HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/2004 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionFILE COPY • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • May 20, 2004 ... Workshop Meeting - 6:30 P.M. Regular Meeting - 7:00 P.M. • College Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future AGENDA Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 20, 2004, at 6:30 p.m. Administrative Conference Room, City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas i. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. None. • 3. Discussion of Subcommittee Reports. ^ Neighborhood Task Force Ken Reynolds, Ben White ^ Land Use and Development Subcommittee Scott Shafer, Carolyn Williams, Bill Davis ^ Connectivity Index Subcommittee Craig Hall, Bill Davis ^ Greenways Master Plan Update (No appointments made) 4. Discussion of the Blue Ribbon Committee report. 5. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the redtation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 6. Adjourn ConsulLtion with Attorney ~C-~v't Gee ~fon 551 071 ~ oossibiz aeti~n_, • The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged Information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken wtll be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged Information Issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800- 735-2989. Agendas posted on intemet Website httR%/www.csbc.aov and Cable Access Channel 19. P&Z Workshop Agenda May 20, 2004 Pagelofi • College Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future • 1. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 2. Public Comment on the Unified Develoument Ordinance (UDOI. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on the recently adopted Unified Development Ordinance. The citizen comments will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for oompietion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information and it will be added to the public record. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 3, Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary and final plats, where sta19F has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all statF recommendations. There will not be separate dfscusslon of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda It will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on the minutes: ^ April 15, 2004 Workshop Minutes 3.2 Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Final Plat for P7K Estates consisting of 2 lots on 10.262 acres of land located east of the intersection of Royder Road and Frierson Road in the City's ET7. (04-100) 3.3 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Castlegate Subdivision, Section 7 consisting of 24 lots on 31.094 acres located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. (04-110) • AGENDA Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, May 20, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 979-7643517 or (TDD) 1-800- 735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website ~://www.abc.aov and Cable Access Channel 19. P&Z Agenda May 20, 2004 Page i of 2 3.4 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Candlebrook Subdivision consisting of 16 lots on 78 acres generally located at • Golden Trail in the City's ETJ. (04-111) Realular Agenda. 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 of the Tuscany Trace Subdivision in the City's ET]. The rural subdivision is located aproximately 3.5 miles south of Wellborn on FM 2154 north of Bentwood Subdivision. (04-108) 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan -Land Use Plan for 70.48 acres located between SH 6 and Decatur Drive, south of Southern Plantation Drive, from Single-Family (SF) Residential Medium Density to a combination of SF Residential Medium Density, SF Residential High Density, Retail Neighborhood, and Retail Regional. (04-113) 8. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District (9.698 acres) and C-1 General Commercial (3.838 acres) for Spring Creek CS Development, generally located 1/2 mile north of Greens Prairie Road, adjacent to land in the Castlegate Master • Development Plan. (04-112) 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Williamsgate from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential, consisting of 20.27 acres located at 3228 Rock Prairie Road West (north of Rock Prairie Road West at the city limits line). (04-115) ,~ 10. Consideration, discussion, and possible action regarding a Variance request to Section 8.G.4 of the Subdivision Regulations and Final Plat for Reatta Meadows Phase 1 located at Barron Road and Victoria Avenue. (03-269) 1 i. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 12. Adjourn. • The Planning and Zoning Commission may seek advice from its. attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged Information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-dient privileged information Issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, an executive session will be held. P&Z Agenda May 20, 2004 Page 2 of 2 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.1 Minutes • April 15, 2004 Workshop Meeting ~~ • College Station H E~rtbracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES Workshop Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, January 15, 2004, at 6:30 p.m. Training Room, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners White, Davis, Williams, Hall, and Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Trapani. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Hazen and Maloney. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Senior Planner Fletcher, Staff Planners Hitchcock and Prochazka, Mapping Technician Griffin, Planning Intem Harrell, Assistant Development Manager George, Graduate Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, and Staff Assistants Grace and Smith. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Economic Development Director Foutz, Public Works Director Smith, and Assistant City Attorney Nemak. • Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. 1. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. A discussion and clarification of agenda items ensued. 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. There were none. 3. Consideration, discussion, and possible action regarding development requirements for driving ranges and additional development cxiteria when located adjacent to single-family homes. This discussion item could potentially lead to amendments including but not limited to Artide 2, Development Review Bodies, Artide 3, Development Review Procedures, Artide S, District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards, Article 6, Use Regulations, Artide 7, General Development Standards, and Artide li, Terms of tfie Unified Development Qrdinance (UDO). Planning Intem Harrell presented the Staff Report. She stated that a survey was made of other Texas communities regarding driving ranges adjacent to residential developments. She reported that most permit them with special use permits and additional site plan permits but very few of them actually specified particular . requirements for them. In addition to studying these communities, the manager of the Lone Star Golf Academy, loaned the Staff a manual that spoke to driving range design, sizes and need requirements. She added, that based on the research and P&Z Workshop Minutes April 15, 2004 Page i of 3 the manual, Staff recommends that driving ranges are listed as P*, Permitted Use but with supplemental standards in A-O, C-1, C-2 and P-MUD zoning districts. Driving ranges are currently permitted in these zoning districts, but additional requirements would be added to help with regulating the ranges that are adjacent to residential developments. She pointed out the additional standards to the acreage, field size, buffering, orientation of the tee-buff, barrier nets, and parking. Other concerns are already adequately addressed in the UDO. 4. Consideration, disa,ssion, and possible action regarding a status report from Ben White regarding the Blue Ribbon Committee. Commissioner White reported on the outcome of the three initial meetings. The committee agreed upon a mission statement, goals, objectives, and a completion date of 180 days or less. He added that the committee agreed that a way of communicating with the city staff during this process was important and that an avenue for doing so was established. A series of questions to be used in interviews have been determined and to maintain the credibility of the entire process, no staff members will be present in the future meetings. He reported that the committee would ask a senior staff person(s) to brief the committee on the development process during the April 20, 2004 meeting. Following that interview, the committee will interview a citizen from the development community and an engineer. In closing, Commissioner White stated that the committee discussed at length best practice and is trying to develop a process to determine what that is. He offered to brief the Commission of the committee's progress at the workshop meetings. The Commission suggested that a presentation regarding the development review process might be beneficial to them as well. 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action regarding Commission subcommittee reports for the following: • Neighborhood Ad Hoc Task Force Commissioner Reynolds reported that the Subcommittee was charged by the City Council to explore five items. Only two have been discussed thus far. (1) Infill development. The sub~mmittee's recommendation to the City Council is to form an overlay district for the areas dated pre-1970. (2) Number of unrelated occupants in asingle-family unit. No recommendation at this time. 6. Consideration, discussion, and possible action regarding designation of a subcommittee of Planning and Zoning Commission members to meet with a subcommittee of Council members to discuss development standards and land use issues. Commissioners Shafer, Davis and Williams volunteered to serve on this subcommittee. The need to receive feedback from the City Counai on issues was discussed. P&Z Workshop Minutes April 15, 2004 Page 2 of 3 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda Items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual Information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No items were mentioned. 8. Adjourn Commissioner Williams motioned to adjourn seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Shafer, Hall, Williams, Reynolds, AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani. Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission • Attest: the meeting and Commissioner Davis White and Davis. Susan Hazlett, Staff Assistant Development Services • P&Z Workshop Minutes Aprif iS, 2004 Page 3 of 3 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.2 Final Plat • PJK Estates Royder Road & Frierson Road in the ETJ C7 J Q~, Z J ~ (Z \5 J~ O c;~ O O -`~ N ~`~ U ;,, ~ ., ; _ _~ i; ;,;. •;:. ~ ~,.., 1 ~•~17 ~ ,, ~'~--~i ,' ,~_` ~ /' ~:~.~~ ~'., ~`.~ ~• ICJ is ~: `/ Y ~..~...1.,-l / ' •" ''~~i.. \~`~% ~"~ Y~ ~ ~ ~~ ` ~ i .'• Ilz .• j ~/ ~ ' A' ~ W ' i 1\ ~\ \ C /W/yy O LL \ ~ ~ _ ( a ~ ,, ^^ v/ ~ - W ~ \ ~~~ `. U W .~\ ~Q U ~ `• `` ; ~ ~~ ~ ~Y ~. MEMORANDUM May 10, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Carol Cotter Email: ccotter@cstx.gov SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT for PJK ESTATES Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for PJK Estates consisting of 2 lots on 10.262 acres of land located east of the intersection of Royder Road and Frierson Road. (04-00500100) Applicant: Kerr Surveying, Agent for Owner Pam Knight Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as • submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Final Plat for 2 lots in the City's ETJ. The property is located off Royder Road at its intersection with Frierson Road. The Plat divides off a 1-acre tract frotp the existing 10.626 acres. The resulting Lots both front on Royder Road. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Royder Road is designated a Major Collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. Additional right-of-way for Royder Road is being dedicated by this Plat. This Final Plat meets the minimum requirements for ETJ subdivisions. Budgetary & Financial Summary: NA Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Aerial 3. Application 4. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • Q.~~c FOR OFFICE USE ONLY P&Z Case No.: '0 ~ ' ~~ Date Submitted: "f" ~ ~' U FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ^ Amending ~inal ^ Vacating ^ Replat " ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) ($600.00) "Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for r~~ commission r_nncideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ~inal plat review and filing fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets ~ $55.00 per additional sheet ^ Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations ~ $100 (if applicable) ^ Development permit fee of $200.00 (if applicable). ^ Infrastructure inspection fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed) ^ All replats must be accompanied with a copy of the deed restrictions/covenants for this plat. Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) [One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). ^ Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks 8~ Recreation Board, please provide proof of annroval (if aoplicable). NAME OF SUBDIVISION SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot & Block) ' APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name E-Mail ~~l ii se ~SCLiPr ~UPtr~an.1')et Street Address `' /'~lUll1- .~'' Cry /j/~/,cy~p ~ ~~'a,~ State 7X Zip Code /~7~~/[~ Phone Number ~ .Q~.~14,5~ Fax Number ~/ ~QD~ CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: (All owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet, if necessary) Name _ /~~°YI ~ T~' E-Mail Street Address /(,~5/R9 ~~.,/l l~P.~ ~ ~~ - City ~ P.UD l,~yYl State ~,~ Zip Code 77~~/.~ Phone Number ~~-~9/(o Fax Number ~CHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name E-Mail Street Address City Phone Number State Fax Number Zip Code 1 of 5 Acreage Total Property //~, a'>'~a~ Total # Of Lots ~ R-O-W Acreage ~,~ ~l°5 j~lon~,'~ ~ Proposed Use: /~SiGI ~'1 xisting Use: Number Of Lots By Zoning District ~_ / / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: ~/ 9.09 / ~ / Floodplain Acreage ~-~' A Statement Addressing Any Differences Between The Final Plat And Approved Master Development Plan And/Or Preliminary Plat (If Applicable): Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: Requested Oversize Participation: Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: Streets ~_ Sidewalks ______.__ Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines Channels _ Storm Sewers Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ # of Multi-Family Dwelling Units X $452 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-identified final plat and attests that this request does not amend any covenants or ~strictions associated with this plat. r ~.o l ~~~ Signature and Title Date 2 of 5 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.3 Final Plat Castlegate Subdivision Section 7 • pr~ ~J MEMORANDUM May 11, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Carol Cotter Email: ccotter@cstx.gov SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT for CASTLEGATE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 7 Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Castlegate Subdivision, Section 7 consisting of 24 lots on 31.094 acres located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. (04- 00500110) Applicant: Wallace Phillips for Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., Owner Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a final plat for a gated residential subdivision consisting of 24 single family I.Qts off a private street. Included in the development are common areas and a greenway area that encompasses the 100-year flood plain located along the southeast property boundary. The Final Plat is in compliance with the modified standards approved with the PDD zoning, including modifications to standard street widths, sidewalks, lot dimensions, and setbacks. The Final Plat is also in conformance with the subdivision regulations and with the Preliminary Plat that was approved by the Commission on March 18, 2004. Section 7 will take access from Castlegate Drive, which is designated as a minor collector on the City's Thoroughfare Plan. This subdivision is located in the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area 97-01. Impact Fees will be due at time of final plat. Current fees for this area are $349.55 per Living Unit Equivalent (LUE). Item Background: This area was annexed into the city in 1995. Soon after that, the developer began discussions with the City for the Crowley Master Development Plan, of which this tract is a part. The Plan was originally approved by Council in 1997 and then modified in 1998. In 2000, Crowley teamed with Wallace Phillips to develop the approximately 350-acre portion of the property on the west side of the future Hwy 40. The initial PDD rezoning request for 162 acres out of the 350-acre, Castlegate Subdivision was quickly followed by a Master Preliminary Plat for the 350-acre area. This tract was shown as a reserve tract in the 2000 Master Preliminary Plat. A Preliminary Plat for Section 7 was approved by the Commission on March 18, 2004. Related Advisory Board Recommendations: The Parks Board approved the plan for parkland dedication for Castlegate Subdivision in 2000. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Aerial 4. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • t FOR OFry~FIC'E,' USE ONLY P&Z Case No.: l~-~`-~ . ~ Date Submitted: -' ~ V1 ~ D • a~~~ FINAL PLAT APPLICATION `~ (Check one) ^ Amending [Final ^ Vacating ^ Replat ($300.00) ($400.00) ($400.00) ' ($600.00)' 'Includes public hearing fee The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for P8Z Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets ~ $55.OO.per additional sheet Variance Request to Subdivision Regulations _ $100 (if applicable) Development Permit Application Fee of $200.00 (if applicable).~~~~C(,,C~~, j~~l .S(,lBif1tTTflL. ~. - Infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrast cture is being constructed) [~- Application completed in full. [~- Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ^ One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). []' Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. [~ A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Q' Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicable). ~ Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks & Recreation Board, please provide proof of NAME OF SUBDIVISION (Q L,"r(,P,01 a~'P ~tl _YY~ i ~11SshPrn • SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot & Block) t,(l~+n~' S1~Co oh °nr~ ~rrz~rie~, APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Oontact for the Project): Name ~ ~ ~ E~ait I~Jn~,l~ c.~.~ci~ ~ I.tns Street Address City ~ r1 State `~ Zip Code ~~ S Phone Number '~ ~ Z 0 Fax Number (q'l a~ ~o 'I 0 ~~ CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: (All owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet, if necessary) Name (-~~~,~ ~,s l~r~ j ri ~ `zv~~~~~. l~-d • E-Mail Street Address ~O f~~i~t~a~ Sri City COI~Q~fia~' ~ u State _~ Zip Code ~~Lf-~ Phone Number ~~'~~ n -1 ~(~ Fax Number -l 7 ~~ (a~~ " ~ 0~( ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Street Address 11~ 1 ~nJ~~~~g~- City ~ ~ State _~ Phone Number "1 1-Aug-02 E-Mail ;pPS~ ta.L{~~'~pk~oh .vt~~ Zip Code '1,~'~~ Fax Number 1, ! ~ ~~ -~~~ 1of5 Acreage Total Property ~~ •~~"' Total # Of Lots 2-4- Existing Use: VG~LLVI ~" Proposed Use: Number Of Lots By Zoning District Z4 / P / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: ~~/~~ / / Floodplain Acreage PP.IVkTE STREETR.o.~/ _ R-O-W Acreage 3- O rj ~` ~ ~ reed ~-:+~' 1 A Statement Addressing Any Differences Between The Final Plat And Approved Master Development Plan And/Or P eliminary Plat (If Applicable): A Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: Pad ~Vt.lvL't Requested Oversize Participation: r10(~p~ Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: 2~ 2~ Streets -- Sidewalks ~~ Sanitary Sewer Lines Zl~ Water Lines Az~va~rE pu c ~~ Channels Storm Sewers Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: ACREAGE: # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in floodplain # of acres in detention # of acres in greenways OR FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: # of Single-Family Dwelling Units X $556 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application hereto are true, correct and complete. The Station of the above-identified final plat an restrictions associated with this plat. • ' Signature and Title and cerf~es that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College d attests that this request does not amend any covenants or 4-z3-o4 Date 1-Aug-02 2 0( 5 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM N0.3.4 Final Pl~.t Candlebrook Subdivision Golden Trail in the ETJ 1 1 '~,~ ,. ~, t ,, ., ~. ~ _ . . ~~ \,_ ~ ~ . . : ~~. __. ~~ : 1 c ,\ ~~ f ' ,` '` `` ~ ~ ; -~ .-. ~' Q ~~4 LL LL r ~"~ ~- 0 ai U Y O O m w J 0 Z Q U O ~~ u` ~'~ Xj H O ~ ~~ ~ ~ H ~~ a~ a -o UW 0, ~Q U _~~ MEMORANDUM May 11, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Spencer Thompson Email: @cstx.gov SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT for CANDLEBROOK SUBDIVISION (FP) Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final plat for the Candlebrook Subdivision consisting of 16 lots on 78 acres generally located at Golden Trail in the City's ETJ. Applicant: Jimmy Easterly, owner. • Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for consideration of a Final Plat for Candlebrook Subdivision in the city's ETJ. The subdivision will create 16 lots ranging from 2-acres to 6-acres with a single lot being 27 acres. This development project will continue Golden Trail Road from the northwest and extend it through the .property to the east. Golden Trail is a rural residential roadway section. With the newly adopted Eastside Area Plan change to the Thoroughfare Plan no thoroughfare appears on the subject property. Previously, the extension from SH 30 to Greens Prairie Road crossed this property. Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY P&Z Case No.: Date Submitted: ' FINAL PLAT APPLICATION ~ ETJ The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for Planning 8~ Zoning Commission consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Final plat review and filing fee $400 NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55 per additional sheet Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review prior to the' Planning & Zoning Commission.) One (1) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat and/or one (1) Master Plan (if applicable). Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. A copy of the attached checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. ^ Three (3) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat (if applicablel. NAME OF SUBDNISION C~ N ~ LE g~00 K Su B D (~ I S l d r`1 SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION (Lot 8~ Block) ~PLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name ~-1'Y-m ~ ~ AST>C (~ ~..`C E-Mad -4-cYry ~a 5 ~ -~a . ne~' Street Address Z 110 Qv A I L No t~vW D ~, City 6E~YA N State Tic Zip Code '-I'l $02 Phone Number _'17't-E - '-15 ~i I Fax Number ~1'l Ca - 4~1 ~'1 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name J 1 mrn K CASTER ~.-`E E-Mad Terrta ea5 (~ -~-Ga . ne~- Street Address 2110 C~? V A ~ L +1o t- Lo SAC ~ Q . City 8 R~ i4 ~ state T)C zp Code _ 'l'1$OZ Phone Number ''1 "1'~- - ~ ~ ~I 1 Fax Number '1'l ~ f ~1 ~ ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: SuRYE'Yot2 Name ~I"R onl G S V R~ E~(l rib G Street Address 0 E-Mad Cur~i~ S~naSclryeui ke~orn ~ Io5 CkY B ~`~~ ~ State rt'X Zip Code '1'I$ OZ Phone Number '1 ~1(Q - o} ~3 lp Fax Number ~ 31 - O O ~f;Q • t-,4ug-o2 1 of 4 Acxeage Total Property ~ ~ • ~3 Total # Of Lots ~ ~ R-O-W Acreage 3 •~ S fisting Use: Y2c.a-n-~ Proposed Use: ~e5 ~~err-~i a Number Of L ots By Zornng Distract _ / / / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: / / Floodplain Acreage_ ~ pPro X b • rl q c, A Statement Addressing Any Differences Between The Final Plat And Approved Master Development Plan And/Or Preliminary Plat (If Applicable): Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations & Reason For Same: Requested Oversize Participation: Total Linear Footage of Proposed Public: • ~~~5 Streets Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer Lines Water Lines Channels Storm Sewers "` Bike Lanes /Paths NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING The applicant has prepan:d this application and cert~es that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached her~sto are free, correct and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of fhe above-identified final plat. • ~l Signat r and 1-Aug-02 Date 2 of 4 • • AGENDA ITEM N0.4 Absence Requests t FILE COPY • City of College Station Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Scott Shafer Request Submitted on Date: 3/24/04 I will not be in attendance at the meetings of 5/20, 6/3, 6/17 for the reason(s) specified: (Date) I will be out of the country on business. C. Scott Shafer (submitted via email) Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the City Secretary or Bard Secretary one week prior to mee~'ng dates o:v..a~ • AGENDA ITEM N0.6 Replat Tuscany Trace Subdivision Lots 3 & 4, Block 1 and Lots 5 & 6 Block 2 in the ETJ ,' i . ~I , '. J ~. , 1 , _ .... _. . _. ._ ~ ., - .._ .... __ ..... ... ' ' i , L._.. . . i __ ~' _.. _._ i -` , _..... W . ,. .._... .: ~ Q ~ • ,. : _ . ~~ i ~ ._- V ' ~ .. . ~ -~ .. _ ` , _ ..: i~ t . __._ .. i _._.. s ~ ~ i f. ~~a\ ~ ~~ ~--r ~ ~. - ~ ~~~~ <~ // i -~ /~; ~~ G~ /~ c ~'> ~- • ' / %,~ I o ~ ~~-~ ~ i :^. 0 a I :%~ ~ .% W~ W U H } Z U H X ~ W _~ O ~ :.. ,;a F- ~ Z W ~~ O ~ •U W O ~' O U ~/ MEMORANDUM May 10, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Carol Cotter Email: ccotter@cstx.gov SUBJECT: REPEAT OF LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 1 AND LOTS 5 AND 6, BLOCK 2 OF TUSCANY TRACE SUBDIVISION- ETJ Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 of the Tuscany Trace Subdivision in the City's ETJ. The rural subdivision is located aproximately 3.5 miles south of Wellborn on FM 2154 north of Bentwood Subdivision. (04-00500108) • Applicant: JDE Development, Ltd., owners Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Replat as submitted. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of,~ Replat of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1 and Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 of the Tuscany Trace Subdivision located in the City's ETJ. The applicant is combining 4 lots along Tuscany Trace Court into 3 lots. This Replat meets the minimum requirements for ETJ subdivisions. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Final Plat is in compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan. Budgetary & Financial Summary: NA Attachments: 1. Area map 2. Application 3. Aerial 4. Copy of Plat on wall of Council Chambers • FOR OFFICE 3E LY PdZ CASE NO.: GATE SUBMfI'TED: " "' -~ ~... F[NAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one} Minor Amending Final Vacating /Repist (5300.00) (1300.00) (5400-00) (5400.00) (5400.00) The foltowi~4 items must be suhmlttcd by an establishEd filing deadline date for P8Z CommlSSlon consideration. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: t/Filing Fee (see above) NOTE: Multiple Sheets - $55.00 per additional sl>Eet ~ Development Permit Application Fee of $100.00 (if applicable}. infrastructure Inspection Fee of $600.00 (applicable if any public infrastructure is being constructed.). Application completed In full. ~~ r/Thirteen (13) folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after staff review.) ~-' One (t) copy of the approved Preliminary Plat andlor one (1 }Master Plan (if applicable). Praid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County 8nd Cdlege Station I.S.D. /A copy of the attadied cheddist with aN items Checked cif or a brief explanation as to why they ai~e not. Two (2) copies of public infrastructure plans associated with this plat {'rf applicable). Parkland Dedication requirement approved by the Parks 8~ RecrEation Board, please provide proof of NAME OF SUSatVlS10N /e~p~~~~ _~~~,~ ~ ~ ~~'s~~~~~a~ ?- r~y T~'°~sl'~ SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PRO~OSEO SUBDIVISION ~ D~ ~/MZ/S'1 dyTS/pE Ty a~ G~t3G ~ S?,4~ia,J .~ 5~d~ ~~ ~,e~J _ _ APPLICANTIPROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Q~iY~e~ ~ ~ ~eL/ .- Street Addt'ess '` ~Y State Zip Code E-Ma8 Address Phone Number Fax Number PROPERTY OWNE 'S INFORMATION: ~.~ , / Name .J~ ~~14°~iE./T ~ ~/~ . `yd - ~f/~/G ~.e/~.CS Street Address ~ Z° 7 ~,c%~s/~.~ !~' C/~CL~' City ~DC~GE S~7ii .J State (• Zip Code 77~~~ _ E-Mail Address ~~ // c' Ph ne Number 9 ~ Fax Number ~ 4'- 1~~ 1 -- SN~~ Oyt. ENGINEER' INFORMATION: Name ~ .~ 8 Street Address ~Z2 .Cs~/J1m,~ ~ Slate ~, Zip Code 77 BO Z Phone Number ~q~,) 77L- 7 g 3 L • FNIPAPP.DOC 2112102 ,~ City E-Mail Address GS~roti~~-~ ~ •~- ~r. Fax Number (~? 79, 73 -~ 9~ 1 O( 3 Total Acres Of Sutxlivision 1r~47q R-O-w Acreage ~ umber Of Lots By Zoning District / l ~vt3rage Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: / / Floodplain A~,reage y Total # Qf Lots A Statement Addressing Any Differences Between The Final Plat And Approved Master Deve[oprr~c~rit Plait And/Or Preliminary Plat (If Applicab;e): C,~ls~,.~G~ _.. o r l T ~,~C- ~~ ~~ ~Le 'D~ s7~i~~T~ ~ .~ ~_.~ /~~ s X03,// Requested Variances To Subdivision Regulations 8~ Reason For Same: _,., N~ Requested Oversize Participation: /~~ Streets ' Total Linear Footage of~ Proposed Public. Sidewalks Sanitary Sewer lines Water lines Channels Storm Sewers Bike Lanes /Paths Parkland Dedication due prior tv filing the Final plat: ACREAGE: ~/~- # of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee # of acres in flovdplain # of acres in detention OR # of acres in greenways FEE IN LIEU OF lANO: # of Single-Family D+nrelling Units X $457 = $ (date) Approved by Parks & Recreation Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applic~ni Jas propared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhJbifs aftached herrato are true. correct and complete. The undersigned hereby requests approval by the City of College Station of the above-Identified Tinaf p1xL Signature and Tiilc 9,,a_ ~ ~~~z~s , LLL ar~.voc v,vo2 23 0 • Date 2a3 AGENDA ITEM No. 7 Amendment Comprehensive Plan/Land Use Plan • / ~ v ~-- Q~ 4 V v Z NZ ~`+w W t' w ~,~ ~ N r O 0 m U n ~~ Y W .. ~. ;~ v ~r ~ ~~ ® ~ ~ ~ U Z a _, " f 1 ` ICJ w ~ ti _ ti ~ - - w w _ 2 3 $ a' ' S z 's _ - _ w - ' w ss - _ ! - a , a = ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ o ., b,~ ., a w ~ a X O - ~ a _ a 1"' ` - ~ a . ~ ~. ZR ~ R -d _ k Z ._, eiq ~ - ~6~ R d R a ~ ~ a z ~ W V ... (r, x a -_ A '' _ r` - w ~'' a ~ a a '~ ` ^ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ k ~ ~ ~~ ^ ~ w .. - ~ w 2 ~ Q - - ~ + s- ~.A ~ 'd s e + a ~ ~ s • ~ 4 • s s ~ J ~ n ~ ~ ~ s s s ~ ~ ~ s •' ~ / U ~ ~ w a ; sw• _ a a " s _ ` _ M n s - - ° s s ~ ~ s .. s _ s s ~ ~ V ~ ~ Z ~aQ >v V Z W a~ ~a ~v u .. ~. ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ t ~~ OJ 5 ~6 ~P ~~~ ,~P~ 5 -~ .~ a~ m O J d~ O w Z` ~ C rna o `C° n m~~ ~ ~ ~W~ o ~_~ Z C Y ~ CL' ~~G CgMlp }11{It1/111.1 M ~Z ~ ~ W x a O ~~. ~P ~~C~ ~P~ 5 a~ Y t>;. :, .tie:"% .i:S._ :: ti_ ;. ~,, ~? ~' . ~ ~~. x _ N ! Y `t a .:.~ 4' -,~,, v? ~ } f~ N~~ .v„ ` fit. ~ 4 ~~ '~,'' ~ ,p~~~~`;~~9' • STAFF REPORT Prepared by: Molly Hitchcock Date: May 20, 2004 Email: mhitchcock@cstx.gov ITEM: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan -Land Use Plan for 70.48 acres located between SH 6 and Decatur Drive, south of Southern Plantation Drive, from Single-Family (SF) Residential Medium Density to a combination of SF Residential Medium Density, SF Residential High Density, Retail Neighborhood, and Retail Regional. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the amendment. ITEM SUMMARY: Initiated by a land owner who is interested in developing commercial in the area, Staff reconsidered the Land Use Plan for the area between Shenandoah and Castlegate, bound by the SH 6 frontage road and Decatur (a major collector). In light of existing conditions such as land use (agricultural, industrial storage, office, a proposed utility substation, and proposed institutional), zoning (A-O, Agricultural Open, R-1, Single Family, A-P, Administrative Professional, C-1, General Commercial, and M-1, Light Industrial), and abutting land uses (Single Family Medium and High Densities, Neighborhood Commercial, and General Commercial), Staff feels the • proposed changes are appropriate. One land use goal in the Comprehensive Plan is that College Station should continue to provide for the orderly development of existing and future land uses. While the proposed changes to the plan do not meet the objective of avoiding strip commercial, nor the policy of keeping commercial at intersections, the plan does provide for more orderly, compatible development than may occur under the existing zoning. Except for the Korean Church and the office of Mike Lane (KTH Commercial Subdivision), the area is unplatted. Water and electric will be extended through the area as it plats by the private sector. The land under consideration is within the Spring Creek Sewer Impact Fee area. College Station Utilities is currently engaged in a project to remove sewer lift stations in the area and construct a gravity line. When utility demands were estimated for the entire Spring Creek area, single family medium density demands were used for the calculations. Development engineers will have to show that their proposed projects' demands can be met by the city's infrastructure or construct a separate line. ITEM BACKGROUND: In the last few years, the land between Barron and Greens Prairie roads has experienced an increase in development pressures and activity. Several residential subdivisions have been planned, begun, and/or expanded (e.g., Riatta Meadows, Shenandoah, Spring Creek Townhomes, and Castlegate). CSISD • plans to build two schools in the vicinity to keep up with the residential expansion. The • planned extension of SH 40 has also created an interest among land owners to explore development options. SUPPORTING MATERIALS: 1. Location Map 2. Application 3. Comprehensive Plan Existing/Proposed Land Use Plan 4. Aerial NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 5-5-04 and 5-25-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 5-20-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 6-10-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 7 Response Received: 0 • • l~ u • F EFICE ~.1,~E ONLY Case No. 11 INw{~ Date Submitted- N ^ a:y.u ~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION (Check all applicable) L~ Land Use Amendment ^Thoroughfare Amendment ^ alignment /location ^ classification YY~~`~ The following items must be submitted by the established deadline dates for consideration: a~ $850 application and review fee ~ Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" X 36" paper showj~g: a. Land affected; b. Present zoning of property and zoning classification of all abutting properties; c. Current land use plan classification and proposed land use plan changes; d. Current land use classification of all abutting property; e. Current and proposed thoroughfare alignments ~ Written legal description of subject property (metes and bounds or lot and block of subdivision); ~ General location and address of property; of Total acres of property; and ~( All applicable Comprehensive Plan Amendment Request form(s) completed in full. • The following information must be completed before an application is accepted for review. APPLICANT INFORMATION: (if different from owner, a complete affidavit shall be required) Name:_ Sprin4 Creek CS Development. Ltd. -Wallace Phillips E-mail: Street Address: 4490 Castlegate Drive City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845 Phone Number._(979) 690-7250 Fax Number:_ (979) 690-1041 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name:_Spring Creek CS Development. Ltd. -Wallace Phillips E-mail: Street Address: 4490 Castlegate Drive City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845 Phone Number: (979) 690-7250 Fax Number: (979) 690-1041 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM • The following is required if an amendment to the Land Use Plan is requested. Based on the nature and extent of the requested amendment, additional studies may be required. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Current Land Use Plan designation: Medium density single-family residential Requested Land Use Plan designation: C-1 General Commercial Explain the reason for this Land Use Plan amendment: The applicant owns the adiacent tract to the south of this property wich is zoned C-1. This zone change would allow the properties to be combined for larger commercial development. Identify what conditions have changed to warrant a change in the land use plan designation: The~roperty adiacent to the SH 6 frontage roads continues to develop as commercial property. • How does the requested land use designation further the goals and objectives of the City of College Station Comprehensive Plan? The commercial zoning would allow for a larger development along the frontage road which may require fewer access points to the frontage road. Also, a buffer area will be created between this property and the single-family residential PDD zoning proposed to the west of this tract. This will prevent residential and commercial land uses adjoining each other. Explain why the requested land use designation is more appropriate than the existing designation. Commeraal land use is more appropriate along the SH 6 frontage road than residential land use. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. 4-Z3- 04 Signature and Title Date • AGENDA ITEM NO. B u Rezoning Spring Creek C S Development Greens Prairie Road ~~ a Q~ 4 V Y W •• - 5 3 ~ - ~ ^ sT ~ W - - -~ ~ a _ y ~ '~ ^r - - s _- - 2 ~d - ~ z ie, d 2 R ~~d ~ 2 ~' - ~ f x y xy, ~ ~ {e w` S ~ ~w R Y 1 " h ^ . ^ '~ w ~ + " .. ~ _ e -b s '~ ~ - s ,~ ' s x r sCR ~r . R ~~~ ^`~ ~ Z ~ QiV t ~ ~. ~ ~ t x sOF - _ ~ ~~ - !y O ~4 7C _ ; ! ~ = w ~~- r ~ ! - Q~w e 6 i' .~ • ~. w V Z Z ~~,~ N ~- i O 0 U ~n i ~ U Z_ a w w ~_~ ~a «_ WV w= ~ N/ ~' m W ~ W ~~ ~, `ilin ~ UO • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Molly Hitchcock Date: May 20, 2004 Email: mhitchcock@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning from A-O, Agricultural Open to PDD, Planned Development District (9.698 acres) and C-1, General Commercial (3.838 acres) for Spring Creek CS Development, generally located 1/2 mile north of Greens Prairie Road, adjacent to land in the Castlegate Master Development Plan. Applicant: Wallace Phillips for Spring Creek CS Development, Inc. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Item Summary: The applicant is requesting C-1 zoning for commercial development along SH 6. The proposed C-1 is adjacent to approximately 40 acres of C-1 on the Crowley tract. It will be separated from the residential to the west by an existing drainage channel that will retain A-O zoning. The PDD request is for land adjacent to the developing PDD Spring Creek Townhomes. The meritorious modifications requested will be consistent with those previously accepted for the Spring Creek Townhomes PDD. The parcel immediately to the north is zoned A-O and is generally used for agricultural-related purposes. Requested PDD Uses: Single family residential, open space, and land use buffers. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The Land Use Plan currently shows the entire parcel as Single Family Residential Medium Density. The residential PDD request is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. The C-1 rezoning request will only be in compliance if the Commission and City Council amend the Land Use Plan to show Retail Regional in this area. The rezoning proposals are consistent with what exists on the approved Castlegate Master Development Plan. The proposed PDD property abuts Decatur (a major collector) and the proposed commercial property abuts the SH6 access road (freeway). The zonings will be separated by 0.488 acre of A-O. Item Background: This property was annexed in 1983 as A-O. It has never been rezoned or platted. The general area has become more developed as Castlegate and Shenandoah continue to grow, Decatur Drive has been extended south to Alexandria Avenue, and a church builds its new facilities. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial 3. Application R: W TL TR I PZL TR1 PROD 1 PZ20041 P0009504. DOC Created on {/29/2004 ! 1:02 AM NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 5-4-04 and 5-25-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 5-20-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 6-10-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within .200': 5 Response Received: 0 • • R:WTLTRIPZLTRIPRODIPZ20041P0009504. DOC Created on 4J29/2004 11:02 AM FOR FrjICE U~SEQNLY CASE NO. (~, I DATE SUBMITTED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) (~ ' t,~,(~ ~~ FO PDD/ PDD o P-MUD y vuaxx. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: X Application completed in full. X $500.00 application fee. X Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and e. All public and private rights-of--way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. X Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is applicable). X The attached Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: March 1.2004 ~PLICANT'S INFORMATION: Name(s) Spring Creek CS Development. Ltd. -Wallace Phillips Street Address 4490 Castleaate Drive City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 E-Mail Address Phone Number X979) 690-7250 Fax Number 1979) 6~'0-1041 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name(s) Sprin4 Creek CS Development. Ltd. -Wallace Phillips Street Address 4490 Castleaate Drive City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 E-Mail Address Phone Number (979) 690-7250 Fax Number 1979) 690-1041 This property was conveyed to owner by deed, dated August 29. 2003 and recorded in Volume 5583 Page 120 of the Brazos County Deed Records. General Location of Property: % mi. North of Greens Prairie Rd, W. of SH 6 Address of Property: 4300 State Hiahwav 6 -South Legal Description: See attached Metes and Bounds Total Acreage: 13.536 acres Existing Zoning: A-O Requested Zoning: PDD 9.698 acres / C-1 3.838 acres sent Use of Property: Agricultural/Sinale-family residential oposed Use of Property: Sinale Familv-Residential and Commercial P-MUD 6/13/03 Page 1 of 2 REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION ~) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. PDD Zoning -There is a continued demand for single-family housing in the Southern portion of College Station. C-1 Zoning -There is a demand for commercial use property adiacent to SH 6. 2.) Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explainwhy the Plan is incorrect. The PDD zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan which shows medium density single-family land use for this area. The C-1 Commercial zone change is not in accordance with the Plan. The clan is incorrect because the property adiacent to the SH 6 west Frontage Road continues to develop as commercial land use in this area. Commercial zoning area will have a natural buffer with the existing drainage channel area left as A-O zoning. 3.) List any other reasons to support this zone change. PDD-Infrastructure has been extended to the property with the construction of Decatur Drive adiacent to this property. C-1-The adiacent property to the south is also zoned C-1 so the tracts could be developed as one larger development with this zone change. Please also provide the following information for PDD or P-MUD rezonings: Statement of purpose and intent of the proposed development: The purpose and intent of this Planned development District is aSingle-family residential community with amenitites that provide for an enhanced A list of proposed land uses: Single-family residential, open space and land buffers The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. IF APPLICATION /S FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. r ~}, 23-0~ Signature of owner or appl' ant Date • x/13/03 Page 2 of 2 • AGENDA ITEM No. 9 Rezoning Williamsgate 3228 Rock Prairie Road West -, ~ -~N m ` Q N ~ b W ~ .o Z ~ ~, h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ N `b h ~^ J ~ , a h ~ rs ~ ~ Y ~ ti 1 ~ ~ ~~ ti ~~ ~ ~ H Z ~ ~ W a Q h ~, _ N b ^ , yy h Q \r, o~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ON n h V , W d~ ~`' / ~~ a yw y b ~ ` ~ ' ~ ~O , h Q :33;2..: 'i~~ 9 .R ~x,: tLL~ i ~ yv~'1:`Y:`: i:k5, s.; Eza?:'• }... ,,3 ;32::;:;;an .:<@:: ii>i::~w:g¢et''..' ii is ~i 3Ne. ...~~, . ::.4ia •.g:,a'$y:~~:`u„a, a••3S . '$~>3:vHSbf ~i!;aTi S'S,s: ~~: a.... • "y'E+a'£.. 3'y'..~3•rr~~. Sx3%%~"~eye~aS++.~~~¢ S~ :.v .~ Fa"~k~i:,e~§ ss l:izx ~„~ ~F ~~i~'',9~b` a `¢'3+53 'i L;. x,¢ Y a`u: ~. T.a~3rv Q°~~, a h}#~'aM~ f ` ~ af~ ii 2 ~~ ~ 4s:..^ .~=3 Q ` ~'~ :' `~~. • sl~~~j ~~J ti0 ~b 1 O S~~ ~~~0 Q' `~ ~~ O Q v Z NZ W ~I r r '~ ~ O b U ~~~~ h F- i J 3 Vl W H~ U~ • • STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Molly Hitchcock Date: May 20, 2004 Email: mhitchcock@cstx.gov Item: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for Williamsgate from A-O, Agricultural Open to R-1, Single Family Residential, consisting of 20.27 acres located at 3228 Rock Prairie Road West (north of Rock Prairie Road West at the city limits line). Applicant: Greg Taggart of MDG as agent for Robbie Robinson, Ltd. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Item Summary: The purpose for this request is to rezone the Alta Vista Christian Academy site for asingle-family development. Comprehensive Plan Considerations: The request is in conformance with the Land Use Plan, which designates the property and much of the area for Single Family Medium Density (MD). Adjacent to the property is a house and undeveloped land designated as Single Family MD and aself-storage facility and commercial horse stables in the county also designated for Single Family MD. A hydroponics/retail garden facility exists nearby that is shown as Single Family/Retail Neighborhood. Across the street, land designated for Industrial R&D was rezoned C-2, Commercial Industrial earlier this year for the Rock Prairie West Business Park. The tract has access from Rock Prairie Road West, which is a Minor Arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. ,~ Item Background: This property was annexed in 2002. Water is provided to the site by Wellborn Water and electric by BTU. A sewer line is planned with the Steeplechase Sewer Impact Fee line. Supporting Materials: 1. Location Map 2. Aerial 3. Application NOTIFICATION: Legal Notice Publication(s): The Eagle; 5-4-04 and 5-25-04 Advertised Commission Hearing Dates(s): 5-20-04 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: 6-10-04 Number of Notices Mailed to Property Owners Within 200': 7 Response Received: 0 R: W7'L TRI PZL TR1 PRODI PZ20041 P0009502. DOC Created on 4/25Y2004 9:47 AM ~, ~ ~ FOR OFFICE US-ONLY CASE NO. O DATE SUBMITTED D '' ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning & Zoning Commission or City ouncil. The following items must be submitted by an established filing deadline date for consideration: implication completed in full. $500.00 application fee Two (2) copies of a fully dimensioned map on 24" x 36" paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and - ~ All public and private rights-of--way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. V Written legal description of subject property (metes 8 bounds or lot 8~ block of subdivision, whichever is plicable). The Rezoning Supporting Information sheet completed in full. A CAD (dxf/dwg) or GIS (shp) digital file may be required for more complex rezoning requests. Date of Required Preapplication Conference: ~ 9 ~iari'~ Zo©4 APPLICANT'S INFORMATION: ~vev'~~'4'odr/ , vc • Name _ Street Adc Z~ City GS State Zip Code ? 7 8 ~U E-Mail Address M-') C.~ q G S -~X t? y a ~ 00. cow[ Phone Number Q 7 ~- X013 - ~3 5 ~' Fax Number "` Co 3 ~' ~-Z 3 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: jZ o (~ b j e,! R. o b i rt~S oZ/I -Govt ~'~t c'f' r' Name SGt oa e. (~; l~i~a rHS c% W ~ ~~l l Ru(S - leo~o ~ vtsoK ~rter4 v , La~c~. Street Address 3 g00 ~ (o S s d0 City C S ~ State Zip Code "' E-Mail Address h ~ Z 8 ~ f1'' (~ 110 N'fG ~,l Phone Number ~ 9~0 ~ ~o(~ 3 ~ Fax Number (v 9l0 -" SD/ q Gory This property was conveyed to own~r~y y de~d dated /,~Ar~~~ 2odZ and recorded in Volume ~~ Page 2Z ~ of the Brazos Count ~.~eed Records. General Location of Property:. 1 (o Od I S . W , o ~ W ~ r(bo r ,~ leoc/t. Pi'a r r i c, ~H s cc.f 'i ~-c Address of Property: 3 Z Z 8 t2 o clc- Pra i t -e~ ~ oo.o(/ Ul~ e s ~'_ G S Legal Description: 2 0 ~ 2 7 ~} ~ Vo L , ¢b 2 f3 ~Q . Z Z I Tax Tra c'}' (g Z ~ 18 2 , o l Acxeage -Total Property: Z O. Z7 ~ c Existing Zoning: 14- ~ ~ Proposed Zoning: ~ -' 1.. sent Use of Property roposed Use of Proper 6/13/03 Page 1 of 2 REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1.) List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. • ~ ' a e~ e~ e e ~ce ~ 2.) Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The applicant has prepared this application and supporting information and cert~es that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto arse true and correct. IF APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A POWER OF ATTORNEY STATEMENT FROM THE OWNER. ~-- Signa of o//~~ ~~ eCCr~~(or agent) r pplica t lTu~~/~ ~Lc~ • ~s~ ~~~~~ 23 yr' ?~4~ Date 6/13/03 Page 2 of 2 List any other reasons to support this zone change. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 Variance Request & Final Plat Reatta Meadows Phase I Barron Road and Victoria Avenue 4~ ~ r ~ 4t ~ ~ F ~, b ~ Olf ~r~ ~+ ' g. ~ 1J o n r ' ': ~ ~ 0 - '^ ~, ~ ~S. ~ ,b J ~ Zg Q, b ~ of .o ! " ~~a ^ ^ ^ '~ b ti d V.. ~. ~'<. ° ^ h ~ .Qj Jd, ti 1J '~4b ~q R a h ~ N 't1 ~ ^ h h ~ b b .!J h h '~~ ~ 1 ~% 'O '~• ' y'f h h ~ ~/ p y ~q~ ^ ~C - J h O' Jd' ~ ~ '~ = ~Q/ r . ^'1 ~ /vim "] 'r p~ b ~ °r,~ _, - ~ ~ ~'~ ' ~ ~ N b N ~~ h .~ t vl O _, h ~ H h - \~ h J'~ , V` O h 'Y h ~S - IA 10 b U O ^ ~P b q O 1 b b ~, q a N ^ ~ q b ~ q O /~ / h ^ a ^ - ~ ~ O ^ "'1 ti i h ' A h - b '~ ~ Q ~ - .$ ~ O , 1 W S b qy 4 ~ - a h "')~ .~ h Q h ~ ^ b b o ~ - h A ^ ^l - q ar Q b h b i _ \ / 1 ^ h h ~ ~ ,' _ ~ 7e W i ~ J h h "'1 ~ ~ i W ^ r~ b - ~ O~ h ar ~ `t A ~ .~.~ ~. b? 4! - h ~. M b ~ N m b ~~~ } h ^ = ~i ") b LW r ~ ~ ' o n ~ ~' O W ~ ~ ^ ~ ,^ L v, r Np15 - ~ ~ h ~ / ~~ W a W ~, ~ O J ~~ ~ °~- '~ - Q ~W ° b ,~~, a U~ a ~~~ ~`` h ~ n ~ ~ h ~ ~ • MEMORANDUM May 13, 2004 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Mark Smith, Direcotr of Public Works SUBJECT: VARIANCE REQUEST and FINAL PLAT for REATTA MEADOWS SEC 1 PH 1 (03-269} Item: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Variance Request and Final Plat for Reatta Meadows Sec 1 Ph 1 (03-269). Applicant: John Fedora Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat contingent on • the approval of the variance. Item Summary: This item is for the consideration of a Variance request and Final Plat for Reatta Meadows Sec 1 Ph 1. A final plat for this subdivision was approved by the Commission on January 15, 2004. That plat includes a.,portion of Victoria Drive. The infrastructure, including the full width of Victoria Drive, is Heady complete. The right-of way for Victoria lies half on the Reatta Meadows property and half on adjacent property owned by the College Station Independent School District. CSISD must sign the plat for it to be filed. The applicant would like to have a revised plat approved that leaves the portion of right-of--way owned by CSISD out. This proposes dedication of half of the right-of--way for Victoria. The Sundivision Regulations prohibit the platting of half streets. The applicant requests a variance to this requirement so that he can have the plat filed and begin construction of homes in Reata Meadows as soon as infrastructure construction is complete. The construction of Victoria will be inspected by the City to assure that it meets our standards. Victoria would be barricaded from traffic until the remaining right- of-way is dedicated. This variance would be temporary and would no longer be necessary once CSISD dedicates its half of the right-of--way. • . Comprehensive Plan Considerations: Land Use Plan: Single-family residential. Thoroughfare Plan: Victoria is a major collector. Parkland Dedication: Na Open Space Dedication: n/a Special Area Plans: None Budgetary ~ Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: u • FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: ~ ~ ~~ DATE SUBMITTED: v~-' ~` ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: X Filing Fee of $150.00. X Application completed in full. X Additional materials may be required of the applicant such as site plans, elevation drawings, sign details and floor plans. The Zoning Official shall inform the applicant of any extra materials required. Date of Preapplication Conference: APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Barron Road Meadows. L.P.. Darrel Munsev. Manas~ina Partner Street Address P. O. Box 277 City Normangee State TX Zip Code 77871 E-Mail Address ownersCcaiolbv.com Phone Number 979-820-4945 Fax Number 936-396-8019 ~OPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name (same as listed above) Street Address State Zip Code Phone Number City E-Mail Address Fax Number LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Address 2201 Barron Road Lot Block Subdivision Reatta Meadows Subdivision Description if there is no Lot, Block and Subdivision Action Requested: (Circle One) Setback Variance Appeal of Zoning Official's Interpretation Parking Variance Speaal Exception Sign Variance Other Half Street Variance Current Zoning of Subject Property: R-1 Applicable Ordinance Section: Subdivision Res~ulations. Section 8-G.4 Half Streets GENERAL VARIANCE REQUEST following specific variation from the ordinance is requested: ~e reQUest that a half street be platted. This variance is necessary due to the following special conditions: Special Condition Definition: To justify a variance, the difficulty must be due to unique circumstances involving the particular property. The unique circumstances must be related to a physical characteristic of the property itself, not to the owner's personal situation. This is because regardless of ownership, the variance will run with the land. Example: A creek bisecting a lot, a smaller buildable area than is seen on surrounding lots, specimen trees. Note: A cul-de-sac is a standard street layout in College Station. The shape of standard cul-de-sac lots are generally not special conditions. Victoria Avenue is located on two separate tracts of land. The unnecessary hardship (s) involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinance other than financial hadhship is/are: Hardship Definition: The inability to make reasonable use of the property in accord with the literal requirements of the law. The hardship must be a direct result of the special condition. ample: A hardship of a creek bisecting a lot could be the reduction of the buildable area on the lot, when pared to neighboring properties. The hardship of Victoria Avenue being located on two separate tracts of land is that the current property owner on one side of Victoria Avenue has no control over the adjacent land owner. The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible: A possible alternative would be to wait to dedicate the Victoria Avenue right-of-wav until the time both parties are ready. This variance will not be contrary to the public interest by virtue of the following facts: The alicrnment of Victoria Avenue has been previously agreed upon by all parties involved The ~~plicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached here are tnie, con~ct and complete. Title /r~/3~200~ Date M Z W Paz a >U V W ~ =O wa ~O a~ ~ a. U `'J a~ ~~ o ~ n~ O J d ~ O ~, O C C ~d C m U ~ ~ t q ~ W W < 0 f ~ K O W ~~ wo~ «< j < arc= Z = ? < ,~~~. JO S Q S ~'O< O W W W ~~O KZ ~ ¢Q 8~~ V Y=~ ~~ ~~ o K C K< C~~~ y t ~i = K 0 6 = W~ W C K K 1 i 1 L LL tl b N K lIIt11~1 111 1 ~"~ Z Z r ~ ~ ~aa ~>z ~z~ w- sX / w~w Li. a O ~V V~ 5O ~6 ~P ~~c~ ,~P~ 5 ~~ ti~ - +t" , ~.v ~; ~: f ;_ ~~ ~~ ~~.. 9 .,