ATTACHMENTS 1. Small Area Map and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Memo addressing Flood Protection Ordinance Variance Criteria 4. Site Plan Exerpt(provided in packet) U • O:\group\deve_ser\stfrpt\zngstfrpt\honda. doc r- ~ P ~ a c~'$ Eby ~~ ~ O/ 'P~ ~'A, ~. ~a, d• ~ 0 8 ~ ~ ~ r N 4 ~8 ~ ~ N N ~ i ~ ~ ~~ ~ 8' ~ W ~, V ~P,~ o~ ~ $ ~~ ~r m `~ N M co ~ ~~' '~ , cn 'n ~ M1 N ~ ~ N pf N~ ~a0 N ~ ~ ~ ~ +~ M r a,V t~ v R YN nnn ~ `o u~ ~ n N F U r 6~ A LJ ~ $~ (O r ~ V F ~~ Hn Y a0 U o m m ' m N N Q `~ ~ ~ N ~ ~7/~ ''~~ ~ ~ ~ toa~ ~ m ~ a ao ~ /Nd~7 w rn rn s 'n, 27 O~s~~ a mod' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lr~~C'J ~ B ~ ~ _ ~~ /~~J n ~ N~ /`[`~jf1i//j5 O N O ~ ~ 0 ~R\S V Y , O ~ Q ~ U ~, m ~Q ~°° ~Fl m s,~,~~, , `~ / o ~ ~ ~ 4/ ~~ a r w o 1s~~ ~ Neil L ~ ~ I.L ~jG J ~ 0 Q a ~ w } ~ r N ~ F ~ Q ~ R r ~ c~ r c+D r ~ +~ ~ ;6' ~ a , ,Ma ~ +z Q ~}' ~ A ~ ~ N ~ r ~ r rq~r V , ~, ~y ~ J ~~ ~ ~ h ~ ~o~ , ~, mr p 00 '~ ~ ~ . cQi R" ~ ~ Xn7 L~ O O tp _ ~ ~~ J ~' ' ~ N ~ r ~ (7 R ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ t` ~ ~xw ~ ^~ ~ ~ R N R ~ ~ $ ~ A 5 Ii ~ ' > W ~ n~ v ~ .( ,o ~~y a ~ ~ S ,,, ,,,: ,~ s v ~~ ,ri ~ ~ , N e 7 ,. y d ~ m M ^ N Y ~ b7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "°PARK RD ,g ~ ~ rn °` s ~ ° ~ tACy W wn ~ s ~ ~~, FP~~CR a0 ~ Z ~ n c0 E ~ .o4N 8 . ~` wt M ~ ~ O J ~ `O ~ o ~ N v ~ ~ ~' ~ m ~ GKV ~ ~ ~ j ~/~ ~/ VU L ~ ao ,~ Q 0 w moo e ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m , ~ ~ o ~ N ~ ~ H ,~' ~,[J~ M a ~ ~~~ ~~~ a ~ ~, g th N 4~~y X ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ~ s ~ ~ o z ~ .i ,N $ s ~~ ~o g N a m N ~ a~ 2CY.~ ~ v ~ ~ s Y V ` vm ~ Ni - ~ ~ __ ~ NU n ' a~ r1 r ~ ~ !~ ~ _ p M ~ V ~ a 4.-- Q .._. ~ J O N r L. i , ` FOR OFFpIC~ E USE ONLY CASE NO.: i' Q ' ~ DATE SUBMITTED: I "' ~ ~~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ~^ Planning C°r Development Services - I ~• ~ ~ r> ~ , ~--- ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION ~J MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee of $150.00. X Application completed in full. Additional materials may be required of the applicant such as site plans, elevation drawings, sign details and floor plans. The Zoning Official shall inform the applicant of any extra materials required. Date of Preapplication Conference: December 19, 2005 (most recent) APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Brazos Gateway Place Development, Ltd c/o David Scarmardo, President Street Address 1289 North Harvey Mitchell Parkway City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77805 E-Mail Address david(a~scarmardofoods.com Phone Number 979-779-7209 Fax Number 979-822-1763 ~PERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Same as Applicant Street Address State Zip Code Phone Number E-Mail Address Phase 4 Description if there is no Lot, Block and Subdivision Fax Number City Action Requested: (Circle One) Setback Variance Appeal of Zoning Official's Interpretation Parking Variance Special Exception Sign Variance Other Drainage Variance ent Zoning of Subject Property: C-1 & R-4 _ - plicable Ordinance Section: Chapter 13. Section 5.G -Special Provisions for Floodways 6/13/03 Page 1 of 6 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: GE~v~RAL VARIANCE RE(~u'EST specific variation from the ordinance is requested: Culverts, 2-48" RCP Culverts & Public Waterline Improvements This variance is necessary due to the following special conditions: Special Condition Definition: To justify a variance, the difficulty must be due to unique circumstances involving the particular property. The unique circumstances must be related to a physical characteristic of the property itself, not to the owner's personal situation. This is because regardless of ownership, the variance will run with the land. Example: A creek bisecting a lot, a smaller buildable area than is seen on surrounding lots, specimen trees. Note: A cul-de-sac is a standard street layout in College Station. The shape of standard cul-de-sac lots are generally not special conditions. A tributary to Burton Creek crosses the subject tracts cutting off approximately 7.6 acres of land (proposed Gateway Phase 4). The only way to access the 7.6 acre Phase 4 is to cross the tributary creek. This crossing has to be above the 100 year flood stage and provide access for emergency services. To not allow the crossing will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. The unnecessary hardship (s) involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinance other than financial hardship is/are: dship Definition: The inability to make reasonable use of the property in accord with the literal irements of the law. The hardship must be a direct result of the special condition. xample: A hardship of a creek bisecting a lot could be the reduction of the buildable area on the lot, when compared to neighboring properties. City Ordinance 13, Section 5.G prohibits encroachments including fill and new construction within floodwav areas without a variance granted by the ZBA. The literal requirement of the Ordinance would render the 7.6 acre Phase 4 tract unusable by the Applicant. The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible: None - To pain access to the 7.6 acre Phase 4 tract, the tributary creek must be crossed. This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following facts: 1) The culvert structure (3-10'x7' RCB & 2-48" RCP) has been designed in accordance with FEMA regulations as defined by 44 CFR Chapter 1, Parts 60 & 65 2) A engineering report consisting of a hydraulic analysis has been provided to the Citv documenting the effects of the culvert on water surface elevations and flood velocities. applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached to are true, coact and complete. ~~R~~ and Title /l~ Da e 6/13/03 ~N~/ L~ //~~,~ ~j ~~~,~ ln~i . n Page 2 of 6 ^o~ 3~ KUNG ENGINEERING & SURVEYING "'~~~`~ Consulting Engineers • Land Surveyors ~~•~ 4101 Teaas Aveaue, Suite A Post Office Boa 4234 I'0 V Bryaa, Teass 7?802 Bryaa, Teass 77806 Telephoae 9T9/846-6212 Fsa 9T9/846-8252 B.J. KliaB, P.E., R.P.L.S. 8.)!1. KliaB, R.P.L.S. Memo: February 16, 2006 To: City of College Station Development Engineering c/o Alan Gibbs, P.E. Re: The Gateway Subdivision Phases 2-4 Creek Crossing ZBA Variance Request - upporting Documentation From: Fred Pain The following memo is in response to your request to address each item listed in Section 6.A(1)-(3) and 6.C.(5).(a)-(d) of Chapter 13 -Flood Hazard Protection Ordinance. The Variance Request is with respect to the provision documented in Section 5.G.(1) "Special Provisions for Floodways" of Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of College Station. The text of this provision is as follows: "Encroachments shall be prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements of existing construction, stnJctures, manufactured homes, or other development. Variances requested on this standard shalt be accompanied by a complete engineering report fully demonstrating that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in watersurtace elevation or flood hazani upstream, within, or down stream of the encroachment location. The engineering report shall conform to the requirements of the Drainage Policy and Design Standards and shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer;" Section 6.A.(1): Special Circumstances/Conditions affecting the land such that strict compliance with the provisions would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land is as follows: An unnamed tributary to Burton Creek crosses the subject tracts. This tributary creek forms the boundary between platted and proposed platted areas of Gateway Phases 2-4 (refer to the approved preliminary plat-attached). Approximately 7.6 acres of property is isolated on the west side of the channel (proposed Gateway Phase 4, Lot 1, R-4 zoning). In order to access and utilize this property, the channel must be crossed with a roadway and utilities. Current access consists of a gravel oil well access road with a low water crossing. This crossing is inaccessible during larger rainfall events. Section 6.A.(2L Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The proposed project specific variation from the ordinance is construction of a private access drive consisting of roadway embankment fill, 3-10'x7' reinforced concrete box culverts, 2-48" reinforced concrete pipe culverts, and public waterline. Strict compliance with Section S.G.(1) would prohibit the road crossing and render the 7.6 acre lot unusable by the applicant. Section 6.A.L31: Variances may be issued for reconstruction, rehabilitation, or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Not Applicable. Section 6.C.(51.(a): Strict compliance with the provision documented in Section 5.G.(1) "Special Provisions for Floodways" of Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of College Station would cause undue hardship on the applicant and deprive him of the reasonable use of his land. The text of this provision is as follows: "Encroachments shall be prohibited, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements of existing construction, structures, manufactured homes, or other development. Variances requested on this standarti shall be accompanied by a complete engineering report fully demonstrating that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in watersurface elevation or flood hazard upstream, within, or down stream of the encroachment location. The engineering report shall conform to the requirements of the Drainage Policy and Design Standards and shall bear the dated seal and signature of a registered professional engineer;" Section 6.C.(5).(b1: The minimum relief to this hardship is to provide an access road protected from the 100 year flood event and public utilities to the 7.6 acre tract. Specific measures taken to relieve the hardship are the construction of a roadway, creek crossing, and waterline extension. The creek crossing will consist of large culvert structures that will pass the 100 year storm event flows without adversely affecting upstream, downstream or adjacent properties (Refer to attached plan sheet for depiction of crossing). Section 6.C.(51(c1: Effects of the variance in terms of channel hydraulic characteristics areas follows: Results for Effective FEMA Model River Station 387 512(Culvert) 554 632 Q total (cfs) 941 / 941 NA 941 / 941 941 / 941 Q channel (cfs) 479.9 / 627.2 NA 543.3 / 756.0 323.0 / 345.8 WSEL (ft) 274.2 / 275.1 NA 275.0 / 275.9 275.6 / 276.5 Depth of Flow (ft) 6.2 / 7.1 NA 6.0 / 6.9 8.4 / 9.3 Ave. Velocity (ft/s) 2.4 / 3.3 NA 2.7 / 3.4 2.4 / 2.5 rcesurts organ¢eo as touows (floodplain / floodway) Results for Proposed Crossing (3-10'x7' RCB & 2-48" RCP1 River Station 387 512(Culvert) -, 554 632 Q total (cfs) 941 /941 941 /941 941 / 941 941 / 941 Q channel (cfs) 477.4 / 625.6 941 / 941 500.2 / 758.1 316.5 / 347.1 WSEL (ft) 274.2 / 275.1 275.1 / 275.8 275.3 / 275.9 275.8 / 276.5 Depth of Flow (ft) 6.2 / 7.2 5.4 / 6.1 6.3 / 6.9 8.6 / 9.3 Ave. Velocity (ft/s) 2.4 / 3.3 4.9 (ave) 2.2 / 4.0 2.3 / 2.5 i. As shown in the tables above, the addition of the 3-10'x7' RCB and 2-48" RCP culvert structure does not increase the base flood elevation above floodway water surface elevations allowed for encroachments. The basis of the results described in the above tables are contained in a report submitted to the City of College Station, Development Engineering November 09, 2005 and approved thereafter. Section 6.C.(5).(d): Special conditions to be considered as criteria for granting the variance are as follows: 1. In orderforthe property to be utilized consistent with it's designated R-4 zoning, access must be granted which is not rendered impassible by the 100 year flood event. 2. This access is required to protect the health, safety and welfare of property, structures, and residents of an R-4 development. 3. This access .will not adversely affect water surface elevations or velocities upstream, downstream, or adjacent to the crossing. 4. An engineering report is on file with the City which conforms to current City drainage policies. 5. No alternative to provide safe and constant access to the 7.6 acre tract exists. t • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Jennifer Prochazka, Planner Report Date: February 28, 2006 Email: jprochazka@cstx.gov Meeting Date: March 7, 2006 Project Number: 06-00500019 APPLICANT: Terry & Robert Smith REQUEST: Lot depth variance LOCATION: 617 Columbus Street PURPOSE: To allow the property to legally re-subdivide. GENERAL INFORMATION Status of Applicant: Property owner Applicable Ordinance Section: 5.2 Residential Dimensional Standards PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Zoning and Land Use of Subject Property and Surrounding Area: Zoned R-1 Single Family Residential and developed as single family housing. Frontage & Access: 150 feet on Columbus Street Topography 8~ Vegetation: Relatively flat with some vegetation. Flood Plain: Not within a floodplain. VARIANCE INFORMATION Background: The property was platted as Prairie View Heights prior to the requirement to plat and prior to the 100 foot lot depth now required in single family developments. In 1983, the applicants replatted Lots 3, 4, and 5 into Lots A and B. Lot A is currently undeveloped. Lot B has an existing home that it approximately 800 square feet in area. The applicants' intent is to remove the existing home and develop the property as three single family homes. The applicant requests this variance in order to return the property to its original configuration, three 50 foot by 85 foot single family lots. • The existing lot depth is 85 feet; therefore a 15 foot lot depth variance is requested. ANALYSIS Special Conditions: As a special condition the applicant states the following: "Lot depths are only 85 feet." Hardships: As a hardship the applicant states the following: "I will be unable to divide the lots into 50 feet by 85 feet. I will be unable to use property similar to existing lots in area. All are 50 feet by 85 feet. There is no way to capture 100 foot depth. Land doesn't exist." Alternatives: There is no identified alternative to the lot depth variance requested. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the lot depth variance request because the depth currently exists and there is no foreseeable opportunity to increase the lot depth. SPECIAL INFORMATION Ordinance Intent: The intent of lot dimension requirements usually allow for some degree of control over population density. These standards are typically justified on the basis of the protection of property values. The Board must • determine if the intent of the ordinance is met by the request and should ensure that the request is reasonable based on the special conditions and hardships. Number of Property Owners Notified: 29 Responses Received: I have received one inquiry phone call. The caller was not concerned with the variance request. ATTACHMENTS 1. Small Area Map and Aerial Map 2. Application 3. Existing Plat (provided in packet) 4. Original Plat drawing (provided in packet) ~, ~ J V ~_ N O ~ L~ ~ J 8b 8' ~ ry 8 ~ ~ d~° M NN a ~i. u~ ~ (~~ n v `( O ~ ~ f O( ~ ~ of O ~ N ~` O `( N << ~ ~ ~ ~ r~( e r4 c N O °r _ ~ N ~i7 q'( U7 4 % N ~ (`(~bs b(N N h ~ M `( ~~~ ~` r M rqr qtr ~ (` s N ~@ (p eo( qtr 119 'Q.~ ~ a'• `~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ r~ N ~._ 5~ . ~ ~ Q ~ N ~ U Q ~ o r ~ ~ '/G L7 ~ M 8 U m ~' m e 8~ '~d' co . ~p~~ ~ b ,, ~ VU N ~ Q ao ^ ~ R ~ N ,~ a t0 M ~ ,~ N ~,/p~ R ~)~ M N ~ r fV M I ~^ ~ !" ~ '~ r o O N m ^' N 0 °' ~ M ~ y o 0 ~ n °N o ~ ~ O u~ ~ 0 „m O t0 ~ $~~ v~ M 2 1 O N M ~ p V' ~~~ ~ `3 $ U ~ N ~~b ~ r ~n J ~U ~~~~ ~ - 1 `~ ~ O 4 O~ ~4 o~N r9 O "~ '~' by o ~ (d'b v dA ~ `9 Q rQ ~ •tr . ~ ~` r ~ ~ r qp ~ ~ N n `q' ~pU ~ ~ ra r, ao r ~WNy N ~ -yrJ ~N I` m ~' ~ I.L M N >~ ~ '~ ¢~ ' 1j~ m Z q3 ~, qr"' W t` ~ rg `~' ~' `~ p Q m -~ JQ' p to c°h ~ ~, to p '~~'`° s a ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~~~ `g N r~~" ~~ t~\ 1 ~ r4 O ~ Q N M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ N st ~ O ~ ~~ M ~ M ~' 4 qy a ~ ~s s~ ` rri k M } °4 ~ r4 ~ ~° ~ ~ ~ b~ O O> ~~ ~ n M1 tl M `~" ~ Sd~ M O ao .4, r> '~ a ~p , '~i m n a q, ~, <o r4 ~ , O e t F' ..ti 'w ~ CrrY O.F COLY.EGE STATIOt~T Ara»nFr-~ d.L~ttKlo/,menr.5rruhei t / `i r. FOnRrnOFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: `~ Vl • DATE SUBMITTED: ! ' ~~' D ~Q 31~~ o c ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ~Flling Fee of $150.00. Application completed in full. Additional materials may be required of the applicant such as site plans, elevation drawings, sign details and floor plans. The Zoning Official shall inform the applicant of any extra materials required. Date of Preapplication Conference: ~11Pc APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Street Address ~ 3 ~4 ~ \ ; ~ S~ City ~ it R E r ~.~~~ ~ `~X State ~~ Zip Code _~-1'LS~y~ E-Mail Address -fS n.~-t-~. ~ c V~~.,~5' -~-~ ~. s Phone Number __ ~l`l~~ Z~ fC - ~i~tS Fax Number ~'ROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name~.ru .~ (~,~,1.~.~--- ~;~, Street Address ~-~ \ Z G~ lk._ \.~,- ~ City ~ l~~ ~ ~ ~ ~s ,~ State `~k Zip Code _'1Ztiy~ E-Mail Address -tc~~,,,~~ ~~,,~ ~r<zo,'- -~ u~ Phone Number ~t`l~- 13-1yZ~ Fax Number LOCATION OF PR/O~PERTY: Address tY I' Lot /~ ~ '~ Block Z. Subdivision _ Pra t r i` c ~/ 1e W 4-1 ~ u --, ~-~ Description if there is no Lot, Block and Subdivision Action Requested: (Circle One) etback Variance Appeal of Zoning Official's Interpretation Parking Variance Special Exception Sign Variance ther Mtn, L~~- 17in~-e~1S1'c~nS Current Zoning of Subject Property: ~.- Applicable Ordinance Section: ~ . 2 ~._eSfd ei~~-i r~l 17 ~ ~ ~ vac t, .v,r. i C L.,. ,~ _i _ . _h r~ U ~~~- 6/13 /03 Page 1 of 6 r->, ~~ ~ i GENERAL VARIANCE REQUEST ~he followin s eciflc variation fr m g p _ o the ordinance is requested: ~~„Irnvrn lo~ Stz~ ~ '~0 5o X ~5 SLR ~Jacl~- yzy ~ at-to n 5 • -15 ~.~~ This variance is necessary due to the following special conditions: Special Condition Definition: To justify a variance, the difficulty must be due to unique circumstances involving the particular property. The unique circumstances must be related to a physical characteristic of the property itself, not to the owner's personal situation. This is because regardless of ownership, the variance will run with the land. Example: A creek bisecting a lot, a smaller buildable area than is seen on surrounding lots, specimen trees. Note: A cul-de-sac is a standard street layout in College Station. The shape of standard cul-de-sac lots are generally not special conditions. The unnecessary hardship is/are: financial Hardship Definition: The inability to make reasonable use of the property in accord with the literal requirements of the law. The hardship must be a direct result of the special condition. xample: A hardship of a creek bisecting a lot could be the reduction of the buildable area on the lot, when om ared to neighboring properties. ~ --aca ~~c Q('op~~-l-~s .~•~•:~\~~'~ ~K~t~-~~ ~~f ~.~ crcc,~ ~l`e~(-c S~~'t'k F't: ~~.~~ ~~ n. w«, ~ cap-~„cc loofFt- ~,p•4.1~. ~--~.~ c~or~.}r ~t~a~' The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible: This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following facts: The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached herefo are true, correct and complete. ~\i~~o~ Signa re nd Title Date 6/13/03 Page 2 of 6 _ ~u/ ~~t.•~ „ l~Pj' ` ?' ~~j~~ ~~' ~ ~.. ! r a+ ~ # to ~: :. 3 _ CMUF2CHILL STREET ~ c~cH n. - r~~r i ~~} yr i3K ~ 1 i~ 9fj~' a~,3ip~~1~ _ . ;~> ~Yr .. - ~ v 4 .- --+, . ~ m . -: m -~ ~ r t7 \. ~^? 2 S ~:ri F ..; i ~; i ~ _ 4 ~ s 1 ~. ~ , `: ~ "' F ~r~, ~ YARROW STREET luovcRSTr a+: vu,.i ~ ~ `~_; ° 5 ii 9 y ~ 4e x ~'~ CHURCHILL STREET ~ci*xc„ sc-v~ar ~ ^. • w. L • A ~ GY q /9 An i ~1 $ t> '~l i Y'lr i U ~ ~, ~ C ~ fy R :~ ~~ ~i J Q (, y p y SSEj ~~ {4I~ ~ {{ 1 y ~~~~t yi ~etii y. ~{ a . h ~\~ ~ ggll t P ~'i;~; 7 !j ~S ~ ~~s~ ~ gy ~}ee 1 -{~ ~ ~ ~~~~* gg p r ~ S ' f . c = ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ , _ ! ~ i a ~ r CS O c m g m ' m m b yH f YARROW STREET 'tuxtvcasnr op~xnT~ • L f R.s~> }}Sdd Sly ~. ~l frt ~~ ~~~~ ~ r ~ z ~"~ ~ ~' ° n § D __ ~ S 4 ; ~ a~ ~. ~ ~. $ N ~ f` t~ f • • • `•,r .~,,. 6 ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~:,~aaaaasa~~??3a ,, ~~~$~j ~#~,~ ss,~~j ~~~ _ ~i; r/~, i i ~~ ~j ii~ ~ ~;~ ~~ ~ ~II ~~~ • r~ u ~~ ~ w ~~ ~ s ~~~~ ~~ ~ s= #~~ *Ea~ i ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~YY~ ~3~ yes ~~ ~~ ~e ~j~~s~ j ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~i~a~ @~{ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~s~s~~ ~~~ ~ s ~~ ! ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ s~ ~ ~ d ~# ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~~j ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ ° • ~~ t ° • • ~ ~i~ ~j~;~s~et ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~,~~ s s s ~:s~~~~d #~~ ~ s ~ ~. ~ ~~ e ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j~ ! ~ ~~~ ~ `i~~s ~ ~' k s~ ~i r. ~~~ ~ [ ~~~ p ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~: ~~~ ~ t6 ~ ~, ~~~ .~ `' ' '~ ;~ ,~ E ~~~ l ~ ~% ~+ ~ -..."" _ _ .e ~ ~ Y~ ,, , ----~~-__.J ~ ~1- ~ ~- ~~ f ~ ~, ° ~ ~~ ;: ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~~ ~ R~~b R ~R R R ~ ~_~ as ~ ~ {t' a R ~ ~ ~ ~ °~s r r s ' g °~~ES ~ ~~E~ ~~ ~~ j~ .;~ o~ O ~ o ~'' ~ Q ~ m .: Z V ~ w ~ ~ ~~~~Ny,« W ~ W ~ ¢l~wN'`~~~i~. _~ ~~ ~P ~ M ~ '~ ii. 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